_AT HER WARMER PF 4r ODAY No. 174. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1918. r r I MEN TO DO 0FF IN SEASON'S ICELEBRATION TO ASSEMBLE ON CAM- VARSITY BANID TO AD PROCESSION S" TO FOLLOW RAM AT HOLLOW es in Engineering College ed to Enable All to Participate es of the University will a the campus at .7:30 o'- it, to take part in the an- glht exercises. Shop class- engineering college have d tonight by order of Dean Cooley, in order that all ,y be able to participate in Board to Extend Scope Of inlander Future managing editors of the Inlander will receive a yearly com- pensation of $200, in accordance with regulations made at a recent meeting of the Board in Control of Student Publications. It is the plan of the board to sub- sidize the Inlander and make out of it a literary magazine fully represen- tative of the University of Michigan. Of late, the Inlander has been read and contributed to by only a small number of students, and the policy to be adopted next year aims to increase the circulation and to augment the number of contributors. With a view towards increasing the circulation, the board has banned lo- cal advertising from the columns of the Inlander. The managing editor for next! years' Inlander has not yet been chosen, and students desiring this po- sition should send in their applica- tions on or before June 7 to Prof. Fred N. Scott, chairman of the Board in Control of. Student Publications. Applicants should state their quali- fications and experience. UNIONUU DIVEUWILL CLOSE SUCCESUL f. fNDltATIONS POINT TO AN OVER- 1SUBSCRIPTlON OF STUDENT 1 QUOTA - le on Campus ps and gowns will as- diagonal walk near niors on the diagonal ar of the Natural Sci- ophomores at the flag nen at the east of the The Varsity band will f Hill auditorium, and ssion to Observatory lock sharp. The line e north on State street .en east to Observatory e classes in the order y. Fred M. Thompson, e freshmen, and Uri A. the sophomores. is for the demonstra- reported as completed.] of wood has been col- plete arrangements for r toques to be contri- ire student body have Deposit Caps in Bx. . xercises for Cap night will begin :30 o'clock on the grounds. Each lent is expected to deposit his cap huge box near the entrance to the . These will be shipped to Bel- a. by the comforts forwarding ue of Ann Arbor. The classes will i be formed in the order in which r enter; seniors on the right of the juniors to the left of them, and iomores in front of the seniors. ibers of the Student council will st in the formation of the classes. Snake Dance Around Fire pon entering the field freshmen start a snake dance procession nd the fire, and then form in pos- 2 -to the left of the sophomores. >ugh the courtesy of Mr. J. F. rth, a "free movies" entertainment be offered at the Wuerth and Gr- im theaters after the exercises. .dge William D. Chapin, '86, Gor- C. Mack, '18, George F. Hurley, ton C. Fetter, and Prof. John C. ier have been secured as speakers ae evening. The program will be- with the playing of "The Star igled Banner" by the Varsity band will end with the singing of the [low and Blue." Should Not Cut Caps eshmen are requested by the com- e to bring their "pots" with them rell as their toques. It is also re- ted that the caps are not mutilat- efore they are thrown in the box, ccurred last year when the system being tried for the first time. 'y student possessing a toque h will be worthless to him next The Union drive for $250,000 to prepare the new Union building for, war service ends tonight. One hun- dred solicitors have been canvassing every student for life membership subscriptions, and it is reported that the quota of $25,000 for the campus will be oversubscribed before tonight. Students have been showing great interest in the plan of accepting iLb- erty bonds as cash, and not only have new memberships been taken out on this plan, but students have made their second and third payments, re- ceiving cash for the balance. An ef- fort will be made today to reach ev- ery man on the campus who could not be seen before, in order to make the canvass complete. University to Instruct Mechanics The war department desires to send a large number of soldiers to the University for instruction in gas engine operation and repairs, steam engineering, electric work, sheet met- al and foundry work, machine tool operation, and general mechanics, continuously during the period of the war. The difficulty of such a propo- sition has been the lack of sufficient housing and messing space. For the purpose of proper discipline and oth- er reasons, the war department re- quires that the men be housed prac- tically under one roof, and unless this can be done, the University may be barred from further patriotic serv- ice. $20,000 Must Be laised The new Union building contains 1,200,000 cubic feet of capacity and 120,00 square feet of floor, and is the only possible space that can be se- cured for these purposes. To enable UNIONCANVL MORE SUCCESSFUL; Second Day of Fete Surpasses