SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1917 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Seven Don Football Togs at Adrian FORMER FOOTBALL STARS TO Adrian college has withdrawn from CLASH IN HARVARD STADIUM the Michigan intercollegiate associa- tion in footballcompetition. Only Boston, Oct. 20. - Former college seven men reported for the first foot- football stars will be seen in action in ball practice and only one of these was the Harvard stadium Nov. 3, when a veteran. Percy Houghton, Harvard coach, brings his soldier squad from Camp BUY YOUR Devens at Ayer, Mass., to play a team representing the Boston naval yards and coached by a former Har- vard football tutor. The receipts will LIBERTY go to the war camp community funds. I I BOND of Uncle Sam and your FALL SUIT OVERCOAT of . K. Malcolm 604 E. LIBERTY "War Course" Given at Wisconsin A "world war couse' 'is being offer- ed at the University of Wisconsin. This course consists of lectures designed to throw light on various phases and problems of the war. 1,19 MW a MICHIGAN MEETS AGGIES_12 TIMES Varsity Begins Relations with Lansing Lads by Handing Them 39 to 0 Lacing FARMERS SLEEP 3 YEARS TO OPEN EYES FOR BEATING Yostmen Score 299 Points in 11 Games, Handing M. A. C. Boys Meager 49 Counters * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mich. M. A. C. * * 1898 39 0 * 1902 119 0 * * 1905 46 0 r* * 1908 0 0 * 1910 6 3 * * 1911 15 3 * * 1912 55 7 * * 1913 7 12 * * 1914 3 0* * 1915 0 24 1916 9 0 * Total .299 49 * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * EAT! EAT! TR BEY'S 208 S. MAIN Yostmen Rough Kaiser; Taboof Fussing Gertie" The tackling dummy on Ferry field has been re-christened and is now a male instead of a female personage. Coach Yost, grinning broadly, is ready to admit that there is an ocean of effectiveness "in a name." Until this season the dummy has been known as "Gertrude." On num- erous occasions, Yost, Trainer Tuthill and other chiefs of the training squad, have informed ambitious young foot- ball candidates that they never would get to the front unless they showed considerably less consideration for "Gertrude's" feelings. This season, with many gridiron stars absent from college, and many green men to teach, Yost faced a prob- lem. But he solved it. He had the tackling dummy re-chrit- ened. It's new name is "Kaiser Bill." And that's the reason why Yost is still grinning. Nebraska Abandons Colored Socks The red and white striped jerseys and stockings of the University of Nebraska eleven have been abandoned. This is the first change in the garb since the first game played by the Cornhuskers 27 years ago. Coach Stewart claimed the jerseys were de- ceiving and made the team look heav- ier than it really was. Illini Rooters Look for Win Today As a result of the bad beating Illi- nois gave Oklahoma Saturday, the fol- lowers of the Illinois team hope for a largerscore on the part of Illini when they face Wisconsin today. Wisconsin has a poor team this year, which lacks the usual pep and punch that their 1 teams display. Wisconsin was held to heavy team, Wisconsin is not regard- a tie by the Notre Dame squad, and al- ed very highly by the other confer- though it is reported they have a big ence teams. THE SQUARE DEAL STORE FRANK W. ALLEN 118 E. Huron Eat a Good Dinner After the Game A Washington Street CAF P AZA 117sEas LASSY WARD'S UTS $17 up - Suits and Overcoats - $17 up RE ST Athletic Goods The Only Store in the City handling Athletic Goods exclusively Correct Style - GYM SUITS - Prices Right This Store is the headquarters for Gym Supplies GEO J. M O E "SPORT SHOP" - 3Juurratt IMusty .art w Coe.Ar A ad Will Corner Maynard and William Streets Publishers of the Michigan Song Book Price $2.50 and College Songs 25c each (By Harry W. Weinerman) Michigan's football eleven engaged the Michigan Aggies for the twelfth time today. Relations with the Farmers opened in 1898, when the Wolverine aggre- gation handed the M. A. C. contingent a lacing to the tune of 39 to 0. This was the highest number of points scoredagainst any other team by the Yostmen that year. The Aggies did- n't get a chance to meet the Wolver- ines again until 1902. This time the1 East Lansing boys were swamped, the final score reading Michigan, 119; M. A. C., 0. Agges Get 3 Years Rest and Beating Again there was a long breach of relations between the teams. After a three-year rest the Farmers were again beaten by the Wolverines with- out a chance to score. The figures at the end of the game stood, Michi- gan, 46; M. A. C., 0. Three years later the M. A. C. footballers met the Maize and blue aggregation in the hopes of staging a comeback but went back to East Lansing a disappointed bunch. The game resulted in a scoreless tie. In 1910 the Aggies succeeded in scoring on the Wolverines for the first time. Michigan had scored a touch- down and it looked as if the Farmers would be kept pointless, when they suddenly put across a field goal which netted them three counters. Michigan won again in 1911 and in 1912, both times by a comfortable margin. In 1913 M. A. C. broke the long string of defeats. The East Lansing lads came to Ann Arbor and administ- ered a 12 to 7 defeat on the unsus- pecting Wolverines. After this game the Aggies were no longer considered the standing joke of Michigan, but were looked upon as worthy oppon- ents. The following year Larry Splawn turned a scoreless, stubborn game in- to a Wolverine victory when he boot- ed the ball between the goal posts from the 20-yard line. This was the only score of the game. Farmers Trample Over Michigan The Aggies camenbackwith blood in their eyes and vengence in their hearts and trampled over Michigan in 1914. They humiliated the Wolverines 24 points to nothing. Last year the game went to Michi- gan by a score of 9 to 0. The Wolver- ines scored twice on the East Lansing lads, first a field goal in the initial ses- sion, and then a touchdown in the last quarter. Out of the 11 games played so far Michigan has managed to accumulate 299 points to 49 for the Aggies. Wabash Rules Out Professionals Lester Hunt will be the only letter man on the basketball squad at Wa- bash this year, since professionals have been ruled out. Columbia Expells Two Professors The trustees of Columbia university recently dismissed two members of the faculty because of their pacific utter- ances. Yes We tire Doctors! We can cure misfits in clothing Our Candies, Cooked and Boxed Fresh Daily Our Patrons enjoy the refined atmos- phere of our shop. Dainty Luncheons Afternoon Teas Fountain Michig ns Favor te Colle e Son ADLER;RCDHESTER Clothes 1" ' the best evidence of our ability to do this is the hundreds of satisfied customers that have purchased of us- THE FAMOUS ADLER ROCHESTER CLOTHES The time is here to make selections of your fall and winter Suit and Ovorcoat, the early buyer certainly can secure the advantage of our large variety of styles in all the desirable Got the Michigan Songs ON Victor Records shades. The Price range is $20, $22.50, $25, $28, and $30. Meet us face to face at Headquarters for The L Vassar Underwearu Spaulding Sweaters2 Dress Gloves 217 SO. MAIN STREET Victors and Varsity Yellow and Blue and College Days Price 75c each Store Headquarters for Shirts; Ties, made of ye old silk in ye new shapes and shades Hats and Caps "The Ann Arbor Store for Young nlen" U BOWLING, CIGARS "We Try To Treat You Right" BILLIARDS CANDY TOBACCO HUSTON BROS. STATE STREET