._THE MICHIGAN DAILY VEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled use for republication of all news dis- c credited to it cr not otherwise credit- this paper and also the local news .ed herein. ial newspaper at the University of an. Published every morning except y durinig the university year. red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as class matter. :es: Ann Arbor Press Building.* ies: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. munications not to exceed 300 words, rd, the signature not necessarily to ap- print but as an evidence of faith, and *aof events will be published in The at the discretion of the Editor, if left office or in The Daily notice box in in corridor of the general library where tices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each usigned communications will receive no ration. No manuscript will be returned the writer sends postage for that pur- 'T McDonald ....... Managing Editor lakinson .,......Business Manager Schermerhorn, Jr.......Sports Editor e L. Roeser.........Telegraph Editor I C. Mighell..........Wonien's Editor et H. Cooley.........Literary .lditor Cholette........Publication Manager d Wohl .........Circulation Manager for its salvation from the heel of Prussian isii. It is not toro much to ask that the thinking American public give over some of this day to thank- fulness that this nation entered the- war in sufficient season to combat the enemy with a powerful machine fight- ing for the cause of right, as opposed to that of might. Memorial day 1918 will not witness long casuality lists for American. A year from now the occasion must be tar different. Women in black will be conspicuous. True friends will have fallen in numbers upon the field of honor. These things are bound to fol- low the declaration of as tremendous a fight as the preent one. Today an ever-increasing force of Americans is doing everything in its power to make Lincoln's Gettysburg words fact. Memorial day 1918 is asking in no uncertain terms that Am- erican and allied sympathizers resolve "that these honored dead shall not have died in vain." STUDENTS MUST TRAIN FOR LIFE OF SACRIFICE CARYATID COL. 1t. V. K. APPLIN PARTING MESSAGE MICHIGAN LEAVES1 TO Col. R. V. K. Applin, of the general staff of the British army and head of the British machine gun mission to this country, who left Ann Arbor yesterday morning after addressing the cadets Monday afternoon, gives the following as a parting message to the students of Michigan and espec- ially to those who intend to become officers: "America's problem at the present time is to obtain officers for the new army. It is not enough that these of- ficers be well drilled; they must pos- sess as well the special ciualifications which will enable them to have infiu ence and power over the men they are to train and later command in bat- tle. 'Tis said that two Chicago packers have been shipping bad beef to Texas for military consumption. Somebody must have given them a bum steer. Join the Nevy! Cary-My nominee for the largest and most prominent statue in the hall of fame with a crown of lilies of the valley and a horseshoe of roses drap- ed around the neck is the senior who leaves for service about the middle of next week with a diploma all salted down. -W. S. Didn't you enjoy the sympathic spasm of the Free Press reporter about the "huge but heart-sick paw of thedRussiantBear?" It somehow l eminds us of that engineer back in the fall of '16 who used to tell us that his corduroy trou probably did look like the dickens but a warm heart beat beneath thm just the same. And that same issue afforded us an- other chuckle when it announced that the Indians out West were following the war customs of their ancestors in flying a service flag. Anthropologists will be interested in this new theory of the totem pole. Oh, yes, probably. II Which Nemesis Arrives on Time "Oh,"' she cooed as she fluttered to- ward the lastest rushee, "I have the loveliest 'trade last' for you-" And the rushee came ,back in true form with "Someone told me that your sister was the BEST chape- rone-. SeniorS Hear Ye! Hear Ye! IT IS TIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR Calling Cards SAMPLES OF CORRECT AND UP-TO-DATE ENGRAVING NOW IN WAHRS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE NIGHT . B3arnes 2. Osius, Ji. o x McArline. EDITORS Walte R. Atlas Mark K. Xhlbert Philip Slomovitz Paul A. Shinkmanj REPORTERS 1roene rish H. Riorden I uli s Apel Robert C. Angell K. FrancesC andibo Samuel Lamport Cecelia Foley Marguerite Clark Roberta L. Berry Rtihan A. Scholnick Rilla A. Nelson BUSINESS STAFF Leitzinger Harry D. Hause H. Cress° "Katherine Kilpatrick is H. Case F~nces H. M4acdonald r Whiting II Agnes Abele e A. Cadwe11, Jr. FrL.A. Storrer ert Hirsheimfer Frank N~. Gaethke WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1918. ght