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December 09, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-09

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with prospects for a few
some of the strong Con-

are to be
of uni-
with yel-
ter grey


vo jerseys have the word
,n" spelled out across the
e blue jersey in yellow
grey shirt in blue. The
s of both uniforms will
the pants of one uniform
h a yellow band on either
pants of the other grey


ference teams.
Rye Applies For
Aviation Service;

he would be unable to graduate with-
out an extra semester's work and that
he would be on hand in 1918.
Weston, Sparks, and Wieman, with
whom Rye played this fall, are said
to have entered their applications
also. Rye's decision brings the total
loss of "M" men expected back up to



Michigan's 1917 football team



Ll it ND 11

Soo Boy Sends In Application
Aviation; Horwitz Enlists
Too, Report



It is reported that Heine Horwitz,
third baseman on the Varsity base-
ball team last spring, has also taken
out application papers for the avia-
tion corps.
Mobs Protest Against Coal Famine
New York, Dec. 8.-When the words

* will meet Thursday noon for the *
* annual group picture and at the *
* same time will elect a captain
* for the 1918 football team.
* Coach Yost will not be able to *
* appear Thursday, and it is be- *
* lieved that Captain Smith will be *
* absent also. An effort was made *
* to get the coach and captain here *
* for the picture, but without suc- *

Tank Wieman, aviation.
Beak Weston, aviatioli.
Cliff Sarks, aviation.


With Wieman, Weston, and

the yellow *

the regular uni-
Volverine quintet,
opposing team
similar in color,
will fool 'em-and
12 uniforms given


Har+ldI Rye, aviation. "no more coal" were heard at the coal
yards of Rubel brothers in Brooklyn
Harold Rye, '18E, one of Yost's half-+ today, the 2,000 persons, most of them
back's this fall, has entered his appli- women, who had stood in line for
cation for the aviation branch of the hours to get their allotment of two
signal reserve, according to a state- pounds, mobbed the place, breaking
ment the Soo boy made last night. windows and shouting their anger.
Rye, who is a classmate of Weston's
was expected back next fall. The There is opportunity in Daily want,
Soo boy is a senior In the engineering ads.-Adv.

* Sparks sending in ,their applica-
* tions for the aviation corps, there
* are few left from whom the choice
* of a leader can be made. If
* Sparks and Wieman go, there will
* be no gridder with two letters left
* on the list of availables.
* It looks as .though it will be a
* one-time "M" man who will head
* the Wolverines next season.
* ,* * .* * * * * * * * *

* out to the Varsity squad, and
* all of the men will be numbered.
* * * * * * * * * * * *


e of
m o
S bl

bus. umui aefF
t of AT-fAY
e is There was no basketball practice
for either Varsity or freshman teams
ably last night, for Coach Mitchell deemed
will it best to give the boys a rest, as
tbll he has been working them hard the
then past week.
The Varsity candidates, however,
[. A. were given a blackboard talk Satur-
i day afternoon concerning the defen-

Notice of a Special Meeting of the Mem
bers of the University of Michigan Union,
Hill Auditorium, Friday, December 14th, at
8:00 P. M.
In accordance with the Constitution of
the University of Michigan Union, notice is
hereby given of a special meeting to be held
in Hill Auditorium, December 14th, 1017, at
8:00 P. M.
The Board of Directors recommends that
the- Constitution be amended to read as fol-


a.go Insive work and signal plays.
The one just past is the last full
m- week before the first game of the sea-
' oson, that with Case next Saturday
night. The game is to be played at
,on onCleveland, so that the students will
played not be able to see the Varsity quintet
p held in action here until after Christmas
- vacation.
Coach Mitchell expects to work his
men hard the beginning of next week,
1"Il ofthat they may be given a little rest
just before the game. All the first
ool of string men seem to be in good shape,
and there is every reason to believe
Agri- that Michigan will start the game with
her best team on the floor.


