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December 07, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-07

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Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 6.-Reports that
the University of Nebraska football
team will play post-season games are

1-IJer L

ed the hoodo num-
I1 F~n ul - + 1.

Former Michigan Coach, Now with St.

1 this tail-

tne season some
out the "13" on the
arks. Yost merely
e signals were giv
alled attention to t
' the plays, one of
was numbered "13.
idn't get a chance
se of his bad knee.
on a trick play,
Nortliwestern muda
1 gain. Then Yost

For signal "13" was the play
player "13" carried the ball on
layed pass, the play that la
Pennsy in 1912 when Craig
yards for a touchdown just;
time keeper was counting th
Yost had gambled on the hoo
ment-and he lost.
Great Lakes, Ill., Dec. 6. -
hiundreds of star basket tosser
prep schools and colleges now
ing the blue uniform of Uncle
sea forces, it appears certain t
Great Lakes naval training
will put out one of the strongest
>f the 1917 basketball season.
Edwin F. Fall, champion tw
>f the "Big Ten," has been pla
charge of the squad. He isp
.ng the team's campaign for th
'ew months. Gaines will be
vith all the Western conferenc
ets, and several of the minor c
and leading prep schools of the
At present there is no way of
aining just how many star1
eers there are in camp, but
nass of 17,000 men, officials1
here should be at least 100c
players. Elroy Cigrand, guard
Northwestern university 1916-
gregation, is one of the pro
athletes. Another is Erickson
Olaf, who was selected by a
ty of the Minnesota critics for
tion on the All-star minorc
eam of the state. Cyril W
Fvanston, Ill., and Frank Niko
vell known basketball players

ard Athletes Conmiissio
Snelling, Minn., Dec. 6.-
well know-nathletes of c
iversities of the Northw
commissions at the secc
officers' training camp.
University of Minnesota
ars commissioned first li
e Robert Gray of the 191
- Kleffman, 1914, and
acher, .1907-08-09.
Bliss, Hamline college a
on mile and half-milei
nesota in 1908, and th
college runner in 'the s