Editor-Paul. A. Shinknian BASEBALL TEAM CIHAMPIONS e result of the second Illinois puts the baseball team at the of the 1918 Conference) race. igan has "come out of the woods," o speak. For the first time in years the colors of the Maize and are at the top of the heap in major' sport in the class she i herself. Coach Lundgren and 914 baseball team, oddly enough, for Michigan her last champion- team when they secured the Am- n baseball collegiate title. .en Michigan came back to the rence all eyes were naturally :d upon her. In the words of the t "it was up to us to show that rere still among those present." er football nor basketball was ssful in this respect, and for the nt it seemed that the old time ng Michigan was a thing of the e baseball team has vindicated gan. Coach Lundgren and his baseball stars deserve all the e that a proud .student body and ii can give them.. re remains still to be decided utdoor Conference track cham- hips. The constantly dwindling ng sons of Michigan will not con- the football and basketball re- s thoroughly wiped out until z Farrell and the track. team again finished at the top. Here is hing still calling to Michigan to her best to reach; to round out r with a crowning success. Reports indicate that the crown prince's troops are bearing much of the hard fighting now going on. But that -doesn't change our hunch gat the crown prince is endeavoring to spur them on by long distance tele- ,phone. Hindenburg's in a Swiss hospital with typhoid. The crown prince is somewhat nearer the trenches. than usual suffering with cold feet. He got too near the fire. The rail raise makes it appear that the government is trying to discourage among other things week end trips to Toledo. The administration continues to fig- ure out ways and means of extract- ing surplus wealth as noiselessly as possible. Mr. Hughes gives every indication of refusing to take flight over con- ducting the aviation investigation. DOCTORS VOLUNTEER FOR T. B. C. WORK 'To date 800 soldiers from the state have been discharged from- the army because of symptoms of tuberculo- sis," stated Dr. E. R. Van Der Slice, medical field secretary of the Michi- gan Anti-tuberculosis society recent- ly. "We receive their names from the surgeon-general's office through the National Red Cross society and try to get in touch with them." Dr. Van Der Slice, in describing the manner in which the association helps them, said that they are first advised to appear for examination either in Ann Arbor or at one of the various clinics held in several coun- ties of the state. After their condi- tion is ascertained they are advis- ed to go to work and keep in touch with a physician ,to rest and be con- stantly under a doctor's care, or are sent to a sanatorium depending up- on the extent to which the disease is developed. "Fortunately physicians all over state who are especially interested in tuberculosis and diseases of the lungs have volunteered to help in the work of examining these men," said Dr. Van Der Slice. "As yet the work is just getting under way," he contin- ued. "We have examined about 10 per cent of them and have sent a few to sanatoriums." "In connection with the home serv- ice division of the Red Cross we ex- pect to do a great service to these boys and save many lives during the year," Dr. Van Der Slice concluded.y Train for New Life "The universities of America are the natural place to look for these men. Unfortunately, however, the quiet at- mosphere of university life and the peaceful outlook on life of the aver- age student isthe exac antithesis of the training necessary for war,. and the first sacrifice that the student is called upon to make as he "lays down the pen for the sword," is to throw, away all his preconceived ideas, both here and in the future arid to train himself for a new life of duty and sac- rifice for America. "The first and greatest qualification is efficiency and thoroughness in ev- erything that he does. He must in- deed put. off the old man of civilian habits and put on the new man of alertness, smartness, and soldierly bearing. No detail of dress, deport- ment, or carriage"rmust be too small for his attention. He must strive in all these things to look the part he is to play, remembering that he is the living representative of America and all that America stands for. Must Demand Loyalty "The second point is loyalty. Na- turally he will be loyal to his country, flag and university, but a great deal more is required of the perfect sold- ier. He must give devoted and un- swering loyalty from the President down to the lowest officer under whom he is serving, and must exact the same from everyone in his command. Only thus can we obtain perfect co-opera- tion, not only between units, but throughout the whole nation, and it is only by perfect co-operation and