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November 27, 1917 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-11-27

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F, I





Tren Per Vent Sent Home; Heart
Trouble to Blame in Majority
of Cases
Battle Creek, Nov. 26.-Ten per cent
of the last increment of selected mena
at Custer will be rejected because of
physical disabilities, heart afflications
being more prevalent than any other
cause, according to an announcement
given out today by the examining
board here.
The method used at present in con-
ducting the physical examinations
sends all suspicious or doubtful cases
before the board within 24 hours .after'
they have been examined by the regi-
mental physicians. This has proved to
be superior to the old method.
Officers here are enthusiastic over
the rapidity in which the new men are
training. The presence of a few old
hands in the new squads makes the
progress of the rookies marked. Some
of the men who have but recently ar-
rived are presenting almost as mil-
itary an appearance as some of the

Lieutenant Jaeger From Training
Camp Confers With College Deans
and President H. B. Hutchins

Professor Meader Discusses Russian
Situation; "Every Man In His1REE [ T
Humor," Department Feature
seriousness and hearty humor markE



Organization Will Begin as Soon
Navy Department Gives Plan


To Add


Plans to form a naval reserve unit:
on the campus, the members of _which
will be allowed to complete the pres-
ent year at the University, is now un-
der way. It will be organized as soon
as it receives sanction from the navy
The unit, if formed, will be regulat-
ed after the fashion of the military
companies at the present time, the
only difference being that the men will
do work along marine lines,
University Heads Confer
Lieutenant Jaeger from the Great
Lakes naval-training station met with
President Harry B. Hutchins, the
deans of the colleges, and the military
committee, yesterday noon to discuss
the proposed division, Lieutenant'
Jeager, whq was representing Cap-
tain Moffatt at the station, returned
last night to make a report on the sit-
uation. He will notify President
Hutchins the latter part of the weep
if the new unit is to be formed.
Students Seek Reserve Corps
There has been a great demand
among the students for the creation4
'of a naval reserve corps, especially
among those students who desire tot
complete the present year,
Further details as to the organiza-
tion will be published as soon as the
plan receives official sanction. Those1
interested may communidate with
Prof. A. E. Boak, 1114 Wilmot street,k
or Rufas H. Knight, 1015 East Huronr

the initial issue of the Inlander, which
is placed on sale today.
A timely article on Russian charac-
ter and literature by Prof. C. L. Mead-
er, shows much light on the present
situation in Russia.
"Her Bit," by Vera Brown, '18, en-
joys the distinction of being the only
war story in this issue. A unique poem
by Muriel Babcock, grad., reflects a
mood we often feel but seldom ex-
Of the most general interest is the
"Every Man to His Own Humor" de-
partment, which- although new to the
campus today, has its parent in the
Inlander of 1891'
Single copies of the magazine are
15 cents. One dollar paid now will
secure all seven issues for this year.
Subscriptions should be paid at once
to the business manager, whose office
hours are from 1:80 to 2 o'clock daily
in the Ann Arbor Press building.


Maximalists Do Awiay With All Titles
Petrograd, Nov. 26.-A)l class titles,
distinctions, and priviiees have been
abolished by a pmoclamrtion of the
Maximalist commissioners. The indi-
viduals affected aro henceforth "citi-
zens of the Russian Republc." The
corporate property of the nobles, mer-
chants, and burgesses of the country
will be confiscated by the state.
Ministers May Leave Petrograd Soon
Copenhagen, Nov. 26.-Ministers of
the allied powers at Petrograd will
demand their passports if Russia en-
ters into separate peace negotiations,
according to a dispatch from Hapar-
anda received today.

Wire firiefs

(By Assc
With the Itall
Large. numbers
infantry and art
have at last ar
of the Italian t
Piave line and
northern Italy
The allied troo


Bolsheviki Treating With Berlin
Washington, Nov. 26.-Information
reached the state department today to
the effect that the authorities in Pe-
trograd were in wireless communica-
tion with Berlin. The character of the
communication passing between the
two capitals was unknown, but it was
assumed that it had to do with the
Bolsheviki offer of an armistice.

days, bringi:
bers of gun:
The men are
tie, and eag
against the e
superior nu:
the Italians
every foot of



