I ~ Mi1{TA~NL)AII Y r If you want A Carmpaig Q Hat of distinctive quality Buy a Stetson Wadhan s &tCo. State Street Store ..,.: J Sti';t CLEANED) TO SUIT Wt ,r ' lip , ' ' ' ,,II , ; , "== ;r ' t Vii,';'' '1 ti ---'.:.r G\ en we return your clothes dry clean ,d W * \.''nt you to examine them criticaliy. If they are satisfactory lindly co us a good turn with your friends. If by any chance they should not be entirely satisfactory send us v,,ord and we'll call for them and make thema right. We guarantee sat- isfaction. ANN ARBOR STEAM .YE WORKS ' . ., t ., SILK SHIRTS AND LADIES CLOTHES FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL We give special attention All laundered by hand No rio)JtooSmall or too Large WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP "The Shop of Quality" If t's not right we make it right - PHONE 273 - Moo Laund'ry PHONE 2355 ECONOMY oust be accompanied by good judgment, and depends on SERVICE not Price CURTIS TIRES give 6,000 miles of service CURTIS TIRE & R UBBER C0. Muskezon, ,ich. Military Fountain Pens Watches a ° l Waterman to $21 and ConKlin U. of M. Jewelry ehlanderer & Seyfried Realize for yourself the leasure of Home Cooked Food. Prices Reasonable. Service Paramount. "DE GREEN SPOOK" HAS SUNDAY SERVICES IN AN EXCITING JONEY ANN RBOR CHURCHES I)ECREPIT OLD CAR CAVORTS First Congregational Church AROU'ND hAIRPIN "War Time Professions" will be the TURN subject of the sermon by Lloyd C. Douglas at 10:30 o'clock. Special mu- "Stop her! Stop! Lemme out!" sic by the Quartet and Mr. M. C. "Run her into the bank and let us Wier on the 'cello. Mr. George C. out!' hLubke, '19D, will speak at 6:30 o'clock These and other frightened cries at the Plymouth Round Table on rang out unheeded on the hairpin"Christianizing Zululand." boulevard drive the other day, as a certain decrepit old automobile went First Methodist Episcopal Church reeling and rocking down the winding Communion service at 10:30 road at a pace sufficient to wring o'clock. Bible classes at noon for col- queer-sounding noises from the aged lege men and women. Illustrated l:- transmission and engine. ture by Mr. H. E. Illick at the Wes- A certain Harry Blasdale, a member leyan Guild meeting at 6:30 o'clock. of the first training detachment, used Evening service at 7:30 o'clock with to enjoy the reputation of knowing less sermon on "God's Mercies." about automobiles than any other of --~" the men working to restore the lost German Methodist Episcopal Church youth of the old cars residing in the Morning worship and Holy Commu- "automobile heaven." One of these nion at 10:30 o'clock. Text: Peter I, cars, an ancient Studebaker, nick- Chap. 2. Evening service at 7:30 named "De Gree Spook," was being o'clock. gradually brought to running condi- tion. The envy of many of the men, Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church who hoped to be given the honor of Class meeting at 9:30 o'clock, and driving the boat on its maiden trip, Epworth league meets at 7:30. Even- was aroused. Harry, apparently, ing worship at 7:30 o'clock. hadn't a chance in the world to win g sh a :_ k the "croix de guerrlg His compan- ions scoffed, for what did he know Bethel A. M. E. Church about automobiles? Holy Communion and morning wor- "Do Green Spook" Starts ship at 10:30 with sermon by the As it turned out, Harry was the one Rev. J. A. Charlestonaon the subject, selected by the gas instructor to take "The "Ways of Jehovah." Class meet- the machine out on its first public ing at 11:45 and evening sermon at excursion. He clambered into the 7:30 o'clock with sermon subject, weather-beaten seat, and a half-doz- "Crowding Out the Soul." en or so of the gas engine men climb- ed into the back, expecting to be giv- St. Thomas' Roman Catholi Church en the wheel after the driver had dis- Masses at 6. 7:30, 8:30, and 10:30 covered his lack of car knowledge. o'clock, with sermon at 10:30 by the The engine was running beautiful- Rev. Fr. M. P. Bourke. ly, for the gas tank was full of fuel-Y and the oil was 100 per cent perfect. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Harry was getting along swimming- Holy Communion at 7:30 and Holy ly-infact, lie was right at home, for Communion with sermon at 10:30 he knew more about a Studebaker o'clock by tye Rev. Henry Tatlock, than old man Studebaker himself. Church school meets at 9:15 at the The small hill near the botanical gar- church. dens was easily negotiated. Then, just to give a little variety, Harry turned First Baptist Church off the smooth boulevard road and Services conducted by Prof. Conrad started down the hairpin curve to- Moehlmann, of the Rochester Baptist ward the railroad. The machine gain- Theological seminary in the absence ed momentum. Brakes were applied- of the Reverend Wells. Morning wor- but what was the use, for they had ship at 10:30, and meeting of guild been taken off many long years ago. service at 6:30 o'clock in the church The speedometer climbed, showing parlors. the figure of 35 per. Harry went over a bump, and one of the men would Presbyterian Church have been hurled through the air, if Sermon-by the Rev. L. A. Barrett the delapidated top had not stopped at 10:30 o'clock on the theme, "When him on his skyward flight. Is an Act Right and When Wrong?" Harry Gamin Titie Bible school follows the morning At the bottom of the perilous road, services. Young People's evening as the machine slowly slackened its service at 6:30 o'clock, preceded by a pace, Harry's companions jumped social half-hour beginning at 6 out, leaving the daring gas engine o'clock. specialist to wend his weary way homeward the best he knew how. Church of Christ (Disciples) For their part, they thought it would Services will be in charge of the be safer to walk than to ride. new minister, the Rev. F. P. Arthur, That evening, after the excitement formerly of Detroit .Morning sermon had died away, the men sought out at 10:30 o'clock on the subject, "Oth- Harry and gave him the title of the er Gospels." University Men's Bible "Blue devil of the mechanics." Har- class at 9:30, and Christian Endeav- ry has held that title ever since his or meets at 6:30 o'clock. hasty, but successful, trip with "De Green Spook." First Church of Christ (Scientist) "Do Green Spook" Stalls Morning sermon at 10:30 o'clock on Seceral days later, one of the gas the subject, "Ancient and Modern engine men, who thought that "De Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Green Spook" was a first class boat Hypnotism, Denounced." Testimonial for the "Blue devil of the mechanics" meeting at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday had proved the inachine's value, got evening. a date. The girl was beautiful and - - the fairest in the land. But, the ma- Bethlehem Evangelical Church chine didn't fancy the driver, and, be- Services in English at 9 and in sides, it was Sunday. When the chr German at 10:45 o'clock. Sermon climbed a fairly steep hill, the whis- subject, "The Church, the Body of tile blew, and sine the machine be- Christ." No evening services. longs to the "Automobile Heaven's union," it stopped work.rinit Evangelical Lutheran Church Hours passed, and still "De Green Morning worship at 10:30 o'clock Spook" remained unresponsive to the with sermon by the Rev. Lloyd M. caressing touches of its master. At Wallick on the subject, "The Mind to length; thoroughly disgusted with life Work." Evening worship at 7:30. and the actions of "De Green Spook," o'clock. A congregation meeting will the gas engine student and his girl be held after the morning service. went for a walk. An S. O. S. was sent to the training headquarters, Zion Lutheran Church and a squad of mechanics rushed to English service at 8:30 o'clock with the scene. Several hours later, "De sermon on the subject, "The Garden, Green Spook" was brought back to the Kitchen, and the Kingdom of the "heaven,"where it has remained! God." German service at 10:45 ever since. o'clock. No evening service. Gasoline 25c, Polarine 55c. Staebler St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran & Co., 117 So. Ashley St.