i: _ I homn In -after -months of exile, signed the contract the and others were at once formed into aate columns of 100 or 150, and were march, dl is ed towards the front to work on the1 pied trenches.I of- Dr. LaFevre Conducts Clinic Friday had Dr. George E. LaFevre of Muske- Bel- gon, will hold a general surgical clinic one from 1:3~0to 4 o'clock Friday after- the no in the amnhitheater of the Hom- uge. tri- oeopathic hospital. Ri to Here TYPEWRITING neatly~, promptly. e it and accurately done-Biddle, Nickcles 'ork, Arcade.-Adv. Uil IUliLIUII I UIIUUC FROM LOER SCHOOLSu PROF. JOHN W. SCHOLL1 ADVISES TEACHING' ONLY AMER- [CAN LANGUAGE * AT THE THEA * "So Long Letty," at the Garrick. * * * * TODAY S * Whitney-"A Good for *Husband." Nothing * Prof. John W. Scholl of the German RI RO0I1T N 'rr o as and Sat '.".1 K Pato~.oe0 isWed t,25c THIS WEEK department declared himself in favor of excluding foreign language instruc- tions from the American elementary schools in a recent article published i the New YcrkTimes. Professor Scholl reviewed a move- ment on foot by Bethmann-Zimmer- mann-Zolf & Co. to centralize all agencies now existing Fand to create new ones for the maintenance of polt- ical loyalty to the fatherland among all Germans who leave their home shores. Hie said that the unification of American ideals demands that all foreign tongues be excluded from the curiculum of schools which teach children under high school age. Young America May Decide "What to do with schools above the elementary seems a bit perplexing, and opinions diverge," Professor Scholl writes. "Young America may take a hand in settling the question as it seems to intend, judging by the great slump everywhere in the study of German. But as young America is not always as far sighted as school boards and college governors, there' mnay be an official retention of the study of the German language and lit- erature in the curriculum of all larger high schools and of all colleges, in the belief that many young Americans) may again come to realize the value of a full international equipment for, leadership. Condemns Pan-Germanism * * * * * Wuerth- Marguerite Clark in "Bab's Burglar." Also Victor Moore Comedy. Rae-William S. Hart in "Hell's Hinges." ".Jerry There and Back." Orpheu -Bryant Washburnli * "Skinner's Baby." Also Comedy. Majestic- Mrs. Vernon Castle in "Stranded in Arcady." and Wil- liam S. Hart in "The Last Card." * * * * * * ** * * * * * * AT THE WHITNEY PRESENTS C Whitney Collins' latest stage suc- cess "A° Good for Nothing Husband," will be the attraction at the Whit- ney today. The husband is a lovable old inventor, a modernized Rip Van Winkle, and there is an equal parallel in character in the wife, who is de- picted as a worried, shrewish woman, whose nerves strain to the breaking point over her cheerily shiftless hus- band. However, the old gentleman stumbles upon a really successful in- vention, and good fortune at last comes to relieve his troubled family. Dorothy LaVerne, leading woman, has appeared in such plays as "Peg 0' My Heart," "The Third Degree," and "Within the Law," and Jack Flemming handles the title role. Greenwood na to get these days-your room so that studying is none too HEATER is just the thing to take - ashes, just connect to a lamp socket s not so much as you thought and it "No one can go further than I in condemnation of the Pan-German AT THE GARRICKI dream, its sponsers, its methods, its brutal accomplishments and still mad- "So Long Letty," Oliver Morosco's der hopes, but a sober sense of values successful musical farce comes to the may lead to the recognition that every Garrick theater, Detroit, this week. great leader needs English, French, The farce is a travesty on trial and German today, in order to possess marriage and the affinity idea, the the international character and ad- plot dealing with two couples resid- vantages which the Latinist had a ing in the streetcar-colony on a Cal- couple of centuries ago. ifornia beach, who 'get the idea that "Governing bodies would do well ev- they are mismated and plot to rear- erywhere to see that the responsible range their matrimonial difficulties by management of German teaching, staffs way of the divorce court. be placed in the hands of men who are The music is clever and catchy and not only Americans by naturalization, wYNholly modern. but by conviction, democrats in every fiber, who can understand the elemen- AT THE