hI 1. . i . I" Y SUI I Ot1A it li +l A JIE WEATHER SIGHT CHANGE IN TEMPE~RATURE I Avr6 &titj ASSOCIATEE PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WF SERVICE XXVIII. No. 39. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. PRICE THREE TEUTONS CHECKED IN DRIVE ACROSS S PIA1E BYITA LIANS AUSTRO-GERMAN TROOPS FORCE ]DEFENDERS BACK IN TWO SECTORS RUSSIAN SITUATION REMAINS OBSCURE No Advices Have Been Forthcoming on Struggle From Provision- al Government (By Associated Press) While the Italians continue to hold tenaciously to most of the new line along the Piave river from the Adriat- ic sea to the region of Feltre and through the northern hills westward from Feltre to Lake Garda, they have been pompelled again to give ground in both sectors to the Teutonic allied armies. Upon the shoulders of the Italians alone for several days, must rest the security of the Piave. line and of his- toric Venice, for the information has been vouchsafed b'y Major General Maurice, chief director of military operations at the British war office, that it will be some days yet" before British and French fighting forces can be placed In the field to reinforce the Italians. Swamps are Checks Meanwhile the enemy is striving energetically to force passages of the Piave at various points and again has been successful in southern regions in crossing the stream at a point four miles from its mouth and some 20 miles northeast of Venice. Here, how- ever, in the swampy regions, the Teu tons are being held by the defending forces from further gains. To the north around Zenson, where the stream was crossed by the enemy Tuesday, fighting is still in progress with the Italians holding the upper hand but not yet having been able to drive back the invaders to the eastern bank of the stream. Still farther north,'attempts to gain a foothold on the western bank of the Piave were repulsed with heavy losses. In the hilly regions from Pezze on the Trentino front, Italians have fall- en back before the enemy. West Front Normal On the western front in France and Belgium, the situation remains normal. The British drive against the Turks both along the Tigris river and in Palestine continues successful. Under the pressure of the British, the Turk- ish forces have now withdrawn their line from 30 to 35 miles north of Tekrit, placing them virtually 150 miles northwest of Bagdad. Situation Remains Obscure The internal situation in Russia still remains obscure. Although dispatches sent out by the Finnish telegram bur- eau assert that Premier Kerensky is again in control in Petrograd, other reports are to the effect that he has set up his government in Moscow and that fighting still continues in the cap- ital. No advices have been forthcoming from provisional government sources. Teutons Add to Scare by Stories Washington, Nov. 14. - Light 4is thrown upon hitherto unexplained ref- erences to German intrigue in the ranks of the Italian army by an of- ficial dispatch received here today from Rome. It tells how on the eve of their great offensive the Teutons cir- culated among the soldiers on the Ital- ian fronts newspapers carrying sen- sational stories of rebellions in Italian provinces, of English soldiers shooting down women and children and of French cavalrymen riding over the bodies of agitators. Siberia Proclaims Nicholas Czar. Copenhagen, Sweden, Nov. 14.- A correspondent of a local newspaper sends the following dispatch from Haparanda. "Officers at Tornea, Finland, say that Siberia has declared its independence and proclaimed former emporer Nich- olas as emperor. Cossacks have oc- cupied Kiev." Copenhagen, Sweden, Nov. 14.-Gen- eral Korniloff's troops have taken the Kremlin, the famous fortress at Mos- LL G.00 EORGE FACES NEW CRISIS IN CAREER ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTERNATION- AL COUNCIL CAUSES SHARP CRITICISM London, Nov. 13.-(Delayed).-Prem- ier Lloyd George on his return from his hurried trip to consult and hearten Great Britian's ally, Italy, finds him- self faced by the sharpest crisis of his career as prime minister. The crisis is one that may result in a vote of want of confidence by Parliament, which would be followed by the prem- ier's resignation. No action taken by the British government since the be- ginning of the war has caused so muchr criticism, speculation and symptoms of uneasiness as the announcement of the formation of an international war council composed of capital ministers of Great Britain, France and Italy with a military committee representing the three nations' The fear that the new international council will usurp the position of the general staff and the direction of mil- itary affairs now in its hands is the crux of the present agitation. KNITTED GARB IS AN ABSOLUTE NEED TEAM TO BE GIVEN 2 SEND-OFF ATM.eC. 2 Michigan's Varsity eleven 2 leaves this afternoon at 2:39 2 o'clock from the Michigan Cen- tral depot for Philadelphia. Michigan's student body, leaves University hall at 2 o'clock to march to the Michi- gan Central depot to cheer the 2 team off to victory. Michigan's team this year is rated one of the best in the2 country. There is an opportun-= ity Saturday for the Wolverines to win national recognition by