THE MICHIGAN DAILY i ®f The Stein-Bloch Co. 1911 I magine Yourself if you 're a ''live one "-- 'MILITARY BEARING MUST BE LEARNED1 in this 3-button ___. : STEIN-BLOCH Coat! No padding--no stiffen- ing--nothing but honest f a br i c, hand tailoring and "style galore." Lieut. q. C. Mullen Issues Statement on Duties of Student Cadet UNEXCUSED ABSENCES WILL ;ELAY RECOMMENDATION Red Flag to Indicate Lecture; White One Will Signify Drill on ferry Field Lieut. George C. Mullen, command- ant of the University cadets, issued the following announcements yester- day afternoon: "I want to call your attention to the necessity of learning military etiquette and military bearing. Later I will speak to you more fully on the sub- ject, but in the meantime investigate the question for yourself. "Uniforms have not been ordered yet because the necessary instructions from Washington have not been re- ceived. I hope they will come soon, and then the uniforms will be provide as rapidly as possible. Meanwhile, tbose that have not yet been measured or them, do so at once, giving the order to Mr. Roy P. Henry, on State street. "Now tell your friends that every one of them will not be doing their duty unless they prepare themselves to render the most efficient service within their power. It is very appar- ent that a man who is fitted to serve as an officer is more valuable than a man who can only enter as a soldier. Tell your friends they have a chance here and now to prepare for service as officers and that every one of them who fails to take advantage of it is in a measure a slacker." WAR PROGRA M ISSUED BY DEFENSE SOCIETY ROSES FOR KINDLY SENT] ......... (always. No girl can receive a of our beauties without a very - feeling for the sender. We wil: up a bunch of any size you se - deliver it to any addlress at an: Our flowers are fresh daily an a little care will keep so for s days. MacDiarmidl Box Candies Fr ' ]Daily FLANDERS 213 E LI OR Mr LOWERS Phone Try the Fountain of Youth for your Candies-both boxed and plain We make a specialty of light lunches. Call and try them at EIGHT-PLANK PLATFORM ELABORATE PLANS FOR ACTION HAS Prices $20 to $40 Lindenschmitt, Apfel Co. a I I L. C. SMITH, CORO NA, CNUNDERWOOD and other high grade type writers. and RENT Fraternity and Social Stationery MIMEOGRAPHING and PRINTINC TYPEWRITING O. D. MORRILL 322 South State St. (Over BaltimoretLunch) If its antyhing Photo- graphic ask S W A IN 713 East University Ave. STOP AT TUTTLES 338 MAYNARD For Lunches _and Sodas U. of M. RESTAURANT Quick, Polite SERVICE Special Meals at all Hours Near to everyone 62o F. LIBERTY SPic News from Other Universities' -for-- Kodak Finishing Groups, results. Campus Views. Prompt service. Best Let us enlarge your favorite negative. 334S. State St. Phone 2446-d the top, or prisoners in the German camps." Purdue training corps men are now notified of the nature of the daily drill by the means of different colored flags floated from the campus pole. A, red flag means indoor training and a white one means theoretical work. Grinnell university has a new cam- pus organization. The name is S. P. I. F., which means Society for the Prevention of Impudence in Fresh- men. Toronto university has adopted compulsory military training for all fit students. Everyone enrolled in the drill companies will be members of the regular Canadian militia. Absences Will Count "Absence from drill without an ac- ceptable excuse will count against a man, and unless made up will prevent him from getting a recommendation for a commission, It will also le a hindrance toward graduation. No u a- excused absence will be overlooked. It will be strictly up to the individual who is absent to report and arrange to make up work, because I will mak no effort whatsover to get delinquents to do their duty. I will simply re- port them and :heywill be dealt with accordingly. After today all unex- cused absences will require double time to make up. Every man who misses one drill will have to work two hours at a special drill to clear 'his r.eord. And every man who is late at drill will have to do one hour of drill to make it up. "On days when lectures are to be given a red flag will be raised o the flag pole at 3:45 o'clock, and first call for drill will ae sounded at the same time. When drill ti to be held on Ferry fleld a white l'ag will be raised and no call will be sounded or the campus. Time of Assembly Clhanged "The time of assembly on Ferry field will be cha.iged to 4:15 o'clock instead of 4:10 o'clock, in order to give every man plenty of time to get down there. No excuses will be ac- cepted unless made before the drill. "The drill for today will be that which was announced as second day drill. "All acting first sergeants will enter in their roll books the full names of all' the men in their companies, so that the office can tell which person is design- F t b New York, Oct. 31.