Ge Thant 9 Wolverines Will Play 7 Games Next Fall Instead of Usual Ten About the only thing certain re- garding the 1918 football schedule of he University of Michigan is the fact hat the Wolverines wil play seven' ames instead of ten. The rule of the Western Conference, which limits the tumber of football contests, will not be unwelcome here. It has been said nany times on the campus, that the ame schedule this season may had something to do with Michi- poor showing in the closing r is better than Nobody in authority has thus far rn previously said that Yost's men will play Chicago, od also. The Illinois, or Wisconsin next autumn. of the Black It is generally believed that North- Clintock were western will play here and that a the winners, game with the champion Ohio State pints to their eleven will be scheduled. Michigan p follows: students are pulling hard for a con- Wite test with Minnesota. .Emery From a Michigan angle, the Confer- nstein, Brown ence schedule situation seems to be as .......Bartz follows: .... Ruzicka Northwestern-A return game at owley, Clark Ann Arbor, partly in appreciation for 9. Baskets- the game with the Purple this year, Later 1, Em- and partly in an effort to avenge the tz 1. Goals recent defeat. n 5, Hanish 0 Ohio State-University authorities Emery 0 in 2, and students are more and more in- 0 in 1, Brown clined to regard the Columbus eleven eed-Boyd 2, as a "natural rival" of the Wolver- own, Clark, ines. It is known that Michigan nish, Ruzika. would like the game and Ohio State o* f t avan-. aa lt burnar ha w ha nnn. atd as he reserves t oks and Ka the first yea the best wor ne was mare kets and fa he freshme follows: ' . Karpu Brook n tcuiy mem ers nave ueel quu~u.a to favoring a contest. It is understood r- that the game is a certainty if Chicago ar and Ohio State do not meet., k Minnesota-Ann Arborites still have k- a warm spot in their hearts for the st team from Minneapolis. They have n.. not forgotten that Minnesota granted Michigan two games, after the latter us left the Conference fold. It is felt that ks the game would be a remarkable draw- ,m ing card, no matter where it is played. n Chicago-Well-just well. It has tz been "intimated" that Michigan will 6. not play the Maroons next year. It n, is hoped, however, that any lingering a- vestige of feeling will be buried be- - fore 1919 rolls around and that event- rs ually the Chicago-Michjigan contest will be as popular as it used to be. Wisconsin-The seven game rule two teams that are not of exceptional 9CH T E P (calibre, Case and Kalamazoo College, but even these teams showed up prom- inently among the smaller college teams. - -l BASKETBALL MENTOR SELECTS ire the Daily classified columns. 12 MEN AS MOST PROMISING FOR QUINTETS Notice of a Special Meeting of the Mem- Coach Mitchell has picked 12 men bers of the University of Michigan Union,I for the first basketball squad but this .Hill Auditorium, Friday, December 14th, att 8:0) P. M.c is not the . final personnel of the itn accordance with the Constitution of squa, asthe reserves will be put the University of Michigan Union, notice isr squad, as hereby given of a special meeting to be held on the first string in place of in ill Auditorium, December i4th, 1917, at 8:0o P. M.n one of the regulars as soon as they The Board of Directors recommends thatn show ability that exceeds the work of the Constitution be amended to read as fol- lows:1 any of the chosen 12. In the scrim- mages at present Cress, Weathers, and CONSTITUTION. Gariepy are showing a brand of bas- I. Name.a ketball practice that will soon crowd This association shall be known and in-a some of the first men back on the re- corporated as the University of Michiganu Union. serves. I. Purpose.I Mitchell Selects First Squad The purpose of the Union is to furnish an University social center; to provide a cluba The men who have been selected house for faculty, alumni, former students' by Coach/Mitchell for the present on and resident students of the University ofi Michigan; to interpret Michigan spirit ini the first string are: Later, McClintock, terms of citizenship; and to inculcate broado Brown, Emery, Bornstein, Hanish, educational ideals. Boyd, Ruzicka, Rowley, Bartz, Rych- 11I. Membership.I Section 1. There shall be six classes of0 ener, and Clark. These men will be members, viz: () Annual Members. (2) shifted into different teams during Life Members. (3) Participating Life Mem- bers. (4) Honorary Members. (5) Associaten the scrimmages in order to develop Members. (6) Directors' Members, Annual more rivalry among the players and and Life. bettreamrkmingthe quinyers so and Section 2. Annual Members. All men who better teamwork in the quintets 50 are students in actual residence at the Uni- the injury of one of the regulars will versity of Michigan; alumni and former stu- dents who have been