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June 02, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-06-02

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XXVIII. No. 176.



6' R.O.T.C. MEN1

ty-tiree Alternates Named
Suibstitute for Those


One hundred and ninety-six cadets
of the University R. o. T. C. will re-
port for duty early tomorrow morn-
ing at Fort Sheridan, Ill., to attend
the one month summer training
camp. Of the original list of 211 ca-
dets recommended for the camp, 38
of the men signified their intentions
of not attending the camp. These va-
cancies have been partially filled by
the cadets on the alternate list.
Lieut. George C. Mullen, professor
of military science and tactics at the
University, has been detailed by the
war department to Fort Sheridan. A
number of, professors of military sci-
ence and tactics from other universi-
ties will also be- present at the camp.
Lieutenant Mullen will probably be
placed in charge of one or more com-
Intensive Training
The camp will be open one month.
The training is expected to be inten-
sive. A complete equipment, togeth-
er with an intricate system of
trenches, will be at the disposal of
the cadets. Before the summer camp
was planned, Fort Sheridan was the
site of an officers' training camp, and
the ground was laid out similar to
that, now inuse at Camp Custer.
A large number. of cadets eft last
night on the 10:40 Michigan Central
train for Chicago, while the remain-
der of the men are expected to depart
for the camp some time today. Ev-
ery man from the University must
report at the trainingU ciapearly to-
morrow morning.
Government Pays Fare
The government pays the expense
of the trip at the rate of three and
one-half cents a mile. Although the
cadets paid their own expenses
from Ann Arbor, the fares will be re-
funded after they arrive at the camp.
The same rate is allotted for the re-
turn trip to the cadets' homes.
The following men will report at
the camp tomorrow morning:
Leigh Charles Anderson, Sidney E.
Anderson, Farley W. Angell, Robert
C. Angell, Edward M. Apple, Clayton
P. Amitage, Lee Ash, Lincoln Avery,
Jr., Will C. Babbitt, Johnston Bates,
Clarence H. Barnett, Raymond R.
Beardsley, Harry R. Bell, Rafael Al-
bert Benitz, Herbert M. Bergen,
George U. Birkenstein, Clyde C. Bluil,
Sam C. Bornstein, Curtiss E. Bottum,
Edwin C. Bowers, Jacob M. Braude,
Isaac V. Brock, John C. Brown, Harry
F. Brohl, and Russel F. Busha.
George A. Cadwell, Jr., Clarence W.
Campbell, Francis C. Carl, Harry R.
Chapman, Ernest K. Chapin, Paul V.
Clark, Le Roy A. Clark, Walter D.
Cook, Howard J. Cook, Guy R. Gover,
Valoir Earl Crossley, James R. Crou-
shore, Otto C. Davidson, Edward C.
Davis, Leslie F. De Mar, Jacques
Epps Denebein, Edwin J. Draper,
George Duffield, and Ralph o. Dunn.
E. Tevis Edwards, Jay L. Evarts,
Ben C. Fairman, John F. Farrell,
Bernard F. Ferneau, Howard T.
Fletcher, Lawrence H. Fleck, Joseph
Freedman, Martin D. Friedman, Stap-
ley M. Friedman, Charies E. Futch,
James R. Gabell, Gerlad A. Gale, Paul
H. Garvey, Clarence E. Godshalk,
Emanuel S. Goldberg, William R. M.
Goldstein, Vivian D. Gould, Robert F.
Grindley, and Joseph B. Grigsby.
John A. Haesler, Ralph A. Hammer,
Edward M. Hampton,Don M. Harlan,
Donald I. Harris Larence G. Hay-
wood, Harold Herman, Harold C.
Heym, Lawrence D. Hiett, Florian H.
Hiss, Joseph V. Hodgson, Edwin F.
xHoltzman, William H. Ingham, Stuart
Irvine, Saul J. Jaffe, Sigignund Ja-
nowski, Thomas R. Jeffs, Earl M.
Johnson, and William P. Johnson.

Melvin F. Kelly, Frank B. Keogh,
Harry D. Ketchum, Harold M. Kiefer,
Edwin A. Krueger, Irving M. Krum,
(Continued on Page Six)