of in-


The work of the players has im-
proved noticeably the last week, the
passing and defensive play being es-
pecially good. The two Varsity quin-
tets are developing a brand of team-
work which should be a source of
strength against all opponents.
R. C. Parks Joins
Farrell 's Squad


niversity of
Baseblml Player Expected To
ersity of In- Star Sprinter and
Relay Man


This association shall be known and in-a
corporated as the University of Michiant
II. Purpose.-
The purpose of the Union is to furnish x
University social center; to provide a cluba
house~ for faculty, alumni, former students
and resident students of the University dfr
Michigan; to interpret Michigan spirit in
terms of citizenship; and to inculcate broada
educational ideals.
IIIL Membership.1
Section x. There shall be six classes df
members, viz: () Annual Members. (2)
Life Members. (3) Participating Life Mem-
bers. () Honorary Members. () Associate
Members. (6) Directors' Members, Annual
and Life.
Section 2. Annual Members. All men wilio
are students in actual residence at the Uni-
versity of Mchigan; aimmni and former stu-
dents who hve been in actual residence it
the Univerrty of. Michigan for a :; riod of it#
least six weeks; regents; memlrs of the
several faculties and offiers of 4 e niversity
of Michigan may become mem ers of tte
University of Michigan Union on payment of
the annual dues, such miembers to constitute
the annual membership of the association.
Section g. Life Members. (a) Any stu-
dent eligible to membership .as provided in
Section 2 of this article may become a lifet
member during his last year of actual rei-t
dence in the University of Michigan or within
one year thereafter, on payment of fifty dol--
lars ($50).
(b) Any other person and any student (ex-
cept& as provided in subdivision (a)) eligible
to membership as provided in 'Section 2 of
this article, may become . a life member di
payment of one hundred dollars ($oo). I
Section 4. Participating Life Members.
(a) Any student eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article 'may be-
come a life member during his last year of
actual residence in the University of Michi-.
gan on payment of fifty dollars ($5q) payable
in the following manner: ten dollars ($o)l
to be paid at the time of aplication fori
membership and forty dollars ($o) payablei
in four equal annual installments, to become
due and payable., on one, two, three and
four years from the date of such application.'
Such applicants for membership shall be
entitled to all the privileges of full member-
ship from the date of the first paymeInt, pro-
vided, however, that in case such applicarit
shall fail to make payment of any oe of sid
four annual paymens within oie year of he
date such installment shall become due and
payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of b-
coming a life member as provided in his ap
plication, and any installments which may
theretofore have been paid by such applicant
shall he considered as forfeited, Any such
applicant who has forfeited his privilege .of
becoming a life member in "accordance with
his first application may, upon petton to
the Board of Directors of the Union, for the
privilege of milng out a second pplication,
be granted such privilege, provided, however,
such application is for a $too life membership.
(b) Any person eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article may be-
come a life member on payment of one hun-
dred dollrs oo),payable in the follow-.
ing manner: twenty dollars ($20) to be paid
at the time of -application for membership
and eighty dollars ($So) payable in . four
equal annual installments, said installments to
become due and payable on one, two, three
and four years from the date of such applica-
tion. Stich applicants for membership shall
be entitled to all the privileges of full mem-
bership from the date of the first payment,
provided, however, that in case such appli-
cant shall fail to make payment of any one of
said four annual payments within one year of
the date -such installment shall become due
and payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of
becoming a life member as provided in his
application, and any installments which may
theetofore have been paid by such applicant
shjall be considered as forfeited. Any such
applicant who has forfeited his privilege of
becoming a life member in accordance with
his first aplication may, }pon petition to the
Board of Directors of the Union, be restored
to the privilege of applying fOr such mem-
bership. Any such .person applying for a life
membership before April firsty 'm'8, may be-
come a life member on payment of fifty dol.
lars ($o), payable in the jollowing manner:
ten doolrs ($o) -to be paid at the tte of1
application for menbership and" forty dollars"
($4o) payable i four equal annual install-
ments, to become due and payable on one, two,
three and four years fron the date of such
(c) Any member mAking payients on
life membership shall bie considered as a par.
ticipating life member and upon payment of
the full amnunt of the membership -fee shall
be a life member,
Sectipn 5. ton rary Members. The Union
may at, any mtetingbyby a two"hrds vote of
the members liresent, e ect to honorary nmemn-
bership 'ay perso who may have rendered
distinguished service to the University of
Michigan, provided such candidate for honor-
ary membership has received 'th approvt of
the Board of Directors. Honorary members
shall enjoy all the privileges of annual, life
and participating life members, except that
they shall not vote or hold lice.
Section 6. Associate Members. (a) Any