-but he officially denied. Coach E. S. Stewart, Louis Nationals, Stirring
expressed regret that the MissouriTings Up
one re- Valley champions would not be able
to play army teams. The coach said,
e jersey however, that he could not ask the . St. Louis, Dec. 6.- Branch Rickey,
smiled, members of the team to engage in any president of the St. Louis Nationals,
'en out, more games, as they are not in phy- will align himself with those oppos-
the fact sical condition to continue the sport. ed to the adoption of a 140 game
the old The Cornhuskers have gone through schedule for the next baseball sea-
" Yost the hardest schedule ever arranged s
for a Nebraska team and one of the s"I fail to see," said Rickey, "where
against stiffest played by any team in the the adoption of a 140 game schedule?
country this season. With a maxi- would enable club owners to cut sal-
But aaries of players much. What we would
he slip- mum squad of about 20 men this year, s.
and fell and with an unequalled hospital list, save in salaries would not be com-
smiled the Cornhuskers have- had to play mensurate with the loss in income we
their first-line men in every hard con- would sustain by omitting the 14 ad-t
Swhere test of the season, with the result that ditional games."
n a de- the men have had the hardest kind of The plan has been suggested that in-i
st beat a drill. The squad was the-smallest stead of cutting the schedule, the play-t
ran 40 in history at the university, due to er limit should be reduced. Rickeyi
as the the war call. believes this would be the better idea.I
he____-_Club owners are now permitted to car-i
he' see-;
----Notice of a Special Meeting of the Mem-
Lafayette, Ind., Dec. 6.-Basketball bers of the University of Michigan Union,
Bill Auditorium, Friday, 'December r4th, att
S IN and wrestling are beginning to take 8s. , P. Ma
CAML' their place in the interest of Purdue In accordance with the Constitution of
the University of Michigan Union, notice isn
students. The material, according to hereby given of a special meeting to be held'
the coaches, gives promise of winning in Hill Auditorium, December 14th, 1917, atr
-With tecahegvs8 :ooP. M.
S from combinations in both branches of the The Board of Directors recommends thatn
the Constitution be amended to read. as fol-
wear- sport. lows:
Sam's Only two men of last year's wrestl-p
hat the ing squad, Mullendore, 135 and George, CONSTITUTION.
station 125, are back in school, but only one I. Name.a
t teams man of last year's basketball quintet, This association shall be known and in-
'f-ud"Wiliaso, sar orard w o rporated as the University of Michigana
"Bud" Williamson, star forward, who Uion. u
o-miler was drowned in the Wabash river here 11. Purpose.
' isin FmC The purpose of the Union is to furnish an
aced in last summer, is misng. rom ap- University social center; to provide a cluba
re ar- tain Church, Markley, Smith, Besel, house for faculty, alumni, former students7
pr p , and resident students of the University ofn
he next Heine, and 'Hart, of last years team, Michigan; to interpret Michigan spirit ini
played and Tilson, Cosbyand Campbell, of terms of citizenship; and to inculcate broado
playd Tlso, CobyandCampell ofeducational ideals.
e quin- last year's freshman squad, Coachp
olleges Maloney hopes to pick a winning com- Section . Membership.
Sectin i.Theie shall be six classes of°-
e coun- bination. members, viz: (x) Annual Members. (a)
Coach Paulson of the grapplers, Life Members. (3) Participating Life Mem-
bers. (4) Honorary Members. (s) Associater
a seer- hopes to recruit his squad from the Members. (6) Directors' Members, Annual.
d and Life.w
basket- football men. Among the griiron Section 3. Annual Membes. All men who
in the men expected to participate in wrestl- are students in actual residence at the Uni-
nt in th versity of Michigan; alumni and former stu-
believe lng are: Jordan and Bartlett I he dents who have been in actual residence at
college heavyweight class; Wykcoff, 155 theUniversity of Michigan for a period of atha
125 pounds, least six weeks; regents; members of the i
of the pounds, and Mourer, 125 pounds. several faculties and officers of the Universityt
of Michigan may become members of the
17 ag- University of Michigan Union on payment of
minent ENTHUSIAST SHOWS MARKED the annual dues, such members to constitute
of St. SUPERIORITY OF GEORGIA TECH the annual membership of the association.
of StSection 3. Life Members. (a) Any Stu-
major- -- dent eligible to membership as provided in
A clse fllowr o thefootall c..Section 2 of this 'article may become a lifee
a pos- A close follower of the football ac member during his last year of actuala resi-
collego tivities of the Georgia Tech. team this dence in the University of Michigan or within
one year thereafter, on payment of fifty dol- a
ard of year, with a leaning toward statistics, lars ($o),}
t'()Ay hrprsnadaysuet(ex-°
las are has prepared a table of comparative (b)cept as provided in subdivision (a)) eligiblee
s from scores which shows that the Southern to membership as provided in Section 2 of
leven was on an average close to 60 this article, may become a life member one
npayment of one hundred dollars ($ioo). L
points better than the other leading Section 4. Participating Life Members.t
(a) Any student eligible to membership aso
M's college combination of the east and provided in Section 2 of this article may be-L
amiddle west. By using the scores come a life member during his last year ofP
--Many dBg h s actual residence in the University of Michi-a
olleges rolled up against Pennsylvania, Wash- gan on payment of fifty dollars ($so), payable
in the following manne: ten ollars ($io) i
est ob- ington and Jefferson, Vanderbilt, Car- to be paid atthe time of application for
nd re. lisle Indians, Auburn and Washing- membership and fortytdollars ($40) payable
and' re in four equal a~nual installments, to becomeh
Three ton and Lee a line of comparison is due and payable on one two, three and
four years from the date of such application.
a foot-- secured which runs through the play Such applicants for membership shall beb
ieuten- of the best teams of the season in all entitled to all the privileges of f member-r
ship from the date of the first payment ,pro-{
7 team, sections-except the far West and South- vided, however,kthat in case such applicant
Waitr' West. 'It is an exceedingl y litr-etintg thall fail to make payment of any oe of saidb
Walter four annual payments within one year of thep
example of what can be done in this date such installment shall become due andp
payable, he shall forfeit his privilege of be-
athlete, direction by the football enthusiast. coming a life member as provided in his ap-h
runner plcation, and any y installments which mayi
theretofore have been paid by such applicantd
e first Kavanagh Heads Rays Five shall- bewconsidered as forefited. Any such
tat'tq Deroi, Dc. Maty Kavanagh.ppiant :wo has forfeted his privilege of
becomsng .a life member in accordance with
o min- former infielder of the Detroit and his first application may, upon petition to a
the Board of Directors of, the -Union, for the f
Cleveland Americans, has been elected privilege of making otit a second applicatton,r
~essu1 aptin f te Rals asktbal tambe granted such privilege, provided, however,
essful captains of the Rayls basketball team, uch application is for atoo life membership.
Moin- a local five. Marty played with the (b) Any person eigibl tto membership as
issippi same team last winter and last sum- come a life member on payment of one hun-
t lieu- mer he played baseball with a local dred dollars ($ioo), payabl in the follow.
ing manner: twenty dollars 420) to be paid
homas semi-professional club, the Maxwells, at the time of application for membershipt
G. Did- which won the championship of the equalnighty dollars ($8o p tal in four
, equal annual installments, said installments tot
st lieu- country. become due and payable on one, two, threec
and four years from the date of such applica-s
aotball-°.tion. Such applicants for membership shallL
Jacob- Daily advertisers ar.. first choice be entitled to all the privileges of full mem-
bership from the date' of the. first payment.a
nant. with Daily readers.-Adv. provided, however, that in case such appli-
cant shall fail to make payment of any one ofo
said four annual payments within one year ofo
the date such installment shall become due
and payable, he shall forfeit his privilege off
becoming a life member as provided in hisr
application, and any installments which mayt
theretofore have been paid by such applicant
shall be considered as forfeited. Any suchg
applicant who has forfeited his privilege ofa
becoming a life member in accordance withL
his first application may, upon petition to thec
Board of Directors of the Union, be restored .
to the privilege of applying for such mem-