in actual residence at not affect the clock work precision the University of Michigan for a period of atb least six weeks; regents; members of thei of the team during the game. several faculties and oficers of the UniversityL Coach Mitchell will take the entire of Michigan may become members of the University of Michigan Union on payment of first squad on the trips and is enter- the annual dues, such members to constitute taiing the hopes that the large size the annual membership of the association. Section ,. Life Members. (a) Any stu- of the squad will stimulate keener dent eligible to membership as provided in i competition among the players, to Section 2 of this article may become a lifee member during his last year of actual resi-i make the trips, dece in the University of Michigan, or within Two Gridders Playing one year thereafter, on payment of fifty dol- OnlyTlars ($o).-.. At present only two of the Varsity (b) Any other person and any student (ex- cept as provided in subdivision (a)) eligible football players, Boyd and Hanish, to membership as provided in Section 2 of have'appeared for basketball practice this article, may become a life member on payment of one hundred dollars ($oo). and the gridiron stars are showing up Section 4. Participating Life Members.t (a) Any student eligible to membership aso prominently in the scrimmages. Cohn provided in Section 2 of this article may be-L and the Varsity backman and Corcoran come a life member during his last year ofP actual residence in the University of Michi-a of the reserves have signified their gan on payment of fifty dollars ($so), payable . n tin the following manner: ten dollars ($io)k ntentions to play basketball after the to be paid at the time of application fori holidays, membership and forty dollars ($40) payabler in four equal annual installments, to become Coach Mitchell urges more of the due and payable on one, two, three and basketball artists on the campus to four years from the date of such application.b Such applicants for membership shall ber come out and practice before the holi- entitled to all the privileges of full member-L -day and not wait until after the hol- ship from the date of .the first payment, pro- ays dn avided, however, that in case such applicantb idays as men out now will have the shall fail to make payment of any one of saidp four annual payments within one year of the jump on those who come out late, in date such installment shall become due andL experience, n- d they will be payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of be-' comng a life member as provided in his ap-n also naturally handicapped to ;lication, and any installments which may theretofore have been paid by such applicantd some extent. Mitchell does not shall be considered as forfeited. Any suchs intend to pick the regular Varsity applicant who has forfeited his privilege of becoming a life member in accordance witha quintet until the season is far ad- his first application may, upon petition toc the Board of Directors of the Union, for thef vanced. privilege of making out a second application,r be granted such privilege, provided, however,s such application is for a $0 life membership.p i GIrsZ J Q tZ n o t (b), Any person eligible to membership asp / ar if/+ji ef provided in Section 2 of this article may be-l come a life member on payment of one hun- dred dollars ($roo), payable in the follow- ing manner: twenty dollars ($20) to be paid P a17 T am at the time of application for membershipt and eighty dollars ($8o) payable in four --- equal annual installments, said installments to become due and payable on one, two, threec iSprt Dope Pots To Purple Team and four years from the date of such applica-s As Strongest In -Con- W tion.- Such applicants for membership shallI be entitled to all the privileges of full mem-e ference bership from the date of the first payment,a provided, however, that in case such appli- cant shall fail to make payment of any one ofc With the announcement of the bas- said four annual payments within one year ofc the date such installment shall become due ketball schedule for this fall Michigan and payable, he shall forfeit his privilege oft according to sport dope has strenuous becoming a life membr as provided in hisr application, and any installments which mayt competition to face in her entry into theretofore have been paid by such applicantt tl . A shall be considered as forfeited. Any such the conference basketball circle. All applicant who has forfeited his privilege ofa the conference teams have one or two becoming a life member in accordance withI his first application may, upon petition to thec C regulars on their quintets and several Board of Directors of the Union, be restoredc of the reserve men to fill the vacan- to the privilege of applying for such mem- bership. Any such person applying