do epedy this con- is wrong for a 11 the work on one of us take to be done, and naturally good abits which will ceeding later in I w o4W IH I Board of directors of the Womens league will meet at 9 o'clock this morning at Barbour gymnasium. Women's athletic association will give the second annual all-camp, mixer at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gymnaium. A cross-country hike wil -tart at 9:30 o'clock this morning from iar- bour gymnasium. Comedy club will ititiata new mem- bers at a dance at 8 o'clock tonight in Packard academy. Heads of league houses will meet at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Regular and substitute hockey teams will have a supper Sunday night at the forestry farm. Michigan Dames will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night at Newberry, hall. SUMMER SCHOOL EXECUTIVES TO CONVENE IN ANN ARBOR Twelve Universities Will be Repre- seited in Administrative Con- ference ing to the Students' Friend- ship War Fund. First hour of the campaign at, U. of M.,-Twenty-eight students and Faculty subscribed $552.00, -average gift $19.79. First hour of the campaign at M. A. C.,-Ninety-two students and Faculty subscribed $176.00, average gift $19.18. First day of campaign at U. of M.,-One hundred and seventy- seven students and Faculty sub- scribed $2,721.50,-average gift $15.38. First day of campaign at M. A. C.,-Nine hundred and thir- teen students and Faculty sub- scribed $8,116.50,-average gift $8.87. U. of M. quota, $2'5,000- Amount still to be raised, $22,278.50. M. A.5C. quota, $6,500-Amount now over-subscribed, $1,616.50. BOTH CAMPAIGNS NOW IN PROGRESS (National Publicity Committee Studenits' Friendship War Fund) REPORTS NOT FORTHCOMING FROM REGISTRAR'S OFFICE The Dwelling Place of Light-Churchill...... Extricating Obadiah-Lincoln .............. His Family-Poole ........................... The Soul of a Bishop-Wells .... . ............ Great Possessions-Grayson ................ Beyond-Galsworthey ................ . ..... Over the Top-Empey ........................ Long Live the King-Rinehart............ Anne's House of Dreams-Montgomery....... No Man's Land-"Sapper" ................. A Son of the Middle Border-Garland........ My Four Years in Germany-Gerard........ STATE ST. W lem of work is one of the ,11 on any campus, and it y difficult at this time, of the men who have done work are going to war. a work together they na- >me akin. This has been solutions of the fraternity dent problem at Michigan, 1 can be constantly broad- reater good for the Univer- of us will work for Mich- .d of singing and yelling ve'will carry away with us satisfaction akin to what feels when the flag goes THE EBERBACH 200-204 EAST LIBERT Chemicals Lat OF' CUTTING Deans and directors of summer that many stu- 'th week of the accumulated so 's illn#6s would e classes, force , and perhaps departure from thing to remember is that not devised for the use of he were designed to assist vho are unavoidably absent ses, and the faculty is in- naintain that view with con- schools from 12 universities will con- vene Nov. 23 and 24 in Ann Arbor, to hold the first meeting of what is ex- pected to become a permanent yearly conference. The idea of this confer- ence was fostered by Prof. Edward H. Kraus, dean of the summer session. The object of the meeting is to dis- cuss the problems confronting the summer school deans of these various universities, and to exchange methods of administration. Business meetings will be held in the mornings, after- noons, and evenings of both days. On Friday night there will be a smoker at the University club, and on Saturday a luncheon at the Union. The institutions to be represented here are: Michigan, Wisconsin, Cor- nell, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minne- sota, Syracuse, Chicago, Boston uni- versity, Columbia, Harvard, and New York university. Editor, The Michigan Daily: Students have recently come to my office to inquire concerning their standings in the work of this semester. Please say for me that the registrar's office has nothing to do with mid- semester reports. Statements to the contrary are wholly unauthorized and erroneous. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. HOOVER REQUIRES BAKERS TO AID IN FOOD ECONOMY Washington, Nov. 16.-Bakers throughout the country have received specific orders from the food admin- istration regarding the conservation of the bread supply. Loaves are to be unwrapped prefer- ably, of a standard size, and contain- ing a stipulated amount of ingred- ients. All bread'must be accounted for, and staleness does not permit it to be dis- carded. Retailers will not be allowed to return any more bread to the bak- ers, and neither credit nor cash can be given for unsold bread. SPECIAL This 1 Pound 2 Packages SL Drugs and T( BEAUTY SHOP Miss Mable Rowe, shampoo and hair- dressing, 50o. 326 N. Fifth Ave. 2402. -Adv. pW which forbid the :e they have bee'i dient to flirt with innecessarily cuts te Pennsylvanian. stands for- You eat with e that it :ive them Jun I f the girls whose down by 7:30 the "Y" yet? nen and sophomores ar to have a little war of ell a girl's nationality by rn she knits, only in this drab, not red,white, and for America. the Pennsylvanians kon't team's non-quaker princi- rig violence. I \' \ Oopyright Hart Schaffner j Marx A new military overcoat Wear it on cool days this fall or on rainy days. HartSchaffner & Marx I l I 'l Let a Service Flag Tell the World- ND' ading of the marriage of Frank t of Frankfort, Ind., to a girl from same town, reminds us of the liar name Marshall Field of Chi- would have if conferred the title eld Marshall Marshall Field. SE-SHOEING BECOMES PART OF WOMAN'S SPHERE 'I Veterinary surgery, blacksmithing, and medicine are among the new pro- iss inad- fessional fields which women here en- coat and tered since the beginning of the war, st about according to the report of the wom- eye-cap- en's committee of the council of na- disposed tional defense. thought In London a large veterinary firm has turned all of its work over to the men women surgeons. In the French town iy of the of Berck-Plage a -woman i- shoeing lul that someone has gone from your home or fraternity to "help make the world safe for democracy." Official service emblems are shown here in all sizes and two qualities, with extra stars-up to twelve-in- cluded. DEFIANCE COTTON BUNTING Twelve stars furnished. Extra stars 8c each. Size Price 23 feet $1.20 3x5 feet $2.25 4x6 feet $3.15 .' 5x8 feet $5.25 6x10 feet $7.50 8x12'feet $11.25. Do' I s were men who unknown during And the reason ft they did not ake themselves they were busy for life. kes many cam- cessarily be busy d in many thing, And as one has vhich to do many re usually done horses. At the last medical tost in Japan, 27 of the 39 candidates were women. CLEVER SKIT IS PRESENTEID AT WOMEN'S LEAGUE PARI V Under the direction of Masqu , "'i he Mouse Trap," a clever .one-act comedy by William Dean Howells, was presented at the Women's league party yesterday afternoc. at Barbour gy'nnasium. -- An appreciative audience of about 50 girls was present, and after the entertainment there was an hour of dancing with music by Glaydes Daum, '20, and Margaret Jewell, '20. made it, which means it stand good hard wear tear, and give you the1 kind of a value. will and best STERLING WOOL BUNTING I Twelve stars furnished. Size 2X3 feet 3x5 feet 4x6 feet 5x8 feet 6x 10 feet . 8x12 feet 10x18 feet (Third Floo Extra stars 8c each.. Price $2.00 $4.50 $7.20 $10.00 $14.00 $21.75 $37.50 r-Annex) Several variations for men and young men. Reule-C Fiegel The big store a east corner Main >rain con- >lete. He hings tha: i te-'-U { I .... . Make Buy your Cigars, T