Imill ur AILLERI AT THE nEL raged. to drive ks have+ al league ork City. port Red kroom to GERIIA'i S VALUE RECOGNIZE GREATER OF ARTILLERY OVER INFANTRY French Front, Oct. 30.-(Correspon- (,once of The Associated Press)-The Entente armies have not been alone in recognizing the greater value 'of artillery as compared with infantry in sold- large ed by gto a Pittsburg ploy 700 eer knitters Red Cross units from every are now in France. >s crossed without' men are in the lead food pledge cards I of 750,000. every 28 in, ted Cross. Japan is a be used more in the. future. s were wasted the ham and [TV L COST Fish are being sold at cost price byJ he state, through the agency of local lealers. The fish are purchased from3 fishermen at a cost of 14 gents a pound and the cost of transportation andE -candling amounts to three cents, mak- ing the market price 17 cents a pound. Dealers have so far received 2,050 pounds, andanother ton has been or- dered to meet the demand. Charles Daniels, deputy game ward- en, following a conference with Mayor Marx of Detroit, has announced that whitefish from the Michigan lakes would be sold in that pity this week at a price of 15 cents a /pound. The dif- ference in price is due to increased charges of transportation to Ann Ar- bor and the fact that in Detroit city employees handle the fish. Offering Asked From Michigan Dames Michigan Dames are requested to bring free will offerings to the meet-' ing at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening in Newberry hall to cover the expens- es of the rest room the society is fur- nishing in Y. M. C. A. building No. 605 at Camp Custer. Mrs. R. K. McAlpine and Mrs. W. J. Ehlers will have charge of the meet- ing. Papers on the "History of the War" will be given by members. Jewish Society He~ars Prof. Waterman Prof. Leroy Waterman of the semi- tics department, will deliver two lec- tures to the Jewish Students' society, on "Early Jewish History Before Their Captivity." The first of these lectures will be given at 7 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. Typewriter repairing and Salesroom. Ann Arbor Sav. Bnk, 2nd floor. Phone 866. Woodward and Washington.- Adv. Always--Daily Service-Always. f' the methods of warfare in operation on all the European fronts since the cessation of the war movement at the .nd of 1914. A glance at the strength of the Ger- man field artillery branch at the open- ing of hostilities shows that it then consisted of 642 batteries. At present it is composed of at least 2,000 bat- teries. As the batteries now contain only four pieces instead of six, as at the beginning of the war, the calcula- tion of the power of the artillery in the field must be based on the number of guns rather than that of batteries. Whereas in 1914 the German army possessed only 3,852 field-guns it now has 8000 if the minimumn figure of 2,000 batteries with which it was fur- nished at the end of 1916 is taken as the basis of calculation. Two Types of Field Artillery These field artillery batteries are divided into two kinds-those armed with 77 centimeter cannon (the 3-inch) and those armed with' light 4-inch field howitzers. The German 3-inch cannon has been much improved, and its range increased since 1914. As to the German heavy artillery, the inrease in the number of pieces has been even greater in proportion than that of the 'field artillery. In peace time the German empire had or- ganized 24 regiments of heavy artil- lery. Each regiment was composed of two battalions of four batteries, and each battery was armed with four guns, totalling 768 heavy guns. New Heavy Artillery Formations As soon as' the army had been mo- bilized in 1914, the German military authorities established new heavy ar- tillery formations. Soon each artil- lery regiment of the regular army had attached to it a reserve regiment con- sisting of four batteries of skilled gunnels, also . battalion of four bat- teries /of landwehr, or second. reserv- ists, and a battalion of four batteries formed from among the third reserv- ists, or landstrum. When the arsen- als and shell factories later had reached a higher level of production of guns and ammunition, further ba.t- series were formed from among the men of the Ersatz reserve. Since the first year of the war large numbers of the recruits of the younger classes which have been called out for service have been sent to the artillery branch By the end of 1916 the number. o heavy batteries had been multiplied more than five times and during 191 further additions have been made. Most Big Guns Howitzers Of the German big guns, 25 per ceni are long-range cannon and the remain Ing 75 per cent .howitzers. The mosi numerous of their long-range gun are 4-inch, 412-inch, 5-inch and 6-inch but they possess also batteries of 8.7- inch,. '9.7-inch, 11-inch and 15-i long-range guns, although these ar Very few in numebr. Their howitzer are for the most part of 6-inch cali bre; but besides these they have i line batteries of 11-inch, 12-inch, anm X17-inch howitzers. Trench artillery as well his been development of this war, id the Ger man army is now well provided witl yeapons of various kinds for use i the advanced lines. Itsi trench mor tars range in calibre from 3 inche to 10 inches. Finally, the small trenc cannon of 1%-inch, 2-inch and 2/ Inch calibrA have become very numer ous in all sectors of the line. The personnel of the gunner branch of the German army is nearl: as great in numbers as that of the in fant-y. Mere man is becoming less and less important with the inventions creat- ed by the