00, will start Monday, and other channels that rely on this :cept the cement work source of capital to a considerable y soldier labor. I extent. This was the substance of completion of the gym- original statistics presented by William SI IJ tnouu110E UtIJL FORIBYWTH ALIENS. The nasium the camp Y. M. C. A. auditor- ium will house the athletic events, c while the government theater takes - care of the shows. The theater was at open this evening, but not with Packey i- McFarland as the star entertainer. 0 Packey and Director of Athletics F. A. Rowe could not agree on where the gate receipts would go. ep Insurance Firins Subscribe to Loan. 00 _ New York, Dec 7.-Financial needs ed of the government for war purposes nt are diverting largely current invest- I ment funds of life insurance compan-: or ies from the farmers, railroads, mun- A. Hutcheson, second vice-president of the Mutual Life Insurance company, before the annual convention of tho association of life insurance presi- dents here yesterday. The figures showed that allotments to the companies of the first Liberty. Loan and their subscriptions to tho second Liberty Loan amounted to more than $131.000,000 in less than six months. You will always find bargains in Daily advertisements. Read them. Always-Daily Service-Always. I ATTORNEY - GENERAL'S GIVES NO DETAILS PROCEEDING S REPORT OF NORMAN HACKE' andi a COMMAI ' AV /' 1 r ,, I HAVE IHEI HERE "A GOOD FOR NOTHING HUSBAND" AT TIiE WHITNEY, SUNDAY,> MATINEE AND NIGHT. I'/ , In stock-in more sizes and widths than ordinarily found in most shoe stores--so we can fit you better MILIARY SHOE 4'* ** * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS * "The Knife," at the Garrick, * "A Good For Nothing Husband" * at the Whitney Sunday, Dec. 9. * * * * * * * * * TODAY * F OR BEN Majestic-"Easy Money." George * Ade's Fables. * OFFICER STYLE PUTTEES-lined and unlined, Hog-grain and -grain" regulation- Orpheum---Ann Murdock in "Outcast." Also Travel and Com- edy. Wuerth-Baby Marie Osborne in "Sunshine Gold." Also "Neglected Wife," No. 14. * * * $6.00 to $9.00 per pair t GENUINE U. S. ARMY SHOES (made according to the Old >pecifccoion)-the one th-at has always fitted best and has for years stood ce and that is, right now, making new xecords 'in the training camps- Only $8.00 per pair patriotic offer to drafted men-on pre- n of official notification.. $1.00 per pr. less Arcade-Alice Joyce and Web-' ster Campbell in "The Fettered Woman." Also Comedy, "The Home Defenders." Rae-Williafn S. Hart in "The' Squealer." Also Dorothy Dalton in "The Ten of Diamonds." * * * * * * * * * * * * I ** * * * * * * * * * * * Washington, Dec. 7.-Only the cold figures showing the results of the work of the department of justice in coping with German plotters in this country are given in Attorney-general Greg- ory's annual report submitted today to congress. None of the details of the operations of the secret service' of that department, touching almost every condition from the romantic to the sordid, are disclosed. Most of those must necessarily remain untold until the end of the war. when a set o volumes rivaling the most exciting tales of fiction might be written from them. The attorney-general's report merely tells the story of results in the figures of prison sentences which the agents of German intrigue now are serving in federal penitentiaries. In dealing with the enemies within, the department has found that the es pionage law, the trading-with-the-en- emy act, and the prosecution of sed- itious conspiracy have been fruitful of results. "The government's hands have ben materially strenghtened so that it now has power to deal with distributing malcontents," says the attorney-gen- eral's report. ,Cites Instance "The prosecution of William D. Haywood and other leaders of the so- called Industrial workers of the World, to the number of more than 150 in the northern district of Illinois, is an instance of how these laws may be employed for the public protection in this time of stress. The effect of these prosecutions is already having a far reaching and highly beneficial in- fluence toward the maintenance of order and obedience to law through- out the country." After dealing with the war acivities of the department the attorney-general passes on to recommendations con- cerning the civil laws of, the nation. Commodities Olause He renews at the outset his re- ommendations that the commodities clause of the interstate commerce law be amended to meet supreme court de- cisions, to divorce transportation from production. While the legislation Mr. Gregory recommends is intended part- icularly to cover the coal roas, it would also prohibit