abso- lute efficiency and perfection in the smallest details that we can hope to beat our perfectly organized enemy. The soldier that can spring to atten- tion and salute perfectly on all oc- casions is certain to be smart and effi- cient in his more important duties. Learn to "Click" "Drill is the mechanism of the bat- tlefield, where the failure to do the right thing at the right instant may mean defeat. All drill is useless which does not insist on perfection in the smallest detail. Every moment of out of step is a moment lost in the winning of the war. The soldier who learns to perform every movement with a "click" is the one who will be a fraction of a second quicker than the enemy when he meets him with the bayonet, and he will thank his country for the training it has given him as he tugs the bayonet from the enemy in his first fight." COL. R. V. K. APPLIN British War Mission to U. S. TEA-DRINKING BELIEVED T0 HAVE ORIGINATED' IN CHINA Flashlights Boat Lights and Spot Lights You'll want them soon fQr Spring and Summer Nights THE EBERBACH & SON COMPANY 200-204 E. Liberty Street Military Books For Fort Sher'd an Training CampS The Slater Book Shop' . Unsought Jobs That of the sophomores who have to gather wood for the freshmen's party next Friday night. People We Feel For- Those brilliant Co-eds who imagine they are playing with the men. (and along the same line-) Those all-round big men who drag the brilliant c-e's around immediately before elections.' There, if we've been personal and have hit some of you pretty hard, only reNember that criticism is usually but the result of a case of pure green jeal. PAX VOBISCUM. Running the Scale Advanced students from the violin and piano departments of the Univer- sity School of Music will give a re- cital at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Frieze Memorial hall. The following program will be of- fered:; Le Cygne............ Saint-Saens Orientale.............. Caesar Cui The Bee .................. Schubert Dorothy Haymaker Lullaby....................Ross April Weather..........Whelpley Helen Marshall The Musical Snuff Box.......Liadow Grace Smith Li'l Moon............ Bartholomew Mildred VanAmberg Canzonetta, from Violin Concerta, Op. 35 ..............Tschaikowsky Mildred Sutton Yesteryear..................Crist The Kiss in Colin's Eyes..... Foster Marjory West, '21 Prelude and Fugue, No. 5 ..... Bach Etude, Op. 8, No. 8; Etude, Op. 42, No. 7...............Scriabine Turkish March, Beethoven-Rubinstein i Lucille Colby, '18 (a) Violets ...............Wopdman (b) Yesterday and Today .... Spross Aimee Renkes, '20 Dean Hinsdale to Present Diplomas Dean Wilbur B. Hinsdale, of the homoeopathic medical school, leavbs Friday night for Howell, Mich., to be present at the graduating exercises of the nurses of the state tuberculo- sis sanitarium Saturday. Dean Hinsdale is to deliver the graduation address, "Wbmen's Side in the War," and iF to present the di- plomas. 1 I I' Sophomores must take posture ex- aminations before this noon, or they will be unable to finish the .gymnas ium course. All articles must be taken out of gymnasium lockers today, or they will be sold. Freshmen accept the challenge of the sophomores to play baseball at 4 o'clock this afternoon, on the field across from Barbour gymnasium. All those interested in farm work, must talk to Miss Evans for the last time from 9 to 12 o'clock this morn- ing in Barbour gymnasium. Prof. J. R. Brumm, of the rhetoric department, will talk to sophomore girls on the Junior Girl's play at 4 o'clock, Friday, in Barbour gymnas- ium. FIRST UNION GUILD MEETING IN YEARS IS GREAT SUCCESS Members of four church guilds united to make the first Union Guild meeting in several years, which was held Sunday evening at the Presbyte- rian church, a great success. About 200 students were present anq the success of the affair was sufficient to guarantee two or three similar meet- ings next year. Lionel G. Crocker, '18, presided and a musical program was furnished by R. J. McCandliss, '18, and sLois A. Winch, of the School of Music, who sang a duet, R. J. Frackelton, '18M, who played a violin solo, and Mar- guerite Adams, who sang. The Bap- tist orchestra played several numbers under the direction of Grace Connel- ly, of the School of Music, and there was also group singing. The guild presidents, who were the speakers, were Carleton Wells, '20, Congrega- tional, Earle Dunn, '20, Methodist, William McCandliss, '18M, Presbyte- rian, and Arch McDonald, '19, Bap- tist. Tpfinks, Suitcases and Bags at rea- sonable prices. You may trade in your old Travelling Goods as well as Furn- iture for New Luggage. F. W. Wil- kinson, 325 S. Main St. Phone 24.