Concert Dir
Albert I
_ _ _ _
Others on 5 Rolls
1.c 25c
a. 05c ea. 90C
It was a small red flag hanging in
dejected half-mast sort of attitude, on
the campus flag pole yesterday. He
wasn't sure what it might designate,
but something in its attitude and col-
oring, aroused in him a.feeling of an-
He voiced his indignation to the
nearest bystander, "I'd like to . find
the fellow that had the nerve to put
up that Socialist flag on our campus."
The junior recovered from his cus-
tomary lapse of world weariness with
startling suddeness, and in a voice, of
ill-concealed emotion explained that
the symbol was merely a means of
announcing that "because of the in-
clemency of the day drill would be
held indoors."
Educational, Religious, Charitable
Entertainments To Be Exempt
From Payment
Washington, Nov. 22. (Courtesy of
the Patriotic News Service).-All col-
lege entertainments or shows the pro-
ceeds from which are not for edu-
cational, religious, or charitable pur-
poses will be subjected to the same
tax as theaters. This is the decision
of Commissioner Daniel C. Roper of
the department of internal rev-
enue, given when asked how the pro-
visions of the act of Oct. 3 affected
the various student activities of col-
leges and universities of the country.'
Mr. Roper distinguishes between ac-
tivities conducted by organizations of
students and the colleges themselves.
Unless the proceeds are actually turn-
ed in to the college and not to some
association or organization of the in-
stitution, a tax must be charged the
same as at professional ball games or
Any claim for exemption by such an
organization must be made on the
grounds that the club or society is in
itself educational. The word "educa-
tional" has been used as meaning phys-
ical and moral training as well as
than others.
ted By S. P. Lockwood;
ckwood on Program
As Soloist
lup Pictures
Morgan talked
id Storing Sys-
men, under Prof. J.
11 leave on the 5:37
an Central train for
rning for the weekly
manufacturing plants
Special Scoreboard Will Show
Individual Play as it is
Under the direction of Mr. Samuel
P. Lockwood, the University Sym-
phony orchestra made its debut for
the year at 4 o'clock yesterday after-
nbon in Hill auditorium, at the regu-
lar twilight recital given under the
auspices of the University School of
Mr. Albert Lockwood, head'of the
piano department, appeared as solo-
ist. The the pernnel orchestra
ist. The personnel of the orchestra,
composed of the School of Music stu-
dents and some Ann Arbor people, was
as fol9ws:
First violins-Lucy M. Cannon, '18,
A. J. Whitmire, Mrs. S. P. Lockwood,
Morris Lusking, Ethel Kennedy, Jos-
ephi Neuss, '21E, GraceDE. Albracht,
'21,, Hugh Atvater, '20, Dorothy Hay-
maker, A. Mark Yeager, '21D, Fred L.
Puvogel, '20, and Norman C. Roegner,
Second violins-J. Silhavy, Nelson
F. Allmendinger, Howard S. Liddell,
grad., Neva M. Nelson, '21, Mildred E.
Sutton, David C. Mervis, '21, Joseph
H. Lyons, '20, Walter F. Tschaeche,
'20E, Marion Slaughter, Milton Wru-
ble,. '21, Mrs. Sara R. Worth, M. C.
Sheweraft, 'Louis W. Kerleskowske,
'21, and Cecil C. Rhodes, '21.
Violas-E. A. Schaeberle, Winifred
Wilson, '21, and John C Post, '19;
violincellos-Whitley B. Moore, '18E,
Merle W. Kann, '20, and J. S. Price;
bass viol-D. E. -White; piccolo-
Douglas M. Teal, '21D; flutes-Hugo
V. Prucha, '19, and Francis L. Schnei-
der; oboes-Harry R. Evans and Clar-
ence H. Harpst, '20E; clarinets-Leo-
nard Falcone and Herman S. Sher-
man, '21E.
Bassoons-Merle W. Kann, '20, and
Lois A. Inskip; horn--Elba E. Wat-
son, grad., and Norbert A. Lange,
grad.; cornets-Lloyd M. Weaver, '21,
and D. C. Arner; trombones-Nelson
W. Eddy, '19, Harold F. Stotzer, '20,
and John D. Brown, '21E; tuba-Har-
old S. Hodge, '20E; timpani-Elmer
R. Wirth, '18P; percussion-Donald
E. Rhodes, '21, Douglas M. Teal, '21D,
and Norman C. Roegner, '20E.
7 o'clock-Polonia literary circle
meets at Lane hall.
7 o'clock-Prof. J. N. C. Hilder
to Cosmopolitan club in room 301 Un-
iversity hall on "A Definition of Re-
7:30 o'clock-Alpha Nu literary so-
eiety meets in Alpha Nu rooms, Uni-
versity hall.
7:30 o'clock-Bayonne (N. J.) stu-
dents meet at Michigan Union.