Non-flghting men, in the process of
being tarncd into fighting men have
been rounded up at the local jail.
These men are an addition to the list
of slackers who have been dealt with
by the local authorities.
Neil Nelscn Blumheich, registered at
teed Lodge, Mo'nt., was arrested for
attempting to avoid the draft.
Al: tn, of Youngstown, 0., dis-
obeyed or ders to return to that ci y to
be sent away with the men oS that
divison on May 28. He has been work-
ing at the Hoover steel ball factory
in Ann Arbor.
William Sutzer, a negro, ws ar-
rested for not reporting change of
status. He had a deferred classifica-
tion on account of his family, but it
appears that he has failed to support
"May the chain of true friendship
encircle the world!" These words,
quoted by Lovisa A. Youngs, '21, in
her talk at the annual Cosmopolitan
banquet last night in the guild rooms
of the Methodist church, struck the
key-note of the spirit of the occa-
sion. Representatives of nearly 30
different nationalities gathered around
the table in evidence of the truth of
Fher words.
Following the dinner, F. C. Liu,
'18, who acted as toastmaster, intro-
duced President Harry B. Hutchins.
The President gave several amusing
reminiscences of the University of 50
years ago, and declared that at that
time, with the possible exception of
Harvard, it was the most cosmopolitan
school in the country.
Retiring President Speaks
H. Gilbert King, grad., retiring pres-
ident of the society, was the next
speaker. He defined the work of the
Cosmopolitan club as the teaching of
its members to judge a man without
regard to his race. He was presented
with a gold fob as a remembrance of
the society.
Miss Youngs, president of the wo-
men's chapter, defined the work of
this organiaztion in her toast, and So-
tokichi Katsuizumi, the new president
outlined the program of the society for
the coming year.
Judge Barbour Absent
Acting Dean Agnes E. Wells spoke
of the work of Judge Levi Barbour, for
whom she substituted on the program,
and called attention to his three great
gifts to the University: Barbour gym-
nasium, Besty Barbour dormitory,
which will be built later, and a fund
to provide for the training of oriental
women for work in their own coun-
Smith college has .announced a
course for the coming summer ses-
sion, of particular interest to stu-
dents of sociology and allied sub-
jetes. It is a course in psychiatric
soical work, under the auspices of the
national committee for mental hy-
giene, with the object of preparing
workers to assist in the rehabilita-
tion, individual and social, of sold-

iers suffering from nervous and men-
tal diseases.
The course will begin at Northamp-
ton July 8, and will continue six
weeks, to be followed by a six months'
term of practical experience at some
center where opportunities for socialC
service present themselves.
The major studies pursued at Smith
in connection with the work this
summer will be sociology, psycholo-
gy, and hygiene. Credit will be giv-
en in any of these studies that have
been already pursued at a recogniz-
ed college or university.

Teutons Hope to Take Paris, Divide
Allied Armies, and Acquire
Channel Ports
Huns Have Advantage of Preponder-
ance of Troops; Good Railways;
and Heavy Woods
(By The Associated Press)
Washington, June 1.-After several
repulses, the Germans apparently
have abandoned, temporarily at least,
to retake the ground captured by the
Americans at Cantigny. General
Pershing's communique issued tonight
at the war department said the day
was quiet at all points occupied by
American troops. The shooting down
of another hostile airplane is report-
V. S. Troops Active
Washington, June 1. - American
troops have become a vital factor in
the great battle in France, and may
hold the balance between defeat and
victory. General Bridges, head of a
special British military mission to the
United States said here tonight, in
discussing the renewal of the German
drive. ,
. Three Objectives
Tie objective now before the Ger-
mans, the General said, appear to be
The capture of Paris, the division of
the main Allied armies, by an advance
through Amiens, and the capture of
the channel ports..
While now on a narrow and dang-
erous salient, said the general, the
Germans will be in a favorable posi-
tion for an advance upon Paris should
they be successful in pushing out the
west ledge of the salient and joining it
up with the Amiens salient. That,
he said, appeared to be their inten-
tions as they could be expected to
call a halt at the Marne.
ilay Continue for Weeks
The Allies must now be prepared
either to see the offensive resumed in
the north soon, continued General
Bridges, or else to see German divis-
ions in the north sent down to exploit
the newsuccess. The battle, he added,
is likely to continue for weeks and will
become a long drawn out struggle of
man power. The first duty of the
Allies- is to husband their resources
by giving ground or men where pos-
Huns Have Advantage
Concealing their preparations, so as
to make a surprise attack, General
Bridges said, the Germans were aided
probably by four factors: Their pre-
ponderating number of divisions; a
good railway system; the proximity of
wood to their first objectives where
large numbers of troops could be con-
cealed, and the fact that this front
long has been agonized for an attack.-
Western Reserve Will Train Nurses
Western Reserve university is of-
fering a special training course for
nurses, similar to the course at Vas-
sar which has been closed to further
The Cleveland school will give the
work for a period of 10 weeks, be-

ginning June 17. All women who
have received a high school diploma
are eligible for membership, and
college women will be given full cred-
it for their advanced training. Room
and board will be free of charge, but
all other expenses must be met by the
students. Further information may be
obtained from Dean Agnes E. Wells,
or by writing to Miss Josephine
Smith, registrar, 612 St. Clair ave-
nue, S. E. Cleveland, 0.

