____ ____ TE MIHIANDAILY , w~t!"-ve- , -' 1 . ! e . FC ' I r4 / Our "Devon" Model A regular the rougbred .r x Comes also in Brown Russia, Koko Brown Siberian Calf 13 (~ordo'~a~ ,S9 v 4.939 Pri $9.0 $7.00 io $9.00 LAW SCHOOL1,LOSES MANY OF FACULTY Teaching to Be Dlvld, d by Thiose Left SDuring the &jast year the Law school has lost several memabers of its fac- ulty. This has made it necessary that those who remain teach more classes. No addition will be made to fill the vacancies. Dean Henry M. Bates has been granted one year's leave of absence. In the meantime, he will be a mem- ber of the faculty of the Harvard law school. He will return to Ann Arbor to deliver the Convocation day ad- dress, Friday, Oct. 12. During his absence from the Uni- versity, affairs will be left in the hands of an administrative committee of five. Prof. E. C. Goddard is presi- dent of this committee and Prof. T. A. Bogle. secretary.. Others who have gone are Prof. J. C. Knowlton, who died last winter;. late Professor-emeritus Bradley M.. -thompson, Prof. T. A. Bogle, who retired at the close of the last school year, and Prof. G. C. Grismore, re- signed and waiting to be called to Camp, Custer. Australia is supplied with 100 species of. snakes, three-fourths of them venomous. 7:30 house, ti /WHAT'S GOING ON Thdy o'clock-Baptist Guild open Guild house, E~. Huron street. Cousins & Hall u~02 S. 1k-verBoot Shop D<'NCING he Packard Academy vy andl Thursday Leenlng227:30 beginiog Otbe tik. Alo eper couple "'Oc; siugT ' 25C. tlessons by app.oizziime;._ dry casel-, eiough- revroe I Notice : Before engaging music for your parties for the coming season, consult Shorty Prescott about his Majestic Theatre orchestra. Also his novelty and jazz. combinations. Special prices for fraternities and ror- orities for series. Shorty Prescott, Phone 158 8-J 220 W. And St.--Adv. Dancing at Armory every Saturday night -9 to 12.-Adv. 117)norrCow 7:30 o'clock---Fresh:man mass meet- ing in Hill auditorium. 7:30 o'clock-Alpha Nu debating so- ciety meets in Alpha Nu rooms, Un- versity hall. 7:30 o'clock- Kalamazoo normal ,tudents' meet at University Y. M. IC.A. T-Notices Tryouts for membership in the Choral Union will be held from 10 to 12 o'clock and from 4 to 5 o'clock to- day at the University School of Mus- c. Trials will continue for several dlays. Important meeting 'of the Round- Up club at the Union at 7:30 o'clock tonight. The history department wishes to announce the following courses omit- ted from the annual announcement of the literary college. Uniforms will be is sued to Varsity band men in room 328 Natural Science building Thursday from 4 to 6 o'clock and Friday from 1 to 6 o'clock.. History 37-History of the United States during the Civil war and re- construction. Given by Professor Wal- lace Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 o'clock in room 203 Tappan hall. History 38b-The United States dur. ing Jefferson's administrations. Given by Professor Wallace Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday at 2 o'clock in room 203 Tappan hall. History 41b-Seminary dealing ,with history of the eastern group of south- ern states. Given by Professor Wal- lace Wednesday from 4 to 6 o'clock for two hours' credit in room 206 Tap- pan hall. