THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, f icer, Stop that Man! m buying cotton mixed suitings, he not get satisfaction. ly strictly all pure wool fabrics will e satisfaction. We have a large assort- nt of pure wool suitings for you to pct from. Fit and workmanship will ase you. 4 EXPRESS COMPAIES ITAKEN OVER BY M'AOOOi PEESENT CAPITALIZATION CORPORATIONS TOTALS $57,000,000 OF K. M ALCOLM LIBERTY STREET MALCOLM BLOCK Don't Forget to Attend Our 5 th Anniversary Sale Sheehan &Co. oDr Detroit A SUGGESTION the' Watches Diamonds Jelvlery lilitary Wrist Watches he 0 er nen will all need sometlging to be found t the goods that Schlanderer & Seyfried, 's sell. Our Service is prompt. LANDERER & SEYFRIED 113 E. Liberty Street ... --- m -. BUY Four of the principle express com- panies of the United States have been taken over by Director General Mc- Adoo on the basis of their actual business, physical properties and cash values. They are the Adams, the' American, the Wells-Fargo, and the Southern. A new company with $30,000,000 capital has been formed. The pres- ent capitalization of the four com- panies is $57,000,000. No provision is made in the reorganization for good will or other assets not represent- ed by property values. Arrangement Beneficial The president of the American Ex- press company, who is to act as- pres- ident of the new company, and ac- cordingly speaks from an expert point of view, is confident that the new arrangement will be highly ben- eficial to the companies and to the public. He says: "In the past the ex- press companies have been vital fac- tors in the conveyance of merchan- dise and foodstuffs. They have elim- mated distance and the time element between the manufacturer and his market. The move is designed to improve the distribution of commerce and agriculture, and the business of the country may look upon it with confidence that their interests will be carefully and intelligently served. Al- ready the vast terminals now main- tained by the various comapnies are being unified for a practical saving of time and service." Single Service The individual identity which has separated the express companies for 75 years is now eliminated and a single express service offered to mer- chants, manufacturers and individ- uals, who need merely specify "by express and "the entire man power and vehicle power of the express world will respond to their call." In this combination of the express companies we may have an indica- tion of the thought of Director Gen- eral McAdoo as to the ultimate des- tiny of the railroads. In this merg- er he has had a physical opportunity to work out a complete plan. The plan constitutes a linking together of interests, through which the benefit of individual aggression, ambition and ability with government control anl government liberal participation in profit are all availed of, possibly eliminating to a minimum the detri- mental influence of political obstruc- tion PHYSICIANS WILL ASSIST EXAMINERS Dr. George A. May, director of Waterman gymnasium, will aid in the physical examination of the 700 members of the second training de- tachment, which is expected to ar- rive in Ann Arbor June 15, according to an announcement made yesterday. A number of physicians, probably including members of the senior med- ical class, will also help examine the men in the next detachment. No defi- nite arrangements have as yet been made, but the physicians are expectel to be chosen three or four days be- fore the arrival of the new men. There has been a rumor that the gas engine mechanics in the first training detachment will be sent overseas soon. This was officially de- nied at the headquarters of the de tachment last night, and thu far no definite infor mation has Icon receiv- ed from Washington as to tn' move- Ments of: U men afr the comnple- tOr of their course at tle Unyorsity, Ten gas engine men. five of whom are members of the special detail, were sent cut Monday to bring in uven automobiles from 24)' milesI norrh of Detro ", None of the mer rE'tuvel yesteinay, but ty are ex- pecte to ae wit the~r machines sonic lie today. . A complete his cry of e first training detachment i being compil- ed. h~ orkwillconainphoto- gr of the .ho, the me at drill, and the personnel of the -dachment, When the history s corupi:ed it will be forwarded to Washingtor, where it will be usd a7 a perman t roe- rdof Mich'a'i first tr. ing de- ta ,l ent. Garrett, 2b Adams, lb Rluzicka, p MICHIGAN DEFEATS NOTRE DAME, 5--I (Continued from Page One) and in the seventh, Adams again singled. Throughout the battle the Confer- ence