8 o'clock-Social for Methodist stu-
dents and friends in church parlors,
corner of State and Washington
8:30 o'clock-Art lecture at Alumni
Memorial hall by Ross Crane, subject,
"Art as An Expression of Life."
2 o'clock-Meeting in Hill auditor-
ium for benefit of "Y" fund. Game re-
turns received.
7 o'clock-Upper Room Bible class
meets at 444 South State street.
Those 'having snapshots of Michigan
men in military service are requested
to turn in prints of same to the Michi-
ganensian for the military section of
the book. Those complying please
leave names with pictures.
lave You Flat Feeti Try This New One
There is still hope for the men who
have been rejected from military ser-
vice on account of flat feet, accord-
ing to examining physicians of the
United States marine corps.
Because of the large number of oth-
erwise physically fit applicants reject-
ed from the corps because of flat feet,
a set of simple exercises, designed to
cure the ailment, has been issued by
the authorities. They are as follows:
During exercises, turn the toes in.
Walk with toes of each foot pointing
to the front; in straight line, if possi-
Stand with toes turned in, raise body
on toes, slowly, as high as possible.
Rest a second, then with weight of
body on toes, lower slowly to the floor,
and repeat.
When in the house in stocking feet,
walk on toes; heels not touching the
floor, and with toes turned in.
When sitting, cross the legs, the foot
always resting on the outer side.
Ann Arbor
Do You
213 N. MAIN ST.
Phone 152-W
'rofessor Bursley's fourth course
army stores methods will be com-
ted on Dec. 15. A fifth course will
rt Jan. 5. A large number of appli-
ions for the fifth ordnance course
already been received, and since
class can accommodate only a
ited number, just the most desira-
applicants will be accepted.
he army stores methods students
I be given a 'holiday next Thurs-
r, but it is imperative that they
back in Ann Arbor at 5:37 o'clock
day morning to take the weekly in-
ction trip to Detroit.
)ne hundred and eight ordnance
n will be entirely uniformed by the
3 of the week. The work has been
ayed on account of lack of mater-
and tardiness on the part of the
dents in having their measurements
Michigan's women cadets" will hold
next drill on Wednesday after-
in in the athletic field opposite
bour gymnasium under the regular
n case of unfavorable weather the
lls will be held in Barbour gym-
ium. Several additional drills will
added at the next meeting.
iquet Friday Instea or Saturday
and members and other Michigan
n accompanying the team to Chi-
o, will banquet at 6 o'clock Friday
ning at Stevens restaurant, 17
th State street.
t was erroneously stated in yester-
's issue of The Michigan Daily, that
banquet was to take place S ,-
ay night.
ance at Armory every Saturday
'ht. 9 to 12.-Adv.
Returns of the Michigan-Northwest--
ern game will be given play by play
tomorrow afternoon at Hill auditor-
ium under the auspices of the Y. M.
C. A. Arrangements have been made,
for a direct wire to give every detail
of the game as soon as it is played on
the field at Evanston. M. L. Lyons,
'19M, and V. D. Gould, '19, will make
the ainouncements to those present.
A special score board like that seen
at the regimental smoker last Satur-
day will be used, showing the number
of yards made by each team, the man-
ner in which it was gained, and the
team that gained the yards.
Admission tickets can be secured at
Huston's, Calkins' - the Busy Bee,
Cushing's, Slater's, Sugden's, the Y.
M C. A., and Newberry residence.
All the proceeds are to go for the
"Y" Friendship fund.
Will Supply Bibles For Soldiers
New York, Nov. 22.-A campaign to
help build up army morale by putting
a' khaki testament in every soldier's
kit has been given the united support
of the federated churches, and the ap-
proval of the administration at Wash-
ington, according to an announcement
made in this city today at a meeting
of the war committee of the American
Bible society.
James R. Wood, president of the so-
ciety, announced that the committee
had approved plans to raise $400,000
for the immediate distribution of these
testaments to all American soldiers
and sailors now serving under the col-
Last year we sold completely out
before Christmas and we therefore ad-
vise you to buy early. We have a very
artistic line and we bought before the
rise in prices. Lyndon, Photographer.
719 N. University.-Adv.
Lights in the dome of the capitol
Hartford, Conn., were extinguished
8:45 Nov. 20, not to be turned on ag
until the end of the war.
A detachment of 100 army surge
and several nurses under Col. Wa:
D. McCaw of the regular army
been organized by Surgeon-Gene
Gorgas for service in Roumanian h
Amsterdam reports that all curr
cy quotations on belligerents' mot
rose as a result of unconfirmed pe
Wheat shipments are being hal
temporarily in order to move the c
ou can make it in one jump-WHERE?
to the only I
During recent fighting on the wes-
tern front air raids have obliged the
Red Cross hospitals to move back in-
to neighboring woods.
'21. wo
the Mi
and blue print paper.
the Daily adverti