THE MICHIGAN DAILY-WEDNESDA BUY YOUR THIRD STORES COURSE, 'WILL. GRADUATE 1081 * * * SPECIAL ORDER SUSPENDING * UNIVERSITY EXERCISES WED- * NESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOB * ER 24, AT 2:30 O'CLOCK. * ________* Jiberty Bond Text-Books and Suppli For all Courses WE SUPPLY EVERY STUDENTS' NEED Sheehan &Co.'A of Uncle Sam and your Shit and O'coat OF SK. Malcolm Liberty Street Keep your furniture new with our ecial furniture polish. Any inform- on regarding same gladly given. C. Major & Co.-AdV. Jessie Dicken Hosum, teacher of ice. 1327 Forest Court. Phone 42-M.-Adv. WHITNEY, Week Oct. 21 Lou Whitney Stock Co. Mon. Tues. Wed. WITHIN THE LAW, THE BIGGEST CROOK PLAY IN YEARSt THURS. FRI. SAT. The Price She Paid ANOTHER BIG ROYALTY PLAY EVENINGS 8:15 10-20-25c MATINEES WED.-SAT "e p.Mat.Wd. ff~liWk, Oct. 22 at Seats $1 ARC IK Nights t. Mat. 50c to $2.00 25c to $1.50 DETROIT WILLIAM HODGE is A CURE FOR CURABLES" A New Four Act Comedy Drama RAE THEATRE TODAY-! - Smiling Gee- Walsh in "The Book Agent" Buy a Rae Ticket Book and save. LEAGUE OF WOMEN ORGANIZE; MARION FRISBIE, HEAD. Women acting as heads of league houses met and organized at luncheon' yesterday noon. The following officers were elect- ed: President, Marion Frisbie, '18, J. F. Adams house; secretary, Alice Worum, '18, Cobb house; treasurer, Edith McCormick, '18, McLouth house; chairman of social committee, Doro- thy Gruss, '19, Hawkes house; chair- man of house rules, Mildred Lehman, '19, Sackett house. The advisability of making a uni- versal 10 o'clock closing hour was discussed and also of recommending that dances begin at 8 and end at 11 o'clock. It was decided that each house head should bring these mat- ters up at the next house meeting, and ascertain the sentiemnt of the girls in this regard. The necessity of pledging hours for Red Cross work was urged. Declairing that he would not "split hairs" by figuring thirds of a cent in computing interest on his claims, Guy Mullison was awarded $262.50 in cir- cuit court yesterday in a suit againstj the Great Eastern Casualty com- pany. MAJESTIC EVE. 7:30-9. 20a, 25c 0oo MAT. 3 .M. 1 Oc, and 20o "INTERNATIONAL REVUE" A Song and Dance Trip Around the World Chorus of Beauty, Gaiety, Melody JARROW TALKATIVE TRICKSTER ALEX SPARKS & HARRY Al Present "KAT-TAILS" The Act Different QUARTERMASTERS A N D 0 R TD. N1ANCE MIEN BOUND FOR FRANCE SOON Approximately 108 students enrolle in Prof. J. A. Bursley's army stores methods course will graduate from the third class to be given by the t i- versity next Saturday. The qu . masters will be sent to different can- tonments, and the ordnance men will probably be located at the Rock Is- land arsenal not later than Nov. 8, for an additional five weeks' training. The fourth course of instruction will begin Nov. 3, ending Dec 15. Al- ready almost the required number of applicants has been received by Pro- fessor Bursley The next class will be devoted entirely to ordnance train- ing, according to a recent order is- sued by the war department. Will Leave for France Soon After studying six weeks in the University and five weeks in a can- tonment or arsenal, it is probable that the men will be sent to France. The ordnance men are expected to be lo- cated in the various war depots over- seas before next spring. Two first class sergeants, 15 ser- geants, 15 corporals, and eight first class privates received commissions in the third course. There is some ques- tion, however, as to whether the United States will give the quarter- masters the ranks obtained at the pres- ent time. It is thought by some that a substitute title will be conferred on the men, so that they will not be con- fused with the officers of the regular army and navy. Quartermasters' Corps Following is the list of men taking the course, the majority of whom were enrolled