(d) Associate members shall have only such
privileges as may be adopted by the rules of
the Board of Directors. They shall not vote
or hold office.
(e) The number of associate members shall
not exceed one thousand (m,ooo).
Section 7. Directors' Members, Annual and
fife. (a) Directors' Annual Members. Any
man who has made application to the Board
of Directors and whose name has been ap-
proved by the Board by a two-thirds vote
may become a Directors' annual member-on
payment of one hundred dollars ($oo) in-
itiation fee, such payment to be made within
thirty days after the Board has approved the
application, and on payment of annual dues
of twenty-five dollars (25), payable semi-
annually in advance on the first days of Jan-
nary and July.
(b) Directors' Life Members. Any man
may become a Directors' life member on pay-
ment of five hundred dollars ($oo), payable
at the time of application for membership.
The Board of Directors may choose such
members from the subscribers to the Build-
ing Fund, who are not eligible to annual, life
or participating life membership.
(c) Directors' members shall enjoy all the
privileges of annual, life and participating
life members, except that they shall not vote,
or hold office.
(d) The number of Directors' members
shall not exceed five hundred (oo) non-
resident and two hundred (zoo) resident mei-
bers, tresident members being those living
within a radius of tventy (20) miles of Ann
IV. Functions and Status of Members.
All annual, life and participating life mem-
bers shall have the same privileges, includ-
ing that of voting at the meetings of the
Union and at the annual election of officers.
V. Government
Section r. The Officers of the Union shall-
be a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Record-
ing Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Gen-
eral Secretary and a Director of Social Ac-
Section 2. The President shall preside at
all meetings of the Union and of the Board
of Directors and shall be ex-officio a member
of all committees.
Setion y. The Vice-Presidents shall be
elected as follows: One from the College of
[iteraturo, Science, and the Arts; one from
the College of Engineering and Architecture ;
one from the Medical School; one from the
Law School; and one from the combined
Pharmacy, Homoeopat4cg and Dental Schools
and Colleges.
Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall
keep a record of the proceedings of the meet-
ings of the Union and of the Board of Di-
rectors, and perform such other duties as are
herein and otherwise prescribed.
Section g. The Financial Secretary shall
be a member of the University Faculty or a
resident graduate, and shall be chosen by the
University Senate. He shall have entire charge
of the financial affairs of the Union,_and shall
be required to furnish bond in an amount
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the
premium of such hond to be paid by the
'U ion. At the annual'meeting of the Union
he shall, submit a %complete financial state-
SectIon 6. The General Secretary shall con-
duct all official correspondence of the Union,
shall keep a record of all members and of
all itancial affairs pertaining to the Union,
and shall be secretary and treasurer of all
committees. In' all matters pertaining to the
finances 4of the Union, he shall be directly
'e'sponsible to the Financial -Secretary. He
shall .be re"Ired to furnish bond in an amount
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the
' emium of such bond to be paid by the
Section 7. The Director of Social Activities
shall have charge of. all social activities per-
taining to the avocational ideals of the Union.
Section 8, (a) The government of the
- n shall be vested in a Board of Directors,
co ed of the aforesaid ten officers; the
secre of the Alumni Association of the
Universi y of Michigan; three members elect-
ed annually from the University Faculties;
and five alumni, members of the Union, the
same to be elected by the Advisory Council
of the Alumni Association of the University
of Michigan.
(b) Upon the completion of the Michigan
Union club house project as outlined in the
resolution of the Michigan Alumni Associa-
tion, passed at its meeting of June a8th, 19i 1,
the title to such club house, buildings and
grounds shall be transferred to, and there-
after remain In the Board of Regents of the
University of Michigan; the Michigan Union
club house project shall, for this purpose, be
considered as completed at such time as such
club house shall be ready for use and oc-
(c) -Upon the completion of the Michigan
Union club house project as set forth in (b)
of this section, the management and control
of the club house, buildigs and grounds shall
be vested in a Board of Goverurs, composed
of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who
shall be the Chairman of the Board; the:
'President of the Union; one member of the
Board of Regents of the University, to be
chosen by the Regents; and four members
of the Union, to be chosen by the Advisory
Council of the Alumni Association of the
University of Michigan from the life, faulty
and alumni members, provided that at least
three of the said four shall be alumni of the

