uliti I reigns, you may hear sometimes at a big game, when near the final whistle, "Hurry Up, Michigan." And the war- riors on the gridiron hurry and make1 a drive for another touchdown before it is too late for the added achievement to go down in history. The American troops must hurry on a vast scale to win this war. The world's resources of food and fuel and patience may soon be exhausted. We have entered the war late and every blow must tell. We must train, each man of us, intensively; and keep minds alert and will power keyed up. We must HURRY.-Trench and Camp, Camp Custer edition. We're very apt to be a glum ca Ypu for the next few days. No alibis to offer this morning. Beat- en and beaten fairly is all. But at that our defeat can be largely, accredited to the airplane methods of attack by the enemy. Hindenburg is learning to make his drives with the gears in reverse. General Byng continues to uphold his name. Rev. Carl Voight, pastor. of a Ger- man church near Chicago, was a de- cided pro-German before the federal agents cornered him. Now he says he'll be a true American. Funny how the worm turns. Even the Gargoyle gets recognition once in awhile. Why shouldn't it after publishing a photograph of Dr.' Lovell? Germany claims her attack on Italy is an act of "strategic foresight." The result may be a strategic retreat. WRITER SAYS ThEY WORK MINUTE, B U T DON'T AGENT DEEDS. EVERY PRESS """ :e L. Roeser Edgar L. Rice J. R. Mec:lpine Paul A. Shinkman Vera Brown K. Frances Handibo .SS STAFY Orviile L.Gates Harry D. Hause Lambert Hirsheimer IN. Gaethke 3VEMBER 25, 1917. r-Ciar ence Roeser L WHISTLE of us the 1917 foot- eason has been a keen disap- rent. It has been so not because pected a great deal from a gireen at the start of the season, but h the fact that the Varstiy- d so good against Nebraska and .. the complete change in the game, possibly none of us can discover with certainty. With =n game behind us, there is no ho would not have acclaimed ar a big success had we thor- trounced Northwestern yester- Since Michigan was beaten, and ed more or less decisively by ams, the 1917 Varsity can scarce- e to be ranked with the team ear ago by many outside critics. in victory or defeat there is al- he larger consideration of sports- ip. Whether her team is the in the West," or the best in the or what not, Michigan's team er supporters are always cred- vth true sportsmanship. Our f entering the Conference with a e victory shattered, we have to be prouid of. With two of the layers in the country out of our we must still be credited with remarkably well. It appears that Michigan would be more patriotic if we called the team the "informals" instead of the Var- sity. MICHIGAN NATIONAL GUAII ) RE-ORGANIZED INTO C'{O UPS Washington, Nov. 24. - Dissolving the Michigan national guard as a sep- arate organization, Adjutant-general McCain, announced today the re-as- signment of the men of the troops at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Texas, to make up the thirty-second division of the United States army. Units of the-:Michigan and Wisconsin national guard, combined with incre- ments of selected men have been plac- ed in the new organization. Cavalry, after having been dismounted, is ab- sorbed by field artillery and headquart- ers troops, while signal corps battal- ions were made a part of the engin- eer's regiment. Bayonne Students Form Organization Nine students from Bayonne, N. J., organized Friday night at the Union for the purpose of getting more stu- dents from their home town to come to Michigan. Temporary officers were elected to establish the society on a permanent basis. Plans are being made by the mem- bers 'to reach the students in the Bay- onne high school and to prove to them the advisability of coming here.; A list of the senior students at that high school has already been obtained, and personal letters will be written' them. S. Paul Epstein, '18, has been chos- en temporary chairman. Ships To Down Submarines In Year If shipbuilders and organized labor co-operate, 6,000,000 tons of shipping, the amount stated by Lloyd George as necessary to defeat the German sub- marine campaign, will be constructed by Jan. 1, 1919. Besides 