192 Lits to Discuss Annual Autumn
Contests at Meeting To-

ican ideals

hundred foreign students rep-
ing 30 different nationalities
eet in an inforial reception at
clock Tuesday evening, in Lane
les E. Hurry, foreign student
iry for the Y. M. C, A., will lec-
n "The Best In Americanism,"
als that the foreign students in
iversity should incorporate into
courses to make them better
'upon their return home.
etary Hurry spoke to the Span-
dents last night in a pre-organ-
itations have been mailed to
loreign students but any who
receive them should arrange to
anyway," said Mr. N. C. Fetter,
ry of the Y. M, C. A., Secre-
urry is a wonder with students,
pecially tlhose not native of

rays be on the
ist autocracy,
e by Rabbi I.
O., in a er-
night before
ngregation on
Justify Amer-
e World Con-

n in

'hilo justified America's par-
in this war from the Jewish
view. He said that America
d herself on the side of Je-
prevent militarism from be-
ished in the world.

In an effort to escape from a minor
explosion in a blast furnace in the De-
troit Iron and Steel company's plant,j
Saturday, Norman J. Smith, '20E, who
was inspecting the plant with the.
class in chemical engineering, sus-
tained a fractured shoulder blade and
and a broken arm,
Smith leaped out of a window, strik-
ing his foot upon a beam, and falling
headlong 15 feet to the ground.
After an examination in Harper hos-
pital, he was hurried to Ann Arbor
and talken ao the Homoeopathic hos-
pital, where his condition is reportedv
Nine new members were initiated.
into .aXamma chapter of Mu Phi Epsi-i
lon, musical sorority, Saturday evening
at the home of Floy E. Petrie, Fair
Caks Parkway. The banquet at1
Mack's tea room was followed by al
nusical program and dancing at thel
home of Mrs. J. C. Petrie.
The following were initiated: Mrs.
Yenneth Westerman, Mrs. Wilson,
Narion Hatch, '19, Gladys Hunt, Mabel'
De Vine, Helen Marshall, Helen Rose,
Jessie Tapert, and Winifred Dickin-_
sn, all of the School of Music.
Wr Cancels American Laws Sessionl
Tie meeting of the Association of
Ameican Law schools, which was to
have been held in Chicago durigg $he
Chritmas holidays, has been post-E
pones because of the need of thet
goveriment of men who otherwise,
might attend. The association repre-k
sents 3' of the principal law schools
of the 'untry.


Class presidents of the sophomore
engineers and lits believe that contests
of some sort should be held between
the first and second year University
David A. Forbes, president of the
second year class of the literary col-
lege said, "I see no good reason for
abolishing the flag rush and cane
spree. However, if the faculty will
not allow it, a suitable substitute
should be found at once so that some
kind of games can be held this fall."
Carl T. Hogan, president of the 1928
engineers, when asked his opinion, re
plied, "I am in favor of the flag rush
or of any other contest which will
really take the place of it. There should
be something done about it at once."
The question will be considered to-
day at a meeting of the oph'lit class.
The sophomore classes of the dentist-
ry and pharmacy schools have not as
"et organized,

lishman as he walks through these 1ourion Yod S
streets may learn to knpw the fea- The British t:
tares and story of Benjamin Frank- and holding fast
hin, George Washington, Abraham Lin- Bourlon wood.
coln, and many others who stood up Sunday, the Gern
for liberty and made it possible for new their counte
Great Britain, France, and the United operations have
States to stand together today in the the sectors of I
battle for humanity." Byng's men lai

tern. Friday
eted at Stev-

Wants American Statues For London
London, Nov. 26.-A plea for the
erection of more statues of great
Americans in London was made here
this week by Professor Sumichrast of
Harvard, speaking before the Ameri-
can Luncheon club. &
"We who have the chance," he said,
"must do all in our power to make
England better known to Americans,
and America and its people better
known in England.. Any misunder-
standing that may exist between the
two countries is purely the result of
ignorance of one another. I would
have statues of every great American
set up in London, so that every Eng-