VII. Election of Officers.
Section i. Nominating Committee. Not
later than the second Saturday ini April, there
shall be appointed a Nominating Committel
of five student members cfi the Union, none
of whom is' eligible to nomination to any
office. This Committee shall nominate of-
ficers for the ensuing year, as follows: at
least two candidates for each of the offices'
of President and Recording Secretary; at -
least two candidates for each of the five
offices of Vice-President; and at least three
candidates for the position of faculty mem-
bers of th e Board of Directors. This Com-
mittee shall report not later than the last
Saturday in April. It shall at that time
.post a list of its nominations on the official
bulletin board of the Union in University
Hall and on the bulletin board in the club
house. It shall also cause this list to be
published in at least four issues of the Michi-
gan Daily within a period of ten days prior
to the election.
'Section 2. Nomination by Petition. Any
twenty-five members of the Union may nom-
inate candidates for any or all offices for
which the .Nominating Committee may nom-
inate, by signing a petition and filing it,
properly signed, with the Recording Secre-
tary before nine A. M. of the fourth day
preceding the day set for the election. On
so receiving the nomination of one or more
candidates, the Recording Secretary shall at
once cause the list of nominees appearing in
the Michigan Daily and on the bulletin board
to be accordingly revised.
Section 3. Election. (a) The election of
officers shall be held in University Hall or
such place as the Board of Directors may
designate, on the third Saturday in May, or
on such day as is fixed for Campus Election
Day. The polls shall be opei from nine to
twelve A. M., or during whatever time the
polls for the Campus Election Day shall be
(b) The President shall appoint an Elec-
tion Committee of four members to super-
vise and carry on the election; (c) Each
candidate for president shall be entitled to
one challenger who may ,he present at 'the
polls during the .-election; (d) From the
list of annual, life and participating life mem-
bers, who have hecome members before nine
A. M. of the second Saturday in April, the
Recording Secretary shall prepare alphabetical
lists of the names of persons eligible to vote
at the annual election. He shall make a
list for each school and college, placing thereon
the names of voters registered or formerly
registered in such school or college. He shall
deliver a copy of a list for each school and
college to the Chairman-,of the Election Com-
mittee; (e) Each voter shall be entitled, to
vote for one candidate for President,.one for
Recording Secretary, one for Vice-President
from the school or college of the University
in which the voter is or was formerly reg-
istered, and three for faculty members of the
Board of Directors; (f) The election shall be
by ballot. The Election Committee shall
have ready for use one-sheet ballots con-
taming in alphabetical order the names of
candidates for the respective offices. There
shall be no voting by proxy; (g) The person
receiving the greatest number of votes for!
each office shall be declared elected. The
three candidates receiving the greatest num-
ber of votes for faculty membership of the
Board of Directors shall be declared elected.
In case of a tie for any office, another elec-
tion for that office shall be held within five
days; (h) The new officers shall assume
the duties of office on the day after Com- j
mencement, but the new Board of Directors
may meet at any time after the election, for
the purpose of planning work for the ensuing
year, and for transacting business concerning i
the ensuing 'year.



