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October 04, 1917 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-04

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r 131kv

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CXVIII. No. 3.



spapers + Warn German People
ganst Probable Aerial Attacks
From English
ndon, Oct. 3.-Reprisal for attacks
Lucted by German airmen on Eng-
cities are being planned by Brit-
emands for revenge come from
.t and small in England. David
d George made an official an-
icement here today that the Brit-
were about to retaliate for the
,htfulness" of the Teutons. He
ted to the crowd amid encourag-
yells, "We shall give it back to
i and we shall give it to them
. We shall bomb Germany with
pound interest."
at the eman peqple are fear-
of air aids i shown by the ad-
in ne spapers warning the peo-
Lights are being put out early
ome portions of Germany, accord-
to reports.
st night Frepch aviators dropped
bs on the German town of Baden.'
essor Charles Cook in Far West
isistant Professor Charles CookI
he economic geology department'
been granted a leave of absence by'
department and at present is en-.I
d in economic work in the west.
essor Cook has been in the em-
of corporations in tTtah, Arizona,
rado and other states and is now
an Francisco. He will return the
rd semester.
1ny Now Enjoying "Y" Benefit
te University "Y" raised $2,500
war work last year, being fol-
d by Washtenaw county with its
ributiou of $7,500. At the pres-I
time many who took an impor-
part in the campaign are enjoy-1
the benefit of it, either as campI
taries, or as members of the na-I
Il army.,
sical Club Will Meet October 10
le Classical club will hold its first
;_ng of the year at 7:30 o'clock,
ber 10, in Alumni Memorial hall.
ers for the coming year will be]
;ed and a campaign will be
dhed to bring the membership ofI
lub up to 90. Any student inter-
I in the study of the classic is
ble for membership.:
Ralll-CureI t eAppear Oct. 11
ielita Galli-Curci will open this
's Pre-festival concert in Hill1
torium, Thursday, Oct. 11, whileI
four remaining concerts of the
s will be given by Eugene Ysaye,
Belgian violinist; Ethel Leginska,I
1st; the New York Symphony or-1
tra and Julia Culp, singer.
oeig Drops with Thermometer
noelng on the Huron has fallen off
iderably since the coming of cool-
'eather. Instead of a river dotted

numerous canoeing parties, the
am is now practically abandoned
ar as this pastime is concerned.
or Colleges Start Prosperous Year
.nior colleges in both Grand Rap-
and Detroit are flourishing with
new year. Detroit has enrolled
in the new college and Grand Rap-
hias made a substantial gain over
year's record.
mnus Tells of Michigan in War
he Michigan Alumnus, which will
ear about the middle of the month,
be concerned especially with war
of what old Michigan men are
g at the front.
r. Warthin to Talk to Freshmen
r. A, S. Warthin's annual series of
and personal hygiene lectures to
of the freshman class will be
n about the third week in October.

Washington, Ot. 3.-The war tax
bill became a law late today with
President Wilson's signature. The
measure levied for this year more than
two and one-half billion dollars new
taxes to provide war revenues. It
touches directly or indirectly the pock-
etbooks of everybody in the country.
Homesick Rural Fresh Rescues
Trunk with Taxi Driver's
He wandered about feverishly
among th piles of trunks at the
Michigan Central station.
"Looking for 'your trunk," inquired
the Ann Arbor Taxi man.
"This is it," cried the tall rural
trunk-seeker with a catch of joy in
his throat.
Th taxi-man perspiringly dragged
it forth. "Where to?" he asked.
"Back to Ovid," said the youth. "I
knew I never should have left the
New York, Oct. 3.-Proof that Ger-
man money was furnished in this
country by Count von Bernstorff to
Bolo Pasha, under arrest as a spy,
will be forwarded tomorrow to the
French government. The attorney-
general who investigated Bolo Pasha's
activities here at the request of form-
er Ambassador Juserand said it was
a preliminary report submitted by him
to the Ambassador at Washington
which resulted in the arrest of Bolo
Pasha in Paris.
"The conclusions will be sub-
stanciated by a mass of documentary
evidencebincluding the reproduction
of the bank's checks recorded and
other proofs of the disposition of the
erman money furnished Bolo Pasha
n this country by former Ambassador
von Bernstorff," stated the attorney-
Bolo Pasha succeeded in getting at
least $1,600,000, over to the French
government through J. P. Morgan and
other banking institutions, the attor-
ney's investigation disclosed.
Although the Y. Adams league
house does not appear on the schol-
arship chart issued by the University,
the women in this house succeeded in
obtaining a scholarship average al-
most a grade better than any club
shown on the chart.
Girls to Be Instructed in Knitting
Girls desiring to learn to knit for
the Red Cross will be given 'free in-
struction Wednesday, gct. 10, at the
Ladies' library on East Huron street.
The local Red Cross considers it
most important that the girls respond
to the call for more knitters as the
Red Cross work which was undertaken
last spring by the Michigan women is
not yet completed. More sweaters,
wristlets, and socks are needed for
the naval reserves who left the Uni-

