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December 06, 1917 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-06

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Washington, Dec. 5.-Several hund-
red suspected subjects of Austria-
Hungary will be arrested as a result
of the declaration of war against that
country. Many of these have been un-
der the surveillance of government of-
ficials for some time, but have not
been taken into custody because of the
lack of definite evidence.
There are nearly 1,000,000 Austrian
subjects in this country who will be
affected by the declaration, and im-
mediately become amenable to the
President's recent order requiring en-
emy aliens to register. Officials be-
lieve that most Austro-Hungarians in
this country are harmless, and that a
great proportion, especially Hungar-
ians, Bohemians, and Slavic elements
are pro-ally, and as much considera-
tion as possible will be shown them in
administrating the enemy alien regu-
Thrift Stamps Sale
Slow in Ann Arbor
Mrs. M. M. Jaquet holds the honorI
of being first to buy a $5 thrift stamp
from the Ann Arbor post office. George
Cook Tilley, son of Prof.- Morris P.
- Tilley of the English department, was
first to buy a 25 cent savings stamp.
The local post office reports very
few stamps sold in this city. The cause
.for the lack of interest in this invest-
ment is attributed 'to the fact that most
people have already subscribed to the
Liberty Loan as well as to Red Cross
and Y. M. C. A. funds.
Interest Deducted
This new campaign for funds under-
taken by the postoffice department dif-
fers from the Liberty Loans in that
the interest is deducted from the prin-
cipal upon the purchasing of the
stamps, while in the Liberty bonds the
interest is paid several times yearly.
The thrift stamps can be bought at the
rate of $4.12 during the months of De-
cember, 1917, and January, 1918. An
additional cent will be charged for ev-
ery month after January, 1918. The
25 cent savings stamps bear no inter-
est, but upon presentation of $4 worth
of these stamps, with the additional
odd cents, will be redeemed for a
thrift stamp. Both the thrift and
savings stamps come due five years af-
ter date of purchase.
According to reports from the down-
town postoffice, twice as many new
stamps are being sold at the branch
in Nickels Arcade than at the main



Washington, Dec. 5.-Postmaster
General Burleson in his annual repott,
submitted to congress today, declares
organizations of. postal employees are
rapidly becoming a menace to public
welfare, and recommends that con-
gress repeal the law that allows such
employees to maintain organizations.
The law provides that the employees
may organize and become affiliated
with other bodies so long as they do
not impose any obligation to engage
or assist in a strike against the gov-
Emphasizing the need for unselfish
co-operation on all sides while the
country is, in the world war the Post-
master General continues:
Making Selfish Demands
"Notwithstanding this fact, and at


tory, it is regre
the organized p
making many sel
sisting that they
or permitted to,
usual number of
salaries be perms
though they are
receiving more
much as those fig
who must of nece
ships of warfare
if necessary.


as lei
of th,


ers soonin W e, nUtLwilLn1
fact that such affiliation
to be contrary to the act of
1912. The advisability of
government employees to a
an outside organization ar
;trike and boycott as a las
,enforce its demands is seriF
tioned by those interested it
"Postal employees have b
because of this affiliation
within recent years thr
strike, and in one case acti

in a :



TO RAISE $9,128,203,793 SOON
(Continued from Page One)
situation as it appears today," the sec-
retary says, "it should be borne in
mind that the exigencies of the future,
may cause changes, particularly with
regard to the estimates for the war
and navy departments." The estimates
on which the secretary bases his fig-
ures are made by the various gov-
ernment departments.
The outstanding fact apparent from
these stupendous figures is that the
cost of the war to the American peo-
ple, including Allied loans, for the two
years ending June 30, 1919, will be at
least $36,000,000,000.
To the great task facing the country,
Secretary McAdoo calls the people with
these words:

be ave
will in
will t
with a

e to





>y Scouts of Ann Arbor will play
or baseball tonight with scouts
psilanti in the gymnasium of the
nal school.
it was started today in circuit
t by Frederick Boesler for the re-
ry of a house deeded by him to
Hitt and his wife on condition
they should care for him during
old age. Boesler says that soon
r Mr. and Mrs. Hitt gained pos-
ion of the housV, about a year
they relaxed in their care of him
he is sueing to have the deed

McAdoo's Plea
"What is of superlative importance
in the readjustment that must take
place is that our people shall be im-
pressed with the necessity of econom-
izing in the consumption of articles of
clothing, food and fuel, and of every
other thing which constitutes a drain
upon the available supplies, materials,'
and resources of the ,country. Every-
thing wasted now is little short of
"So far as I have been able to ob-
serve, the American people are not
sufficiently aroused to the necessity
of economy and of saving in this real-
ly serious time, not only in the life of
America, but of the nations of the
world. Up to the present there has
been a relatively small denial of pleas-
ures, comforts, and conveniences on
the part of the average citizen. He is
drawing upon the general store of
supplies in the country with almost
the same freedom as before America
came into the war. This cannot con-
tinue without serious hurt to the na-
tion and to the world. The great fin-
ancial operations of the government
cannpt be carried forward successful-
ly unless the people of the United
States economize in every possible di-
rection, save their money and lend it

"government employees are enablea to r
unduly influence members of congress
and others seeking election to public
office, the situation will naturally
arise, if it has not already arisen,
where congress will be unduly influ-
enced by such organizations, the ap-
propriations for the salaries of such
employees will be greatly increased
and economic provision for the con-
duct of the service impossible."
The report explains that postal em-
ployees are differently situated from
other workers in that they are not
employed by private concerns but by
the government "whose officers are
merely executing the will of the peo-
Remarkable growth in postal sav-
ings is shown. In 1917 there were
674,728 depositors with a total of $131,-
954,696 .to their credit. The average
balance for each depositor was $195.57.
This was an increase 'over the previ-
ous year of 71,791 in the number of
depositors, $45,934,811 in the amount
and $52.90 in the per capita balance.
The large proportion of. this total is
contributed by industrial centers. In
143 offices in cities where there are big
manufacturing plants 74 per cent of
the deposits are held.
War Injures Service
The war has resulted in some post-
al routes not being covered at times.
Men drawn into industries by larger
salaries often have left posts that
could not be filled, the report says,
and recommends that the department
be given more latitude in getting car-
riers when conditions are unusual.
Mr. Burleson's report also makes
this recommendation for the further
extension of the civil service:
'To further eliminate partisan pol-



Choice in either
let. The Gruer
watch in Ameri



were chosen at
the Y. M. C. A.
e Y. M. C. A.
ht. The new
are Manly Os-
the, George E.
and Roscoe O.
-ctors will take




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