'ii. _ . , ~ ~ is r . sss I THE ICHGANDAILY __.I --.- _ . . . '- .-.-. -. i . . T---'- .-- . --. ________ _ ..._.._._ _ Yo. r f,, ..' din - k "f fen- -notP~D~ Ut hnest i,~ hn~oring w41 0 y 9 l ~~- $ Lide Afc - , x row,.- ~ T1IS YEAR Salient features in the work of the Women's league for the coming year are more extensive Red' Cross work, and increased co-operation between the league and the Y. W. C. A. Ur- gent need for Red Cross articles at this time makes necessary a larger Rled Cross organization, while it has long been felt that the bounds of the Yi. W. C. A. and the Women's league so overlap that a closer relationship would prove effectual. The league will take up definite plans for the year's program at the first regular meeting of the board of directors to be held on Saturday, Oct. 6. Organization of Red Cross work, and social service in the hospitals will to considered at this time. Anna Lloyd, '18, president, announces that the league starts the year with a clean slate, owing to the fact that the B~oard of Regents this summer as- sumed its debt on Palmer field. D~ean Jordan, Mildred Mighell, '18, and Anna Lloyd, '18, are delegates to the convention of the State Federa- tion of Women's clubs, of which the Women's league, is a member, to be held at Traverse City, on Oct. 16-17-18. The league's summer school organ- ization this year was most successful. Mary Porter, appointed by the presi- dent tf- take charge of this work, re- ports that nearly 'every girl in. sum- mer school was a league member. Part of Conference Many freshmen girls do not seem to understand the purpose of the ex- istence of this organization.. For their benefit, it might be said that the Wom- en's league is but an integral part of a larger and more complete organiza- *tion known as the Middle West Con- ference of Women's Self-governing or- ganizations. This conference includes organizations in. Wisconsin, Minne- sota, Michigan, and exists to promote the social betterment of4 college wom- en. All members of this conference send delegates to a yearly convention. Last year, however, the convention was called off, and the equivalent of the expense that would have been in- curred was turned over to the Red Cross. At Michigan, it is the Women's league which has been directly respon- _LTY ( Additions and changes in f acul ty. and courses have perhaps been nais-, pronounced in the economics tcpar .t-. ment than in any other branch o h lit college this year. Prof. E. D. Jones, who has bec leave of absence last year lectn i and making investigations of nl- trial plants in different parts fte country, has returned" to suo charge of his old courses andt a now course in American trade. "Criminology," "Community 'ho lems," and. "Problems of Poverty ;i some new courses that have b a gu at d by MrhAi..- _ structor in sociology. Mr. odn also giving the course in "Labo' ? lems" and expects to carry on i tical social investigations in D institutions. Prof. W. A. Patoy' structor in economics here a. few yer ago, has returned from the University of Minnesota and is now taking chiarge of the accounting work here as as- sistant professor. The course in "Public Finauc' is now given by Prof. H. C. Adanas w.ho originally started the work ' he E University a number of years ag o. The course in "Railway Organization a-rid Operation," which he gave lastyer Iis now being taught by Mr. 1 oi.Cowin. The work in law of cotntia~ and law of commercial paper is beim,_ 5 I Gtus Fr ~ g ,npux -146, 4'Z D. H. to i 0 Ii{v"_t::the;:taution and he u mnezeI ~fu'~sh the -w___ bet -'Vice Tz tf ksO e nI S nsBank - a; iisu°ip 8500,000.00 Q~u~ ~ ER IC , ..$4000,000.800 -rs,4~3 ~ ~ '~~jX'i~~i-r pMain andW -~ sTx ° S YRs , 7 ';t - ~siyAvenue sHA-DY rl O r OR " N RRTRAVELERS DoYou 0 eTOI LNE SUGA BOW B~~en ~etoitAnnArbor and Jackson Y'~toitL~itand}i~c a Cars-7:35 a. haysou~~ 4j~ ~~j~411j),ed . ~a: X~.:r to7:I0 p. III., 9:10 C~udyStors intli~state }.4~2K./C~.I.mw Cars-8:48 a. mi. and to Lansing, T ya'terowRfieao~ jaz iji; n Cr I ~jstops we-tt of ani x C ul . ' ~ ~ a o .: ~'every two boars 'st ;35a ~ ~a. im.. 6:40 "acs o a : ,; _o a 01 :' '.r-t~o hoars to 7:u'5 t iplant:: 1 :11. ~:~ .i., Io:;5 P. III. Ph~o98 19 . ai ~ { Y'saa ~lv q. i..9:;o a m., i 967 !. Ia . 