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November 24, 1917 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-11-24

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4ft, 1C1






END Of Y. M. C. A



Lks Russia's Move Will
orted by Proletariat
' All Nations

special Wire Service and Score Board
To Inform Students of Pro.
gress of Varsity Gotne
Special wire service and a score



(By Associated Press)
Petrograd, Nov. 23.- In connection
with the order to General Dukhonin,
commander-in-chief of the Russian
army, to open negotiations for an arm-
istice with the enemy commander, the
Associated Press today interviewed
Leon ,Trotzky, -the Bolsheviki foreign

Deficit Diminishes To $627.21;
Subscriptions to Date-


Trotzky emphatically declared that
Michigan the soldiers' and workingmen's gov-
ernment was against a separate peace
with Germany. He voiced his convic-
tion that Russia's initiative in offerin-
Union in peace will be supportedby the prole-
tinct suc- tariat of all countries, allied or bellig-
B. Hutch- erent, which will make impossible a
from New continuation of the war even if the
ie session governments do not accept the offer.

Students Express Willingness to Ghi
Time In Order to Complete
f Quota
"Y" Totals For Friendship War
- Fund To Date
Faeulty subscriptions..$ 8,576.10
Women's contributions.. 5,988.44
11en's subscriptions.... 9,808.25
Unilersity total........ $24p72.79
Amount needed to com.
plete quota..........$627.21
The end of the Student Friendship
war fund looms in sight, according to
Mr. N. C. Fetter, chairman of the x-
ecutive committee. The total sub-
scription for the campaign is now'
$24,372.79, and but $627.21 is needed to
complete the quota of $25,000,
'"We hoped that the campaign would
be concluded sooner than this," said
Mr. Fetter. "The University has never
lagged on a proposition like this be-
fore, and the lagging grows greater
every day, as the diminishing amounts,

e hotelJ
icais is
,ers ad-
'e have
o, as a
as es -
are of

,summer SchoolI
Deans Welcomed
Executives Form Temporary Organ-
ization; To Discuss Potential
Services of Sessions
Summer school deans representing
14 universities were welcomed to the
University by President Harry B.
Hutchins and Dean John R. Rffinger
at the opening meeting of the confer-
ence held yesterday morning in Alum-
ni Memorial hall.
After the addresses a temporary or-
ganization was formed, of which Prof.
Edward H. Kraus was elected chair-l
man, and Director J. E. Lough of New

board will be in operation at the re-
turns' mass meeting at 2 o'clock this
afternoon in Hill auditorium, to give
play by play the returns from the
Michigan-Northwestern football gaine
at Evanston.
The 5,000 students and faculty mem-
bers who did not go to the scene of
the gridiron battle will be able to
"see" the game as it progresses, with
all the reality of a game, and none
of the chilliness. Cheer leaders and
music have been provided. From the
sale of tickets yesterday .afternoon,
indications are that a large proportion
of the students will attend the meet-
ing. Proceeds from the 20 cent ad-
mission fee charged will be given to
the Student Friendship war fu'd to
help carry the fund in Michigan to a
successful close,
The doors will open at 1:30 o'clock
sharp, and the returns will begin com-
ing in at 2 o'clock. -
"We expect that the students will
take advantage of the scheme, which is
novel and has never been offered in
this particular way to Michigan here-j
tofore. The campus has an opportun-
ity to help a worthy cause, to make the
Sammies' Christmas a happier one,"
said L. Mason Lyon, '19M, chairman of
the committee in charge.
Troops in rane
On Time - iiaker

Washington, Nov. 23.-Rear-Admiral
Arthur L. Capps, general manager of T
the shipping board's emergency fleet
corporation, was- relieved from duty in
that position tonight by President Wil-IM
son at his own request because of ill
health. His successor has not been
named, but Chairman Hurley of the
board is knoWn to favor the appoint-
ment of a man trained in the same ser-
While Admiral Capp's physician ha.1
advised that to continue at work woul i
imperil his life, there wer e reports
that friction between the admiral and ]
Chairman Hurley hastened the form- -
er's decision to retire.1
R IN.SW mpt B

and are



bureaus to
The other
e provided

assisted in his
incent, graduate
has volunteered
s own expense.
ersity Union i-:

Y: ;..

