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December 04, 1917 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-04

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of di
lay, w
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s sta

* * * * * *
. 3.-Hundreds *
ollars passed *
ters to govern- *
when people all *
rambled madly *
mps. The two *
ign opened this *
* * * * * *




m dollar ca


* * * * *

University Professors To Lee-
ture at Custer and


Practical courses for men in train-
ing are now offered to the boys at
Camp Custer and Selfridge Field by
1:30 University professors under the
ss is auspices -of the University extension
Classes in these cantonments are be-
on- ing organized, while the work in
brief French at Camp Custer has been al-
it fof ready organized through the~ efforts
s r of the Y. M. C. A. and 60 classes en-
rolling 1,200 men are meeting each
cday. Teachers are for the most part
enate volunteers from the officers and men
hssion_. who are proficient in the language
r his but the entire work is under the su-
xpect pervision of Professor A. G. Canfield
as by and the French department of the Uni-
wrally versity.
' gress Lectures on military bridge con-
aited struction, properties of explosives, as-
ate tronomy, storage batteries, the mili-
pro-e tary geography of the United States
and the battle fields of Europe, weath-
er maps, and roads and roadmaking
Lions? are among those offered.
f the Professor Clarence Meader will
ly on speak on the new Russia. The pres-
ocate ent war and its causes and effects will
any's be discussed by Prof. C. H. VanTyne
iment and Prof. W. A. Frayer.
unite Talks on health, the care of the
Turk- teeth, and like subjects will be fur-
belief nished by professors of the medical
e his school and the dental college. Read-
ollow ings and talks of a more interesting
nature will be given for the Sunday
s the program and many will consist of il-
s ex- lustrated lectures.
1s of The library extension service is also
every open for the use of soldiers in these
>f the camps. Pamphlet material on sub-
e and jects of courrent interest in all fields
lation may be procured here and will be of
neas- special use to debating teams or to
stood clubs desiring subjects and material'
for discussion.
s un-e
SItalians Com$e.1
id the To HT
filled TeutonsToH l

Plans for the freshman-sophomore
bag rush to be held Saturday, Dec. 8,
are nearing completion.
The Student council committee in
charge of the arrangements met at
the Union last evening and made sev-
eral decisions regarding the event.
Chief among these was a plan to order'
the bags this morning so that they
may be delivered Thursday evening.
The bags will probably cost four dol-
lars each.
A rough draft of the rules to be
used was presented and discussed at
the meeting. A few changes were
found necessary, and it is hoped that
these can be -made in time to have the
full set ready for publication Wednes-
day morning.
Both Classes To Hold Meetings
The hour for the pep meetings of
both classes was set for 7:15' o'clock
in the evening. Efforts will be made
to make the meeting as short as pos-
sible and they will be dismissed be-
fore 8 o'clock. R. D. Smith, '19E, will
explain the rules to the freshmen at
their gathering Wednesday and James
I. McClintock, '19, will preside
at the sophomore meeting Thurs-
day,' evening. Besides the Stu-
dent councilmen, a pep speaker will
be obtained for each meeting. Both
will be held in University hall.
Paint has been secured and the of-
ficials the competing classes elect
to lead them in the fight will be held
responsible for the painting of every
man under his command.
Judges Have Badges
Badges for all judges who are to
officiate have been printed as have 35
similar badges for other officials, to
hold the crowds back and to keep
half of the freshmen who are not tak-
ing. part in the fight from assisting
their classmates. These officials and
the 'judges will be appointed from
the junior and senior classes. The on-
ly requirement in regard to wearing
apparel will be that all participants
must wear tennis shoes. The penalty
attached to fouling will be that the
offender will be put out of the con-
Subscriptions Total $3,9386.40; Dona-.
tiois Range From 25 Cents
To 50 Dollars
Washtenaw county subscribed $936.40
more than its quota in the last day
of the Knights of Columbus drive, ac-
cording to the reports of the various
campaign managers at 8 o'clock last
The total amount of the subscrip-
tions, including $883 in pledges, was
$3,936.40. Donations ranging from
25 cents to $50 were collected by the
different committees.
Committees Report $3,053.40 in Cash
"We have $3,053.40 in hand, and the
pledges are as good as gold," stated
the Right Rev. Edward D. Kelly last
night. "I am confident that the total
amount will run $1,500 over the quota,
which was set at $3,000. There is
enough money promised to make good
on the $563.60 required to reach the
$4,500 goal." Members of the Ann
Arbor council of the Knights of Col-
umbus sent $500 to the supreme coun-
cil in September to be credited towar.
this drive.
Campaign Ends After Dexter Meeting
The Knights of Columbus war fund.
drive was brought to a close at a
meting in Dexter last night. Complete
reports from Dexter will be announced
later. Several of the committee have,
failed to turn in the canvass reports,

and the definite amount subscribed by
students in the University has not as
yet been ascertained.
Spanish Club Holds Meeting Tonight
El Ateneo Cervantes will hold its
xegular meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight
in Lane hall.
This club is devoted to the de-
velopment of conversational ability in
the Spanish language. Membership is
open not only to Spanish students in.
the literary college, but also to all
other University students who have
had one year or more of Spanish or
whn can understand it