champions played winning ball. The teaI Worked as a smooth ma- chine, and only Morrison's slip im- paired the perfect work. Notre Dante did not stancd a chance from the be- ginning, for the Wolverines were in as good playing order as any time they have performed on Ferry field this year, Notre Dame scored its lone run in the s^'ventl, Sjoberg, first up, made the visitors' only hit, doubling to right, and then w ent to third oen a wild hitch, When -Morrison letiantherball get by him, Sjoberg scored, thus rob- bil~tig zika of a shutout. Only the men the pitcher passed and hit were able to reach irst, with tbe exception of Sjoberg, none getting on through errors. But two South Benders reached third. Player A. Kaode, ss..... ..4 Ceolper, I'.......4 Ohinacher, rf . ... 4 Mraz, 3b ..........3 Genebach, of ..... 3 Morrison, c.......2 * * ** * * * * * * AT TIHE TI-HEAT ERS 4 M+ *i I i(4 A 'S . .0 C 0 E 11 o'clock-Dean M. E. Cooley ad- (resses last fresh engineer assembly in room 348, Engineering building. . 4 :45 o'clock--Michigan-Not re Dame biaseball game on Ferry field. 8 o'clock-Glee and Mandolin club 'finial concert in Hill auditorium. TOMORROW 12 :15 o'clock-Dental faculty lunch- eon at the Union. t'.NOTiCE The It. 0. T'. o. 1and will report at 7 o'clock tonight for drill at Waterman gymnasium. Membersar requested to bring their instrumn ;t s, . I. C. A. cabinet men are request- ed to report to the "Y" sometime to- day to receive instructions. Totals ...... 29 .B. R. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 H. P.O. A. 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 30 02 5 0 1 1 0 4 0 2 2 2 2 11 2 0 2 2 7 27 13 Ei'. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 0 1 The Bonstelle Co xipaw iv NOTN E J)AM!E Pnlayer A.J. R. 1i . P.O. A. E. Bader, of ........ 0 0 1 0 0 Bahan, rf .........3 0 0 1 0 0 Sjoberg, 2b ......3 1 1 4 1 0 YWoltss.........3 0 0 1 .2 3 Halloran, c .... .. 0 0 8 3 0 Barry, If.........2 0 0 1 0 0 Mangin, 3b .......3 0 0 1 0 0 Fitzgerald, lb ....3 0 0 7 0 1] Alurray, p ........3 0 0 0 2 0 Totals'..,.. 26 1 1 24 8 4 lunings -- 1 2 3 4 5 43 7 8 9--R.1.E. Michigan . . 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 *-5 7 1 "Mary's Ankle," at the Garrick. TODAY Wuerth-Wallace Reid in "The Thing We Love." Also Eagle's Eye." n ....... . J . _ ? Arcade -- Lillian Walker in "Lust of the Ages." Mutt and Jeff Cartoon, "Harps and Halos," atud screen Telegram. x: s *: .u *: *: Flowers Plants- Ferns Orpheum -- Vivian "The Trouble Buster.' gle's Eye." Notre Dame 0 0 A RC A D E SHIOIS AT 3:00, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 8c Unless Otherwise Specified. d ~- lillian Walker in "Lust of a \gc>"; Mutt an t Jeff Cartoon, "larps and [talos," and Screen 'PTelcgramn. Tlirs --6-Constance Talmadge in '1I'e htle" 'andChristie Comedy, 'ri .7 ConstaLCe TalifadlgC in "h Suintile" and Charlie . Chaplin in "A l)gs Life." -x, tax 3c. 000010 I 0- 1 41 r Steel Ball Stock NOW 0. H. FISCHER Bank Bldg. Tel 1060 Martin in Also "Ea- 225 E. Liberty. Phone 1321 GOOOKEII FLORAL COO Baskets Corsage. Decorations Let me congratulate you on the wonderful role you are about to play in the history of the world; you will go out from it full of credit and hon- ors. Although students at different periods there is one thing common to all Michigan men-the inestima- ble and unique spirit of complete de- mocracy. I have never met a Michi- In man who was small, never one who was not democratic, unreserved, and a good fellow among other men. Trunks, Suitcases and Bags at rea- sonable prices. You may trade in your old Travelling Goods as well as Furn- iture for New Luggage. F. W. Wil- kinson, 325 S. Main St. Phone 24.- AMv. Pop. Mats, Nights Tue., Thur. R: 25c, 50e& Sat., 25&50c UFTROIT '75c THE BONSTELLE COMPANY IAy 'Ankle" :Il'S Service (GLEN OREN) 'ry our Plate Specials at 15c 20c 25c Regular Dinners 35c Two hare hits, Cooper, Garrett,1 Sjoberg; stolen bases, Knode, Barry 2; sacrifice hits, Mraz, flaan; lelt on bases, Michigan 2, Notre Dame 4; base on balls, Ruzicka 4; hit by pitcher, Morrison, Wolf; struck out, "uzicka 4; M1urray 7;, wild pitca Ruzicaa. lIE REAI) FOil YE AR OF WAR New York, June 4. - The Germat people are being warned that they must prepare for another winter o' war. In announcing this, Conrad Ilaussman, a progressive member of the German reichstag, said in a speech at Stuttgart, as reported by the :Berlin Tageblatt, that it is neces- sary to give the warning to prevent public (isappointment. Germany, said Haussman, saw through the desire of the Prussian upper house to rule the empire. Nev- er, he