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December 01, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-01

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I IOnl








that, a


Amsterdam, Nov. 30.-The German
official view of the disaster which be-
fell the Zeppelin fleet in France, is that
the loss of several airships was due
entirely to weather conditions which
are unlikely to occur again. It is as-
serted that the disaster is not regarded
as any argument against the use of
the Zeppelin as a military weapon
The official Allgemeine Zeitung, says:
"Enemy reports at first stated that
as many. as six Zeppelins had been
lost, but it is now indisputably es-
tablished that only four were brought
down. The real and only cause of the
disaster is to be found in the abnormal
weather conditions. One of those who
took part in the journey states that
the fog on the coast was so dense that
it was impossible to see farther than
three to five yards.
Not Result of Attack
"A loss of four Zeppelins is not a
matter of indifference even for the Ger-
man air service, but the principal, and
at the same time satisfactory, fact re-
mains,'however much've may deplore
the accident, that the destruction of
the airships was not the result of
English counter-attacks, but was sole-
ly owing to a concentration of unfor-
tunate circumstances.

(Associated Press)
Base of British Grand Fleet, Nov.


I Co.

30.-The head of the British admiralty,
speaking the other day in the house
of commons, flung out a challenge to
the Germany navy. He said, "I dis-
close no segret, or if it is a secret, I
disclose a fact which I should be glad
to tell the enemy-when I say that the
British grand fleet in its northern base
lies behind no shore defenses, but re-
lies on its own strength alone."
There are people in the United
States who do not appreciate the ac-
tivities of the British navy in its home
waters, who thinks that it lies in idle-
ness, like the German high seas fleet,
behind impenetrable landlocked bases.
For the purpose of removing this uin-
pression, the Associated Press repre-
sentative was asked to visit the grand
fleet, live on board the first-line bat-
tleships, and observe just what sort of
day's work it puts in day after day
and week after week.
"Ceaseless Activity" Motto
Ceaseless activity is the motto of
the grand fleet. Neither men nor
ships are permitted to gather rust or
barnacles. From its base at the north-
ern tip of the British isles, it sweeps
day and night the 140,000 square miles
of the North sea, on ceaseless 'vigil,
in unflagging hope that one day its
watching will be rewarded by a meet-
ing with the enemy under circum-
stances wherein he cannot avoid bat-
tle. Moreover, this sweeping of the
North sea is no mere aimless patrol.
In the most casual moves of ships and
men there is always a directing mind
and a directing plan. The North sea
is as well swept in relation to its size
as the drawing room of a well-ordered
house. The enemy's coastline is still
the British navy's frontier.
Fine Harbor
The harbor which has been the
home of the grand fleet for three years
is probably the finest of its kind in


' i
a {




I It


"We cannot be surprised if England
seizes the opportunity for using our
misfortune as soothing syrup for her
population, which has lately had over-
much experience of what war means,
through the agency of our air raids.
In the end it will no doubt turn out to
our advantage if the English do' lose
faith in the reliability of our Zeppe-
lins; the more secure the English peo-
ple feel themselves to be, the better
it will be for our airships the next
time they make an attack, for they
will be undisturbed."

Cousins 4
Members of the Florists


U Sugar, not meatless and wheatless
days, is the problem confronting Ann
Arbor boarding houses and clubs.
Hooverization in Ann Arbor has been
accepted with adwirable spirit, but
with sugar many boarding houses are'
running on such a 'small margin that
they have only a meal to meal sup-
Desserts that need a quantity of
sugar are now taboo, and many hous-
es no longer bake cake, but look to
Dec. bakeries for supply because they car
iment, only get sugar sufficient for table
regi- needs.
talion, Lump sugar has long been a minus
quantity, and one boarding house is
place using confectioner's sugar for general
tins. baking as long as the supply on hand

ompanies will as- FROM INVASION SAYS DANE
Hill-auditorium at
pected event inter- Copenhagen, Nov. 30.-Former
Premier Neergaard, who is now a
11 go on according member of the Danish parliament, in
a .recent speech gave it as his opin-
ion that the improvement effected in the
'e on Wednesday, Kiel canal saved Denmark from the
ditor um Stude danger of German invasion, and that
be admitted td the there was very little probability of a
violation of Denmark's neutrality.
He declined for diplomatic reasons
n In North China to make a more explicit statement in
Nov. 30.-North parliament, but has'explained outside
actiall .deptdthat the improvement in the canal
ractically depleted spared Germany the temptation to in-
ecause of the flood, fringe on Danish neutrality in order
A rains and inader to safeguard communications of the
canal to carry the fleet between the Baltic and North
rChihli province.sea. Germany had been prepared ear-
rywhere along the lier, he said, to occupy Denmark in
ecanal and most o
anaasought haricase of war with England in order to
me ci ty.-open communications through the
ile city. . .Great and Little belts. The control of
these waterways, however, was no
longer ±dispensible to Germany, since
,Ye gy the fleets could pass freely through'
at the canal.

the world. The whole area comprised
in this British northern base is about
equal to the hundred-odd square miles
which the Germans evacuated in
France last spring. The battleship
squadrons, for example, within their
own particular section of this great
base have room for every kind of
practice maneuvers, including- tagret
On a sunny afternoon the corre-
spondent saw eight battleships at tur-
ret or target practice, a detachment of
cruisers in maneuvers, a seaplane-bal-
loon ship at work under conditions
simulating those of actual warfare,
and, off around the edges, various op-
erations by innumerable small craft
and auxiliaries.
Night Target Practice
Night target practice, which also
is conducted within the harbor, is al-
ways an interesting sight. The bat-
tleships steam down the nine-mile
course. Suddenly a searchlight picks
up a target. Instantly every turret is
trained, every gun directed. Then a
button is pressed somewhere, and the
guns speak as with one voice in a gi-
gantic broadside that awakens th.3
echoes from the hills.
There is an infinite variety to the
turret practice on a big battleship.
The officer in charge of the turret
speaks: "An enemy shell has come in
through the turret, killing men num-
bers one, three, four, and six. Right
gun disabled. Connection with rest
of ship lost. Carry on." The "dead
men" file off to one side and watch
their comrades work as they would in
actual battle. There is the zest of a
game to it.
- Mock Fatalities
The officer speaks again: "Shell fias
hit turret, killing all men except num-
bers one and three. Number three
is seriously wounded. Ammunition
hoisting machinery disabled. Fire
started in pile of waste behind gun.
Carry on!" The single unwounded
man left in the turret must now en-
deavor to keep the guns in action
single-handed, besides dealing with a
fire and a seriously wounded man. The
"dead men" stand along the edge of
the turret and watch their comrade's



is scarce

may be cooler

Go Home


the chill off ; no
and the heat is t
Then too,
is really quite ci

Main and William Sts.

Choplin Comedy, "The
Arcade, today.-Adv.


efforts to "carry
and amusement.
It is play, but pL
ficiency behind it,
that in actual bat
be a single possi

on" with

Officers' Uniforms and accessories
G. H. Wild & Co., State Street.-Adv.


44 caliber Smith & Wes-
y Revolver; 7/ inch bar-
sights; holster and belt;
ools. Phone 1637.
s watch in broW lea4her
campu§, near Physiology


Will there be a
your Home this

I -





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