THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEMICIGA DALY PAGN m I ? you .s .now Wh It i 14 .ti I .S I. The Boys Over There Know 0 say who have come back from over there, that at night the troubled earth between the lines is carpeted with pain. They say that Death rides whistling in every wind, and that the very are charged with awful torment. * * * * But in this renaissance of our country's valor, we who will edge the wedge of her assault, make calm acceptance of its hazards. For us the steel- swept trenches, the stiffening cold-weariness; hardships, worse. For you for whom we go, you millions safe at home-what for you? " Citizen Soldier No. 258 YOU Can Buy Thrift Stamps, They Help Feed U Buy Our Amunition I I I Contributed by Mayer-Schairer Co. Arcade Floral Shop Forshee and Kuehnle Arcadia Restaurant Fisher Real Estate Co. Jf Yflu WANT :no APAnunl DOWN PaT1RA~ f QTIinin 319E