AE during the ga parade of the men. III ut I. hard )atI 'URPLE ELEVEN GIVEN HARD WORKOUT BY COACH FRED MURPHY Evanston, Ill., Nov. 20.-Coach Fred [urphy lived up to the schedule he ad planned for this week and sent his lanned for this week and sent his ten through a light but spirited crimmage with the Freshmen this af-- rnoon. on Ferry field ye i street clothes ai as out of the gan ,he season, a tc FRESHMEN STAY OUT TO GIVE VARSITY MEN SCRIMMAGI: The Michigan All-fresh football team has finished its official season but is to remain out for practice until Thursday night, in order to give the Varsity any scrimmage they might de- sire. Thursday evening the team will elect a captain, there having been no regular one all season. Fletcher, left end, who broke his collar-bone in the Michigan Military Academy game, has been acting leader this fall. Last evening those of the yearling,; iegulars who were not disabled in th, Notre Dame scrap last Saturday, won from the Varsity scrubs 6 to 0, in 30 minutes play. Bailey, Wetzel and Tinchae played the best football of the scrimmage, Wetzel scoring the counter Chicago, Nov. 20.- in the Conference to day will settlensec( the Big Ten, Chicag inois, and Wisconsir for the position. E Conference will be Wigonnand (?b .e final IN ACTION ON SI SECOND HONORS TO BE IN GAMES PLAYED WEEK a an appears e bi- boy the The varsity did not find stiff oppo- ance sition from the yearlings and raced through the line for several long stlCl gans, and the freshgmen were instruct- still ed to hammer at the weak points in en- 'the Purple line which showed improve- er ment from the individual instructions ine . given them yesterday. ' The backfield was taken to one side ss- pf the field and sent through a long that practice of running down punts, sig- up Jnals, and forward passing, as Coach heir Murphy is endeavoring to develop mrmore speed in his backmen and more accuracy in their handling of the forward pass. The men were also given a short drill in falling on the )AY ball and interference tactics since the Purple mentor is not overlooking a ake single point in the rudimentary know- the ledge of the game. irse Line Given Hard Work hen The linemen also came in for some first Attention in today's practice and each man was given a hard session in con- blocking and pocketing a man to keep irse him out of a play. Coach Murphy de- be manded speed of the ends and sent ctor the flankers down after punts\and for- ish- ward passes until darkness prevented l be practice. the Both students and players are tak- linc ing livelier interest in the coming ned Wolverine battle than ever before be- cause the clean victory over the ned iowans showed the Purple team is con- equal in calibre to those of preceding an- years. Gridiron fans all over, are ter- anxiously awaiting the clash as it will 1 of give them an opportunity to watch ser- how the Wolverines will stack up by pgainst one of the strongest teams in the Conference and also give them an opportunity to, draw conclusions as to the relative merits of football out played in different sections of the ad- country. ery Sale of Tickets Heavy the The sale of tickets is reported to be the most p which is s setback at week, will smash the the n,- -l1 U . l, Dr. Walker Advises Underclass Women three stars of t "Do not study immediately after a their last game heavy meal," said Dr. Eloise Walker in meet Minnesota an address to women students of the Ohio State last University assembled in Sarah Caswelt nesota was clea Angell hall yesterday afternoon. "Try but the supporte to avoid hearty noon lunches when you ders look for have 12:30 classes to follow." Minnesota scra "Digestion and Food Values," was team to win. the subject chosen for Dr. Walker's C Indiana and third hygienic lecture. She explain- "grudge" affair ed the importance of the various diges- which the chami tive organs and compiled a list of will be settled. "don'ts" for the benefit of women stu- these teams hasv dents. they have clea some mi of the c We Are H ta See Our Army Shirts at Leather Puttees, Army We can save you money TAKE A LOOK AT ,s e made Wool-lined and Unlin( We are agents for the Tinker So. State CLOTHES F vy, 2,000 being alloted to tl at the Great Lakes trani Jack-' sta- RRO I THE VARSITY BAND In a half-hour Concert of the best Band Music you will ever hear. JR" KK, PHIL CARROLL, ALDEN -KER E. REIDER HOWARD, & CO. IN "ACTION" F. D. Reider and Jimmie Hole aradise" .L 0 ' . )WN 4-TETTE G, BOES, HODGE, SCHUNTZ, with O'DONNELL at the Piano LE 'CHIC."' q BROOKS '19; ELMER CRESS, '20; EARL 3S, '20; VIRGIL ROWLEY, '20; STEWART TE'19 hic," FRED ADAMS F. EMMERMAN and SIMONS Original Songs by Mr. Simons I "Still We Call Them Babies Today" 2 "I Know a Girl" 3 "Women of Michigan" G. JOYFUL JUMBLE OF JAZZ By Cottington's Mean Music Makers Harmonium ROBINSON Jay Box......................KUNKLE African Harp................. COTTINGioN Peck Horn .........................SUNLEY 1st Asst. Peck Horn.........DIFFENDERFER Destructophone ....... .............LUTHER a Be END THE BAND TO NORTHWESTERN BY ATTEI