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. We Specialize In Hoover Steel Ball Co, and Kintg Trailer Co. STOCK Choice Cu t Tb:1 CURTIS Hand IBuilt TIRES' Plain and Non-skid Tread Built By VULCANIZED PRODUCTS Ga. Muskegon, Mich. Rae Theatre Today Only HAROLD LOCKWOOD in the craziest-but best fight- ing Comedy of his scrapping\.r career- "THE HAUNTED PAJAXAS:" Suppose some one made you a present of a suit of pajamas- and suppose that when you put them on-you turned into a China Man? -Crazy! T should say. See it to-night at the RAE. r--- EnginoersI~ Ti~D AY, O0'P mgrs nd o I A Spcialr Yade 4Z 0 0 after you enroll- you will need many supplies We have Drawing Sets, T-Squares, Slide Rules, and everything you need, IV. AVE.S 9flembers of the Florists Telegraph Deibery A ssociation, m / . I i c,..... . ....... ._,. ....,. ., Lits, Laws, Medics! and all others will find just what they want here WE ARE THE ONLY reshenGreetings: We eof C ye"' ;=o7 cur c=d We have seen many of YOU COrme1 Unif W :hA been here 12 long yeas srving "r t ; . <;'i -slid Women. Several. or s have 'Ted to set've 1yea inthe same capacity butin .,st hai,,;.. While teyhave made failures, 'e v 3i",-; .._!.se, ? s w as we are entering ~.ntbe shoo yr~,we ~zt y~,Mr. Freshman to r;, stared I116'. We V want .s ;1ito know our busi- noe-ur r=.ou -v 4 ou as a'etudent and in aifter -ears w e vwant ou t+r'i ?o~ now w',at Pictures of G,)Mege day_, melut to _."ery student- what a knowledge oz ,-oray s to a man through life. si downx and think it o rand resolve to-start NOW %7oki7eenacp eco t now to find by',in- quiryv or b, esnlobevto who should do your Koda inshin-whoLas t'?e Kodak-'aud Finishing hino s of t-11$ vnew 'hom CE?_f :'eurs. W re i doti oto c '1_ oii mludget acquainted with. time F betan nls dv Kodak Shop 'in _ ii gza t~ a r i ?; mbrt ',=t we guarantee every job-or no pay. These is only one real Kodak Shou in Ann Arbor' and. that is. LYNDbON'S--719 N. 'University Ave., 2 doors from the Hill Auditorium, at the sign of the Kodak-right on the Campus-just north of the, Law Building. (Est. 1905, growing ever since) Two Doors' from the ArcadeTheatre P. S.-Open every evening until 9 o'clock-but you can; drop your film after hours in the chute and well take care of it next day Here's some, good news:--We have, 9000 :stjnau Kodaks to ren for only IOC per day. Alsn some bar- gains, in slightly used Kodaks as well ws all the new ones--in stock. Our, films are 'fex they don't get stL: 'round here. See &-or line of albums. Come in,-end gel.-P i~4iped. I'll have some Rush and Football Pictures for you roon. S TUDENTS, UPPLY TORE I 1 111 S. UNIVERSITY Ave. I Bass Soloist wanted for church pos- Ition. Call 312 S: Division, Phone 212-J.-Adv. Buy your alarm clocks at J. L. Chapman's, Jeweler. 113 S. Main. --Adv. Of~icers' Uniforms and accessories. G. H. Wild & Co., State Street.-Adv. tf V.. Drawing Instruments. Unusual btr- gains in second-hand sets, at Wah~ir's. -Adv. Opening assembly at Armory R~at- urday night. Dancing 9 to 12.--A V. Michigan Memory Books, Sang Books, Banners, Pennants, Jewejlry, etc., etc., at Wahr's.-Adv. lei Lyndon IForshee & Kuehnle 'I Snvstment Soourilos Phomne 2196-J 412 first Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 4 - -w. .. . - $ = a I E .. 'z' a ' ! x HE HOUSE OF ALFRED J. RUBY, Inc., wishes to announce to the student body they have a Branch Shop in the Nickels Arcade which. Sis operated for the convenience of our old and prospective patrons. -i / / i 1_, Our business is "Extraordinary Footwear" for Men and Women. i Extraordinary" is just as descriptively necessary concerning the merchandise of this shop as the word footwear itself. We are conscious that to build for ourselves an enduring patronage, can be accomplished .='~ by making the name Ruby represent that which is utmost in every phase of shoe mer- 11 t p / s, t I_ / . Il ci jdising through all the successive steps of supreme materials, ultra styles, intelligent fittgig, courteous service, and- sound values. I CiThe proof is in the purchase. We invite your inspection. ALFR E) ~* U BYIne GW~h~K ~ ~ ciot ~..n ~ ~ -~ ~ - i I