bership. Any such person applying for- a lifec
membership before April first, 1918, may be-
come a life member on payment of fifty dol-
lars ($5o), payable in the following manner: '
ten dollars ($io) to be paid at the time of0
application for membership and forty 'dollarsb
($40) payable in four equal annual install-0
ments, to become due dnd payable on one, two,S
three and four years from the date of suchI
(c) Any member making payments on ac
life membership shall be considered as a par-o
ticipating life member and upon payment of(
the full amount of the membership fee shallt
be a life member..a
Section 5. Honorary Members. The Uniont
may at any meeting, by a two-thirds vote ofL
the members present, elect to honorary mem-
bership any person who may have rendered
distinguished service to the-- University -ofn
j /Iq Michigan, provided such candidate for honor-
ary membership has received the approval of
the Board of Directors. Honorary members .
shall enjoy all the privileges of annual, life
and participating life members, except that
they shall not vote or hold office.
Section 6. Associate Members. (a) Any
woman who is a student in actual residencej
at the University of Michigan; alumnae or
former women students of the University ofa
Michigan; or any adult woman, a member ofa
the immediate family of a member of the
Union, may become an associate member,
provided such candidate for membership has
secured the approval of two-thirds of the Board<
of Directors.,
(b) Associate members shall pay an -annual -
fee, the amount of such fee to be prescribed
for the ensuing year by the Board of Di-
ky rectors at its regular June meeting.
(c) Any person eligible to associate- mem-
bership may become an associate life member
on payment of fifty dollars ($50), payable in
. the same manner as that prescribed in Section
4, Paragraph (a) of this article. t

(d) Associate mem-nbers shall have only such.
privileges as may be adopted by the riles of
the Board of Directors. They shall not vote la
or hold office.t
(e) The number of associate members shall of
not exceed one thousand (1,ooo).of
Section 7. Directors' Members, Annual and off
Life. (a) Directors' Annual Members. Any fic
man who has made application to the Board lea
of Directors and whose name has been ap- of
proved by the Board by a two-thirds vote lea
may become a Directors' annual member on off
payament of one hundred dollars ($10o) in, cal
itiation fee, such payment to be made within be
thirty days after the Board has approved the mi
application, and on payment of annual dues Sa
of twenty-five dollars ($25), payable semi- po;
annually in advance on the first days of Jan- b1
nary and July. l-ip
(b) Directors' Life Members. Any man ho
may become a Directors' life member on pay- pul
ment of five hundred dollars ($500), payable gal
at the time of application for membership, to
The Board of Directors may choose such -;
members from the subscribers to the Build- tu
ing Fund, who are not eligible to annual, life ima
or participating life membership. - - wh
(c) Directors' members shall enjoy all the ila
privileges of annual, .life and participating pre
life members, except that they shall not vote, tar
or hold office. P-
(d) The number of Directors' members
shall not exceed five hundred (soo) non- car
resident and two hundred (zoo) resident mem- on
bers, resident members being those living the
within a radius of twenty (20) miles of Ann to
IV. Functions and Status of Members. sue
all annual, life and participating life memn- on
hers shall have thedsame privileges, includ- Da
ing that of votingaatathe meetings of the tw
Union and at the annual election of officers. pol

ter than



make the halt in less than tw
utes, was awarded a captaincy.
Other athletes who were suc
include James W. Hubbell, Des
es, runner-up in the trans-Miss
golf tournament last year, firs
tenant; Ezra A. Eldridge, St. T
footballer, first lieutenant; C. C
riksen, Minnesota swimmer, firs
tenant; O. F. Triplett, Iowa fo
er, first lieutenant, and Grover.
son, Iowa footballer, first lieuten