2,500,000 tons of foreign shipping under construc- tion which have been comandeered by the United States shipping board, there is now 4,203,300 tons under contract in the United States, and it is expect- ed that contracts for 1,000,000 more will be let during the following week. Shipbuilders have agreed to rush the work to the limit, having three shifts of men working when possible. Editor, The Michigan Daily-We were addressed at the Band Festival as "Women of Michigan," and that is what we are. If there were more real men of Michigan the undesirable at- mosphere of the co-educational col- lege would be done away with. The very fact that we are women of Mich- igan refutes all the implications brought down on our heads Thursday night by a man who spoke more from ignorance than predjudice. Women Are Interested Because we do not air our accomp- lishments and our part in the struggle today with brass bands is no indica- tion of our un-interest and inactivity. While we were sitting idly knitting sweaters for Mr. Simons and his fel- lows to wear eventually, Mr. Simons was violently working on the plat- form and killing himself and all like him for us. If the general attitude of the campus were more uplifting to the women of the University, their part woulf be more easy and more profi-tbe Grls Knit Every Spare Minute Mr. Simons asks "what are you go- ing to do?" I feel it my duty ,to an- swer him that although we are not do- ing all we might do, we are going to keep on trying to do the things which offer themselves. Does Mr. Simons know the girls are knitting every spare minute of their time, buying theyarn as well as working it into shape to be worn? Does he know that every day the Red Cross rooms are filled with women doing nerve racking work for hours at a time? Does he. know that in the recent Y. M. C. A. campaign the women of the University made their quota the first day, and that the time had to be extended for the mnen; and that afterward, when the cards were ind'exed, the men weren't interested enough to turn out, and the women went over and did their work? Does he know that on The Daily and In- lander staffs the women are doing more than their share, and intend ul- timately, to take over the work alto-' gether when-the men are called away? Women Can't March in Streets Because we can't march in the streets amid public approbation and go and do something that shows for something, it is too bad this has to be thrown in our faces. And what is the other side? Men have military training two hours a day-yes, for credit in the University. One fraternity gave six dollars-from the whole fraternity-to the War Fund and sent $400 to Northwestern in bets. What kind of spirit is that? An man can go and fight within three months' time of training. It takes a woman, who is especially fitted for the part three years to learn to be a nurse-which seems in the masculine mind the only thing for a woman to do No, we women of Michigan do nt request commendation, but we do de- mand recognition. H. RUTH DAILEY, '19. HOOVER TO WAR ON FOOD MEN WHO FAIL TO GET LICENSES Lansing, Nov. 24.-Because several men in Michigan doing a business of $100,000 in the elevator, canning, job- bing, commission, broking, wholesale, and retail businesses, had failed to apply for licenses before Nov. 1, Na- tional Food Administrator Hoover not- fied George A. Prescott, federal food administrator, that proceedings will be begun at once to suspend trading operations with them. Mr. Prescott says that the hotels and restaurants, numbering about 2,- 900, have co-operated with him in ob- serving meatless and wheatless days to theextent that 1,900 have signed pledges to change their menus on those days to conform with the food conservation scheme. There are no "knockers" among the restaurant men, says the national food adminis- trator. The hotel and restaurant pro- prietors will fill out blank forms each month whereby the amount of foodi sav- ed can be ascertained. Boarding houses' are asking the administrator for me- nus which will enable them to sub- stitute something for meat and still satisfy the laboring men to whom they cater. Gasoline 23c, Polarine 50c. Staebler & Co., 117 S. Ashley St.