Initial Performance in Size of Attendance FESTIVITIES MAY CONTINUE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NIG T Net Proceeds Total Slightly More Than $1,000; Sum Not Up to Expectations The second day of the Michigan Union Byphalo Bull carnival even surpassed the initial day in attend- ance and the number of tickets taken in at the various booths. More than $600 was netted yesterday., Arrangements are now being made to hold the carnival again Saturday afternoon and evening. If the fac- ulty committee will consent to the plan, there is no doubt that the show will be repeated. It has been a great success, but the sum netted has not come up to expectations. The funds will be given to the Michigan bureau of the American Universities Union in Paris, and considerable money is needed to keep the Paris Union run- ning. It is essential that more mon- ey be raised at the carnival. Slightly more than $1,000 has been taken in altogether. ince Still Popular The dunce in Waterman gymna- sium Last night was the main attrac- tion and the big floor was crowded most of the time. Ike Fischer's "jazz" orchestra furnished the music. Many attended the show for the dance alone. Quite a few of these people found themselves attracted to many of the inviting booths that surround- ed the big midway in Barbour gym- nasium. If they failed to contribute their share of the money needed, the run 'em in police forced them to pur- chase tickets at the bar of justice. Fraternity Booths Rushed Most of the fraternity booths were rushed all day yesterday. Thursday's patrons spread the news of the ex- cellent side shows, and crowds of their friends came to view the exhib- its yesterday. Business was better at all the booths than it was Thurs- day. Delta Kappa Epsilon did not open its Spirit of the Nile booth yesterday. The only other booth not running was that of Delta Chi, where a noted pro- fessor was to enter the tiger's cage. The ferocious feline escaped early in the evening and caused considera- ble commotion in the hall when its keepers chased it all over the build- ing. The tiger was finally recaptur- ed, but when it was returned to its cage it was found that the professor had disappeared. The show was of necessity called off. The professor was quite successful in taming the beast Thursday.- Duck the Kaiserj The duck the kaiser booth was one of the most popular. It was run by Trigon house instead of Delta Upsi- lon, as announced yesterday. Many people took pleasure in stopping the advance of the Hun towards Paris. The booths of chance were more popular yesterday than previously. They were crowded during the entire day. It was noticed last night that most of the frequenters of Theta Del- ta Chi's shoot the chutes were girls. The fair sex fairly swarmed around the big slide. Alpha Delta Phi sold as many orders of soft drinks as us- ual. Victrola Raffled A large .Victrola was raffled late last night. It has not been learned who held the winning number. A big box of cigarettes was also raffled. It was won by coupon number 20. All tickets for both were disposed .of in a short time. Many laughable happenings or'cur-. red on the floor during the day. The dancing "girls" from two of the booths were the center of many pranks. Many masculine patrons failed to penetrate their disguises and learn their identity. If the carnival is to be reopened tomorrow, announcement will be Washington, May 30. - Railroad employees were reminded by Director General McAdoo that the employees of the 11. S. in time of war in making strikes wield a blow at their own gov- ernment and the work of transporta- tion officials to protect the hundred thousands of American boys fighting on battle fronts of Europe. In a telegram to the heads of all labor unions having shop men among their number, Mr. M'Adoo gave notice that the government cannot be co- erced or intimidated, and called upon railroad men to remain at their du- ties and rely on him and the new board of railroad wages and work- ing conditions for just consideration of their claims. Breaches of Law Decrease in it "Ann Arbor hi. been a much more lawful City Jince the state went dry," said Jddge John D. Thomas, '12L, of Ann Arbor, in commenting on the conditions in the city in the past month. Judge Thomas said that. during his +1 Expect$2o,o n Red Cross DriveUl A vi With contributions for the Ann Ar- JUVIGNY ANDFINCREASE bor Red Cross campaign still coming in, the quota has been oversubscrib- ed more than 50 per cent. Officials II MBER OF , expect that the final amount will ag- gregate more than $20,000. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB At present subscriptions total $19- CIE I ND BRITISH SIAV 810.37. Out of this amount, $2,715.82 WILL HOLD BANQUET wuLLT PLUNE4 OF CROWN was raised by cash contributions PRINCE'S ARMY on the c(aitpus. Cash subscriptions "Above All Nations is Humanity," amounted to $16,526.12, pledges to will strike the key-note of the annual AMERICANS PRAISED $3,019.25, Liberty bond subscriptions Cosmopolitan banqu'et tomorrow night FOR CANTIGNY FIG] to $250, and war saving stamp con- when representatives from the world- tributions to $1s. over will gather around the same table ,Ieio dac prahn t Solicitors have reported a total of in the guild rooms of the Methodist oi' iarne Nalrgclvnug $400, but the solicitation has not yet church, corner of State and Washing- of Marne, NearigsAvenue heen completed, and reports are still ton streets. National barriers will van- . *oward Pais coming in every day. The leaders of ish into thin air and the world broth- the drive have proclaimed the cam- erhood of man will prevail although (By The Associated Press) paign a huge success, in that most of it may be called by 50 different names. Berlin, May 30, via London-C] the subscriptions have not been pro- President Harry B. Hutchins, who au Mt., Juviny, and Cuffies, suburb cured by soliciting, It is expected has taken, a personal interest in the Soissons, lying in the north of that all campaigns will hereafter be society, will be the first speaker. Talks city, have been captured by Germ undertaken in the same manner, be- will also be given by Lovisa 1B. Youngs, according to official statements cause of the fact that the voluntary '21, president of the recently organ- sued by the war office which says system has proved to be very success- ized woman's chapter of the Cosmopol- number of prisoners has been ful. itan club, and Sotokichi Katsuizumi, creased to 35,000. president-elect of the men's chapter; H. Gilbert King, grad., who is the re- With the French army in Fra tiring president, is booked for an "ex- May 30.-The Germans in the c M19090U Saugural address." There will also be ~gaign have pushed toward the r DEa speaker from the faculty. Marne. The encroachment of Teut The dinner will begin at 6:30 o'clock is probably to secure a postion en MEN TORELY O BOR and will be open to the public. Tick- ing them to work to westward ets at 75 cents may be secured from bulk of their attacking army. SAYS STRIKES IN WAR TIME I. .G. King, phone 717-M, or A. M. H1URT THEIR OWN GOT- Elkind, phone 1599-J. Americans Praised E RNMENT Washington, May 30.--Complete five years as justice of the the city he has never seen bor so devoid of anything tains to crime. Men who loitered in the city. filling and county jails, are now and earning a good living. cases it is known that men peace in Ann Ar- that peg- formerly the city working In some who have i is asked to contribute it-to the se of the Belgians. CELLOR BONAR LAW URGES )PLE TO LIVE MORE S1IPLY don, May 30. - "Lives must be more simply," said Chancellor Law today, in discussing the ements to be followed by civi- Great Britain, especially as to nancial situation. He urged that civilian lend their assistance to inning of the war. rsonal household expenses must duced to a minimum," he con- . "All surplus earnings over ditures must be invested in war ; all bank deposits must be sim- invested in war bonds; and 'iptions must be 25,000,000 sterl- the Union authorities to put the building in suitable condition: for such service within the required time, additional funds amounting to $250,- 000 must be raised, and raised at once. The campus has been called upon to raise $25,000 of this amount, and this is the last day for soliciting. Al- though the reports have been very favorable up to this time, there is yet considerable to be raised. Every student is urged to take out life mem- bership subscriptions and in so doing render a patriotic service to the gov- ernment. the University, and the Union. All subscriptions must be in be- fore 5:30 tonight, for all contribu- tions after that time will not be in- cluded in the amount raised in the campaign, but will merely be used by the Union authorities as an ordinary subscription. All students have been asked to contribute to the full extetit of their ability. lheen nothing but "saloon bums" are now working every day and have bought as many as two Liberty bonds, besides having a little money in the bank. Crimes of evry nature have been diminished and there has only been one man before the justice court for theft since the state went dry. This cage was in the early part of May, and the man was convicted of steal- ing 25 bottles of bevo which he had mistaken for the "real" thing. City officials say that because of this de- creae in crime, Ann Arbor should be doubly thankful that liquor has been abolished. NEW ER3TN PLOT TO DESTROY 'P1r(O OIL WELLS IS REPORT Washington, May 30.--New reports of a German plot to destroy the Tam- pico oil wells, from which the Amer- ican and British navies draw a large part of their oil supplies, reached the state d"aortment today. They said an at1emnllt to destroy the wells was to be made tomorrow. Many reports of a similar nature have' reached Washington. Officials here are depending on the Mexican authorities to protect the wells, as a large part of the Mexican govern- ment's revenues are derived from oil taxes. confident that nation would >ney unneces- made in The Daily.