0419i l ,.:44 x). In. I11:43 p4j"., Loca Car \Vet Beied :os a. nt., 7:48 sible for Palmer field, our fine dorm- I in itor~es, houses the organization of league for women and the vocational V. F r0vy ti- terr $ .: 0 ia ~ l ^yA _i'^' Yor Very Bank- ing- ned fulfilled at "vocanis Bank 830v So. State St. ' r ckeI8 Arcade) 1i its anythig Photo- 13 a' Univ rity Ave. Cymsuts$1 ~)--ioadvance-Wag- nr&Co . Stat: St. at Liberty.-Adv. conference held here each spring. Formerly, the athletic department has been but a committee of the league. This year, however, the two are separate and the athletic depart- ment will elect its own officers, and will be self-supporting. At present the 1917-18 membership is approximately 450, with plans for a membership campaign in the future. VARSITY GLEE CLUB EXPECTS SUCCESSFUL YEAR INI 1917-18 Varsity Glee club officers are con- fident that this year's organization will be up to the regular standard in voices, although the membership may be slightly smaller than in former seasons. Try-outs will be held at 7 o'clock next Monday and Tuesday evening in the new University School Hof Music building on Maynard street. The per- sonnel of the club :will be announced within a few days after .that time. On Tuesday, evening the Mandolin club candidates will also be tried out. The number of last year's men to return has not been definitely learned, but a goodly number have appeared on the campus and will probably con- stitute the nucleus of the clubs. Horace L. Davis, '17, one of the mem- bers of the Varsity quartet in 1916-17, may return, but positive information er canot be secured. ~ru~n16dusihig~o aru theil ro3 n, ala te'"ei Iy :i ., . . B. Virebnt.ad!Ir. a. L4 Thorntnhv iob4rad' lh nufl,I Alt;ug~n:' nwmnhv ~e 've~ d _..t~i A .tie lo h onc ,tav 17,~~ainti :r R. G Rokeyhasbee la rk.F sso ofaccuitng t Wofshr ax.,:- iversity in St. Lous.e Mr. P. Sn Tcke rtien fmheiirsit w. Le Wlman.haslbenicawith..h Jons Hokirs.uivrs ity .> ero iertyin St.oouis. M.C LL-FRE SH CLUB WILL HIOLD TRY-OUTS WEDWE 'as Try-outs for the All-fresh Glee club 5 j 11l be held at 7 o'clock Wednesxv = IP rening in the University School 1 usic building on Maynard street. Any students at Michigan for 'E -t time this year will be eligible t yout whether they ar* freshmen 3 y members of any other class o i Empus. Membership will not b 11 d to 1921 men as is the preyo ea. Mr. Kenneth N. Westerman ; .q rect the organization. Serenades will form the prigc f.a art of the club's work after reli. s. In addition to this there wil, 1 .eral appearances at freshman . dngs and possibly a short t:Ic' Darby towns. The club may ap~ the Boat club's annual regattl i .e spring if satisfactory arrac L1 ents can be made. ni ;lasses In Modern German Pop Classes in contemporary Gfe: !* 3rature at the University hay Ilen ouff, althot gh rumors have culat'ed to t etfee-t that suci1 Gaspe. loder em n is as Tas eve, aeorig toy a stat - ,de ba enib .r ofthe Ber fa . .r a."u' iI f i ________ JEL~ ' ~ I UILL ~ z~ 1L1 Lettering Shale at Wah r' .--Av Um yaCp; a Leave Copy It at f~ r a,'Students' Ths~u1~ A VER~SINOSupply Store - S EA A tu civr Flrxr u of) FORUET -To er eiae 715 F, Huront F0R SAl FOIL SALL~---- Wehst.er ~ nfl coin 1)h'te, Von, Phone 51.9-i LOST-Cold watch field between ton and North hleaO [urn to V. B. Go -- Phone 24'~'7 7 4 LOST' Leathor between ~;2O ~i Hu~d.on's. Rex BOX F. .1' F, y ed-5 ercek'$.O0for four week i.avawe M 'vMealn, 614 Momroe S,*---Audt. to o..Fr' I t i }: 4 , $2.050 oIn trpl:71 -I . _. ;3. pit. }v 4 ,. c. ._ . "r 1 Ca Dxl _.. ; l i g.. x~ 'r U 4 R ,tom= PIANOS 'A° 00off- N MONIAY1r 8V t st, 191 1 3 $ 1 ~; 0,e c: oMA!N STt' ' _ . . A 3'N c ARB xi'a' ~o 1005 Efl. Cathine St I AmerI, .' ii.1an Expj r- C rALMMI" AM i ";' y''C :.,, a afi . , 5' _< ' o .ci '.. : ' - -y'iL ." ' .b ' 1 '?d:. P" ' ,. 3 t tisw. . i?' v'., x?-'.t-,w . .r3 :t i da