for a lifec cies left by graduation and the draft. membership before April first, 1918, may be- come a life member on payment of fifty dol- Of the five "Big Ten" teams Michigan lars ($o), payable in the following manner:c will play, Northwestern appears the ten dollars ($o) to be paid at the time ofc application for membership and forty dollarst strongest and also the probable con- ($4o) payable in four equal annual install-c ments, to become due and payable on one, two,s tender for the 'Big Ten honors. three and four years from the date of suchI Purples Appear Strong application.1 (c) Any member making payments on ac Four regulars of Northwestern's life membership shall be considered as a par-c last year quintet are out for basket- ticipating life member and upon payment of( the full amount of the membership fee shallI ball this fall and the Purple coaches be a life member.a Section S. Honorary Members. The Uniont have a wealth of reserve material to may at any meeting, by a two-thirds vote ofI fill the one vacancy. Minnesota, who the members present, elect to honorary mem- bership any person who may have rendered played the Illinois quintet last year for distinguished service to the University of9 Conference n has two regulars Michigan, provided such candidate for honor-s orfenehonors, hstorglr ar membershi has received the approval ofc and several reserve men and a host the Board of Directors. Honorary members shall enjoy all.. the privileges of annual, life, of last year's fresh material to shape and participating life members, except that into a winning varsity team. they shall not vote or hold office. Section 6. Associate Members. (a) Any Ohio State university has two regul- woman who is a student in actual residence at the University of Michigan; alumnae or ars and four reserves as a nucleus to former women students of the University of start the season and the University of Michigan; or any adult woman, a member of the immediate family of a member of the Chicago has at least three regulars Union, may become an associate member, with three years basketball experience provided such candidate for membership has secured the approval of two-thirds of the Board to depend upon. The university of of Directors. (b) Associate members shall pay an annual Indiana and Purdue university are in fee, the amount of such fee to be prescribed all probability the weakest basketball I for the ensuing year by the Board of Di- rectors at its regular June meeting. teams in the Conference this fall, the (c) Any person eligible to associate mem- back bership may become an associate life member former having but two regulars on payment of fifty dollars ($So), payable in on the team and the latter only one the same manner as that prescribed in Section 4 Paragraph (a) of this article. playerM The Michigan schedule shows only NOTICE (d) Associate members shall have only such privileges as may be adopted by the rules of the Board of Directors. They shall not vote or hold office. (e) The number of associate members shall not exceed one thousand "(,ooo), Section 7. Directors' Members, Annual and Life. (a) Directors' Annual Members. Any man who has made application to the Board of Directors and whose name has been ap- proved by the Board by a two-thirds vote may become a Directors' annual member on payment of one hundred dollars ($oo) in- itiation fee, such payment to be made within thirty days after the Board has approved the application, and on payment of annual dues of twenty-five dollars ($25), payable semi- annually in advance on the first days of Jan- uary and July. (b) Directors' Life Members. Any man may become a Directors' life member on pay- ment of five hundred dollars ($oo), payable at the time of application for membership. The Board of Directors may choose such members from the subscribers to the Build- ing Fund, who are not eligible to annual, life or participating life membership. (c) Directors' members shall enjoy all the privileges of annual, life and participating life members, except that they shall not vote, or hold office. (d) The number of Directors' members shall not exceed five hundred (oo) non- resident and two hundred (zoo) resident memi- bers, resident members being those living within a radius of twenty (20) miles of Ann Arbor. IV. Functions and Status of Members. All annual, life and participating life mem- bers shall have the same privileges, includ- ing that of voting at the meetings of the Union and at the annual election of officers. V. Government. Section r. The Officers of 'the Union shall he a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Record- ing Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Gen- eral Secretary and a Director of Social Ac- tivities. Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Union and of the Board of Directors and shall be ex-officio a member of all committees. Section 3. The Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows: One from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; one from the College of Engineering and Architecture; one from the Medical School; one from the Law School; and one from the combined Pharmacy, Homoeopathic and Dental Schools and Colleges. Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the meet- ings of the Union and of the Board of Di- rectors, and perform such other duties as are herein and otherwise prescribed. Section S. The Financial Secretary shall be a member of the University Faculty or a resident graduate, and shall be chosen by the University Senate. He shall have entire charge of the financial affairs of the Union, and shall be ;required to furnish bond in an amount prescribed by the Board of Directors, the premium of such bond to he paid by the Union. At the annual meeting of the Union he shall submit a complete financial state- ment, Section 6. The General Secretary shall con- duct all official correspondence of the Union, shall keep a record of all members and of all financial affairs pertaining to the Union, and shall be secretary and treasurer of all committees. In all matters pertaining to the finances of the Union, he shall be directly responsible to the Financial Secretary. He shall be required to furnish bond in an amount prescribed by the Board of Directors, the premium of such bond to be paid by the Union, Section 7. The Director of Svcial Activities shall have charge of all sciaf activities per- taining to the avocational ideals of the Union. Section 8. (a) The government of the Union shall be vested in a Board of Directors, composed of the aforesaid ten officers; the secretary of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan; three members elect- ed annually from the University Faculties; and five alumni, members of the Union, the same to be elected by the Advisory Council of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan. (b) Upon the completion of the Michigan Union club house project as outlined in the resolution of the Michigan Alumni Associa- tion, passed at its meeting of June 28th, 1911, the- title to such club house, buildings and grounds shall be transferred to, and there- after remain in the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan; the Michigan Union club house project -shall, for this purpose, be considered as completed at such time as such club house shall be ready for use and oc- cupancy. (c) Upon the completion of the Michigan Union club house project as set forth in (b) of this section, the management and control of the club house, buildings and grounds shall be vested in a Board of Governors, composed of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who shall be the Chairman of the Board; the President of the Union; one member of the Board of Regents of the University, to be chosen by the Regents; and four members of the Union, to be chosen by the Advisory Council of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan from the life, faculty and alumni members, provided that at least three of the said four shall be alumni of the University. Section g. Quorum and Vacancies. Seven members of the Board of Directors shall con- stitute a quorum. Any vacancy occurring in said Board, except in the office of Financial Secretary,'shall be filled by the Board itself, the person so elected to hold office for the remainder of the current college year. Section ro. Eligibility Requirements. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Recording Secretary must be student members of the Union in actual residence at the University, at the time of their nomination and election and during their term of office, VI. Standing Committees. Section i. There shall be an Appointment Committee and such other Committees as may be provided for by the Board of Di- rectors. Section 2. The Appointment Committee shall consist of the President, the General Secretary, the Director of Social Activities, and the Financial Secretary. The President shall be the Chairman of this Committee. This Committee shall have power to appoint all committees, except as otherwise provided in this constitution. VII. Election of 0 Secioin r. Nominating C later than the second Saturday shall1 be appointed a Nomina of five student members of t of whom is eligible to nom office. this Committee shah ficers for the ensuing year, least two candidates for each of President and Recording least two candidates for ea offices of Vice-President; and candidates for the position o bers of the Board of Directo mittee shall report not later Saturday in April. It shall post a list of its nominations bulletin board of the Union Hall and on the bulletin boa house. It shall also cause published in at least four issue gan Daily within a period of to the election. Section 