THE MICHIGAN DAILY, DIGTS ROSY FUTURE FOR 1918 WOLVERINES An economy club has been ized at DePauw university to fundis for the Sammies in P The payment of 10 cents admits dent to membership. EIGHT STARS ON EI1EVEN TO NEXT Y giant fullba Froemke, I all be on df Yost and t Lot I crowd newcol IFlet( Left half. ,n's aggregation stands out inately. Yost says that indi- they are better than last quad, and this is generally ac- iged by those who have seen teams in action. This year's has four of last fall's green aying. With this team being ally better than the one last ere should be some good pros- r material for the Varsity next To take Weston's place, there Urschell, the pilot of the year- vho has been attracting atten- f roughout the season by his ular open field running. To, d's shoes there is any one of od ends, and to fill the gapj Weske, there will be any one men. ant Stars Against Hoosiers ugh the papers say that Oli- was unable to star against lame, they go ahead and men- name thirty-five times in their > of the game. Oliphant the greatest game of his his- d was the only man who was gain for the Army. In the last he carried the ball on everyf 3 entire period in a desperate o score. Only twice was he to gain but on both of these is it meant losing the ball and )ame would then punt out of an By gradua sity will los caliber. Al end, will be those m tackle; eston 1917 Varsity, all of these men will be seasoned vetera- Were a prophesy in order, : one Wolverine fan would no hesitant in conceding to n squad not only the usual success, but also another ship year. I The Liberty Loan university netted $327,000. campaign at Yale the government h CAKES Quality We are noted and of our products. wait until you ha cake at the Corne will be pleased a: admirers say -J TONIGHT "NO BETTER WAS EVE STORE AT 341 SOUTH HARRY HOLLINGSWORTH 1 "Ike" Fisher's ®xaphone Sextet PIES tol2 Tickets at door r. s eF F Tij f POPULAR Johnston's, Nunnally's CH Sunday" Evening Luncheon, IlllillilllliltilllllittlllillllfllllllllllllIt11lillllllllilllllllillllllltllllllllllllilfillllllfllllltllllllll