E MICI W DAILY Fall and Winter Styles- BORSALINO HA TS Extra Light Weight NOW ON DISPLAY p- -- Wadhams & Co. TWO STORES STATE STREET COR. ARCADE MAIN STREET COR. WASHINGTON I - 1 CURTIS TIRES Don't let Built by Hand Write direct to the Factory for prices MARQUARD C A MPUS : TAILOR be your outfitter unless you want the Best Woolens' Accurate Fit, and Guar- anteed Satisfaction. VULCANIZED PRODUCTS CO Muskegon, Mich. INNOUNCE DRILLS FOR MILITARYCONANIES PROGRAM TO BE POSTED ON UNIVERSITY BULLE TIN BOARDS Military companies drilling under Lieutenant George C. Mullen next week will follow a deinite program which will be posted on the bulletin. boards of University hall and the En- gineering building for reference. It is as follows: Beginning Monday afternon, Oct. 29, drill will be held at Ferry field unless otherwise announced, except on Wed- nesday. The first call will be sound- ed at 4 o'clock and the assembly at 4:10 o'clock. Companies scheduled to drill with arms will assemble at Waterman gymnasium at 4 o'clock in- stead of at Ferry field. Announcement of variation from this rule will be made by so nding the first call for drill at 3:45 &clock, at the campus flag pole. this will be done on days when the weather pre- vents outside drill, but if the day is threatening, and the call is not sound- ed, assembly will be at Ferry field as usual. When the first call is sounded at 3:45 o'clock, on the campus, the as- sembly will be sounded in front of Hill auditorium and the companies will form there as shown on the dia- gram, and in order for the day: Drills will be announced as below: First day's drill will apply to Mon- day, Oct. 29, 1917 (unless weather pre- vents), in which case it will take place on the first day possible following, Wednesdays excepted, and continue in order as indicated. G. C. MULLEN, Commandant of Cadets. Order of Drill-First Day. First Battalion, First Regiment: (Co's "A", "B", "C", "D") Manual of arms at Waterman gymnasium. Second Battalion, First Regiment: (Co's "E", "F", "G", "H") Close or- der company drill, with setting up ex- ercises for 15 or 20 minutes. Third Battalion, First Regiment: (Co's "I", "K", "L", "M")-Close order company drill, with setting up exer- cises for 15 or 20 minutes. Second Battalion, Second Regiment: (Co's "A", "B', "C", "D",)-Extended order squad drill, with setting up ex- ercises for 15 or 20 minutes. Secded Battallion, Secind Regiment: (Co's "E", "F", "G", "H")-Athletic drill under Dr. May until 4:45 o'clock, after, company and squad drill. Third Battalion, Second Regiment: (Co's "I", "K", "L", "M")-Company and squad drill until 4:45 o'clock, af- ter, thletic drill under Dr. May. First Battalion, Third Regiment: (Co. "A")-Company and squad drill. GRADUATE108 STUDENTS FROM STORES COURSE MEN WILL ENTER GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE DEPARTMENT SOON One hundred and eight students en- rolled in Prof. J. A. Burley's army stores methods courses graduated yes- terday afternoon. This was the third class enrolled in the University. The entire number passed the men- tal test, but a few were rejected on the physical examinations. A fourth course, which ~will be devoted entirely to ordinance men, will begin Nov. 3 and will end Dec. 15. A large number of applications have been received by Professor Bursley, and the final se- lection will be made during the latter part of next week. Graduates from the ordinance de- partment have received a notice from the United States waradepartment to appear/ for enlistment at a recruiting office near their home residence. Farewell Smoker at Union A farewell smoker was given to the members of both departments last Wednesday at the Union.: Professor Bursley delivered a short talk to the men. A trench kit and several other tokens will be presented to Profes- sor Bursley by the army stores meth- ods classes. HAVE YOU BOUGHT A MICHIGANENSIAN? Calkins i . Suits and, O'coa, - Tailored to your Individual Style i Drug Co. That is why we sell many of them. There is real{ in Whitman's C 324 So. State St. South U and Church Sweaters All wool Good dye FURNISHINGS VARSITY TOGGERY SI Try the Fountain of Youth for your Candies-both boxed and plain We make a specialty of light lunches. Call and try them at The Fountain of -Youth Corner of State and E. Liberty ANNUAL TIONS DRIVE FOR SUBSCRIP- WILL OPEN TUESDAY ON CAMPUS T HE road to Laundry Satis- faction leads to our address. The easiest way to insure the proper conditioning of. your clothes is to send us your soiled linen and we will return it to you refreshed and renewed. MOE LAUNDRY Phone 25& 204 No. Main St. I I L. C. SMITH, CORONA, O UNDERWOOD and other high grade type. writers. FOR SALE and RENT Fraternity and Social Stationery MIMEOGRAPHING and PRINTING TYPEWRITING 0. D. MORRILL 322 South State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch) SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP Classes Just Starting. Enroll Today HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State"and William Try our Chop Suey Chinese and American Dishes This year's subscription campaign for the Michiganensian will begin Tuesday. Tables will -be placed in the Engineering building, the Law building, and tht Library, where the students may enter their subscrip- tions. Many additional features will be in- troduced in the 1918 year book. Each class