Rickey does not think the National
league should take action independ-
ently of the American league. He in- Ea
timated that if the shortened schedule L B
was adopted, the St. Louis Nationals
might train at home. cd
Rickey also wants the National
league waiver price increased from tem.
$1,500 to $2,500. The latter price ery :
prevails in the American leauge. An- work
other important rule which Rickey leadi
will seek to establish is one permit- decla
ting withdrawals of waivers. The ing
American league has a rule whereby great
waivers can be recalled two days aft- shift
er they are sought. wron
Rickey also will propose legislation ahtle
that would put a minimum price of Incid
$1,500 on purchased players. This many
rule, if adopted, will do away with ketba
the practice of a club merely assum-
ing a player's contract. Rickey ex- Buy
plains this plan will offset any loss Chapz
a club might sustain in purchasing a -Adv

V. Government. tio
Section 1. The Officers of the Unionsshall vise
be a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Record- cand
ing Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Gen- one
eral Secretary and a Director of Social Ac- polls
tivities. list
Section 2. The President shall preside at bers
all meetings of the Union and of the Board A. I
of Directors and shall be ex-officio a member Recc
of all committees. lists
Section 3. The Vice-Presidents shall be at i
elected as follows: One from the College of the
Literature, Science, and the Arts; one from regis
the College of Engineering and Architecture; delis
one from the Medical School; one from the colle
Law School; and one from the combined mitt
Pharmacy, Homoeopathic and Dental Schools mitt
and Colleges. Reec
Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall from
keep a record of the proceedings of the meet- in v
nags of the Union and of the Board of Di- ister
rectors, and perform such other duties as are Boaj
[ierein and otherwise prescribed, by
Section 5. The Financial Secretary shall have
be a member of the University Faculty or a tain
resident graduate, and shall be chosen by the cane
University Senate. He shall have entire charge sheal'
of the financial affairs of the Union, and shall rece
be required to furnish bond in an amount each
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the thre,
premium of such bond to be paidby the bBer
Union. At the annual meeting of the -Union Boa!
he shall submit a complete financial state- In
meat. - tion
Section 6. The General Secretary shall con- days
duct all official correspondence of the Union, the
shall keep- a record of all members and of men
all financial affairs pertaining to the Union, may
and shall be secretary and treasurer of- all the
committees. In all matters pertaining to the year
financesbof the Union, he shall be directly the
responsible to the Financial Secretary. He
shall be required to furnish bond in an amount
prescribed by the Board of Directors, the
premium of such bond to be paid by theme
Union. be
Section 7. The Director of Social Activities At
shall have charge of all social activities per- subr
taming to the avocational ideals of the Union. Pres
Section 8. (a)- The governnent of the ditic
Union shall be vested in a Board of Directors, Sc
composed of the aforesaid ten officers; the mee!
secretary of the Alumni Association of the whe:
University of Michigan; three members elect- it n
ed annually from the University Faculties; the
and five alumni, members of the Union, the twer
same to be elected by the Advisory Council the
of the Alumni Association of the University ever
of Michigan. be E
(b) Upon the completion of the Michigan Sc
Union club house project as outlined in the Rec<
resolution of the Michigan Alumni Associa- the
tion, passed at its meeting of June 28th, 1911, cial,
the title to such club house, buildings and the
grounds shall be transferred to, and there- and
after remain in the Board of Regents of the and
University of Michigan; the Michigan Union at 1
club house project shall, for this purpose, be shal
considered as completed at such. time as such at 1,
club house shall be ready for use and oc- cedi:
cupancy. Se
(c) Upon the completion of the Michigan num
Union club house project as set forth in (b) a qi
of this section, the-management and control nual
of the club house, buildings and grounds shall -
be vested in a Board of Governors, composed TY
of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who and
shall be the Chairman of the Board; -the year
President of the Union; one member of the of I
Board of Regents of the University, to be tion
chosen by the Regents; and four members lege
of the Union, to be chosen by the Advisory the
Council of the Alumni Association of the anni
University of Michigan from the life, faculty prec
and alumni members, provided that at least
three of the said four shall be alumni of the



B efcre






on 9. Quorum and Vacan
rs of the Board of Directc
a quorum. Any vacancy
oard. except in the office
ry. shall be filled by the

ill coh-


at tl

must C student men
- actual residence at the
me of their nomination
ng their term of office.
VI. Standing Committ
z i. There shall be an
:e and such other Cc
provided for by the I



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