a N Tfl 4 112 S Main. 4 $NIJ~SLIJ URCED 'u JOIN pan.. Jewe~~~~ Text-Books and Sn p 1A~~ ~ I I IILIJ CIIOSS !IEPIIITMENI he Fresh-Lit. that picked up the For all >CQUVSeS "account bo&k" In the Floral Shop, 1 MISS MINNIE AHREN$ TELLS Nickels' Arcade, Friday night, please WE SUPPLY EVERY STL~P~NTS~ NEEP M~EDS OF CANTONJIE1~TS UEkJ~ return it at once.-Adv. AND ABROAD -~ -~ ot AI*~W0o1 Fabrics nurses in THESIS, BUSIN'ESS LETTERS, '~ ~neerian ~ them TYPE- r~ent duty~' was the subject of WRITTEN by an experienced oper- Ann Arbor Petrol But d a~ address by Miss Minnie Ahr~ s, ator-Biddle, Nickles Arcade~-Adv. are ~arw Q get. espite director of the central divis~Ion of t~ie t~. a~s~r~neni~ of alhwpoj f4rics in tl~e Red Cross pursing bur~u before a ye p~tter~ fQr meii's ~yl~sh 9tl1e~~ are On hundred nurses at the Surgical am- ~ ~ lius I& ~n event you can't a~f~rd tQ over- Dllitheatet of the University hospital, liii y~sterday. liii buys a "Every e~g~ible nurse shout~J be ~en- MET IS EXI~UA wood 51~t t1~ ~ rollei~ for active Red Cross service which ma~ mean work at home, can- ________ / tonment duty Iwre or abroad, said Miss Ailrens. She told of the need 'I for the Red Cross nurses In tlw L MALCOLM camvs, how boys who have Just gene EA$T 4LIJJRRTY 8TRE~ET into winter quarters ~nust be properly taken tare of. "The winter diseases, especially pneumonia and meningitis~, E~onorny must be carefully handled,~ ~she~ as- serted, "4nd it is every nurse's patri- j~J otic duty to serve." Difference Ap. in3~iortant feature of this work $4.50 to $850 Values ~Oe Ve / 26c the Red Cross~ Courses are give4n in ~lc Ot~xei~ o~ ~ &~Us is the instrW~tion work conducted by Colored felts and silk hatters' plush sailors, smartly ~rimm~d ' band 040 ~R. OiSE 4~ft 1)OC h~giene and home c~e of the sick and ribbons. Also velvet tams. so that if the nurses are obliged to ~go to ~l~e front these ~tideiits ~nay act ~ FJLM~ ~ LU IT~ A~D~SAV~$ MONEY as ~gb~tI~tutes. Nurses' aid~s are also All Hats at "~~' 1~./f1.,~A ~rTI( ped ~d riu~te4 half 4~y tQ 4ity sooner than ~tJiers. chosen from these students to take Higher ~ri~es 1ar~e~ ua~p c0jre of ~pu~lic health at home an~ like- The pattern hat~ and exclusive models j~rom our own ~orl~oem A e fl4~raJ Shop ly later abroad. - A ~rich array for Christmas and the holidays. ~ ART~E~T At present there are ten base bos~ (~Ji us ~er 1~U'ty aid 4~r~up ~icturos pital unlt~ In Europe and fl~ty pults 1 organized and equippqd in United Untrimmed CL AiT1~J ~'1~fl St~tes waitipg to be called. In tii~ie JEt apes ~viarseu '~Pi,.J~ p ssibly all the presept nrn'ses will $2 50 to ~1'AfA Values r be oblig~ed to ~o abroad and accord~ / D NKNJ~ AP HOME lug to Miss Ahrens cantonment ~.uty~-4J Mostly black velvet sailors wii~h wide or narrow brims. is the most efficient prepar~ io~i fo~' ~s j~st wh~t y~u i~eeded. foreign s~rviee. (Second Floor) r / 3 1 I WHAT'S GQ1NG ON dyne 4~Qokjflg I ThDAY. I N N, 3 ~'clock-Mixer s~t Michigan Uniqn. That i~nakes home what it iS, b clock-Bible ~la~s meets at 444 All Ckth Coats One-Fourth Less~ South State street. 7.80 o'clock-~isi.i~'p T. S. Hendersop speaks in Hill awlitorlum. 