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December 05, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-05

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n is over and
-so we dare


s on one of those superb foot-'
ernoons just after the Varsity
en the "bras" out of Nebraska,
ach Fielding H. Yost was ex-
for his football squad the
in which Stan Wells, Borleske,
orty McMillan had defeated
)ta back in the dear dead ages.
Michigan mentor enacted all
He was at the same time the
;assing to McMillan, McMillan
the ball to Wells, Wells for-
assing to Borleske, and Bor-
eceiving the leather close to
line and being tackled as he
the ball.I
who saw the game will re-1
that toward the close of al
rd fought game, with the score
nothing all, Michigan scored,
ning touchdown by two quick
to Borleske and three line

Were other western men included in
the list it is quite possible that some
of the high men would be pushed down
a bit. Harley, the Ohio State star,
has scored a multitude of points, the
exact number not being available.
The ability of Michigan to place two
men among the leading ten scorers
shows the power of the 1917 Wolverine
machine. The Navy placed two men
among the leaders, Martin, with his
102 points, following McLaren of
Pittsburg, and Berry of Penn. No
other school had two men so far up on
the list.
Notice of a Special Meeting of the
Members of the University of Mich-
igan Union, Hill Auditorium, Friday
December 14th, at 8:00 P. M.
The Board of Directors recommends
that the Constitution be amended to
read as' follows:
This association shall be known an
incorporated as the University of
Michigan Union,
The purpose of the Union is to fur-
nish a University social center; to
provide a club house for faculty, alum-
ni, former students and resident stu-
dents of the University of Michigan;
to interpret Michigan spirit in terms
of citizenship; and to inculcate broad
educational ideals.
Section 1. There shall be six classes
of members, viz: (1) Annual Mem-
bers. (2) Life Members. (3) Partipi-
pating Life members. (4) Honorary
members. (5) Associate members.
(6) Directors' Members, Annual and
Section 2. Annual Members. All
men who are students in actual resi-
dence at the University of Michigan;
alumni and former students who have
been in actual residence at the Uni-
versity of Michigan for a period of at
least six weeks; regents; members of
the several faculties and officers of
the University of Michigan may be-
ome members of the University of
Michigan Union on payment of the
annual dues, such members t con-
stitute the annual membership of the
Section 3. Life members. (a) Any
student eligible to membership as pro-
vided in Section 2 of this article may
become a life member during his last
year of actual residence in the Uni-
versity of Michigan, or within one
year thereafter, on payment of fifty
dollars ($50).
(b) Any other person and any stu-
dent (except as provided in subdi-
vision "a") eligible to membership as
provided in Section 2 of this article,
may become a life member on pay-
ment of one hundred dollars ($100).
Section 4. Participating Life Mem-
bers. (a). Any student eligible to
membership as provided in Section 2
of this article may become a life mem-
ber during his last year of actual resi-
dence in the University of Michigan
on payment of fifty dollars ($50), pay-
able in the following manner: ten dol-
lars ($10) to be 'paid at the time of
application for membership and forty
dollars ($40) payable in four equal
annual installments, to hecome due
and payable on one, two, three and
four years from -the date of such ap-
plication. Such applicants for mem-
bership shall be entitled to all the
privileges of full membership from the
date of the first payment, provided,
however, that in case such applicant
shall fail to make payment of any one
of said four annual payments within

one year of the date such installment
shall become due and payable, he
shall forfeit his privilege of becoming
a life member as provided in his ap-
plication, and any installments which
may theretofore have been paid by
such applicant shall be considered as
forfeited. Any such applicant who has
forfeited his privilege of becoming a
life member in accordance with his
first application may, upon petition to
the Board of Directors of the Union,
for the privilege of making out a sec-
ond application, be granted such priv-
ilege, provided, however, such appli-
cation is for a $100 life membership.
(b). Any person eligible to member-
ship as provided in Section 2 of this
Article may become a life member on
payment of one hundred dollars ($100),
payable in the following manner:
twenty dollars ($20) to be paid at the
time of the application for member-
ship and eighty dollars ($80) payable
in four equal annual installments,
said installments to become due and
payable on one, two, three and four
years from the date of such applica-
tion. Such applicants for member-
tship shall be entitled to all the privi-
f t , n 1offull memhrshin from the date