Ann Arbor's common council unan-
mously voted at the meeting held last
night to refer. to the city attorney a
communication received from the Stu-
dent council, charging that the local
taxi companies have been continually
violating the city ordinance by charg-
ing illegal rates.
Letter Cites Cases of High Prices
The communication was signed by
S. S. Attwood, '18E, president of the
Student council, and stated numer
ous cases where students had been
taken advantage of and made to pay
high prices by the taximen upon re-
turning from dances or parties. Ex-
amples were cited of students having
been charged double rates long before
the hour fixed by the law.
Attwood questioned in behalf of the
Student council that the taximen had
to raise their rates because they coul1
not continue a living existence under
the old rates. He suggested that the
taxi companies had no way of knowing
whether all the money is being turn-
ed in by the chauffeurs, and pointed
out that the complaints of the owners
might be remedied by an investigation.
He further suggested that the books
of the taxi companies be examined by
a public accountant in order that the
public may know whether the condi-
tions of the taxi companies are really
as distressing as they claim them to
City Attorney Investigating
The city attorney is now investigat-
ing other charges that have been re-
ferred to him against the taxi com-
panies and, as soon as he will be ready
to report, the ordinance committee
will start work on a new ordinance.
Date of Library Completion Uncertain
No definite date can be set for
the completion of the new Library
building according to those in charge
of the construction.
When the plans for the building
were made it was thought that the
work would be finished in June, 1918,
but shortage of labor, freight con-
gestion, and the cold weather of last
winter have made this impossible.
Lands Co-ordination and Unity of Pur-
pose; Has Bright Hopes
For Future
Paris, France, Dec. 3.-The inter-
allied war conference was closed to-
day with a brief address by Colonel E.
M. House, chairman of the American
mission. Colonel House, who deliver-
ed the closing address at the request
of Premier Clemenceau, said:
"M. Clemenceau, the president of the
French council, in welcoming the del-
egates to this conference, declared,
that we had met to work. His words
were prophetic. There has been co-
ordination and unity of purpose which
promises great results for the future.
It is my conviction that by this unity,
and by concentrated efforts, we shall
be able to arrive at the goal which we
have set out to reach."
Mr. House after expressing the
thanks of himself and his colleagues
for the great consideration shown
them added:
"America salutes France and her
heroic sons and feels honored to

fight by the side of so gallant a com-
Swift's Son-in-law in Court Aagain
Washington, Dec. 3.-The case of
Count James Minotto, son-in-law of
Louis Swift, Chicago packer, suspect-
ed of being an alien enemy, was or-
dered reopened today by the Bureau
of Immigration and was referred back
to Chicago for taking additional testi-'
James J. Brady Withdraws Resignation,
Detroit, Mich., Dec. 3.-James J.
Brady, with the approval of the Treas-
ury department, today withdrew his
recently tendered resignation as col-
lector of internal revenue for the east-
ern district of Michigan.
Four Die When Train Hits Auto
Bordentown, N. J., Dec. 3.-Four
persons were killed here today when
an express train struck their auto.


* Vienna, via London, Dec. 3.- *
* (Official Communication).-In the *
* Pripet region, the Russian army *
* has concluded an official armistice *
* with the opposing command of the *
* allied Teutonic troops. Many oth- *
* er sectors announce an unofficial *
* armistice. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gives Up Position on Plea of Work;
Successor To lPe Named
S. S. Attwood, '18E, resigned as pres-
ident and a member of the Student
council at a meeting held yesterday
Attwood had scarcely mentioned his
intention of taking this step and the
action took the council by surprise.
Corresponding secretary C. A. Hart
'18E, presented a letter from the pres-
ident in which the latter asked to be
permitted to resign ,giving as his rea-
son the fact that his other work was
too heavy to allow him to give full
time to council duties.
After some discusion in which var-
ious members asked that Attwood re-
main a member of the body even if
he felt unable to give time enough to
the work to act as president, his resig-
nation was accepted. His successor
will be named soon.
H. C. Cramer, '18D, chairman of the
fall games board, has granted permis.:
sion by the council to postpone the
holding of the cane spree until spring.
This was asked on the grounds that
the participants would be so heated
from their exertion in the bag rush
that it would be unwise to hold a con-
test that would cause them to linger
QZL the grounds and expose thenfselves
while in warmer weather this would
not be so dangerous.
Norman Hackett, '98, is appearing'
at the Garrick theater in Detroit this
week as leading man in "The Knife."
Hackett was one of the founders of
the Comedy club and is one of the few
Michigan men to make a success of the
He is a member of Theta Delta Chi
and will visit Ann Arbor. sometime
during his engagement in Detroit.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *



