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December 01, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-01

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x artelme Awaits Word From Part of
Board Before Annoincng
Winners of "EM"
18 in Line for Award; 14 of These
Are Almost Sure to Be
Here In 1918
The names of the Wolverines who
won "M" sweaters by their work on
the Varsity football team this fall are
due to be announced some time today
B. G. Bartelme, director of outdoor
athletics, declared yesterday afternoon
that the final decision on the names
awaited word from several of the men
on the board which chooses the win-
ners of the insignia. Coach Yost,
Trainer Tuthill, Captain-elect Smith,
Manager Charles Boos, ex-'18, and
Bartelme comprise this board.
The usual way of selecting the men
who are to receive the letters is to
hold a meeting at which the five rep-
resentatives discuss the playing of the
members of the squad and pass upon
the names. This year Captain Smith is
in training and is unable to get away
t for such a short meeting. Manager
Boos has entered the national army
since the close of the gridiron season.
Coach Yost has been traveling about.
officiating at football games. So the
choice has been made by letter.
Awaits Letters From Board
Bartelme is now awaiting letters
from two of the men. These, accord-
ing to the director of athletics, ought
to be here soon and shortly after the
last letter arrives, the names of the
"M" winners will be made public. The
men who receive the insignia will then
meet for a group picture and will
elect a captain for next year at that
According to, the "dope," there will
be more letters awarded this year than
there have been for the past few sea-
sons. Rumor has had it that 17 "M"
sweaters would be given out, while
another report places the number at
18. These are purely conjectures, how-
ever, for no one outside of the five men
comprising the board of selection have
a single thing to do with the picking
of the men.
But because of the number of men
Yost was required to use this year
when Spairks was injnured and Weston
Lambert, and Culver were lost to the
team at the last moment before the
Northwestern game, it does seem as
though quite a number are in line for
the coveted letter.
Seven Men Beside Regulars Eligible
Out side of the regular eleven, there
are seven men who have played in
either of the. big games-those with
Cornell and Penn-or else started the
Northwestern contest and played at
various times during the season as
regulars Froemke, Genebach, Rye.
Cruse, Cartwright, and Morrison have
all seen plenty of service this sea-
son. Sparks and Cohn both have a
claim at the left half berth, and both
are in line for recognition.
The regular eleven is composed of:
Goetz and Boyd, ends; Goodsell and
Weske, tackles; Fortune and Culver,
guards; Lambert, center; Weston,
quarter; Cohn and Sparks, left half;
Hanish, right half; Wieman, fullback
This gives 12 men who are almost sure
of letters and the six men who- have
played a great part of the season bring
the total number of available men
up to 18.
Whatever the number of letters
awarded, Michigan is assured of a vet-
eran football squad next season.

Weske, Goodsell, Lambert, and Rye"
are the only men whom it is thought
will not be back in the harness. There
is a possibility that Rye will return,'
and Goodsell also may be able to play
another season; but Weske and Lam-
bert are out of it for certain.
Large Number of Men Return
That gives to Michigan the possibil-
ity of 14 of the 18 men in line for
letters returning for football in 1918.
A large percentage of these 14 men will
be letter men. The rest will be ex-
perienced, tried in battle, and train-
ed in the game as Yost teaches it.
This will be without a doubt the best
nucleus for a team that Michigan has
had in many years.
Returning will be: Boyd, Cart-
wright, and Goetz, ends; Fortune, Mor-
rison, and Culver, guards; Weston and
Genebach, quarters; Hanish, Froemke,
Sparks, Cohn, Cruse, and Wieman,
backs. In addition, Beath, center,
Emery, center and end, and Lindstrom,
tackle, will be back. These men were
New Choplin Comedy, "The Adven-

joaer 1 aarc r
Rockford, Ill., Nov. 30.-There was
a "practice" football game at Camp
Grant the other day, a husky bunch of
national army artillerymen lining up
against the picked divisional team.
The divisional team was made up en-
tirely of officers and composed of play-
ers whosO names are written large in
college football annals. The opposing.
eleven was a hard driving aggregation
of enlisted men from the 333rd artillery
but all official bars were down and it
was a fierce scrimmage.
English and French officers, fresh,
from the western front, were in the
crowd which watched the "practice.",
Many of them never before had seen
an American gridiron battle and ex-
pressed their amazement over_ the,
fierce attacks and defense in no uncer-
tain terms.
"Some game!" remarked an Ameri-
can major to.Sergeant Major W. Bar-
ratt of the British army, whose spec-
iality is the bayonet.
"Jove!" returned the visitor earn-
estly, "you know, I don't like it. It's
all too rough! Fancy a game where
they take 'em off in stretchers and no
one seems to notice it."
"Let's see," remarked the American
officer, eying the visitor curiously, "you
wear the badge of 'Meritorious Service
on the Feild,' do you not? You have
served three years in front line trench-
es and dodged bombs and cleaned dug-
outs of Hun occupants, have gone over
the top in charges a good many times
and seen the war as it is played over{
there. Ever wounded?"
"Several scratches," replied the Ent
lishman stll watching the scrimmage;