With the appearance yesterday of
Univer- R. C. Parks, 'ISE, Coach Farrell's,
track stock rose a few notches.
in Agri- Parks, who was a varsity pitcher
ng, last year, is one of the speediest dash,
tate Un- men on the squad, besides being an
exceptional man 'in other events. With
the beginning of the baseball practice
ne, thesoon after the holidays, however, he
e, comes will probably give up track for the
three of diamond game.
layed in While the regular track season does
Friday not begin until after Christmas, Steve
dnesday is giving his pupils daily workouts
eams we and the men are gettting in good con-

the schedule has not been
the coach expects keenet

- VIII., Meetings.
Section r. Annual Meeting. The annual
meeting of the members of the Union shall
be held on the second Saturday in May.
At such time, the Financial Secretary shall
submit his report for the year, and the
Presid'ent shall report on the work and con-
dition of the Union.
Section 2. Special Meetings. A special
meeting of the Union shall be called, (a)
whenever the Board of Directors may deem
it necessary; (b) on a' petition presented to
the Recording Secretary, signed by at least
twenty-five members of the Union, stating
the matter to be considered; provided, how-
ever, that in either case ten days notice shall
be given to the members of the Union.
Section 3. Notice of Meetings. The
Recording Secretary shall' notify members of !
the Union of every meeting, annual or spe-
cial, by posting notice of such meeting on
the Union bulletin boards in University Hall
and other Campus buildings where practical,
and on the bulletin board in the club house,
at least ten days before such meeting. Notice
shall also be given in the Michigan Daily in
at least atio issues during the ten days pre-
ceding such a meeting.
Section 4. Quorum. Ten per cent of the
number of annual members shall constitute
a quorum at any meeting of the Union, an-
rinal or special.


Sunday Dinner
Cream of Celery with Chicken
Mixed Pickles '



Braised Tenderloin of Beef
Mushroom Sauce
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Buttered Beets
Neapolitan Ice Cream and Cake
Spanish Puffs, Sabayon Sauce
Tea Coffee Milk
75 Cents
Cream of Celery with Chicken
'Celery Hearts Queen Olives
Roast Spring' Chicken
Sage Dressing
Braised Tenderloin of Beef
Mushroom Sauce
Potatoes Risole
Candied Sweets
Buttered Beets
Raspberry Sherbet
Bartlet Pear and Celery

IX. Dues.
The dues for the coming sum
id the annual club dues for
ear shall be prescribed by the
f e ctr n:..a ..eeting-h. eir]u


Section 9. Qnoeum and Vacancies. Seven
members of the Board of Directors shall con-
stitute a quorum. Any vacancy occurring in
said Board, except in the office of Financial
Secretary, shall Je filled by the Board itself,
the person so elected to hold office for the
remainder of the current college year.
Section Io. Eligibility Requirements. The
President, Vice-Presidents, and Recording
Secretary must be student members of the,
Union in actual residence at the University,
at the time of their nomination and election
and during their term of office.
VI. Standing Committees-,
Section r. There shall be an Appointment
Committee and such other Committees as
may be provided for by the Board of Di-

1 be drop-I
he ends of
ace will be
that which
se allow.


gan; alu
he Univ

umnae or
versity of
ember of

preceding year.
X. Suspension and Expulsion.
Any member of the Union may on sufficient
cause be suspended or expelled, by a vote
of three-fourths of all the members of the
Board of Directors. Before such action is
taken, the Recording Secretary shall send to
the member a copy of the charges preferred
against him; and, at the request of this mem-
ber, he shall have a hearing before 'the
Board of Directors.
XI. Magazine.
A club magazine shall be issued at such
times as the Board of Directors shall d-
termine. One dollar ($r.oo) of the yearly
dues paid by each member shall be set aside
to pay for a year's subscription to this maga-
zine. Life members and participating life
members shall be considered life subscribers
to the magazine.
XII. Amendments.
Amendments to this constitution, not in
violation of the Articles of Association, may
be adopted at any meeting of tie Union, an-
nual or special, by a two-thirds vote of. the

secured ruea
of Directors
(b) Associ
fee, the amc
for the ens
rectors at i
(c) Any
bership may
on payment
the same mo




and C

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