versity last May.
Ann Arbor's new apportionment for
the Red Cross work is 225 outfits,
which must be in by Nov. 1. An out-
fit consists of muffler, sweater, wrist-
lets, and socks.
Opportunities Offered College Women
College women are greatly in de-
mand to fill responsible positions.
Banks and insurance companies are
asking the bureaus affiliated with the
Association of Collegiate Alumnae for
college women. Industrial laboratories
are anxious to employ women who
have majored in physics, chemistry,
mathematics, or dietetics.
Detroit Has $1,000,000 Pool Room
Detroit's new million dollar recrea-
tion building at the corner of Shelby
street and Lafayette boulevard has re-
cently been opened to the public. In-
cluded in the equipment are 133 bil-
liard and pool tables and 3,000 cues.'

1,200 Students Answer Roll Call at
Waterman Gym-

All Desiring to Enroll Should
port at This Afternoon's


More than 1,200 students answered
the first roll call at 4:30 o'clock yes-
terday afternoon at Waterman gym-
nasium for the new military training
classes under Lieut. George C. Mul-
len of the United States army.
Lieutenant Mullen addressed the
men and divided them into two groups.
One group contains 900 men who have
had no previous military training. The
second division is composed of 300
students who are experienced with
military science and tactics and can
give instruction.
A second meeting will be held at
4:30 o'lock this afternoon outside of
Waterman gymnasium. In case the
weather is unfavorable the men will
congregate in the basement of the
gymnasium. All students who were
not present at the first roll call and
who desire to enroll in the courses
are urged to report promptly this aft-
ernoon. Each student must have the
special military card properly filled
out before registering in the courses.
The men who have had no military
experience will be lined up according
to their height this afternoon and sep-
arated into squads of seven each.
Men who have had experience will
then be assigned to each of these
squads and act as instructors.
Keep To the Right
"Keep to the right."
Those are the words on the sign
post at the intersection of North Uni-
versity avenue and State street.
And they did it.
But they didn't do it of their own
free will. The force applied in this
particular case was the rather insist-
ent yell of a group of sophomores who
happened to be around when the two
freshmen passed by on their -way
across the diagonal walk.
After circulating around the sign
post for a few minutes until they were
approaching dizziness, they were al-
lowed to go on their way unmolested.
"Keep to the right."
Convocation day this year will take
place on Friday afternoon, Oct. 13, in
HiIV auditorium. The principal ad-
dress will be delivered by Dean Henry
M. Bates of the Law school, while a
few remarks will be given by Presi-
dent Harry B. Hutchins. The music
for the afternoon will be in charge of
Prof. A. A. Stanley of the School of
Music. The program will be announced
Y. M. C. A. to Hold Education Rally
The city Y. M. C. A. will hold its
annual educational rally on Friday
evening preliminary to enrollment in
the classes which will open next week.
Many branches, both scientific and
theoretical, are on the curriculum.
The Western Union is endeavoring
to promote telegraphy and is plan-
ning to co-operate with the "Y" in
obtaining efficient women telegraph-
Boy Scouts Aid Liberty Loan Sale
Boy Scouts of Ann Arbor pledged
themselves at a meeting held at the
Y. M. C. A. last Tuesday night to
aid in floating the second Liberty loan
bond issue. A number of high school
students have also agreed to volun-
teer their services in selling part of
the $2,422,376 bond allotment of
Washtenaw county.
Three Patrolmen Dropped from Squad

As a result of a shake-up in the
police department, Patrolmen Arm-
bruster, Walker and Blackburn will
be dropped from the payroll of- the
police department, Nov. 1. HenryI
Harding and Fred Sodt were named
as patrolmen by Mayor Wurster.