York university, secretary. A com-
nMittee composed of Director J. C. Eg-
bert, of Columbia, Director J. E.
Lough, of New York' university, andl

Custer Boys Appreciative
Three Michigan men who met and
talked with Mr. Fetter at Camp Custer,
Thursday, during his visit there, said
that they certainly appreciated the
Michigan spirit in donations to the
."Y" fund, and that they made their
homes in the association buildings..
Several students, who have been
working on the campaign in Michigan
for the Army Y. M. C. A. fund, de-
clared that they would willingly give
up the rest of their time to the secur-
ing of the last few hundred dollars
The committee has decided that the
drive will not close until, as one mem-
expressed it, "Michigan has made good
her promises to the other colleges of

With both feet frozen, Persis Groe-
schel, a graduate student who has
been missing for two days from the
University, was found yesterday morn-
ing suffering from exposure in a
swamp on the Steere farm near here.
According to physicians at the Ho-
moeopathic hospital, the girl's feet may
have to be amputated. When found.
she seemed to be suffering intensely


Arrival of

Sammies Has Kept Pace
Expectation of War


tors where the G4
ing to drive out t
ally are now stan
of Cambrai.


itude to-
n a feel-
C. Ifild-
Lt, in his
alt with
of the

Dean K. C. Babcock, of Illinois, was
appointed to consult with the educa-
tion committee of the council of na-
tional defense on the question: "In
what definite ways can the summer
session be of benefit to the, country in
the present (,risis, and what specific
courses might be introduced?"
Enrollment Shows Decrease
A comparison of enrollment at the
different institutions showed a 20 per
cent decrease, and it was decided that,
the work for 1918 should be curtailed
very little. Following a luncheon at the
- Uiion, the members were shown'
through the University buildings and
were entertained in Hill auditorium'
with organ numbers by Mr, Frank
Entertained at Martha Cook



e, Martha Cook dormitory entertained
by some of the deans at dinner Friday
=u- evening, while others were guests at
ty. Newberry residence. At 7:45 o'clock.
ed last night, Prof. Fred N. Scott, chair-
ex- man of the association of American
m- university professors, gave a rep6rt on
ild the progress of the committee on or-

of self-as-
ility, declar-
f self-assur-
gives birth

ed plans for the
;o be given every
-e year before the
pointed Professor
,m Elkind, '19E, a
n the matter. Fol-
there was an in-j
vith several piano
the members front

agnization of summer sessions. The
University club entertained the exec-
utives at a smoker at 9 o'clock last
night in Alumni Memorial hall.
To Form Permanent Organization
Today a permanent organization will
be formed and other important mat-
ters discussed.
The delegates to the conference are:
A. H. Rice, Boston university; J. C.°
Egbert, Columbia; W. D. Howe, Indi-
ana university; J. E. Lough, New York
university; C. S. Marsh, Northwes-
tern university; M. B. Evans, Ohio
State; M, E. Smith, Syracuse univer-
sity; R. D, Salisbury, University of
Chicago; K. C. Babcock, University
of Illinois; F. J. Kelly, University of
Kansas; L, D Coffman, University of
Minnesota; S. H. Goodnight, iUniver-
sity of Wisconsin; K. F. Webster, 'Har-
vard; E. H. Kraus and T. E. Rankin,
of Michigan. Besides these men, oth-.
er administrative officers of the Uni-
versity are attending the meeting,

One nurse for every 100 men will
be sent to the front, according to a
report just issued by the local branch
of the Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis as-
sociation. It is estimated that 10,000
nurses will be needed during the next
12 months.-
Aside from the regular work being
done by the association this year, a
war council has been created, and a
certain percentage of the stamp sale
will be used for work in the army.
Camp MacArthur, Waco, Texas, Nov.
23.-Adopting the suggestion of Lieu-,
tenant F. H. Missig, of Detroit, color-
ed arm 'bands are to be worn by spe-
cialists in the One Hnudred and Twen-
ty-fifth infantry regiment, stationed
here. Four colors have been adopted
to distinguish the men; Rifle gren-
adiers, red bands; bombers, yellow;
riflemen, green; machine gunners,
Enemy Aliens Forbidden Sight of Sea
New York, Nov. 23.-Thomas D.
McCarthy, United States marshal,
announces that enemy aliens will
be barred from all buildings which
command, a view of New York har-
bor or the North and East rivers.
It is .estimated that 10,000 Germans
will be compelled tom-ove from tall
Unnaturalized Germans will be
forbidden to live in apartment
houses on Riverside drive, between
Seventy-second and Eighty-first and
Ninety-second and Qne Hundredth