2, Nomination by twenty-five members of the U imate candidates for any or which the Nominating Commi inate, by signing a petition properly signed, with the R tary before nine A. M. of preceding the day set for the so receiving the nomination < candidates, the Recording See once cause the list of nomine the Michigan Daily and on the to be accordingly revised. Section 3. Election. (a) ' officers shall be held in Uni such place as the Board of designate, on the third Saturd on such day as is fixed for C Day. The polls shall be ope twelve A. M., or during wha polls for the Campus Election open. (b) The President shall ap tion Committee of four men vise and carry on the elect candidate for president shall one challenger who may be polls during the election; list of annual, life and partici- hers, who have become memb A. M. of the second Saturda Recording Secretary shall prep lists of the names of persons at the annual election. lie list-for each school and college, the names of voters register registered in such school or co deliver a copy of a list for college to the Chairman of the mittee; (e) Each voter shall vote for one candidate for Pr Recording Secretary, one for from the school or college of in which the voter is or wa istered, and three for faculty Board of Directors; (f) The e by ballot. The Election C have ready for use one-she, taining in alphabetical order candidates for the respective shall be no voting by proxy; receiving the greatest numbe each office shall be declared three candidates receiving the her of votes for faculty mer Board of Directors shall be d In case of a tie for any offic tion for that office shall be I days; (h) The new officers the duties of office on the c mencemnent, but the new Boa may meet at any time after t the purpose of planning work year, and for transacting busi the ensuing year. VIII. Meeting WESTERN COY (Continued from Column Two) schedule three conference games next fall and they regard the Norhtwestern, Ohio State, and Minnesota games as .i not be surprising if one of played Michigan in case other proposed games fel AIlDJTIONAL SPORTS- Brooks 8, Wilso Bernstein 2, Wea ganham 2. Fouls- n 0 in 1. Weather advertisers are first choice ily readers.-Adv. nize Our Advertisers.-Adv. Tennis seems to bar a struggle with the Bad- gers. Michigan men realize, however,, that the Wolverines will be lucky to (Continued on Column Five). S es for the / Bag Rush GEO. J. MOE "SPORT SHOP" 711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Next to Arcade Theatre Section .i. Annual Meeting. meeting of the members of th be held on the second Satur At such time, the Financial S submit his report for the y President shall report on the v dition of the Union. 9 Section 2. Special Meeting meeting of the Union shall h whenever the Board of Directc it necessary; (b) on a petition the Recording Secretary, signe twenty-five members of the I the matter to be considered; ever, that in either case ten da be given to the members of t: Section 3. Notice of M Recording Secretary shall notif the Union of every meeting, cial, by posting notice of suc the Union bulletin boards in I and other Campus buildings w and on the bulletin board in t at least ten days before such i shall also be given in the Mic at least two issues during the ceding such a meeting. Section 4. Quorum. Ten p number of annual members s a quorum at any meeting of I nual or special. IX. Dues. The dues for the coming s and the annual club dues fo year shall be prescribed by t of Directors at a meeting held tion of officers and before the lege in June. In case no actih the Board of Directors the a annual dues shall be the same preceding year. X. Suspension and Exr Any member of the Union ma cause be suspended or expell of three-fourths of all the m Board of Directors. Before taken, the Recording Secretary the member a copy of the cha against him; and, at the reques ber, he shall have a hearir Board of Directors, XI. Magazine. A club magazine shall be i times as the Board of Direc termine. One dollar ($i.oo) dues paid by each member sha to pay for a year's subscription zine. Life members and pa members shall be considered I to the magazine. . XII. Amendment Amendments to this consti violation of the Articles of As be adopted at any meeting of nual or special, by a two-thir, members present, provided a q ent; such amendments having -'ith the notice of the meeting e irda y .$23.50 $27.50 Overcoat for. 25.00 Overcoat for..... . . ... 20.00 Overcoat for ................. 18.50 Overcoat for... . . . C. C. ANDREWS, Recording 14.50 Another Bunch of - - Bostonian Cordovans I 40 Here and will go on sale TODAY at :ROSS 309 All Wool Suits, broken lines, sizes 35 and 36_on- ly. Saturday, your choice, $8.95 We also have a genuine CORDOVAN (with a calf top) at $7.95 during our Stock Reducing ith Main St. $14.50 CAMPUS BOOTERY, i r