-A platform of eight planks designed as a constructive program for the prosecution of the war to a definite victory has been adopted by the American Defense society, it was announced today. The platform' will be submitted for discussion and approval to the chambers of com- merce throughout the country and to the chamber of commerce of the Fui- ted States at Washington. The pur- pose of the committee of the society which drew up the program is an- nounced to be to solidify the nation in the prosecution of the war. The pro- posals advocated by the society in its war platform are: That the administration at Wash- ington be urged to send an over- whelming force to France. To intern alien enemies and enemy sympathizers whose conduct impedes the war. To warn Germnay that departures by her from the rules of war will not be endured, To forbidthe publication of news- papers and magazines in the German language during the war. That Congress be asked at its next session to declare that a state of war exists with Austria, Bulgaria, and Tur- key; to expel any disloyal members; and to enact a law prohibiting the is- suance of new securities except by federal license. point of high position, back-fires which will bring death to increasing thousands of our men by weakening support from behind the lines and by strengthening the enemy to renewed endeavor?" AUSTRIA IS SITABLE MEDITORSAYS COUNT 3IAOYAR DIPLOMAT TOUCHES ON HUNGARIAN PEACE VIEWS Amsterdam, Oct. 31.-A demand that Austro-Hungary should undertake the role of peacemaker between Germany and the Entente powers was voiced by Count Michael Karolyi, leader of the I HEADQUARTERS "Mum" for the Cornell Game. Corsages for the party. Leave your orders early, we'll deliver them. Cousins & Hall 10NSE. Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association The Fountain of Youth Corner of State and E. Liberty wry . r . IP.~ lt f Ten thousand dollars was pledged by the faculty and students of the University of Washington for Y. M. C. A. war relief work at a conference held there early this week. In an appeal, Charles Whitehair, general work secretary, said:;' "The Y. M. C. A. is the only agency which can work to bring back our men physically and morally clean, mentally balanced and alert, with in- creased spiritual power, to be a force for righteousness in their homes. We are attempting to raise a fund of $1,000,000s fifty per cent of which is to be distributed for prison- ers of war, 20 per. cent for Y. M. C. A. war work, 20 per cent for Y. W. C. A. war work, and 10 per cent for the World's Christian student federation. Every cent of it is for our men,1 whether they are on leave back of the< lines or in port towns, whether they1 are going forward for the rush over Are you a "pigknitter"? The Okla- homa Daily says that any young worn- an who knits with any other than blue,,gray, or khaki thread is a "pig- knitter," As a result of the Liberty loan cam- paign among the underclassmen of Cornell university, $45,100 has been raised. These figures do not give the final results, as the banks have not yet counted up their loans and many of the fraternity houses have not sent in their returns. Dean Straub of the University of Oregon suggests ten cents per couple as the price of admission to the stu- dent dances. It is recommended to "various au- thorities" that they eliminate the com- pulsory study of German in the pub- lic schools. Preamble To Platform In its preamble to the platform, the American Defense society asserts that it is gratified at various steps taken by the administration, Con- gress, and the nation on matters con- cerning the war against Germany and her allies and desiring that the war be prosecuted to the definite victory, and the nation solidified to that end, urges the foregoing, steps. The society's statement adds: "Great Britain, with a population' of about 50,000,000, and France, with a population of some 40,000,,000, have already contributed approxi- mately 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 men re- spectively, and have borne the burden of the struggle for more than three years. If America should send over even 10,000,000 emen from its popula- tion of over 100,000,000, it would not, in our Judgment, be doing more than an equivalent share. For America to send an overwhelming force should also hasten Germany's realization of+ the hopelessness of her cause, and thus materially shorten the war. The more men we send, the fewer will be ated, "All men who have not filled out en- rollment cards are requested to do so at their earliest convenience. There are a number of cards on file on which the student did not state his school or department. That information is desired." Students taking military drill under Lieut, George C. Mullen attended a lecture yesterday afternoon in Hill auditorium. Dr. George A. May, phy- sical director of Waterman gymnas- ium, told the cadets of the proposed schedule of gymnasium work in con- nection with military drill. Makes Announcement The following announcement wa ; made by Lieutenant Mullen: "I want you to carry to your friends and acquaintances this word: En- rollment in the reserve officers' train- ing corps is still open, but it will not be for much longer. I am granting a privilege now by keeping the course open as long as this, and after it is closed it will be impossible to enroll again until next year, there will be no class beginning with the next sem- ester. Also, every man. who enrolls Hungarian Independence party, in an address delivered recently to his con- stituents at Cegled, according to ad- vices received here. His utterance is regarded as the most significant re- cent statement of the peace feeling in Hungary. He said: "It is no good discussing any peace except one based upon agreement and fortified by a durable organization. To fight for a peace by conquest which only conceals further hatred and the thought of revenge is not worth while, for that would be a mere truce. "Above all, the question arises