become due and payable, he shall for-
feit his privilege of becoming a life
member as provided in his application,
and any installments which may there-
tofore have been paid by such appli-
cant shall be considered as forfeited.
Any such applicant who has forfeited
his privilege of becoming a life mem-
ber in accordance with his first appli-
cation may, upon petition to the Board
of Directors of the Union, be restored
to the privilege of applying for such
membership. Any such person apply-
ing for such membership. Any such
person applying for a life membership
before April first, 1918, may become a
life member on payment of fifty dol-
lars ($50) ,payable in the following
manner: ten dollars ($10) to be paid
at the time of application for member-
ship and forty dollars ($40) payable
in four equal annual installments, to
become due and payable on one, two,
three and four years from the date of
such application.
(c). Any member making payments
on a life membership shall be con-
sidered as a participating life member
and upon payment of the full amount
of the membership fee shall be a life
Section 5. Honorary Members. The
Union may at any meeting, by a two-
thirds vote of the members present,
elect to honorary membership any
person who may have rendered dis-
tinguished service to the University
of Michigan, provided such candidate
for honorary membership has receiv-
ed the approval of the Board of Direc-
tors. Honorary members shall enjoy
all the privileges of annual, life and
participating life members, except that
they shall not vote or hold office.
Section 6. Associate Members. (a)
Any woman who is a student in actual
residence at the University of Mich-
igan; alumnae or former women stu-
dents of Michigan; or any adult wo-
man, a member of theimmedlate fam-
ily of a member of the Union, may be-1
come an associate member, provided
such candidate for membership has

an annual tee, tne amount of sucn fee
to be prescribed for the ensuing year
by the Board of Directors at its regu-
lar June meeting.
(c). Any person eligible to asso-
ciate membership may become a life
member on payment of fifty dollars
($50), payable in the same manner as
that prescribed in Section 4, Para-
graph (a) of this Article.
(d). Associate members shall have
only such privileges as may be adopt-
ed by the rules of the Board of Direc-
tors. They shall not vote or hold
(e). The number of associate mem-
bers shall not exceed one thousand
Section 7. Directors' Members, An-
nual and Life. (a). Directors' Annua!
Members. Any man who has made
application to the Board of Directors
and whose name has been approved
by the Board by a two-thirds vote may
become a Directors' annual member
on payment of c'e hundred dollars

"One of the largest


wants a representative in your
large trade established. A J
through college preferred. A
ly confidential. Give age, sel

you feel capable of filling this position.
of The Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor, I





is the ideally
college man.

oon in question,
both forward pass-
ound each time to
peen tackled. Then
le, where his last
he plunged three
dvancing the ball
oal line, the last
under his breast
er that meant vic-
>se, threw his arms
wild cries of "Vic-
- Tuthill, who car-
and a towel for
s, watched the-an-
ch. When the last
iad died away and
aimself on the back

You are sure
clothes fit
look well if
is Fitform.



stringing beads
the redoubtable




116 E. Liberty


"The Young Men'


Wieman, with his 13 touch-
37 goals after touchdowns, and
eld goals, would rank between
.t of the Army and Berry of
a the individual scoring chart,
estern men included in the list.
on, Michigan's other high scor-
accountable for 12 touchdowns,
s than Wieman, but because he
kick goals, he fell below his
tes in actual points rolled up.
72 points he did make would
im along with Robb, of Penn
he tenth man on the list sent

We Are Headquai
Military Stipp

See Our Army Shirts at $3.25, $3.50, $4.
Leather Puttees, Army Shoes, Samwrap I
We can save you money on everything in M


Wool-lined and Unlin
We are agents for the

he highest scorer
to count no more
d Wieman's 124
le, of Washington
3arrett of Cornell,
Stonned the list



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