MAJESTIC tary fact that a man cannot be a sup - porter of American democracy and at The vaudeville bill which will be the same time a praiser of the German offered during the first part of this system, men who are not 'broad-mind- week is well up to the usual Majestic ed' enough to teach that Germany is standard. The first number on the right in everything she does, has program features the musical novelty, done, and shall do, while 'patriotic' "The Girl in the Moon"; it will be fol- enough to wish America to win the lowed by a rural skit entitled "The war. . Half Way House," presented by Mr. Overhaul Institutions and Mrs. Perkins Fisher; and "During "Only such an overhauling of our the Intermission," by Joe Harris and institutions can make them safe for Charles Allen discusses the high cost future service to America and prevents o. opera. them from furnishing later just the! The variety performance "flonky, starting point for the proposed re- Tonky Town," recalls the old musical building of Germany's future along comedy stars, Simpson- and Dean, to the old line of the Pan-German the stage and their act promises to dream." be full of good comedy, The so-called Professor Scholl concluded his arti- novelty skit, "Talk and Action," con- cle by saying: "We cannot, dare not cludes the program, featuring Pete consent to a peace with Germanye Walsh and Charles Bentley in acro- planning such a menace to the com- b'atic stunts. ity of the Americans and to our - During the latter part of the week own internal unity unless she is first the following photoplays will be made too weak to undertake its real- shown: Thursday, Norma Talmadge" ization." in "Captivating Mary Carstairs"; Fri- day, "The Winged Mystery," also Class dancing at tne Packard Aca- Saturday, "The Adventures of Carol." dey Monday and Thursday eve-~ Today the offering will be: Mrs. nings, 7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons Vernon Castle in "Stranded iii Ar- by appointment. enone 1860-F1. cady," and W. S. Hart in "The Last -Ady. Card. Wkhwtr'u Thedre IN V A' c p.' ARCA DE Shows at 3:00, 6:30, 8:0, 930. r5c Unless Otherwise Specified. An-o-Harold Lockwood in "Paradise Garden" (Ret.) and Drew Comedy, Tifer First Game." 'ues- i i -Constance Talmadge in "Scan- dal" (Ret.) and Comned. Ved-12-irene Femwick in "The Sin Wioman" and Mutt andf T Car- toon, "Laundry lBusiness. Thu-Fri-z3-a4-Mae Marsh in "Sunshie Alley," and Christie Comedy,"'li Mlerry Mdix-Up." I I I i e 225 E. Liberty. Phone 1321 600HW FORLCO. B a3 -Mon- / GOOD FOR NOTHING HUSBAND" . THIS WHITNEY TODAY. MAT- NEE AND NIGHT. Flowers Plants ferns Baskets Corsages Deco ratio ns ,, , - k !l - a RAE THE I A TODAY-WM. S. HART Jerry Cub Comedy. 14n TOMORROW, Monday-MARY MILE "PERRIWINKLE." Also Cub Come ADMISSION-10 Cents VAUDEVILLE 3 DAYS ONLY II AJE HAT. 3 P. L-c,20f- 7 :30-9- THE- )IT EDISON CO. O0 MONDAY-BE A FIRST NITER 3 rDAYS STAIRTING MON. NITE, -'( ACULAR SINGING NOVELTY "The Girl in t Moon" AWDE v ll :h'= LOST PRETENT"IOU;S SINGING Sts. Ann Arbor, Mich. oo ++ 1 @@; ii 111' 1 " " 9 ' I' ' ""I ." ' "i . 11 ,. ' . ' lr Gift Suggestions Mr. & Ms Perkins THE MEN IN THE SERVICE r; Wool Gloves; Sweaters, "Sleeveless," "with Military Collar ;Ind V Neck;" Army Shirts, and Uniforms and Overcoats. Also those wonderful ZTOX TRENCH COATS" in Black and ined and Unlined. "THE HALFWAY HOUSE In "Lra Kendall's Laughing V V _____ LA J m.A- - -% % This Afternoon and Tonight ROBERT SHERMAN Presents THE SCREAMIN(C COMEDY DRAMA A~o' Good for Nothing, Husband BASIL & ALLEN RECRUITING XORRIS & ALLEN During Intermission THE MEN HERE AT HOME SUNDAY DEC. 9i Double Show MRS. T in "STRANDED IN Reefers, C s, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Shirts, "Silk, )ths," Underwear, Pajamas, Belts, 2loves, Ties, Reefers, and in fact recia ted by men, in large assortment. ess Sweaters would be just the idea itary Drill. and BRImMING OVER WITH LAUGHTER AND HUMAN INTEREST PRICES:-EVENINO, 25c, 35c, 50c, and 75e W. S.HART in "THEI Shows 1:30-3-7-S :30- -" Prices, Citldreo THURSDAY f NORMAN TALM DEC. "CAPTIVATING MARY 13 Hans & Fritz Comedy an( Shows 3-7:30.9 Prices, Childre FRIDAY "THE WINGED M DEC. with FRANKLYN 14 ,Physical Culture Shows 3-7:30-9 Prices, Childre SATURDAY MADGE EVA DEC. "ADVENTURES 0] 15 Pathe News of Wol Shows 3-7:30.9 Prices, Childre Company I Matinee :30 O'CLOCK PRICES:-25e and We , Men. This Company Comes Here Direct From Its Detroit gemen t