added, wil, salvation come from these super-Prussians. The Prussian upper housew arming to storm against Kuehlmann, foreign minister. and the imperial government. Kuehl- mann had fallen into the bad graces of the supermen. IHJ was exposed to a concentratedattack of those who considered negotiations during which one pounds the table as the most sal- utary. FORM ER1 VICE-iPIESIDENT, (11ARLES FAIRBANKS, DIES (Continued from Page One) publican party and as such was made chairman of the committee on reso- lutions at the Philadelphia national convention in 1900. He resigned from the senate March 4, 1905, having been elected Vice-President on the Repub- lican ticket with Theodore Roosevelt. While lie was Vice-President, Mr. Fairbanks, in 1908, became a candi- date for the nomination for presi- dent. 1l , was defeated by William H. Taft, and, after his term as Vice- President ended, he went back to the practice of law. Our Merchant Advertisers represent the progressive business men of Ann Arbor.- -Adv. Play Ground, Indoor and Tennis Balls at Cushing's.-Adv. * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT TIFF: ARCADE Something new in moving picture attendance developed at the showing in Detroit of "A Dog's Life," the lat- est Charlie Chaplin comedy. Thous- ands of people enjoyed it so im- rmensely that they went a second time. The film will be at the Arcade Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8. in addition to this picture, the regu- lar features for these days will be shown, and they are especially good ones, according to reports. FRANCE EXHIBITS NO SIGNS 0V ANY WARTIME ACTIVITIES (Continued from Page Four) laid out sightseeing tours for many a man. In short we are a sort of Parisian bureau of information." Michigan Dinner Among other things recounted, was a Michigan dinner, at which 34 Michigan men were seated. Profes- sor C. B. Vibbert acted as toastmas- ter, and his excellency, William Graves Sharp, '81L, and at present United States ambassador to France, was guest of honor, and, according to Mr. Vinton's letter, gave the fol- lowing greeting to Michigan men, practically all of whom were in uni- form, who sat at the board: t ~t1i9 LRE[ is.§i l11g 1tliltllllll9111t WtierthTheater Afternoon--2:30and 4:00 Evening-7:oo, S:oo and to:oo Phone-16o-J -OOKINGS FOR JUNE Tor'sWe W--5--- allace Re2id in "The 1Thing WleLove." Also "Eagle = h sFli -6-7--Sessue lfayakawa in -1i:Ii n Pearls." Aso Holmes -. 'I'i avel s and Ctomedy~. te isher in "The [rivnuitiVe \Voman." Also 'Weekly S n-n- - -to-ISC Ferguson in "T 'IheSong -of Songt s." :Also Miack: - Sennltt coidy"~A WiresSafe." 'P \e ,-1e-W. S. Hart in "the = Bandit and the Preacher." Also f OrpheumTheater Afternoon-2:3o and 4:00 - Evening-7:oo, 8oo and io:oo Phone-750o-J BOOKINGS FOR JUNE d~ Wted- ---V ivian M1artin in "The Trou-' blc Bwster." Also "Eagle Eye," No. ' 13. (Ret.) ThCrsri-,,-7-Roy Stewart in "Pay- igllis Debt." Also Keystone Con- l e Pl A ~ayright Wrong." Sait-8 -rederick Warde in "Heart of . l~zi a ('ecr." Also Weekly and Com- Snt'Mon- 9-:o-William Desmond in "An Honest Man," Also Serial, "Vengeance and the Womian," No. 2. Ti' r-Mary Pickford in "The Slittle Princess.' Also "Eagle Eye," S1.4, ((Ret.) W-1d-- i -tlsie Ferguson in "T herise (Jenning Cushing." ;Also "E~agle + I,, yc," N4o. 14. (Re't,) liflllg §B1 1 Ol iii IIIIIUlliii1111111 Sum mer Weight Clothing -ve plan Open for Summer} , REQUIREMENTS AIN UNCHANGED .y ear -500 wil not ents for ntrance and t year, in spite of the WY MIHIVAN LEVNT L ''AMN Dr. C. W. Meade, who ha. mad.. his home in this city for the past year 'I Ii hi. sister, Miss Pearl Mead'. o' 1032 Broadway, Was struck and kill- ed tondaay by ie bchigan Crytra 58 fast freight. His body eaa terrn- tvmtilated r. Meade was deaf, and this prob- Saccounts for t1ie accident. When he was crossing the tracks, -the city library. We are carrying a large line of Palm Beach Suits this year and have put a special price of twelve dol- lars on them, so come in if you need one or two and we will fix you up. LUTZ CLOTHING STORE your old Lav Medical o t for useful PrSctitinnr . plete line See Biddle- 217 S. Main Street M I I m styles in pe >7* Foster rsonal lou( Freni Aecevpt Arnerli Offer Wahington, Jane 4 -- The univer- siter of France have accented the rm- offer of 100 scholarships for French women made by American u.niversi- es and colleges, according to an an- aebler ,{ouncernt today by tha emergency .council of educatio , : 1 f. r th fflmmm Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day. Try our Service. Eyes Examined. H-ALLERW . IFULLER State Street Jew I