am rrrenC l' .renches
wonderingly. "I say, look there!
Stepping all over that man's face!
Extraordinary! You know, I have
read about thousands of people going
to see Harvard and Yale break each
others legs and the like. It's alto-
gether too bally rough, you know!"
The American officer watched the
distinguished "non-com" depart for his
quarters. "Three years on the trench-
es," he murmured again, "dodging
bombs, spearing the Hun on bayonets,
getting 'scratches,' and it's too 'rough'
for him!"
Men of the hospital corps had some
real work to perform. One artillery-
man was carried away because of a
sprained ankle and another was given
"first aid" for a deep scalp wound.
After the first lineup when the artil-
lerymen plowed through the officers
for a clean ten yard gain, both teams
settled down. Guided by Lieut. Jack
Eddy, former Princeton quarterback,
the division representatives soon
struck their stride, exhibiting individ-
ual flashps of football genius that be-
wildered their opponents and brought
the ball in a steady march to the ar-
tillery goal. Three touchdowns were
scored by the officers before "To the
Colors," played at retreat, brought the
two teams suddenly from a tangle of
arms and legs to salute the division
flag as it was lowered from headquart
er's flag pole.
Lieutenants Schobinger, former Un-
iversity of Illinois star; Chatfield-Tay-
lor, Yale; Berger, Wisconsin and Chi-
cago; and Shiverick, Cornell, showe I
up well in the hard practice fight whil
Captain Whiting, Chicago, played a
masterly line game.

Although quite a number of men
went home to spend the week end,
there were 15 Varsity track candidates
out for practice yesterday. Both the
number of men reporting and the in-
terest in the pre-season workouts is
increasing daily.
The men went through the usual
workout yesterday, rope-jumping,
dashes, starting and a few rounds on
the oval.
In the dashes the men showed a
world of speed, Johnson, Kruger, and
Cook, finishing the 50 yards in fast
time with the rest of the men at their
heels. With Zoellin back in the fold
this year, Steve is well satisfied with
the dash material.
Michigan should be strong in the
hurdles this year ,a place where we
were weak last year. Johnson, who
holds the gymnasium record for the
60 yards, Zoellin, who was a hurler
t\-o years ago, and Beardsley, who im-
proved very much last year under the
tutoring of Farrell, should develop in-
to a strong trio. Sedgwick, Donnelly,
and Fuess should take care of the mile
in good fashion, while the quarter will
probably be run by Forbes, Stohl, and
The one great task before Coach
Farrell is to develop some good shot-
putters. Baker is the only man who
has shown up thus far. In all the
other branches gSteve has an abun-
dance of promising material and ,s
well satisfied with the prospects.
Washington, Nov. 30.-Mobilization
of the tugs and towboats of the great
lakes along the Atlantic coast for the
winter months to aid in relieving
freight congestion by greater use of
the inland waterways and of barges
has been proposed to Secretary Baker.
Lack of coastwise towboats prevents
wide use of barges, and as towboats
on the lakes soon will be frozen in, it
is suggested that they be brought out
through the canals to move coastwise
barge traffic during the winter.
New Choplin Comedy, "The Adven-
ture," Arcade, today.--Adv.
Use the Daily classified columns.

Fresh Track Men
Urged To Report
Farrell Advises Yearlings To Start
Getting Into Condition For
Season's Work
Although there will be no call is-
sued for fresh track candidates until:
after Christmas, Coach Farrell advises
all those who intend to come out to
do so immediately in order to get
themselves in shape.

ten freshman practicing dail
coach would like to see a much
number getting themselves ba
condition. Those that begin
work-outs now will have three
advantage over the rest.
Little can be said of the ab
those who are already out bec
the lack of competition. There
ery yeasc:1 to believe, howeve
this year's fresh team will be
-way inferior to those of othe
sons. There is plenty of good
ial in the class.