London, I]
neliel to M
shal Haig's
tonight says,

(By Asso
With the All:
Extremely hard
mans using grea
mass formation
sections of the C
In the region
querie southwa:
northward towa
raged with gre
out Monday, hi
nowhere succi
the British fron
the enemy agai
trating the villa
ejected previous
ter attack agair
favor of the Br


their onslai
accounts w
at all point
fensive hav
at twenty,
been able I
ground at
The Gern
six thousar



e was the usual appoint-
ittees by both bodies to
at 'Wilson and each oth.-
sence, prepared for duty,
hour of their meeting
terwards, both Senate
ourned out of respect to
died during the recess
sting of Wisconsin, and
Martin of Illinois.
ves John Fitzgerald of
>minent democrat an-
tention to resign to re-
tice of law. The resigna-
effect Dec. 31.
rill come the initial flood
>lutions and petitions,
nany demanding the ex-
ator La Follette of Wis-
lleged disloyalty. His
ptember in St. Paul was
lay by the Senate pri-
elections committee in
;h a sub-committee's in-
to Reach High Mark
in measures will require
urteen general, and sev-
apply bills for the fiscal
g July 1, 1918, as well
for additional expendi-
ent war needs, are to be
thin a few days. With
already appropriated for
scal year's needs, many
ith new appropriations,
,000 mark may be reach-
rs of war.
ts in Full Control
ats start the session in
iSenate and House, with
Senators against 43
In the House, the Dem-
L6 members, the Repub-
ii five Independents, and

Washington, Dec. 3.-An official dis-
patch from Rome today says Austro-
German attacks on the Italian front
have ceased entirely.
Although the Teutonic invasion was
launched amid rain and snow, the
German press attributes the sudden
inactivity to unfavorable atmospheric
conditions. The truth is, according to
the dispatch, that the Italian army,
reorganized after the crisis, is now
holding the line firmly..
Another offensive by the enemy on
a still larger scale is believed to be
imminent, however, and the Italians'
are preparing to meet it.
Lanusing, Mich., Dec. 3.-Governor
Sleeper today announced the person-
nel of a new state board on patriotic
advertising. The chairman is Milton
M. Alexander, of Detroit, and the mem-
bership is made up of J. H. Buswell,-
Kalamazoo; Roger M. Andrews, Me-
nominee; Homer Gusk, Houghton; C.
B. Kirkstin, Escanaba; D. B. McCoy,
Lansing; O. J. Mulford, Detroit; S. H.=
Perry, Adrian; Grant Slocum, Detroit,
and Harry Walker, Detroit. The an-
nouncement says:
"It is proposed that the new board
shall not interfere with any existing
advertising committees, but that it
shall assist in the exploitation of all
state-wide patriotic activities.
Senior Lit Records Posted For Year
Statements of senior records have
just been sent to literary students who
have more than 85 hours credit, and a
list of these students has been posted
at the door of the registrar's office.
Any whose names are omitted, and all
who plan to graduate after the sum-
mer session of 1918, are requested to
^n i ~ ~ ^^ tr r t nr

Factory' 1lowers places
the firs
On Trial Today Bg
On th
ly bym
Detroit, Dec. 3.-The trial of Albert ing int
C. Kaltschmidt and five others, includ- hilly r
ing his daughter and sister, on in- Piaver
dictments charging a far reaching con-
spiracy to dynamite Canadian fac- Americ
tories and bridges will begin in fed- Tokic
eral court here tomorrow forenoon. ciation
While indictments growing out of Americ
the alleged plots named 13 persons, York 1
only 6, it is understood, are to be Yokoha
tried at present. These are, in addi- The
tion to Kaltschmidt, his daughter Mar- ciation
ia Schmidt, and her husband, Carl care of
Schmidt; Kaltschmidt's sister, Mrs. ma an
Ida Neef and her husband, Fritz A. unfortu
Neef, and Franz Respa. Respa is 70 Japan's
years old. Kalschmidt has been in Hawaii
jail here since his arrest April 6th. ly man


f leprous An
A elsewhere.
unates, attra
s sulphur s
I before their
nifest. Latf
akably leprc
them passa
a menace to

Washington, Dec. 3.-High tribute to
the gallant conduct of the American
army engineers in France who were
caught in the German encircling at-
tacks on the British lines near Cam-
brai is paid in an official communica-
tion from the French government re-
ceived here tonight by cable.
New Insignia For U. S. Lieutenants
Washington, D. C., Dec. 3.-To avoid
confusion in distinguishing second
lieutenants and enlisted men, Secre-
tary Baker has authorized a distinc-
tive insignia of rank for the lieuten-
ants. They will wear a gold bar on the
shoulder of the' uniform coats and a
loop of brown braid on the overcoat
sleeves similar to the black loop on
the overcoats of first lieutenants.
Cercle Francais to Hold Election.,
Active members of the Cercle Fran-
cais will hold an election at 7:30
o'clock tonight in the Cercle Fran-
cais rooms to fill the vacancy left by
Harold B. Corwin, '19L, president of
the organization, who has entered the

allow .
come a

London, Da
gave a new
remarkable c
tificial arm n
or at the Ro
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usual way, ti
waistcoat. '
bow and grip
controlled by
thigh, acting
the floor, us
full of water
piece of woo
carpentry pu
the new limi
C. S. Burt (
Proposed r
ing were illu
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before the U
Sunday niglh

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