will have a special department, giving the names of students enroll- ed. A deposit of 50 cents will be re- quired with each subscription, mak- ing a total price of $3 for the volume. At the end of next week the price will be raised 50 cents. Due to the high cost of leather and paper only a lim- ited number will be printed. The subscription tables will be lo- cated in the different 'buildings throughout the week, so as to accom- odate as many students as possible. Ethics with relation to the present world situation is to be offered at Ohio State university next semester. The course has arisen from the prob- lems connected with the great world war. EYES AND GLASSES Your efficiency depends on your eyes. Defective eyes can be made efficient with the proper glasses. But the glasses must be made just right. For 20 Years We have specialized in the Drugless fitting of glasses. W pioneers in this advanced mathematical system of making eyes r urements. Let us explain to you the accuracy, consistency, and venience of our Optical System. Our Facilities and Equipment enable us to give you BETTER GLASES AT LESS COST FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL No Job too Small or too Large WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP "The Shop of Quality" If it's not right we make it right - PHONE 273 - EMIL H. ARNOLD OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN 220 S. Main Street The only complete optical system in I the city. WAI KING LOO Joe Gin, Prop. 314 S. State St. i Phone 1244-M Radio Military WristWatches $4.25 to $21 iLZX Fountain Pens Waterman and ConKlin in 200 E. Washington Ann Arbor 117 Pearl Ypsilanti CO-OPERATIVE FOOD BUYING PROVES IMMEDIATE SUCCESS Co-operative buying among fratern- ities is proving successful. Ten or- ganizations have already expressed their intentions of going together on car load purchases. A representative went to the Saginaw and Bay City dis- trict yesterday, to buy potatoes. He expects to effect a saving of from 30 to 40 cents per bushel. In an interview Friday,, the promot- er stated that the same plan would be adopted in purchasing other com- modities. U.of t. Jewelry Schlanderer & Seyfried BAKER ASKS PROTECTION FOR SOLDIERS' MORALS AND MINDS Boston, Mass., Oct 27.-"Unless a network of protection is spread around the soldiers in communities adjoin- ing the war camps the whole moral life of this nation will be lowered and there will be a wide extension of so- cial diseases," said Secretary Baker of the war department in an address at the city club. The secretary spoke before the Bos- ton campaign committee of the war camp community recreation fund, which is shortly, to start a drive for $200,000 of New England's quota of $700,000 for the fund. SAFETY RAZORS All of the standard makes from ;the dollar ones up. THE EBERACH & SON C( 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Iffective May 22, 1927) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-:s 35a. in., 8:1o a. m., and hourly to 7:10 p. In., 9:10 p. mn. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. 1i. and every two hours to 6:48 m. m.; to Lansing, 8:48 p. m. Jackson Express Cars ;local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9 :48 a. in. and every two hours to 7.48 p. M. Local Cars East Bound- :35 a. i., 6 40 a. in., 7 :w5 a. mn. and every two houirs to 7.05 p. mn.. 8:05 p. mn., 9:05 p. in., 10:50 p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. ., 95 a m., 2:05 p. m., 6:05 p. im, 9:45 p. im, 1:45 ., 12:20 a.,in., I : so a. in., 1 :20 a. mn To .aline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:es a. i., 7:48 a. m.. 10:20 p. iM., 12:20 a. m. ~C1.Liwop SuGy RESTAVRANT MICH8IGAN INN .hxa 948-K 601 E. iberty at 3at L me Copy A SIEeveaveCoI Quarrfs Ud Students' 1b. Bbt Supply Store . ADV ERTi S ING * If its anything PI graphic ask S W 713 East University We have both the inclinatimi the equipment to furnish t best in banking service The Ann Arbor. Savings B INCORPORATED 1869 Gapitailand Surplus $ 500,0 Resources . . . $4,000, Northwest Corner Main Huron Streets 707 North University Avi "Just a Little BETTE] :1 - MARY PICKFORD IN "THE LITTLE AMERICAN" APPEARING AT THE MAJESTIC TODAY LOST LOST-Pin. Sun-burst of garnets. Thursday afternoon. Return to 518 S. Division. 2182-j, LOST-A lavalier at Hill auditorium Friday. night. Return to Box L, care Daily. LOST-A light, green "Knitex Coat. Finder please call 692-M. FOR RENT FOR RENT- Large front suite and large single room, very reasonable rates. Four doors from Engineering arch. 632 E. University. FOR RENT-One suite and one single room. Will take Army Stores men. Phone 1371. 1208 Cambridge Ct. WANTED I THE HOME OF Sfeinlwa- Knabe, So.mer Grinnel Bros.. STOP AT 338 MAYNARD For Lunohes and Sodas I PIANOS ,_. ,_. FOR SALE Set of Harvard Classics "nX (UR ' ,. Tr' m Ph WANTED-University man, preferrab- . ly underclassman, to deliver Dailies, every morning. Apply Wohl, Daily S office, afternoons, 12:30 to 3:30. PIANOLA PLAYER PIANOS GRINNELL BROS. Shoninger Vose & Sons, Sterling, 116 S. Main Street Class dancing at the Packard Aa- demy Monday and Thursday eve- nings, 7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons by appointment. -phone 1850-F1. You can get those Neolin Soles put on at Paul's Place. 611 E. Wil- liam while you wait.-Adv. TRUE 218 S. Ma 9-" ICE CREA] for all occasion