defeating Pennsylvania. But Penn's team this fall is a = fighting aggregation and Michi- gan's eleven to conquer Fol- well's machine must fight harder -and play better. - This the members of the team - = can do if they feel that the Mich- 2 -igan student body is behind 2 . them. This is at once the duty = 2 and the privilege of the Mich- ; igan student body. 2 Be at University hall at 22 2 o'clock this afternoon, cheer the 2 Michigan team off to Philadel- phia, and a good start has been 2 made toward victory. - =. If !llllllfl1l flllflllfllilllllill!!11!llh PRESIDIT UNDERTAKES TO 'STOPRODSTRIKE WILSON CALLS HEADS OF UNIONS FOR CONFERENCE ON NOV. 22r UNIVERSITY MEN NOW HATE CENTER IN PARIS STUDENT FRIENDSHIP FUND CAMPAI LOND)ON WITH HAS BRANCH U3 SAME SERVICE TO STUDENTS NION President Harry B. Hutchins has I* Red Cross Officials Deny Statements of War and Departments Contrary Navy Chicago, Ill., Nov. 14.-That knitted garb is an absolute need, regardless of what the Wnr and Navy depart- ments may say, was announced today, by officials of the Red Cross in re- sponse to the statement made by Sec- retaries Baker and Daniels. "We hope that this will not create a false impression," said the director of publicity for the Chicago Red Cross headquarters, "Governor Low- den expresses his desire that as large a supply as possible be sent to the men at camp. Soldiers Need Articles "Here's what Major Grayson Mur- phy cabled from France, to the Red Cross at Washington last August: "'Last winter broke record for cold and misery ,among people here. I in- expressibly dread the coming winter, finding us without supplies to meet the situation. Argue in behalf of our soldiers and those of our allies who will suffer in frozen trenches. Every- one here looks to America. Begin. shipping at once 1,500,000 each of the warm knitted woolen articles al- ready requested. They will be of in- credible value in both military and civilian work.' Not Luxuries "In view of such messages as these from Gov. Lowden and Major Murphy, we earnestly protest against consider- ing sweaters and other knitted arti- cles as luxuries. We want to prepare against leaving our men in such con- dition as that described by Major Mur- phy- "Hundreds of letters are coming in from relatives and friends of the sol- diers and sailors asking that the work be speeded up." Local Worker Urges Knitting The soldiers and sailors of the coun- try are in absolute need of knitted goods now being furnished by the Red Cross, despite the attitude that the War and Navy departments have taken, according to Mrs. R. J. Fischer, head of the local Red Cross organiza- tion. "Mrs. Florence Marshall, na- tional director of the woman's division of the Red Cross, in a meeting held last week in Chicago, actually begged us to .turn down nothing, even though it was poorly knitted, because they were in serious need of all knitted goody that it was possible to procure." More Money For Yarn Mrs. Fischer denied the rumor that they had unraveled knitted goods be- cause it was not done well enough to suit them. "As a matter of fact," she said, "we have received very little that is pooorly done. And another thing, the reason for our failure to supply yarn for the local knitters is purely a financial one. This will be reme- died, because we have the promise of all the proceeds from the sale of pro- ducts at the farmers' institute to be held here next week. This money will be snent entirely for yarn." Washington, Nov. 14.-Once again President Wilson has undertaken per- sonally to prevent a general railroad strike. He is calling the chiefs of the four leading railroad brotherhoods to meet him in conference Nov. 22 and will insist that patriotism be put ahead of private interests; that there be no attempt to handicap the operation of a vital part of the United States war making machinery.' In announcing today the coming con- ference with the union chiefs, Judge William L. Chambers, chaioman of the board of mediation and conciliation, made public a letter from the presi- dent which said: "It is inconceivable to me that pat- riotic men should have for a moment contemplated the interruption of trans- portation which is so absolutely neces- sary to the safety of the nation. The last thing I should wish to contem- plate would be the possibility of being obliged to take any unusual measures to operate the railways, and I have much confidence that the men you are dealing with will appreciate the pat- riotic motives underlying your efforts that I shall look forward with assur- ance to your success." At the time of the second strike, averted by the eight-hour law last year, it was understood that the gov- ernment had developed plans for emer- gency operation of the railroads if that became necessary. At that time the United States was not at war. VILLA RE-APPEARS; CAPTURES OJINAGA Rebel Chief Backed By 5,000 Men In Drive On Port Opposite Presidio, Texas El Paso, Texas, Nov. 14.