necessity of war, as is shown{ by the "manless" dances which are growing in popularity at the Universi- ty of Minnesota. Another of these dances is to be held on the campus next Friday. Ohio State university is sending 13,- 000 magazines to Camp Sheman this week. The state library sent 119 books last week and is supervising the collecting of books and periodicals from all over the state for the sold- iErs. Exercises to commemorste the birth- day of John Harvard were held this week on the Harvard Delta. After the exercises in which the battalions and regimental band participated, chapel services concluded the celebration. Girls at the University of Texas are swimming to the music of a victrola which has recently been placed at the edge of the pool. They say that it is more fun than dancing. The Rockefeller foundation is con- sidering the plan of making an endow- ment of $1,000,000 to the University of Minnesota for hospital extension work, according to President M. L. Burton, who has just returned from a trip in the East. The only point against get- ting the endowment is that the Rocke- feller organization has not made it a custom to endow state institutions, but it is believed this difficulty will be overcome. It is possible that the 1918 number _of University of Chdcago Cap and gown rmayssuspend publication this year because of the war. The board of student organizations voted that the Cap and Gown should be cut to half its usual size and price but the staff found it impossible to do this. Cards for the students to fill out are being prepared with the intention of having the board reconsider its vote. There is always an opportunity to Increase your business through Daily advertising. Try iL--Adv. I The Majestic program for the corn- ing week includes the usual vaudeville offering for the first half of the week, with feature photdplays on Thursday,]. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The leading number on the vaude- ville bill is a playlet, 'The -Answer," presented by Alfred H. White. This i, a human interest story of the son of a wealthy Hebrew banker who fell away from the ideals of his own faith and early training. "A Real Pal," a rural skit, is announced as a novelty in that it is a country skit that does not deal with "rubes." One city man takes another to a small town to act as best man at his wedding and a number of funny situations result. Other numbers include the gymnas- tic efforts of the Casting Lampys; the singing Valda and her so-called Bra- zilian Nuts, and Hayes and Rives in "The 'Divinity and Her Escort." The Sunday photoplay for today is a double feature, W. S. Hart and Bessie Love in "The Aryan," and one of I George Ade's Fables in Slang. :; ,: ,:. "None Can i -All Can Flowers Plants Ferns Don't let the war tax keep you amount is small and it all goes to i 'UNCLE S. To take care ofthe I/ ''',' "OVER TF And we in return can enioy peace "OVER HERE" UNCLE SA- Wouldn't make war tax if he didn't ha, Failure to follow your custom of amu would defeat the ideas of the government. A formal junior prom was decided upon by the prom committee of the University of Illinois. However, the affair will be made as economical as possible. The dance will be held in the parlors of the Womens' building as the gymnasium is occupied by mil- itary classes. There will not be any booths this year, and flowers and candy will be tabooed.. The extension department of the University of Washington is making plans whereby students in service at camps near the college may continue their incompleted studies. Several of the faculty men have expressed their willingness to lecture in the nearby cantonments. Commissions were received by 109 Harvard men this weel. Of this num- ber, one is a major, 18 are captains, 44 are first lieutenants, and 46 are sec - ond lieutenants Other additions to this number ?"e expected soon, as the list is incomnplete. Char les W. Fischer, Jr., '18, harries Lieut. Charles W. Fischer, Jr., '18, married Miss Dorothy Holmes of Chi- cago, on Nov. 29. Lieutenant Fischer is president in absentia of the Mich- igan Union, and a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He was prom- inent in campus activities last year. MAJES. Ahi'aus Open DO YOU GO TO TH MAT. 3 P. M.-l10,, 20c in, 3 DAYS You ALFRED H. In tihe "THE ICK a :x AT THE THEATERS "The Knife," at the Gar TODAY "Under Arizona Skies." rick. * * * * . * 0 A story AR! A Nov resent * Majestic-W. S. Hart and Bess- * * ie Love in "The Aryan." * Casting LARRY'S FOREMOST GYMNASTS I I' and BRAZILIAN NUTS 0e Prof. Young Advises Use of Wood Ann Arbor can easily comply with the request of the fuel administration to use wood in place of coal for heat- ing purposes and thus conserve coal and help relieve congestion on the railroads, according to Prof. L. J. Young of the forestry department. ,"One fifth of all Washtenaw county is still wooded," he said, "and if diseased and dead, trees were cut the forests could be improved. Many of these woods are composed of oak or other hardwood trees, a cord of which costs two or three dollars less and gives off more heat than a ton of aithracite * * * * * * * * * * Orpheum - Mildred "The Courage of the place." Also comedy. Havens in * Common- * I TV Wuerth - Geraldine Farrar in "The Woman God Forgot." Also Victor Moore comedy. * * * * to LEY and -a Rae - Charlie Chaplin in Floor-walker," and. Frank KE in "The Bride." DEC. Hans 6 Shows 3- FRIDAY Double F DEC. 7 Shows 3- * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * AT THE WHITNEY BEAUTY SHOP The Kinsey Koi ppear in their fin'