Seven members of The Michigan
Daily have been recommened to attend
the summer training camp at Fort
Sheridan. The men will report early
tomorrow morning.
James R. McAlpine, night editor;
Robert C. Angell, sport reporter;
Ralph N. Du Bois, reporter; Henry
Whiting, business staff; Edgar L.
Rice, former reporter; George Duf-
field, cub reporter; Howard B. Mar-
shall, cub reporter; Theodore C.
Sedgwick, cub reporter. DuBois and
McAlpine will act as special corre-
spondents for The Daily and The
Wolverine while at camp.
Lieut. Wilfred V. Casgrain, ex-'13,
serving in France in the signal corps,
aviation section, has been captured by
the Germans. Dispatches from the
American front Thursday reported
that during an- aerial combat an Am-
erican machine had been forced to
land in No Man's Land, and its pilot
had been taken prisoner.
Lieutenant Gasgrain is 22 years old,
and is the son of Charles Casgrain,
of Detroit. Last year, when the Un-
ited States entered the war, Casgrain,
was among the first 25 of his class to
enter the aviation school at Colum-
bus, 0. He was among the first 10 out
of 200, to be selected for duty in
Casgrain took a leading role in
"Fool's Paradise," last year's opera,
and is a member of Delta Kappa Ep-
silon fraternity.
Clubs' Concert to
Be Combined Sing
The Varsity Glee and Mandolin
clubs are in readiness for their an-
nual Spring concert to be held Wed-
nesday evening in Hill auditorium,
according to the management.
The clubs will appear in flannels
and dark coats as better befitting
Spring than the clubs' regular even-
ing dress. The membership is slight-
ly reduced because of recent enlist-
ments, but the clubs are still up to
their usual high standard.
This concert will be more informal
than the mid-year one. The audience
will be invited to join the clubs in
some patriotic numbers, and all stiff-
ness will be done away with. The
gathering will be a combined recital
and All-campus sing.
John B. Moody, ex-'19, has been ap-
pointed instructor of Liberty motor
construction at the Navy Aeronauti-
cal school, Packard Motor Car co.,
Detroit. Moody has just completed the
nine months course of the U. S. Naval
school for aviation engineers at Co-
lumbia university.
Tom Taylor. ex-'19, who finished
the course at the same time, has left
for Philadelphia, where he will sail
at once for France to take up his du-
ties at one of our new seaplane bases.
Phi Sigma Initiates Six Biologists
Six students were initiated into Phi

Sigma, national honorary biological
society, at a banquet held Friday
evening at the Union. Dr. Max M.
Peet acted as toastmaster, and re-
sponses were made by Prof. O. C.
Glaser, Dr. Q. O. Gilbert, Prof. R. W.
Sellars, and C. J. Marinas. The ini-
tiates wer'.: H. L. Clark, '19M, M. H.
Hatch, '19, Cecil Corley, '19M, C. J.
Marinas, 21M, E. H. Wirth, '18P, and
E. E. Huber, grad

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Student Council Will Meet *
* The Student Council will meet *
* at 8 o'clock Monday evening at *
* the Union. Important business *
* will be transacted, and a consti- *
* tution will be voted on. *
* * * * * * 4 * * * * *
(By The Associated Press)
Edwardsville, Ill., June 1.- All of
the defendents charged with the murd-
er of Robert Paul Praeger, enemy
alien, were acquitted this afternoon
after the jury had deliberated but 45
Announcement that all of the de-
fendants had been found not guilty
was attended by a wild demonstration
in the court room in which the ac-
cused men were overwhelmed by con-
gratulations by relatives. and friends,
who throughout the long trial, had
crowded the room.
Food Must Still
fe Savedl-Hoover
Despite the improvement in the
food supply, the food administration
does not relax for a moment its ef-
forts to keep the idea of conserva-
tion before the people of the nation.
Lest the present opulence of supply
result in famine next winter, the ad-
ministration is asking each restau-
rant and- household to renew its
pledge of careful conservation ,espe-
cially as concerns the use of wheat.
Supply Hopeful
In the -vicinity of Ann Arbor- the
coming wheat crop, added to what is
already milled, will doubtless supply
enough flour for local use, but possi-
ble failure of crops should be pre-
pared for, and conservation to the
utmost is the only solution to the
. Mr. Fred Heusel, of the local food
administration board, has received a
list of suggestions for bakers, which
will enable them to better conserve
their flour supply. These suggestions
read as follows: 1. Do not increase
your bread business. 2. Use less'
than your allotment of wheat. 3. Do
not make any rolls containing more
than one-third' wheat flour. 4 Make
only bread of Class 5 (including quick
breads, Boston brown bread, corn
bread, muffins, and baking-powder
biscuits), containing one-third wheat,
for all public eating places.
Flour Needs Care
Mr. Heusel emphasized the neces-
sity for people having a supply of
wheat flour on hand to make special
efforts to take care of it. The warm
weather coming on will breed vermin
in the flour unless it is kept in a cool,
dry place. This danger to the our
is one that has to be watched close-
ly. In many instances the govern-
ment is not allowing farmers, who
have a supply of flour at the mills, to
take home more than is necessary
for immediate use.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* To the people of Ann Arbor:
* Both state and federal authori- *
* ties have on-many occasions dur- *
* ing the past six weeks requested *
* the public to remove all common *