2~n unprecedented opportunity to obtain a stylish, service~ble coat ~r TOMO~J~QW this seas~n ~nd for next season as well, 1~e ~ Nmas vacations 815 o'clock-IVladame. Ethel I~ins- Jf you wish to save handsomely don't miss this. Ene event. ka~.ppears iu concert in Hill a it~or- ' Plushes,, velvets, wool velours, broadcloths, kerseys, pp~ ~o an4 tures in taupe, irown, green, Burgundy, navy, black, J~p klue an b~r~ot~ Il-N harge and smaUer collars-entirely of fvx, plush, self n~at~n 1, or edge ~6$W0RTH INN Ther~ ivili be ~e~g of Uie ~ with fur. PHONE 71 -J tesenta~ives- of al campus soi~ie~ies / , whtcl~ are interested in a Christmas . NarrQw and belted models. Made with high or regulauon waist ll~ies, entertainu~nt for the t~oor children Somn~e are shirre4 on a yoke in the back and belted only in ront N~ ~f Ann Arbor at 7:15 o'clock Monday Loose sleeves ' cuffs, night at the Michigan Union. u~p IN &~EAT~ Ti~ere will be ~ rehears&l ~f ,the , Half or fully line&with plain ~or f~incy satin, . 1 T>UAT AJ~E R1OP~ TUA~ S~TJSFIES ~Chris~mas entertainment orchestra 8± . Siz~ for nu~ses, women and many stylish stout siz~s to ~4:30 q'cIock~ today at the Michigan JIn- . ~9U5UIJ~ X 28c iQn. All orchestra wen~bers are asked N, *...............28c to bripg their music racks. $25.00 to $100.00 Values at _____________________________ ISZI I I U~zk'n J'kws ~$18J5 to $75.00 9leowarg~rine, ~er poun4......, __________________________- President Harry B. Hutchins will H~ %~ENT~JRY MARI(ET address members of the lJnlon in- , (Second Floc:) N~ IIAIN 8TREET - formally at the mixer to be held from . II. E~ VOOEL, ~ 3 to 5 o'clock this afternoon in the 4 Union dancp hail. There will also be "Jazz~' music aild probably a quar- tette. The coni~nittee in char'ge hopes that N' a large nuu~ber 'will attend th~0 mixer tQday. ~'ac'i4ty members and business of Anp Arbor are ~lways extended All W inter Suits at Half Pr~e R~AA~E JEWELER a cordiaJ welcome. /fli~i~ $2-W MCKELS ARCADE - The cost of the new building as it liii Not One' is reserved. Choose ~ny model in the ~oimplete as~oxb~nent ~x~d now stands and including the roof, IIfl is approximately $250,000, according' pay just HALF of its original i~narked price. to an estimate ma4e yesterday by Homer Heath, '07, general secreta~ry Such a splendid range 'of styles, fabrics and colors~ that y~u~ can't pos4bly of the Unin. '~ er~~or in spQech to~el~h~ ~~~tIi jt~ j~or.. "The building committee is not try- be disappointed. LFUJlIJ' rect~ou in the Qb~rliu Review, a~ o~- lug to erect a gik~ed palace, as has as brought been the opinion of a~ number of peo- pIe," said Mr. Heath. The size ~of Broaddoths, velours, burell~s, tricotines and velvets. Mannish tailor~d -~ >1 the structure Is certainly a justifica- University of Kansas students who tion of the $750,000 which i~ to be styles; an4 dressy models, cleverly shirred and p1~ated~ and trjm~ed with fur f ~fnnesota ~ ~ enlist or who are drafted, may re- expended." liii ~iwo~eads of whieh c~xv~ fi~1I cradit for. this semester'~. -- or velvet. . Because of their rich warm materials and jnterlitiings the maIorit~r 9f tile iargesf ~er~ work and seniors may be granted The orchestra for the Spotlight van- Qu~z4~. 1~ore thaw ths'r degrees if they enlist before deville will rehearse at 4:30 o clock [IJI of the suits are adapted for all-winter wear. Navy, black~>cbrre~t errorw ~ ~ ' rxriwn~i"'vn~ - sales, ~n the c~npus Qberiin Officers" Uni~orzns ami . accessories an dRepairs. Woodward & Washing- 'N publ~sb. some ComD14~n I ~. H. WUd & Ce,, 1State Street.~Adv ton, 819 A. A. Say. Bk, Bldg. -Adv. $25.00 to $l'l0.00 Values t ~ £nmm*hh~d ~*Different!"' ' $1250 to $55.00 seh4 Gifts for Cbristmas M Book R~Ck5 ~Foi~ntaia P~np $M Srcap Books CIujst~nas Cards and flook~4ete $peeW C~iristuu~ $t~tlonery. Just the thins f~r the boys away, and the girls at home. (Second Floor) I N N' tuknts Supply Store' in Phone I l60.~.R ', 4