-Telegrams received here tonight announce the capture of Ojinaga, the Mexican bor- der port opposite Presidio, Texas. Fighting has been in progress there all. day between the forces of Fran- cisco Villa and the federal garrison under General Cordova.. It is reported that the Villa follow- ers number 5,000 instead of the few hundred which the defenders of the town had expected. Any confirmed reports here are to the effect that some of the Villa troops have cross- ed into Texas and the commander of the El Paso district has been asked to send re-inforcements frol here. Zionist Society Meets Tonight Charles L. Kaufman, '18L, president of the Jewish Students' congregation, will address the Zionist society at 7:15 o'clock tonight, in room P1162, Nat- ural science building. A campaign to increase the membership of the or- ganization will start at this meeting. received a letter from Vice-President A. P. Stokes of Yale university, who is a member of the American University Union in Europe, telling of the success achieved by the Union in Paris, that serves as a home for American univer- sity students in France during their furloughs. The letter says, in part: "I write to inform you that the Royal Palace hotel in Paris, which was opened Oct. 20, as the headquarters for the American Union in Europe, al- ready has its accommodations taxed to the limit to meet the needs of Amer- ican university men who are in Europe in the service of the allies Cables re- ceived today announce that additional accommodations are being secured at nearby hotels." Branch Union in London In connection with this worl a branch Union has been established in London. This is being employed and appreciated by American university students in that city and its vicinity. Prof. Charles B. Vibbert of the phil- osophy department, who is in France as the University's representative to the Union, has also addressed a letter to the president in regard to the col- lege mens' club house in France. He writes: "We have leased, with the privilege of cancellation, a small hotel to serve. as the American University Union club house. The place may be fam- iliar to many of the University faculty and students as it is the Royal Palace hotel. It faces the Comedie Francais, the Louvre, and the Grand Hotel di Louvre, and backs up against the old Palace Royal. The location is an ex- cellent one, in the very heart of down- town Paris, only a five minute walk from the Grand Opera. Building Contains 78 Rooms "We anticipate no difficulty in keep- ing the house filled. There are 78 rooms in the Union, none of them large, however. In view of the fact that coal is now selling at $48 a ton, the smallness of the rooms is not the handicap it might otherwise have been." In his letter Professor Vibbert makes mention of Professors Rene Talamon, and W. C. Titcomb, formerly of the University faculty and now in France. "Professor Titcomb, former professor of architerture,' 'he writes, "is now in Francen the reclamatian service that has been organized by the Quakers op- posed to physical fighting. Prof. Talamon Has Medal "Prof. Rene Talamon, formerly of the French department," he adds, "has been detailed to give instruction in one of . the American officers' training camps 'Somewhere in France'." Pro- fessor Talamon was on a honeymoon tour with his wife in France when the war broke out and, as a French reser- vist, at once reported for duty. He has been wounded several times and has received the "palm," the French war cross. Mrs. Talamon is engaged In nursing work and will soon join her husband. SOCIALIST SOCIETY APPOINTS COMMITTEES; PLANS PROGRAM The Intercollegiate Socialist so- ciety met last night to definitely for- mulate its organization. Several com- mittees, notably the executive and program committees, were appointed. The program committee is planning to secure members of the University faculty to address the society at their meetings, which are held bi-monthly. The next meeting will be held Nov. 26 and efforts are being made to se- cure Newberry hall for a meeting- place. GERMAN SUBMARINES HAVE ,POOR WEEK; FEW SHIPS SUNK London, Nov. 14.-Only one British merchant vessel of more than 1600 tons was sunk by mine or submarine last week according to the weekly statement of shipping lists issued this evening. This is the low record since Germany began her submarine cam- paign. Five vessels of less than 1600 tons and one' fishing boat were sunk dur- ing the week. * * ONE-TENTH QUOTA GIVEN IN FIRST DA'S CAMPAIGN CITY CONTRIBUTES $1,745 TO Y. M. C. A. WAR FUND Results of the first day in the city drive for Y. M. C. A. war funds in the $50,000,000 campaign for money to be used in soldier's comforts in this country and in Europe show a total of $1,745 contributed. This is more than 10 per cent of the amount alloted to this city. Six hundred and seventy-five dollars were raised at a mass meeting attend- ed by 900 people in Saline Monday night. James Schermerhorn, Jr., '18, Rev. S. A. John, and Postmaster H. J. Abbott addressed the assembly. In ad- dition to this sum, the Forbes school- house has responded in the campaign with a donation of $130, subscriptions of $136 were made at Bridgewater station, and Lancaster schoolhouse contributed their share with a gift of $62. Ann Arbor's lodge of the Knights of Pythias has contributed $103 to the fund, besides allowing a generous sum for the special care of members of the organization. The slogan-"No man has done his full duty as long as anything