to the last degree a railway from manufacturing or owning anything it transports in in- terstate commerce. Also, the attorney-general renews his recommendations for a provision of law intended to benefit the federal courts. It would provide that when a federal judge reaches the age of 70 years and refuses to avail himself of the retirement already provided by law, the President shall be authorized to appoint another judge for the same district to take precedence over the older one. xisrus0of ~Ma>~ Under existing law ter' is no legal penalty for sei ding thr t Wing letters through thie mails nn~: to acom- plish extortation or as pa of a means to defraud. Mr. Gregor. i'ecommends legislation to make it V. crime. The statute of limitations for criminal pro- secution in tankruptcy c:ges, now one year, the attorbey-general regards as having defeAed justice i some cases. He recormends tat it ba extended to three yee's. Ant-Tri'c !i:s^ s In the enforcement of the anti-trust laws the attorney-general says the de- partment has been confronted by pec- uliar conditions brought about by the war. There are two broad lmitations on the power of the department. The attorney-general devotes much of his report to informing congress of the steps he has taken to carry out the measures against enemy aliens. They include co-operation of federal' marshals and troops with local author- ities, and go into the legal procedure in great detail. AT THE ARCADE I t ANHAT Mow&*kwmmmm CLEANED AND REBLOCKED with a new band LOOKS LIKE NEW Saves $2.00 or $3.00 FACTORY RAT STORE 617 Packard St., next to the Delta Telephone 1792 W H ITNE T SUNDAY Dec.9 Matinee and Night Robert Sherman presents A GOOD FOR NOTHING HUSBAND Excellent Cast and Scenery Equipment I at. 25-50c Night 25.751 Seat Sale Opens Friday Shows at 3:00, 6:3, 8:00,9:30 ise Unless Otherwise Specifie Sat-SAlice Joyce and Webster Ca bell in "The Fettered woNmn," corn dy, "The Home Defenders. ne r-o-Harold Lockwood in "Para t,;tden" (Rtet.) and Drew Coyne :Ie is a~. TCu ,--Constance 'lalmadge in "S dal" (et.) and Comedy. WAe(L12 hI cne Fenwvick iii "Tihe 'Aoman and-Mutt and Jeff toon "Laundry Business." EST . Patronize Our Advertisers.--Adv. .. - /) G'G V )PIES OF THE ABOVE GENUINE U. S. ARMY SHOES in cheaper (which are usually sold for the genuine U. S. Army Shoe)-- At $6.00 and $7.00 per pair Gee. Ade' Fables' Shovs, 3-7:130-S3LPeaces, man who desires a MILITARY STYLE with a MORE EXCLUSIVE AP- ,ARANCE, I have had made up specially for me a VERY FINE GENUINE '4GLISH GRAIN-Officer Style Blucher-on the celebrated "West Point" last rhich is worn by the cadets at West Point), very specially priced- At $10.00 per pair Y,"I I1 -The A Thea W I Sarah C, ITITS1)A F El att 8 arts and are Corr vll DEcntRO Plays "SUPPRESSED DESIR By Susan Glaspell an George Crain Cook "THE LOST SILK HA By Lord Dunsany I want to call your attention, in particular, to the fact that ,we have the hoes here-on the shelves-you do not have to wait an indefinite length of Are for an order and then, when you get them, (if youdo) find they do not q Properl) and so ruiin your feet or find yourself forced to buy another pair. - Mopgright Bart Schaffner&dMars A new military overcoat Wear it on cool days this fall or on rainy days. Hart Schaffner & Marx By Reserved PXT.. -, Adle Il 1 WAHR'S (Both Book Stores TICKETS $1.00 Wu rs' Scrvice and Dress Boots. to order at prices ranging from $25.00 up Matinees 2, 3: Saturdays-S BOOKINGS Sat-8-Baby Ml shine Gold." No. 14. Sun-Mon1-gi o-;V "-Bab's Burgi; Comedy. E.v Tues-Wed-1 1-1: Garden of Al 22C, Tax 3c- Thurs-Fri-i 3-14- "TIh: Call of stone Corned. Sat-is-Mary A Country Call "His Neglect, i Haya IS made it, which means it stand good hard wear tear, and give you the kind of a value. will and best Skating Shoes 1 19 EAST LIBERTY STREET Several variations for men and young men. Reule-Conlin- Fiegel Co. The big store at the south- east corner Mairand Wash- ington Streets-do'ntotvn. Today the feature at the Arcade is especially interesting in that it offers not only one of. the best wom* ac- tresses on the screen-Alice Joyce- but also in the fact that the man who supports her in "The Fettered Wom- an," is a Unversity of Michigan grad- uate of about four or five years ago. He is playing under the name of Webster Campbell. The Arcade man- agement has been unable to discover his real name, and would thank any- one who recognizes him on the screen to make known his correct name. "The Fettered Woman is a pictur- ization of Robert W. Chambers' novel, "Anne's Bridge." Prices: roci Matinee: 2. 3 BOc Sat-8-A so Tr Sunl-g-B Baby. Mon Tues-ii Or II X' your shoes are repaired-try us-you 11