on Monday in the quar- termasters' enlisted reserve corps: F. M. Adams, H. T. Bassett, C. W. Benoy, J. A. Blackwood, Wm. M. Brace V. E. Burnett, J. , G. Cates, M. 0. Champney, K. Q. Chutian, H. E. Cov- ert, C. W. Darrah, G. F. Darrah, M. G. Dunlap, Jr., M. D. Ealy, R. W. Fixel, H. G. Freeman, F. C. Gallagher, G. R. Gilbert, J. K. Hazel, A. B. Holmes, Kemp Kenna, M. A. Kentch, L. L. Krzewinski W. M. Lang, R. W. Laut- ner, J. Edward Lind, W. C. G. McLeod, J. E. Mann, F. C. Martini, C. R. Myers, J. P. Neudorfer, R. B. Oberteuffer, N. E. Peterson, G. A. Rosenbaum, H. J. Roussin, E. P. Rowles, D. L. Runnells, W. J. Sanford, J. Sarasohn, W. W. Slocum, L. J. Smits, R. H. Struthers, Harold Titus, S. E. Walker, E. A. Ward, G. P. Ward, J. P. Webster, B. Weisman, L. C. Whitney, Frank H. Wildman, C. McV, Willits, J. B. Wood Ordnance Course The 56 students taking the ordnance course, who will probably be enlisted during the latter part of this week, are as follows: T. M. Allen, R. Alexander, James E. Blue, C. G. Boltwood, L. H. Burchard, H. W. Burton, B. F. Bushman, L. T. Butler, W. H. Cansfield, G. E. Case, G. V. Chandler, Jr., R. E. Chase, C. U. Clark, M. S. Colmery, W. W. Dawley, F. C. Dittrich, G. W. Elliott, F. W. Engdahl, D. M. Finch, L. R. Fox, S. D. Frankel, C. Fryxell, H. L. Garry, R. V. Gay, E. A. Griffith, W. S. Harvey, 0. Henderson, Edw. Hesline, S. L. Hudd, Clyde Hum, T. C. LeBaron, E. A. Lee, G. T. Leonard, R. C. Loomis, C. H. McClellan, F. R. Northway, G. W. Potts, R. B. Reader, R. C. Rosecrance, A. M Russell, Mack Ryan, W. T. Ryan,. T. M. Sawyer, P. F. Schmidt, C. C. Sessions, C. J. Sharkey, E. D. Skinner, H. S. Smith, R. P. Stewart, E. E'. Storkan, F. M. Thrun, C. W. Tuomy, G. B. Wells, E. T. White, J. S..Wick- wire E. S. Wolaver. 326 NEW MEMBERS SECURED BY Y. M. C. A. TEAMS TO DATE With complete figures not yet in, Helen Brown, '18, chairman of the Y. M. C. A. membership campaign, re- ports 326 new members. This repre- sents an increase of 94 members since the beginning of the campaign. The total membership is now 558. The 84, girls who are working in this campaign are divided into two teams. The captains of the blue team are Grace Raynsford, '18, Dorothy Paton, School of Music, Emily Powell, '19, Doris Macdonald,''19, Virginia Cavendish, '18, and Gladys Townsend, '18. The other team is captained by Hope Ferguson, '19, Jessie Metcalf, '20, Katherine Kilpatrick; '19, Louise Wiliamson, '18, Marcia Pinkerton, '19, and Mildred Sutton, School of Music. Dancing every Saturday at Arm- nrv from 9 to 19 AAmiaainn 75nAAr * The President of the Uniteda * States having appointed Wednes- * day, the 24th of October, as Liber- * ty Day, and having urged the peo- * ple of the country appropriately to * observe the day, it is ordered that' * University exercises of every kind * be suspended Wednesday after- * noon, October 24, at 2:30 o'clock * in order that members of the dif- *ferent faculties and students mnay * take part in a patriotic parade * and demonstration to be planned * for that afternoon. It is hoped * and expected that all will respond * to this patriotic call. * H. B. HUTCHINS, * President. * * ** * * * * * * * * PHONE 600 OPEN EVENINGS PHONE I ARCADE FLORAL SHOP NICKELS ARCADE OPPOSITE SUB-POST OFFICE Ann Arbor * * Flower Department A COMPLETE STOCK OF FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FLOWERING PLANTS FUL PER POTTERY' CORSAGES A SPERIALTY ,s E R V 1 C E I Kodak Department EASTMAN KODAKS. FILMS AND SUPPLIES KODAK FINISHING OUR SP$CI- ALTY - EIGHT HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED DEV. 10c PRINTS 3,4, Sc MICHIGAN1 MEN APPLY FOR AVITION OFFICES THIRTY-SECOND DIVISION SCRIBES $965,200 FOR LOAN Detroit HAND COLORED PRINTS AND ENLARGEMENTS ARCADE JEWELER CARL F. BAY SUB.! I One-third of the 500 Michigan sol- diers at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Tex. who