- FESTIVAL VISITORS will find Gilberts Chocolates Fresh from the Kitchen at QUARRY DRUG CO'S PRESCRIPTION STORE Cor. State and N. University Phone 308 i ® . DETROIT UNITED LINES 4 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (May 14, 1918) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:25 a. m., 8:io a. m., and hourly to 7:ro p. In., 8:1G p. M. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-8:48 a. m., and every two hours to 9:48 p. m. Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. m., 6:40 a. m., 7:os a. m. and every two hours to 7:o p. m, 9:05 p. n., 10:50 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 8:05 p. m., 11:50 p. m., 12:20 a. M., x:1o a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound--6:oo a. m., 7:48 a. m., 10:20 p. n.. ,2:20 a. m. Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Sank Incorporated 1869 . Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00 Resources........$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. SWAIN has the Finest Photographic collection of Ann Arbor Views. See it. 713 East University THE ATILETIC BOARD'S DECISION The decision of the athletic board not to send the track team or any iudividuals to the Eastern intercolleg- iates at Philadelphia this week will be taken with deep regret by the campus. It seems a cruel fate that this year of all years when the track team would have had an excellent chance to win the meet and the national collegiate championship that the trip cannot be taken. Lack of finances is the reason. The decision of the board brings the war closer home to us than many oth- er things combined could do. Mr. Bartelme, speaking for the board, said that whether the student body wished to send the team by popular subscrip- tion or not the idea could not be fav- ored. The board is right, and making the most of the situation. The reason given for not sanctioning the aid of the campus is that in view of the war and the heavy finances being borne by Michigan for Michigan men in the ser- vice it would be wrong for the stu- dent body to take it upon itself to send the team. Bluntly, the - board feels that if it cannot send the team that should end the matter. It does. MEMORIAL DAY-1918 Memorial day this year should be the occasion of much more serious thought than this day of years past. An army of more than 2,000,000 men is to be honored. To these and those who are daily joining themselves with them the civilized world is looking ADVERTISING FIELD IN NEED OF WOMEN "Advertising As a Field for Women," was discussed by Miss Hazel Whitaker of the J. L. Hudson company of De- troit, yesterday afternoon in Newber- ry hall. "There is no further doubt as to the fitness of women for the profess- ion," Miss Whitaker said in part. "Practically all advertising managers admit that it takes the feminine hand to put the human touch into an ad- vertisement, and it is this human ele- ment that is becoming the real basis of success in today's work." In regard to preparation for the profession, Miss Whitaker stated that a college education is almost indis- pensable. As supplements, she em- phasized various branches of teaching, and particularly newspaper experi- ence. Miss Whitaker illustrated her lec- ture with numerous advertisements selected by her as typical of different purposes and industries. A list of references suggested for prospective beginners in the advertis- ing field will be placed on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium Tea-drinking seems to have orig- inated in China, acording to an ar- ticle in Science by Dr. R. A. Gortner of the University of Minnesota. In this article Dr. Gortner mentions a book entitled "Farmers of Forty Cen- turies," by Professor King, which. states that tea was first used as a sanitary measure, the Chinese findng that boiling the water would save them from typhoid and that they aft- erwards added tea leaves to make it more palatable. Professor Gortner believes this to be false reasoning, however, since the Chinese of centuries ago knew noth- ing of micro-organisms and the role they play in disease. He believes that they first found tea a pleasing bev- erage to drink and those families who indulged in its use to any very great extent were not visited by typhoid and cholera and other diseases aris- ing from polution as frequently as the non-tea-drinking families were. The Chinese people, he believes, observed this and therefore spread the custom of tea drinking throughout the land. Buy your alarm clocks at J. L. Chapman's, Jeweler. 113 S. Main St. -Adv. Reliable Dealers Advertise in Michigan Daily.-Adv. The A A I PIE-A-LA-MODE ..UNCHES and SODAS ~~~ TYPEWRITERS For Sale and Bent TYPEWIlTING ximeograping Fraternity and Social Statloacry 0. D. MORRILL 322 South State Street SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP Classes Just Starting. Enroll Today HAMIBTON BUSINESS COLL~EGE State and William AT ARMORY THURSDAY, MAY 30 Dancing 9 to 1 Tickets at Busy Bee Music by "Ike" Fisher's Jazz Band