--Adv. Church Morning sermon at 10:30 o'clock on Use the Daily classified columns. the subject, "Jesus Sinners Doeth Re- I I Calkins Drug Co. Men's Furnishings Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Ave. The little . . .. '1 TRY OUR FRESH FRUIT SUNDAES- FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH STRAWBERRIES PEACHES PINEAPPLES CHERRIES I .! Vest Pocket Kodak is still the most popular model Have you seen the new F 6.A at $20.00 Come in. -1 "Snappy New Neckties and Shirts Fountain of Youth Corner State and Liberty YOUR SPRING SUIT will be carefully tailored of the new de- pendable fabrics. New Models distinctly our own. it GOLF SUITS RIDING BREECHES I: 200 E. Washington Ann Arbor 117 .carl Ypsilanti ;,, ,. V D. E. Grennan The Custom Tailor 606 E. Liberty I Your Personal Appearance I SENIORS! will be most pleasing when clothed in a suit made by A. F. Marquardt 516 E. William St. Phone 1422-J Order your personal cards now from the MAYER-SCHAIRER CO 112 SO. MAIN ST. U s Try our Chop Suey Chinese and American Dishes t WAI KING LO, Joe Gin, Prop. .1 A SUGGESTION 314 S. State St. Phone 1244-MI MR. BROWN Offers men and women highest marketable prices for their old clothes, Anything in the line of suits, over- coats, shoes, one-piece dresses or shirt waists he will take off your hands. clothes. They are no good to you. I can use them. You will get your money's worth. No quibbling to buy cheap. Their absolute value will be paid. Men's and women's apparel both. Call Mr. Claude Brown at 210 Hoover Ave. Phone 2601. He will gladly call at your residence.-Adv. Use the Daily elassified column.a For the Young Graduate For the Departing Soldier . Watches ~Diamonds Jelvelery Iilitary Wrist W atches _1 ~ TRUBEY S 218 S. Main Street ?lay Ground, Indoor and Tennis 11s at Cushing's.-Adv. These men will all need something to be found amongst the goods that Schlanderer & Seyfried, Jewelers sell. Our Service is jrompt. SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED 113 E. Liberty Street eave Copy at ., marry's and The Dolts I SSIFIE VEFRTISI.NG Leave Copy .at Students' Supply Store 4I WANTED ANTED-Second hand bicycle typewriter in good .condition. 1462-R after 7 P. M.1 and ball 'ANTED-Room and board with pri- vate family near State St. Call Miss Noonan at 44-M.' ANTED-Handy man to do outdoor work. Phone 1784-M. ANTED-ILt us supply ye wh what you want through h"' FOR SALE FOR SALE-Piano, baby-grand, Ivers and Pond. Good as new. A splen- did instrument. A wonderful op- portunity. Price reasonable. Phone 856-J. FOR SALE-Piano. Excellent condi- tion. Exceptional bargain if taken at once. Phone 1074-R. LOST LOST-Small.silver purse in balcony of Hill auditorium during May Fes- tival. Reward. Carolyn Johnston, Newberry Residence. i There should be a Victrola in every home Ho), about yours? Prices from $20.00 to *400.00 MAKE YOUR TERMS GRINNELL BROS., 116 S. Main St. ceive." Monthly meeting of the vot- ing members of the congregation at 11:30 o'clock. No evening service. Professor Conrad Maehlmann, a member of the faculty of the Roch- ester Baptist Theological seminary, who is pursuing a course of study in the graduate school of the University at present, will be the speaker at the morning service today at the Baptist church. Inauguration of Y. M. C. A. officers for the coming year will take place at 6:30 o'clock in Lane hall tonight. Professor W. B. Henderson will be the speaker. Professor Arthur E. Wood will ad- dress the Young Men's Bible class of the First Methodist- church at noor today. Mr. H. E. Illick, will give at illustrated lecture on South America at 6:30 o'clock tonight at the Wes- leyan Guild meeting. L.L.D. Degree Conferred on President Harrogate, Tenn., June 1.-The de- gree of doctor of laws was conferred upon President Wilson yesterday by the trustees of Lincoln Memorial uni- versity. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT-Wood- ward & Washington. 8-9 A. A. Say- ings Bank Bldg. Phone 866.-Adv. Cash or Exchange for Medical, Dent- al, La w Books--Biddle. Nickels Arcade Bldg.-Adi you fulfill your Classified column.