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May 29, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-29

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2 ~ ________________--

The last of the four game series
away from home for the Varsity will
be played at Camp Custer this after-
noon. The Camp Custer team is quite
a strong one and has made a good
record so far this season.
Custer has not been able to hit the
ball and for that reason lost to the
83 division team at Cleveland a few
days ago. It is thought by many that
the Conference champions will have
little trouble with the soldier boys.
The Michigan team will leave im-
mediately after the game and will ar-
rive in Ann Arbor on the Michigan
Central at 9:43 this evening.
The Custer lineup included the fol-
loiwng: - Pitchers, Private Brodie,
340th Infantry, and Private Kiser.
340th Infantry; catchers, Lieut .Bai-
ley, 338th Infantry (Division B mb-
ing Instructor; and Lieut. Murray,
328th Field Artillery; - first, Lieut.
Beall, 337th Infantry; second, Capt.
McQueen, 340th Infantry; third,
Lieut. Herman, 337th- Infantry; ss.,
Corporal Bippes, 310th Ammunition
Train; outfielders, Private Platte,
160th Depot Brigade; Lieut. Sheehy,
by, 338th Infantry.
Nearly two score of Michigan men
are stationed at Camp Hancock, near
Augusta, Georgia. Some are taking
the courses at the ordnance supply
school and others awaiting orders for
assignment to depots either in the
United States or overseas.
A large number of the men who
are taking the first courses in the
school are in provisional company D,
under the command of Lieut. Robert
Schiller, ex-'18. Lieutenant Schiller
was formerly on the business staff of
the Gargoyle and was appointed busi-
ness manager of the Wolverine last
summer, but due to enlistment in the
army had to resign.
Among the privates belonging to
company D are John E. Campbell,
'18, business manager of the athletic
program 1917-18; John Leonard, '16,
former business manager of the
Daily; Edward Hughes, '20L; Bruce
A. Swaney, '18, associate editor of the
Daily 1917-18; W. C. Roberts, ex-'18;
R. L. Barie, '17; and E. G. Brown,
Several thousand ordnance men are
stationed at Hancock, a large per-
centage of them being former college
men. Among the men who are await-
ing assignment is Mr. John Mosen-
felder, '17, formerly instructor in
jonrnalism at the University.
Camp Hancock is situated west of
Augusta in the midst of large pine
forests. Around the camp are ex-
cellent ranges for machine gun and
rifle practice, besides large drill
grounds. The health conditions are
excellent in spite of the intense heat,
and the reports of the camp show a
very clean bill of health, being third
of all the camps in the United States.

Top row standing left to right: Mitchell, assistant coach; Morrison, Adams, Coach Carl Lundgren, Coop-
er, Sbeidler, Pickett, Saunders.
Middle row: Genebach, Captain Glenn, Knode, Langenhan, Mraz, Garrett, Gilmartin, Ruzicka.
Bottom row: Ferguson, Ohlmacher, Leahy, Crockett, Parsons, Manager Reid.
CONFERENCE RECORD FOR SEASON: Michigan 6, Indiana 0; Michigan 1, Chicago 0; Michigan 3, Chi-
ca o 7; Michigan 10, Indiana 1; Michigan 2, Iowa 0; Michigan 8, Illinois 4; Michigan 3, Ohio State 2;.Michigan
7, Chicago 5; Michigan 7, Iowa 2; Michigan 6, Illinois 2.

Munz and Bornstein, the sophoimore
racket wielders, made a clean sweep
of the semi-finals in the singlesI
maches of the inter-class tournament1
Saturday by defeating Angell and
Bradley of the freshman class and
Harrison and Sullivan of the junior
class with comparatively little trou-
Munz took his sets from Angell 8-
6, 7-9, 6-3 while Bornstein defeated
Bradley 6-3, 7-9, 9-7. Harrison prov-
ed even easier for Munz who won in
straight sets 6-4, 6-2. Bornstein had
comparatively little trouble with Sul-
In the doubles Bornstein and Munz
beat Harrison and Sullivan in the
semi-finals by the score of 6-2, 7-5.
In the doubles again Bornstein and
Munz defeated Bradley and Angell
6-2, 6-4.
Women's tennis tournament is com-
ing along slowly, but surely. Mary
Copeland, the senior star, and Mar-
garet Rottschaefer, the freshman
winner, deferred their contest until
today, when the recent junior and
sophomore champions, Dorothy New-
ell, and Grace Hall, respectively, will
contest for their classes.
The final tennis round will be play-
ed off at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. A
great deal of vim is expected to be
shown in this contest. So far, the
tournament is only a week late.
U. of M. Jewelry. J. L. Chapman's
is the place. 113 S. Main St.-Adv.

lreshiman Girls
Freshman girls accept the sopho-
more's challenge for a game of base-
ball at 4 o'clock this afternoon on the
field across from Barbour gymna-
sium. Desperate fighting is expected,
because of the close score made be-
tween these two classes when con-
testing for the cup.
The sophomore lineup is Ann Kirk-
patrick, p., Katherine Loveland, C..
Laura Loveland, lb., Grace- Hall, 2b.,
Constance Hopkin, 3b2h, Florence
Field, s., Dorothy Williams, r.f., El-
sie Erley, c.f., and Hazel, 1.f.
On the freshman team are Helen
Delf, c., Phyllis Wiley, s., Margaret
Rottschaefer, p., Alice Hingson, lb.,
Alice Beckham, 2b., Cornelia Clark,
3b., Katerina Schermerhorn, r.f., Eu-
genia Wart, c.f., and Eliza McRobb,
Miss Alice Evans, physical director
of women, will umpire.
Six former presidents of the Mich-
igan Union are no. acting in the ca-
pacity of commissioned officers in the
service of the United States. Four
of these have been appointed, cap-
tains, and two first lieutenants.
First Lieut. Edward G. Kemp, '14L,
is now in the heavy artillery tractor
school "somewhere in France," . ac-
cording to a communication received
this week from him by Homer L.
Heath, '05, secretary of the Union.
The following men are now com-
missioned as captains in the various
camps of the United States: Patrick

D. Koontz, '14L, Glenn M. Coulter; ex-
'18L, Matthew R. Blis'h, '11E, and
James Watkins, '09. Harry G. Gault,
'17L, is now commissioned as first
John G. Coffin, ex-'19, has success-
fully passed the examination for en-
sign at the Newport naval college,
Newport, R. I., and has been ordered
to take a four months' coures at An-
napolis, according to word received
by his parents, Mr. and< Mrs. I. H.
Coffin of Jackson. He has been grant-
ed a two week furlough and will be
at home next week.
Coffin enlisted in the navy as a sea-
man, being assigned to the training
ship Don Juan de. Austria, at Detroit
The Don was taken through the Wll-
and canal to the Atlantic coast, where
the old Spanish war ship has been
used in patrol duty, chasing suspected
raiders and patrolling the coast. Late
last fall the Don was piled on the
rocks at Woods Hole off the Massa-
chusetts coast. The crew was remov-
ed safely, but "Jack" Coffin with sev-
eral others, volunteered to remain
with the ship as guard. ' For abou
20 days during the heavy storms o
November it was a question whether
the old ship would hold together. She
was finally patched- up and brough
to Boston.
After this experience Coffin wa
assigned to take his examination fo
the commission of ensign. After hi
short course at Annapolis he will b
detailed for duty on some warship.

Rugs cleaned and washed.
I Lion guaranteed. Koch and



What do you think
of this?
A Victrola
to be given away

at the


Union Carnival
Where is it?
At the
601 E. William Street



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