recently applied for commissions in the aviation service, are University of Michigan men. The soldiers were inspired by the deeds of valor performed by French and American aviators at the front, and many stated that they felt there would be more of the old-time glamor of war in the air service than in the infantry and artillery. Real dynamite was recently used by the class in grenade throwing, and although the Michigan boys were a bit timid about using the "live" stuff at the outset, they soon worked them- selves into a high pitch of enthusiasm, and when the alloted supply of ex- plosive was exhausted, they returned to dummies with reluctance. With a per capita subscription to the Liberty loan much larger than the per capita subscription in Michigan, Thirty-second division soldiers today . sent the total up to $965,200 with every prospect that it would reach $1,250,- 000, a quarter of a million more than the quota. The soldiers are planning a big Liberty Loan day in camp on Wednesday. Liberty bond buttons are to be worn by the soldiers, according to a general order issued today, but these men will not be permitted to wear any other insignia. As part of the plan to reorganize. the Thirty-second division to war strength at once, the Michigan signal corps from Ypsilanti tonight was merged into the 170th field signal bat- talion, under Major William Mitchell Lewis, of Wisconsin. By the reor- ganization, Major Arnold of Michigan, one captain, and three first lieuten- ants become surplus officers, unas- signed. Major Lewis, the new com-. mander of the combined forces, form- erly was president of the Mitchell Mo tor company of Racine, Wis. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Phone 152-W NICKELS ARCADE L. . .E . U- m the speakers to their meeting places. Comedy try-outs will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday in Newberry hall. Women, Too, Are On The Decline Michigan Men Have Nothing On Them When It Comes To Retrogression. With tears in eyes, we witnessed the retrogression of man to tea-hound. The clever learned to classify the varie- ,ties at a glance as Wolf; Beagle, Blood, Fox and Rabbit; for the ordi- nary division "With" and "Without" ('staches, of course) was sufficient.. Now behold the decline of the regu- lar girl into the soda-guzzler. She tripped in, flopped down, dragged a dorine over her hectic nose and cheeks and this is what she said: "So she ex- pects me to play tennis this cold weather? How utterly utter! Why, my de-ar, we couldn't get together this week anyway-she has a bunch of dates, and I have ithe Union and Arm- ory and a shampoo on for the week- end. "And that absurd girl attempted to 'bawl me out' for not reporting for the croquet game with the Psycho- paths! Why, my hands would get ab- solutely blue a day like this!" And she tok a long, deep guzzle of banana-flop. I hoped she'd choke! UNIVERSITY RAISES LIBERTY LOAN SALE TO $184,150 (Continued from Page One.) solicit personal subscriptions from the local banks, aside from the subscrip- tions made by them among their de- positors. The county committee reported $1,- 206,000 raised up to date. Loan speakers have been making a tour of the theaters boosting the sale of bonds. Mr. Frank DeVine, city attorney, will deliver a 10-minute speech at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Majestic theater. I.' ---r-- f f ~A51WOOD f1 HAS THE NEW LAPEL FRONT SC r-54 EARL & WLSONOllars rrovs SESTPR ODUC - :. #PIP, 11 ARCADE Wed.24Alice Joyce in "Richard the Brazen," and Comedy. Thurs-25-Barbara Castlet6n and an all- star cast in "On Trial," and Drew Comedy, "Music Hath Charms." Fri-26-Alice oyce and Harry Morey in "Within the Law." 8 Parts. Sat27-Earle Williams in "Transgres- sion," and Comedy. llil11llilIIIIII 1t11111111 11111111 I " WuerthTheatre BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER, Prices: 15 Cents Matinees 2, 3:3o. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays--Continuous Tues-Wed-23-24-All Star in "Rasputin the Black Monk." Also O'Henry Story. = Thur-Fri-25-26-Geo. Beban in "Lost in Transit." Also Keystone Comedy. Sat-27-Jackie Saunders in "Betty Be- Good." Also Serial, "Neglected Wife," No. 8. Sun-Mon-28-29-Mary Pickford in "Re- becca of Sunnybrook Farm." Also= Holmes Travels and Victor Moore Comedy.- Tues-Wed.3-3i-Taylor Holmes in "Effi- ciency Edgar Courtship." Also a Reel Comedy, "Day and Night." OrpheumTheatre BOOKINGS FOR OCOBER Prices: 1oc unless otherwise specified Matinees 2. 3:30. Nights 6:30. 8, 9:30- Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Wed-24-Miss Clark in "Miss Geo. Washington." Also Victor Moore= Comedy (Rebooked). evening i c. Thur as lDortha Dalton in "Then of Diamonds." Also Triangle Comedy and Ford. . Fri-26-Louisa Glaum in "The Idola- ters." Also Triangle Comedy and Ford.- Sat-27-Baby M. Osborne in "Fear and Smile." Also Mutual Comedy and Travels. .C Sun-28Shirley Mason in "'The Awak- ening of Ruth." Also "Do Children Count?" Mon-29-Miss Juliette Day in "Th Rainbow Girl." Also Serial, "Lost Express," No. 4. Biuttons 7Baffle frivolous Frash The youth in the freshman toque had looked pointedly at the twenty differ- ent girls he had passed on the diag- onal walk. The first twenty walked 'by. The frosh looked again. Then it was that the senior accompanying him gave a vicious jab with his elbow, "What's the idea?" the upper class- man asked. The freshman was too busy watch- ing girl number twenty-two to say anything but, "She's wearing one too!" "Look here," the senior interposed, "that sort of thing isn't done here." "Well," said the poor first year man in self defense, "all I wanted to know was what sorority most all the girls belong to, someone must have made a great haul." It was the senior's turn to wonder. "Here comes another girl with one on," whispered the youth in excite- ment. "You poor boob," was the senior's only reply, for the girl approaching was wearing a little round, green but- ton, insignia of the illustrious class of '21. I LALOR & GEAR To make You Laugh 11 WHAT'S GOING ON I I HECTOR & PALS Featuring Hector the Mindreading Dog 3 Days Corn. Thur. Matinee WofoksMusical Comedy Co, with GUY VOYER -30- PEOPLE -30. Next Sunday MARY PICKFORD "THE LITTLE AMERICAN" Her greatest sensation Special Program LeryDay, Wednesday ADDRESS BY Mr, Frank DeVine, City Attorney To-day 2:30-Students assemble at corner of North Main and Ann streets for pa- triotic parade. 4 o'clock-Women's league party in Barbour gymnasium. To-morrow 8:30 o'clock-Dr. C. D. Pillsbury lec- tures in Homeopathic hospital on "Medical Training for Military Men." 3 o'clock-Senior lit meeting in room 101 Economics building. 7 o'clock-University Zionist society meets in room P-162, Natural Science building. U-Notices The Varsity band will assemble at 2:30 o'clock today in front of Univer- sity hall. Five sophomores are wanted to work on the business staff of The Gargoyle. Those interested should see Norman H. Isben between 10:30 and 11:30 o'clock or between 12:30 and 1:30 o'clock today at the Gar- goyle offices in the Press building. Liberty Loan speakers are asked to report at 12:30 o'clock today at the city Y. M. C. A. Automobiles will take _- Ann Arbor Branch ASTARR BEST Inca CHICAGO Outfiters to Young Men Now located in their new store 608 E. Liberty Pete E. F. Barns, Mgr. 11 ... o._._. I IDHEW FLORAL CO E. Liberty. Phone 1321 rerything in the line of We are the only Stutdents' Suppl-y Store 7:30 9:00 11 Specialty ibservatory and Appropriate Music Be Patriotic BE THERE Write that letter home or to your room-mate at camp. We, have the most effective styles in Michigan Stationery. Films DeOeloPed for roe I