-Adv. Unitarian Church State and Huron Streets 10:30-Address by Mr. Loring on Pragmatism and Religion. Thanks- giving Anthem by quartette choir. Offertory for Organ and French Horn. 6:30-The Alps; illustrated talk by Dr. H. J. Schmitz before the Student Society. The public is invited. CONsREGATIONAL CHURCH n SUNDAY, 10;30 A.M. "Do We Need a New Idea of God" Sermon by Mr. Douglas Ifto n Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night with Rebecca Green- burg, '19, 4045 Fifth avenue. Senior society will meet at 7:30' o'clock Monday night with Olga Per- schbacher, '18, and Olive Hagen, '18, at Martha Cook building. Grecling Cards. Switzer's Hardware 310 STATE CHOICE SELECTIONS OF NOW ON DISPLAY Slater's Book Sho STATE STREET Personal This year's samples are unusually good-dsk to see and Ieate your order NOW Freshman girls will please pay their social tax of 50 cents in the Wom- en's league room in University hall from 8:30 to 3:30 o'clock Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This tax is in no way connected with the regular class dues but is to defray the ex- pense of entertainments given by the class. Always-Daily Service-,Always.- Class dancinga demy Mondayf nings, 7:30 to 9: by appointment. -Adv. at the Packard Aca- STATE ST. and Thursday eve- 30. Private lessons Phone 1850-Fl. Gilberts and W AHR'S MAIN ATTENTION! The cut tells the story $30 and $35 - "te ' ... :y{ y, r The cut tells the story $30 and $35 Have yon seen the Official French Trench Coat? Removable wool lining-oil silk interlining-complete in every detail-approved by the war department. Sorry we cannot show a cut of this coat but will be glad to show the coat if you will call. WAGNER & COMPANY State Street at Liberty t " We have a complete stock of FL ASHLIGHTS and Flashlight Batteries Cranes Chocc QUARRY I PRESCRIPT Cor. State and Phaon We have both the inclination a the equipment to fu, nish the best in banking Qervice The Ann Arbor Savings Ba IN4CORPORATED 1869 Capital and Surplus $ 500,000 Resources . . . $4,000,000 Northwest Corner Main an Huron Streets 707 North University Aven DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jac (Effective May 22, 1917) Detroit.Limited and Express Cars-; in,, 8:1o a. in., and hourly to 7':10 p. m~ p. In. Kalamazoo Limited Cars- :48 a. n every twvo hnjurs to 6-:48 n.I .,; to L< 8:48 p. m. Jackson . Express Cars ;local stops v Ain Arbor)-9:48 a. m.. nd every t o to ;.:48 p. m. Local Cars East Boun-5,:35 a. in. a. In., 1:05 a. m. and e vry trio hours t po Y..sio5antI n.. 9:05 p. Ill., .o:o Ysiantiionly. r:2o a I.. q : ;p 2:05 m . *6:o5 1.Ip . 9 '4:5 T; inI I :-15 12:2o a. I-., I:IO a. nl.. 1:20 a. In, ra change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6: a. In. a. m_. 10:20 1. iM., 2:20 a. m. "Just a Little BETTER"1 AND AFTER THE WAR- entrance of the United States the 'war upon the Continent af- t the University of Michigan in ways, mostly for the good. It .e that we have lost nearly 2,000 nts and some of the most bril- men in our faculty among other s. But it is also true that we emerged for all these losses, a University, and a greater stu- body. reason is obvious. The national has cleared our hitherto befog- rains from some of its idle toys, some ofe its useless diversions. rwe are, in our attitude, toward s external, a greater nation as for we have now a bond that s together all alike. after the war, what? Will we ack iito the slovenly ways, the onsible attitude that brought it >an us? Or will we retain this .ess of mind, this bodily vigor, realization of short-comings - in itself means national unity? s we enter into the work of the with a resolve that after the s all over, we shall still retain up-to-the-minute attitude, then; lood-shed and sacrifices of our manhood shall be all for naught.W ICE for r TRUBEY 218 S Main Street i TYPI OOK CHRISTMAS CARDS Last year we sold completely out before Christmas and we therefore ad- vise you to buy early. We have a very artistic line and we bought before the rise in prices. Lyndon, Photographer. 719 N. University.-Adv. Classes Just Starting. En Today HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William Armory THA KSGIVI Tickets at Busy PARTY