Registration for Class Now Being
Held in Barbour Gym.
Women! Present arms!
A course in military training for
women will be offered by the depart-
ment of physical education this wint-
er. Setting-up exercises and drill
start Nov. 3.
Registration for the class is now
being held at Barbour gymnasium.
Prospective entrants are urged to
sign up at once as the course will not
be given to less than 30 women.
Courses in playground work and
aesthetic dancing will probably be the
same as those offered last year. The
aim'of the first course is to fit stu-
dents for positions as instructors in
city playgrounds.
20 Men Report Daily for Physical Ex-
Six physicians, working in relays
of three will examine the two hun-
dred men to be called by the local
draft board for national service, be-
gnning Monday.
Names of .40 men are being posted
daily in the order of their call to ap-
pear, and 20 will report each day at
the Armory for the physical tests un-
til the quota is filled.
Canadian Headquarters in France,
Oct. 3.-Reports that the rank and file
of the enemy troops have a great long-
ing for peace is confined by.every pris-
oner captured. One of their chief
grievances is the failure of their high-
er officers to take risks. Even com-
pany commanders freely depute to the
under officers their duty while in the
trenches, and remain well back from
the front.
This is so different from the rela-
tions between our officers and men
that it is freshly impressed on the
minds of the Germans on every oc-
casion when there is hand to hand
fighting, in which our officers invari-
ably lead their men, while the Ger-
man officers seldom do so. They are
not actuated by fear and it must be
assumed that? they are obeying orders
in thus hanging back.
Great losses of the German officer
class early in the war may have made
it necessary to conserve their leaders.
Colleges Encourage Food Conservation
Many colleges are offering graduate
fellowships to encourage food con-
servation. The University of Chicago
and the Ellen H. Richards Memorial
fund pointly offer a fellowship of five
hundred dollars and tuition to be
used at the University of Chicago dur-
ing 1917-1918. Candr~tes must hold
a bachelor's degree and be equipped to
do advanced work in household ad-
Boys Keep in Trim by Hikes
William H. Esslinger is in receipt
of a letter from Myron Pratt of
this city, a member of the American
Red Cross Ambulance Corps, No. 42,
Camp Taylor, Louisville, Icy., in which
he says that the boys are keeping in
Prim by taking cross country hikes
and that they are now ready for work,
the last of the ambulance trucks and
equipment arriving this week.

Hold Funeral Services Today
Funeral services for W. F. Stim-
son, 30 years a resident and mer-
chant of Ann Arbor, who died sudden-
ty in his home in Grand Rapids, will
be held at 2:30 o'clock this after-
noon. The body was brought to Ann
Arbor for burial. Services will be
conducted by the Knights Templar.
Liberty Loan Extended to Students
Liberty loan campaigning is to be
extended among the students under
the direction of Francis Bacon, direc-
tor of social activities at the Michi-
gan Union. Final plans will be com-
pleted at a meeting at the Union at
10:30 o'clock this morning.
Engineer Called to Camp Custer
George F. Sandenburgh, assistant
city engineer, has been called for ser-
vice in the national armiy and will re-
port at Camp Custer soon.

I desire to meet all men of
the first and second year classes
in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts and the
Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture in University Hall
at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon,
Oct. 5. All should attend the
meeting, which will be over in
ample season for those who are
taking military training to re-
port for duty at 4:30 o'clock.
All plans have been completed for
the annual freshman mass meeting
and reception to be held Friday night
at Hill auditorium and at the Union
Promptly at 7 o'clock the doors of
Hill auditorium will swing open in
welcome to the class of 1921. Admis-
sion to the main floor and balcony will
be gained only by presentation of ath-
letic coupon books. The middle sec-
tion of the main floor will be reserved
for freshmen, admittance, however, be-
ing confined to those who come wear-
ing class caps. T]he side sections of
the main floor will be for upperclass-
Football Men There
The first row will be set aside for
the football team which is to attend
in a body. Admittance to the first
balcony may be received on showing
the athletic books, while seats in the
second balcony are unreserved.
The program will start with th
singing of the "Star Spangled Banner."
Following this, there will be instruc-
tion in Michigan's cheers and songs,
with lantern slides to aid in the sing-
ing of the latter. The Varsity band
will be present to aid in instilling the
spirit of Michigan into the new men.
Mr. Kenneth N. Westerman will lead
in the singing. Frank A. Taber, '17,
will be seated, at the organ, while
"Red" Donnely, '18L, is going to in-
struct the yearlings in the yells. S.
S. Attwood, '18E, will preside over the
The speakers for the occasion are to
be Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the law
department, Lieut. G. C. Mullen, in-
structor in military science, and Prof.
William D. Henderson of the engineer-
ing department. At the conclusion of
the program, which will be marked by
the singing of "The Yellow and Blue,"
the freshmen are to march in a body
to the Michigan Union building.
At the Union the first year men will
be accorded a reception by a commit-
tee for the purpose. There will be
cider, smokes and music for all.
"Y" Open House Postponed
The "Y" open house, scheduled for
Friday evening, October 5, has been
postponed indefinately. This action
was taken in order to not conflict with
the freshman mass meeting to be held
by the Michigan Union at Hill audi-
torium on that same evening.
As yet no special plans have been
formed for the "open house," but a
meeting of the "Y" cabinet is slated
for sometime today, and it is expected