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 23.-Arrival of
American troops in Fra~ce has kept
pace with the expectation of the war
department Secretary Baker said to-
night, in the first official statement
he has authorized in connection with
the program being made to increase
General Pershing's forces.
Refase To State Number of Troops
Mr. Baker declined, however to state
the number of troops forwarded or to
indicate whether he anticipated delay
from this time. Movements of the
forces he said depended on two ele-
ments, the training and equipment of
the men, and the availability of ships."
As Many Men Overseas as Expected
"As fast as they are ready, ships
and men will be combined," the secre-
tary said. "As many American troops
are now overseas as was expected at
the beginning of the war,"
Mr. Baker indicated that an oflicial
statement of the number of American
troops in France was not to be ex-
pected at any time during the war.
Dean J. R. Effinger Commends Recent
Issues of Publication
"What I have seen of the Gargoyle
this year impresses me with the fact
that it is the best in the history of'
the publication," said Dean John R.
Effinger of the College of Literature,
Science,' and the Arts, 'last evening.
"Shoenfleld and Bachman areboth
very competent and are getting good
Seventeen hundred numbers of this
month's humor magazine have been
printed, but only 1200 will be offered
for sale on the campus. The other
500 have gone to Northwestern an
will be offered for sale there. TheI
sales, according to the business staffI
have been exceedingly good.

is said she left letters telling ofh er German rear guards, fc
intention of suicide. portion of General Eyng
dently is engaged in cons
POSTERS WANTED FOR UNION'S territory already won a
CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT for another dash forwa
time is opportune. South
Competition begins this week for the British have thrown:
posters for the Union's Christmas En- line slightly. On the south
tertainment. They arg to be handed Germans have delivered
in as soon as possible to Homer Heath, attacks against the Frencl
'07, general secretary of the Union. region northwest of Rh
Monologues are wanted for the pro- I Champagne, but all of tI
gram and students having any ideas pulsed by the French a
are urged to present them, even ; Huns Try to Reach
though they themselves do not care, Between the Brenta and
to deliver the monologues. Rehears- in the Italian theater, the
als will be held next-week. the Teutonic allies are s
grips with the enemy er
Rabbi L E. Philo To Speak break through to the Ve
Rabbi I. E. Philo, of Youngsto*i_ but with the Italians eve
0., will deliver the weekly sermon to 'a ciously holding them.
the Jewish Students' congregation at front the fighting is all

from the cold,' due to the long stay
in the open without sufficiently warm
clothing. She declared she had taken
a quantity of chloroform which was
purchased some days ago.
Miss Groeschel was graduated from
the University in 1908 with honors,
and returned this fall for advanced
work, being employed in the Library.
She had been subject to nervous spells
and, previous to her disappearance, it

6:45 tomorrow night in Newberry hall.
He will speak on the subject: "Can Re-
ligion Justify America's Participation
in the World Conflict?"
Treasury Total Grows During Week
Washington, Nov. 23.-More than
$1,500,000,000 has poured into the treas-
ury from Liberty Loan payments dur-
ing the past week, making the amount
now in the United States treasury*
come near the two billion mark. The
high tide came Thursday when the
treasury count was $1,921,000,000.
Arrest Soldier As German Spy
Denver, Colo., Nov. 23.-Max Linder,
a .soldier in the quartermaster's de-
partment at Fort Logan, near here,
and said by federal officers to be a
German naval reservist, was arrested
this morning by federal officers, sus-
pected of being a spy.

larly sanguinary natu
frequently meeting in
encounters and position
ing hands.
Loss of Enemy
The enemy everywhe
masses of men agains
and his losses have b
heavy. It seemingly is
of the invaders to'break
before the expected Brit
re-enforcements arrive,
present their efforts ha
out avail. '

the wood, which
Byng a position
battle front. Al
ly gained by tho
up to late Frida
of Moeuvre; '.
the town which
German:, had bc
Germuann Fig
The Ccrmans
recapture lost g:
further encroac:
The fighting, h
between the L'

Freight Car Causes 'Tie-up
fled freight car caused
on the Michigan Cen-
'oad yesterday afternoon
fell across the tracks
f Detroit. Traffic was
r several hours and trains
rbor were correspondingly

A Un
held at
to 5:30
> o'cloc

. , .w

I Play-by-Play Returns from




i and see Mis

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