who would be the most suited to play the part of peace mediator. From a prac- tical point of view we must recognize the fact that this role can only be taken over by a government. The Socialists, and also the Pope, may co- operate in inclining public opinion to- ward peace, but, in the end, only the powers can negotiate peace. The first demand for negotiations is that all parties should agree in repudiating all intention of conquest, and then a cer- tain elasticity is required which is not at the disposal of every state. It is also necessary that the negotiating state should not stand at the center of hostility, and that it should have at it disposal the necessary weight of in- fluence. "The small neutral states are not suitable. But as the great powers are all participating parties, we must as- certain which of the great powers the enemy would bemost ready to believe to have no intention of conquest. There is only one such great power, the Aus- tro-Hungarian monarchy. Everyone can believe that it has no purposes of conquest, not only because it has de- clared this, but because everyone knows that it is not to its interest in view of its composition, to make annexations. As, moreover, it has nev- er pursued a colonial policy, this ques- tion cannot form any obstacle. Even if at the beginning the aim of czarism was to conquer Constantinople by way of the monarchy, yet this pan-Slavism has no actuality since the collapse The newest Patrick Model Double breasted, shawl colla pleated back, half belt, two si pockets; sizes 36 to 46. Made from the famous P rick-Duluth all wool cloth. T yarns are spun from the n- wool in their own Mill and th coats are made in a model da light sanitary factory. Each co guaranteed. Next to Orpheam Theatre MODEL C U. . _. _ r SEE U. S Dutch Army Receives 12 Airplanes Amsterdam, Oct. 31.-It is announc- ed that 12 large German airplanes built for the Dutch army have arrived at Bentheim, Hanover, where they will be taken over by the Dutch aviation officers. Live Copy it .anyns and The left, AD' SIE slain. "State of War Should Be Declared" In advocating that congress declare that a state of war exists with Austria, Bulgaria, and Turkey, the statement says: Austria, Bulgaria, and Turkey have been practically absorbed for all warlike purposes by Germany. Their active co-operation in war with Ger- many demands, we believe, such act- ion in our part against them. Many Austrians have been active in plots against the United States. There is not alone impropriety but also peril in the continuation of Bulgaria's em- bassy. It is intolerable that America should not assume the fullest cham- pionship of the unhappy Armenians against the butchers of their defense- less people."' In requesting that congress expell' any disloyal members,the society asks: "Why send the nation's youth to the battlefield, and at the same time per- mit any man or set, from the vantage When in the market for Lum- ber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, Office Fixtures, and Special Mill work. Leave Copy at Students' Supply Store LOSS DST-Will the party who traded tan raincoats at the Nickels Arcade Dance Fiesta Saturday night, please phone 717-J., CST-Pair of tortoise shell glasses, gold bows. Dr. W. L. Slack, Sagin- aw, Mich., on case. Reward if re- turned to 925 Church St. or call 1826-M. OST- Locket-watch charni, initialsS W, B. M, on North side of campus LOST LOST--A lady's patient leather pock- etbook on campus. Call 1448-M. FOR SALE . FOR SAIlE -i- $40.00 Vega Banjo-man- dolin with case, $17.00. Also $70.00 trombone with case $25.00. Inquire at 1122 Washtenaw Ave. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Pleasant single room 832 E. University Ave. Phone 1508-W. MISCELLANEOUS PERSON who.found ticket for Cornell- game, section JJ, row 8, seat 3. can return same to Daily office, Box M.. next year, no matter to what class in college he belongs, will be required to continue the course for four full years in order to get a recommendation for a commission in the officers' reserve. Only those who continue the work from this year will get recommenda- tions in less time. JOHN I SAUER 3104W. Liberty Street Phone 2484 or 8(5-M Oregon Professor Tenders Resignati Eugene, Ore., Oct 31.-Prof. All Eaton of the University of Oreg faculty has, tendered his resignati to the president, as a result of a res lution passed by the city chamber commerce asking for his withdraw It was alleged that the professor a tended a seditious peace meeting he recently. He declares that he attem ed the meeting in the interest of t American government. Ohio Students "Joy Ride" Soldier Columbus, O., Oct.-31.-Students Ohio State university are doing the bit by donating the use of their aut mobiles. one night each week to gi soldiers from the barracks a ride. A STRONGER guarantee could not be written. It is unlimited in its scope and duration. SWEETEST TONE PIANO 'IN THE WORLD of czarism. "For all these reasons Austria-Hun- gary should take the negotiation of peacein hand." To Erect Monument to Wilbur Wright Paris, Oct.- 31.-The committee ap- pointed before the war to arrange for the erection of a monument to Wilbur Wright, inventor of the airplane, has decided to proceed immediately with the work, and it is hoped that arrange- ments will shortly be made for the monument to be erected at Mons. i to Daily office. r fnh Reward. GRINNELL BROS. | 116 So. Main St. Recreation n "We try to trea