performance for him at that position Mitchell, Rasketball Coach, Has while at Michigan. Unusual interest Jsith ,s is centered about his shift, and Tad is bound to be watched more cibsely than any other Michigan man. This season will mark a new epic ball and football coach at Union high * ' * * * * * * * * * * *; in the athletic history of the Univer- school, Grand Rapids. His record at * WORLD SERIES SCORES TO * sity for besides returning to the this school was of the phenomenal * BE READ AT CASE GAME * Conference Michigan will be repre- order, for in 1913 his basketball team * * sented by a novel major sport when won 12 games and lost one, while in * Arrangements have been made * the Varsity basketball team makes its 1914 they won 17 and lost one, there- * whereby returns from Chicago on * debut this winter. by laying claim to the state champion- * the first of- the world's series * This, however, will not be the first ship. * games will be announced at the * attempt to include basketball in the His splendid record at Grand Rapids ' Case game this afternoon. * curriculum of major sports, for if we attracted state-wide attention and the * * * * * , * * ,, * * * * look into the records of bygone days Michigan State Normal school at Yp- we find that in 1909 an attempt was silanti offered him a position as as- made to represent the Yellow and sistant professor in the department of Blue oni the polished court and to physical education. Here Mitchell NE put us on a par with the other big coached basketball. universities of the West in the most The qintets which he turned out TRYGROSS COUNTRY RUN exciting of indoor sports. were the strongest in state college This undertaking failed, for we' circles. Last season his team had the were unable to secure games with the brilliant record of 17 wins with only COACH FARRELL WANTS TO SEE quintets of the larger universities. one defeat. Kalamazoo college was MORE MATERIAL, PARTICU- Another reason for the failure was due their only rival for the state titular T £ TT to the fact that the gym facilities honors. di The House of Refinement We cordially invite your inspection of our beautiful Fall Fabrics . y.. ,.w-. ., .. o 0 W- ISL III&T IrN k &, w Iff I vWY W I1 AOL wksasQS