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R. C. FULLER, Optometrist-Optician
With Halbr & Fuller State Street jeweli
Leathotex amu




Few members of the Varsity and
freshman basket ball squads were out
for practice in suits last evening at
Waterman gymnasium.
About 25 men showed up for the
big team and only 35 for the freshman
squad, the latter, on the two preceding
nights of. practice having drawn be-
tween 70 and 80 men each time.
Mitchell' put his men' at shooting
baskets, and the yearlings were sent
against each other and five of the Var-
sity reserves. The two teams are get-
ting into shape to scrimmage each
other, and the Varsity mentor is going
to battle them before the next week is
Brooks Plays Well
For the first year men, Brooks put
up a clever game at guard, as also
did Van Rassum, former Grand Rapids
tablished as yet, but it will be compos-
ed of games with the reserves and com-
compete with outside aggregations.
No freshman schedule has been es-
tablished as yet, but it will be com-
posed of games with reserves and com-
pany teams to be played as prelimin-
aries to the Varsity games, as was an-
nounced before. According to Confer-
ence rules, no freshman team may
compete with outside aggregations.
Practice To Be Held
Practice will be held tonight in
Waterman gymnasium for both
squads, and a hard work-out can be
expected. All men who can possibly
do so are expected to be present.
Coach Adrian of the yearlings be-
lieves the prospects are bright for a
good freshman quintet. With many of
the men who were in the interschol-
astic tournament last spring out, the
outlook is certainly good.
on the Varsity squad this year but
failed to make the first team.
The freshman team, declared one ,f
the best in recent years by Cocah Yost,
will send up a few men to fight for
Varsity jobs, and the competition ought
to be hot next fall. There surely will
be no lack of material unless the un-
expected happens and' all the avail-
able men leave school.
Horace L. Davis, '17, is to appear in
a second grand opera role as the prin-
cipal tenor in "Madam Butterfly" on
Dec. 2 with Marjorie Maxwell of the
Chicago opera company in Chicago.
He has sung already this season in
"CavaleriasuRusticanna" with Mime.
Pruzan, and is also connected with
the Lake Forest Presbyterian church
When in college Mr. Davis was iden-
tified with the Glee club and has
taken part in numerous campus theat-
ricals. He is a member of Acacia fra-

P. G. Bartelme, director of outdoor
athletics, will go to Chicago to a meet-
ing of Conference officials Dec. 15, to
arrange the 1918 football schedule for
Until that meeting Bartelme de-
clared that there could be nothing de-
finite said .about the Wolverine games
for next season. No other. arrange-
ments will be completed until the con-
tests in the Big Ten are booked. Then
Bartelme will attempt to fiill up the
schedule with the teams Michigan has
played in former years,
The alumni of the University have
expressed their hope that Michigan

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able to schedule either Chi-
Minnesota on the 1918 sched-
does not seem possible that

both of these teams could be met in
view of the fact that Michigan must
play by agreement Northwestern and
Cornell. But that one of these teams
will face the Wolverines is not be-
yond the range of possibility.
Chicago Story Guesses at Schedule
A story from Chicago declares that
Michigan will play Chicago, Minnesota,
Ohio State, and Northwestern in the
Conference next fall. No doubt such
an arrangement of games would be
almost-ideal as far as the sport itself
goes, but it would be next to dis-
astrous to Michigan. Cornell, M. A. C,
and possibly Penn, are due to be on
the list, and it would be impossible
for Michigan to play seven big games
in one season. That is what such a
schedule would amount to.
It does seem most probable, how-
ever, that Michigan will meet two
Conference teams, while it would be
possible for the Wolverines to face one
of the weaker teams in the west for
an early game. Mt. Union, Case, Cor-
nell, M. A. C., Penn, Northwestern, are
almost sure to be played. There is
room for a couple of big games yet.
Dec. 15 will tell whether the Badgers
or the Maroons are Michigan's op-
ponents next fall. Maybe we will
play them both and then the question
will be which one will come to Ferry
Lieut. H. S. Manwaring, '16E, in City
Lieut. Howard S. Manwaring, '16E, is
here on a leave of absence from Fort-
ress Monroe, where he is in the coast
artillery reserves. He is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Manwar-
ing of this city.
W. W. Bishop To Deliver Address
W. W. Bishop, librarian of the Uni-
yersity, will be in Sparta, Mich., this
afternoon, to deliver the dedication ad-
dress at the opening of the new Carne-
gie library there.
New Choplin Comedy, "The Adven-
ture," Arcade, today.-Adv.

Sheehan's Saturday Stationery Sale
You undoubtedly know of the big advance in stationery. We were for-
tunate in having a big supply on hand at the time of this increase. The boxes
and wrappers on some of this stock have become soiled and we are closing out
this stock on Saturday, December 1, at 25 cents per box.
This paper is of the finest linen stock, and fornierly sold at 50c, 75c, and
I arge assortment of various tints and shades with envelopes to.match.
Now is the time to buy stationery. You will never have another oppor-
tunity of getting it at this price.
No goods charged or delivered.

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