THE MICHIGAN DAILY rllrwrr .nwrW y .. ... w ow Much Does Your You? A A I Country Mean to :- , ,, ', , I / a ' a ;, I I I Cost of Victory is Great , ,, I Let us not hesitate to do our duty. Every- war in which this country has been engaged has taken a great toll of lives and of dollars and has exacted untold sacrifices. Our people have always faced the wars, counting nothing of more importance than to emerge from the fray with vic- tory perched upon our banner. The Flag' has been car- ried through rivers of blood. It has withstood the fierce hail or bullets from the enemy's guns. But in every case our men have carried it through until our enemies were overthrown. Now that Our Flag is at the front, with loyal men to carry it once more to Victory, we know that Our Victory lies ahead. We know that rivers of blood and storms of leaden bullets must be faced before the Victory shall be ours. Perhaps this will be the bloodiest fight and it may exact a greater toll of lives than any war in his- tory.' Knowing all these things, yet our men do not flinch. They are ready for the combat. Knowing that the enemy is ahead of them they are even anxious to get in the tren- ches where blow after blow can be dealt our foe until the cause of Liberty is Won and Our Flag once more flies un- challenged by any foe on land or sea. I ' I I I I I 1i t' Our Liberty Our First Step '. is in Great Danger Towards This Advertisement Contributed in interest of the Liberty Bond by SHEEHAN & CO. A._ Arbor Victory Is in Using Our Dollars to I You Can Help to Preserve It-- 'N Buy .iberty Bonds Buy Liberty Bonds