remains to be done,"-was adopted by the city committee that is securing these funds, at a Y. M. C. A. noonday lunch- eon held yesterday noon. When the 78 men who have been chosen for selective service leave for Camp Custer this morning, Harold L. Westerman and Newton C. Fetter, secretaries of the city and University Y. M. C. A.'s respectively will accom- pany the men to camp. Send-off For Drafted Boys A rousing send-off has been planned for the 78 men who will leave Ann Arbor this morning at 9 o'clock for Camp Custer, as the second contin- gent to be called from this, city for se- lective army service. There will be a parade from the courthouse to Michigan Central. de- pot in which several bands and other organizations will take part. H. A. Tenny has been appointed to direct the demonstration and John C. Fisch- er will act as marshal of the parade. The men who will leave today have been notified by the draft board and are holding themselves in readiness for further instructions. Announce Engagement The engagement of aJmes Morgan, '19, of Ashville, - North Carolina, to ensign A, S. Montague, ex-'18L, U. S. A. Naval Reserves, was announced at a dinner last night at the Delta Gama sorority, of which Miss Morgan is a member. Christian Scientists Meet Tonight There will be a meeting of the Christian Science society in Newberry hall at 7:0 o'clock this evening. * Aberdeen, S. D., Nov. 14.-Rob- * ert P. Stewart, United States dis- * trict attorney for South Dakota, * announced here today that a war- * rant for the arrest of former Un-' * ited States Senator Pettigrew of' * South Dakota on an indictment * charging violation of the espion- age act would beserved upon Pet- *tigrew, who is now in Chicago. * Mr. Stewart announced that * Pettigrew would be brought to South Dakota to stand trial. The * indictment charges the former * senator with attempting to ob- struct the selective draft and with making anti-war utterances con- * trary to the provisions of the es- pionage law. * * CHARGE FORMER SENATOR VIOLATED ESPIONAGE ACT * * "The Y. M. C. A. is the mig] factor on the front of the far battle front of Europe tonight, istering to the needs and mora the soldier," declared Dr. M. S. pastor of the North Woodward nue M. E. church, Detroit; to Michigan m and women at a 3 ing for the Student Friendship fund in Hill auditorium last nig Dr. Rice returned recently the French front, where he was six months ago by the Y. M. C. I study camp and trench conditiont to work among the fighting men. direct inspiring address in beha the $25,000 campaign that the U sity launched today, he drove the home to every heart that America not yet felt the war, that unti calamities are laid at our own d until we see the fragments of our until the sacrifices have begun to carefree Americans will not r that we are in the world's car: Dr. Rice's speech was full of col bits from the European front an nations at war. He asserted democracy1would win in the war way, but the burning question to wer now is backing those who wil that war. Must Protect Morale "The morale of the army is the : which we must understand," sad Rice, "I would gladly sacrifice m with a breaking heart if'he goes the top and pays the price, but returns to me tainted with vice the camps of Europe, then wil I demn the agency that sent him ov suffer such degredation." "One of the greatest awakenin'gE will strike the Teuton mind, wh penetrates will be when Germ learns that she is in the war against the United States alone against the world, for America r sents the combinkition of races creeds, which rates every man a before God." "Democracy Is An Army" "The difference between demo4 and autocracy is that autocracy an army when it starts the war democracy is an army." President Harry B. Hutchins sided, and in his opening intri tion called attention to the w relation to the University. He c attention to the new note of ser ness that the students hold to life. "Michigan will do her duty," the president. "We are in the w the end and until it ends in victor Varsity Band Plays The University band played tli tional anthem and one other sele H. A. Knowles, '18E, lead the Dr. Frederick Wahr, formerly o University faculty, now at Camp ter, was unable to speak on dccot a cold. Lieut. Frank Murphy, spoke enthusiastically for the 'S C. A. work in the cantonments. "To have a good fighting army must be clean influences and a morale," declared Iieutenant Mu "The Y. M. C. A. gives this influer the men in uniform. The "Y" 1 the place where everyone rubs el writes home; where creeds and differences are levelled and the of democracy sown." He pr&e that a new race of men would r from this war, strengthened br wholesome democratic atmosphe the association. Whqre Money Goes The Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, pas the Congregation church in Ann a explained what the money ob from the Friendship campaign 1 be used for in his speech, "The dertow." .Every creed i provide Moslem, Roman Catholic, and Pr ant alike. The 6;000,000 prisoner cared for by the Y. M. C. A. impa Y. M. C. A. "MIGHTIEST FA IN ARMY LIFE SAYS DR. RICE PRES: HUTCHINS GIN SUPPORT OF MICH] The Rev. Lloyd Douglas Explai Money is Spent and Who It Benefits