that plans will be completed at this
Washington, Oct. 3.-All shipments
of coal to Atlantic lake ports were or-
dered stopped by Fuel Administrator
Garfield to divert coal from these ports
to meet fuel shortages in the north-
Continued export of coal to Canada
in large quantities through lake ports
brought more protests today to the
fuel administrator from the north-
west. The northwest contends that
coal delivered to the lake ports at the
direction of the government is not
reaching the territory most in need
o fit. .
Women at the University of Wiscon-'
sin got higher marks last year than
did the men.

SOffN 11 917



Medical School Suffers Least;
many College Is Hard.
est Hit



Enrollment in the University this
year will probably be about 1,300 less
than last year, if the registration sta-
tistics at the present time can be used
as a criterion. A general falling off
has been noted in all schools and cQl-
leges on the canpus, though this de-
crease is not as great as in some of the
eastern universities. The freshman
enrollment, with the exception 'of the,
Medical school, is about normal.
Lits Number 000 Less
The registration in the literary col-
lege yesterday was a little less than
that of last year at the corresponding
time, though the enrollment up to date
shows that there are 600 men fewer
than last year, while the number of
women is about the same. More than
1,500 men and 1,000 women are en-
rolled now.
Engineers Lose 200
The engineering college is about 00
behind the enrollment corresponding
to the present date, with 1,111 me
registered as opposed to the 1,303 of
last year. The freshman class will
probably be as large as the previous
year, though a falling off 'in the upper
classes is expected. The number of
chemical engineers enrolled is excep-
tionally large.
Enrollment in the Law school has
fallen off considerably.and present in-
dications point to a small senior class
next year.. Only 154 have enrolled,
while the registration for the previous
year totaled 303.
The Medical school has registered
283, whereas its total registration for
the last academic year was about 330.
This school has suffered the least of
all from the decrease due to the war,
and officials believe there will be a
full attendance in the upper classes,
while the freshman class promises to
be deficient in number, only 11 men
College of Pharmacy Hard Hit
In proportion to its size the College
of Pharmacy has been the hardest hit
of all, with an enrollment of but 64
as against 103 of last year. The Grad-
uate school has registered 116, where-
as a year ago it numbered 200. The
dental college, which a year previous
had enrolled 345, now has but 282.
The enrollment of the women of the
University, according to Dean Myra B.
Jordan, is equal to that of last year,
though there is a considerable de-
crease of women entering on advance
credit, since but 78 have registered,
while there were 150 last year at a
corresponding date.
The opinion among the University
officials is that a shortage equal to
that in some of the eastern universities
is not feared. In some cases the en-
rollment of eastern educational insti-
utions decreased to more than 50 per
China Wants to Keep German Statue
Pekin, Oct. 3.-Suggestions that the
von Ketteler monument erected to
commemorate Baron von Ketteler, the
German minister, who was killed
while trying to mediate with the
Chinese before the Boxer outbreak in
1900, be torn down and shorn of its
inscription, since China has entered
the war against Germany, have not
met with favor.
The monument was erected chiefly
in honor of Baron von Ketteler, but
in reality is also a memorial to all
foreigners killed in the Boxer upris-
ing. It is a giant marble arch span-
ning Hatamen street, one of the chief
thoroughfares in the Tartar city.
Reports $20,033.31 Raised for Relief
Frances W. Kelsey of this city, or-
,ginator of the Dollar-a-Month club

for the relief of Belgian children, re-
ports that $20,033.31 has been raised
for the relief fund.

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