Save Pigeon for War Urges French
London, Nov. 26. - Field Marshal
Lord F'rench, commander-in-chief of
the home forces, has issued a circular
pointing out the serious results which
may follow the shooting of pigeons
by careless hunters.
He says that two pigeons, carrying
messages from seaplanes in distress,
were recently shot down, and their
messages were therefore several days
late in reaching the authorities. This
incident and the fact that the shoot-]
ing of pigeons has already caused the
loss of several valuable birds 'and in-
terfered with the training and use of
pigeons for naval and military pur-
poses, has led Lord French to in-
struct local magistrates to exercise
no clemency in further cases of this
French Army Adopts Soccer
Paris, Nov. 26.-All French regi-
ments will have in their official equip-
ment hereafter a football. This an-
nouncement, made by the war office,
shows the popularity in the French
army of the game of soccer. While 20
years ago football was hardly known
in France, there is hardly a town
today which does not possess' one or
more elevens, and the game is played

Big Gun
On the Wes
ent artillery
tween the Fi
the Chemin-d
dun region.

vasion of the Venetia:
rough hills they hay
the offensive against't
have pushed them b
of vantage they had
terrible sacrifice of 11

Washington, Nov. 26.-Tanks for
the American army are expected to be
as effective in every way as those used
by the British in their great drive it
was learned, although no details of
construction or as to number of ma-
chines being built were available.
Secretary Baker refused to discuss
the subject either in general or specific
terms. There is every reason to be-.
lieve, however, that substantial pro-
gress has been made in producing
fighting machines that embody all that
the British and French authorities
have learned of this type of war ma-
British experience, past and pres-
ent, is believed to have made it 'cer-
tain that tanks will do their share on
the American lines when a sector in
France is taken over by General Per-
Dr. H. J. Schnitz Lectures About Alps
An ilustrated ;ecture o the Alps
was given, 1y, Dr . J. Schmitz of
An Ar.bor Sunday eyening at the op-
en meeting of the Students' society of
the Unitarian hurch.
Many yviews shown are now the
scene of actual fighting. In addition
to the lecture, Mildred Sutton of the
School of Music played a violin solo.

British Battleplane Named for Woman
Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 26.-At
least one of the Australian battle-
planes being provided for the British
air service in this war, chiefiy by the
rural districts of the commonwealth,
will go into action bearing the name
of a woman. Miss Elizabeth Campbell
of Inverell station, New South Wales,
recently gave the defense department
S18,500 for the purchase of an air-
plane for the British government. Ar-
rangements were subsequently made
through the Australian high commis-
sioner in London that the battleplane
shall bear the inscription, "Elizabeth
Campbell of Inverell Station." Miss
Campbell was thanked by the defense
department for her gift.
Farmers' Fair Nds Red Cross $2,000
Proceeds from the two-day sale con-
ducted by the farmers of Washtenaw
county at the city Y. M. C. A. build-
ing last Friday and Saturday for the
benefit of the American Red Cross so-
ciety totaled $2,000 Saturday and a
greater amount is expected when com-
plete reports are returned.
Seventy new Red Cross members en-
rolled during the festival.E

which result
famous Hin
English (
On the Pa
Southwest ar
ish cavalry
and Am Kar
gates of the
the city, to t
to prevent a

west of

London, Nov.
Pankhurst, the s
recently returne
much that is ho
existing when s'
interview on he
she said:
"The great ma
ple are simple,
with a genuine h
itarism. They c
some way can be
the influences th
proper organiza
and the p.atriotic
per hand, Russi
power in the wa
turmoil one disc
German agent."
"You cannot 14
that can nrodu

reek, Nov. 26.-Major-gen-
i T. Dickman, until Satur-
nander of thq Eighty-fifth
the national army, com-
men at Camp Custer, left
morning for Camp Greene,
N. C., where he will com-
Third division, national

storm was
unit com-
to bid Gen-
while the

. . Railroad Control Probable
Washigton, Nov. 26.-Government operation of railroads during
the war Domed up as an increasing possibility today in the minds
of officials who, together withthe transportation heads, are working
out a plan hr relief of the eastern traffic 'situation. It is conceded
that if the. oling system about to be undertaken by the railroads
themselves 4es not solve the problem, the government will take
over the roam as one system.

Lucy Gates to Appear in Detroit
Miss Lucy Gates, coloratura soprano,
will appear as joint star with George
Barrere Thursday evening at the Arm-
ory in Detroit, on the program of the
Philharmonic course. Miss Gates sub-
stituted here for Galli-Curci in the
May festival last spring.


Clubs Lack Music; Concert Postponed
For lack of music, and unavoidable 'y
delay in organization, the Glee and
mandolin clubs will be unable to give Mi
a concert before Christmas. The club 2
was scheduled to give a concert th4

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