* barberry shrubs. *
The public is hereby notified
* that all such shrubs must be *
* moved immediately. This, how- *
* ever, does not mean to 4estroy *
* the Japanese or low barberry, but *
* the tall barberry with the saw- *
* tooth leaf. "
* Any case of non-removal should *
* be reported to the park commis- *
* sion.*
* Mayor. *
* *
* * * * * * 4 *4* * 4-



Advance Threatens Dormans-Verdun
- ailroad; Italians Ready for
Austrian Offensive
(By the Associated Press)
Paris, June 1. - Heavy attacks of
the Germans are reported in the war
office department tonight. The French
troops are offering strong resistance,
inflicting heavy losses on the enemy
and giving ground only where they
were opposed by overwhelming num-
(By the Associated Press)
Teutons Press Allies Hard
With their left wing touching the
Marne and their right linking up with
the Picardy battle front at Noyon, the
Germans in their new offensive are
hammering the Allied lines, apparent.
ly with the hope of crushing in their
Soissons salient and opening up the
way to Paris by way of the Marne
and the Olse. They are reported to be
using well on to three-quarters of a
million men.
Although the enemy occupies the
northern banks of the Marne for a
stretch of 12 miles east from the vi-
cinity ofChateau-Thierry he seems to
have made no serious attempt to force
a crossing.
Enemy Going Westward.
The main tend of the enemy efforts
is westward. General Foch is dispens-
ing his forces to resist it. Already the
French seem to be in considerable
strength in the path of the crown
prince's drive, west of the Soissons
road to Chateau-Thierry, and the
noon day report from Paris, Satur-
day, recorded considerable successes
in resisting this pressure.
The Germans, at last reports, had
succeeded in penetrating from two
and one-half to nearly four miles at
points west of this road. They were
stopped at Chaudun, three miles
from the road, which the French first
lost, and then retook it in desperate
fighting, and likewise before Chaun,
and Neuilly-St. Front to the south.
Just below Soissons the crown
prince's troops were forced back on
the Crise river. In the engagement
on this front several hundred prison-
ers were taken by the French, and in
the Soissons fighting, esecially, the
Germans suffered' terrific punishment.
Germans Threaten French Railroad
Near the Marne, in the vicinity of
Chateau-Thierry, an imprtant rail-
way point on the river, the French
apparently have a protecting line
from northwest of the Marne at
Chartezes, three and one-half miles
northeast of Chat'eau-Thierry and
linking up with their north and south
line, above the latter town, which the
Germans are strongly threatening.
Rheims, on the left of the German
offense, is still in Allied hands, and
in general, ther is little apparent ef-
fort on the part of the Germans to en-
large their salient in this direction.
Allies Rush on Reserves
Paris military commentators report
that the masses of the Allied reserves
are beginning to take part in the ac-
tion developed by partly American
troops already in the battle area, sta-
tioned at points where intrvention
will be easy when the time is con-
sidered favorable.
News from the Italian front is o'
the nature- that the strong Austro-
Hungarian offensive is likely to open

shortly. Italy is declared to be prob-
ably better off than ever in the way
of modern war materials.
Five More in Engineering Reserve
Five more names have been add-
ed to the roll of the engineers' re-
serve corps since the last list was
published. Harold T. Corson, '18E;
Otto C. Davidson, '19E; J. K. Knoerle,
'18E; Philip Brezner, and G. A. Pom-
eroy, grad., have met the require-
ments for enlistment in the organiza-

Farm Workers Wanted In County.
Men wanting places on farms in
Washtenaw county may obtain them
by applying to Frank Bacon at the
Union Monday from 1 to 4 o'clock. Sev-
en positions are open, and preference
will be given to men who have had

Huron and Division
10:30 A. M. Leonard Barrett speaks. Theme-
When is an act right and when wrong?
6:30 Japanese sketch- a pageant-presented by
young people

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