x i 1L: ALJ £VL. ..3t A'..5A) 1 ~ZA .d AL i 1k-Over ,LEGE- )DISH rmfort- /- / / I'- .-- )man is as young as her feet. Here are the very keep your feet feeling young, vigorous and stylishly rged Tip and Military Heel lack and Brown calf, white Buck anti white cloth. Either Boots or Oxfords. .lk-Over Boot Shop. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET. , .; ts of the University of Michigan >ect our new line of very smart models in Ling Men's Top-coats Ling Men's Gabardines. ing Men's Suits Ld garments every one ;of them. Fashions We advise early inspection. KINDENBURSSTARTS HERALDED OFFENSIVE (Continued from Page One) on the Aisne, according to the official statement issued tonight. "In the battle regions in Flanders, on the Lys battlefield, and on both sides of the Somme and Avre, artil- lery fighting has become more in- tense" (By The Associated Press) Artillery Pounds Entire Line Germany's great offensive on the western front has been resumed. With only brief artillery preparation, two. blows have been struck by the Teuton army, which has been re-or- ganized since disastrous losses were inflicted on them by the French and the British during the Picardy and Flanders battles in March and April. One attack was on the line from Voormezeele to Locre, southwest of Ypres; the other on a 35-mile front from Pinon, north of Soissons, to Rheims. This is known as the Aisne sector. In Flanders, the Germans have gained virtually nothing, but further south, the Berlin official statement says the German crown prince's troops have carried the whole ridge of the Chemin des Dames, and are now fighting on the Aisne river. The German attack in Flanders is against positions taken up by the French on May 20, when they recaptured Bru- loose and Locre, and strengthened their line on each side of Hill 44, which they had retaken a few days before. Fierce Battle Waging at Amiens On the Amiens front the present battle recalls the fearful fighting of last summer along the Chemin des Dames, where for weeks, the $30 in 9O days. housing bureau which will >plicants in securing rooms st rates. conditions ara the best. and foreigners do not wor - the same basis. thletic field is at your dis- you who wish to cowe- to a few days before you rrive. Physical examina- "Advertisingh s a Vocationdfor Women" is the topic of an address to be given by Hazel Whitaker, '06, this afternoon at Newberry hall. Miss -Whitaker, who is at present employed in the advertising department of the Hudson company, has had experience as a teacher, social service worker, and, as correspondent on the Chicago Tribune, and is therefore particular- ly well qualified to present the possi- bilities for women in her chosen field as contrasted to the usual lines open to them. Work and salaries in the advertis- ing field are particularly attractive, Miss Whitaker asserts, and she be- lieves it to be one of the best pro- fessions open to women today. All University women interested in this work either as a permanent occupa- tion or for temporary work during vacation axe urged to attend the lec- ture. Alien Wonien to Register Soon" Registration for alien women will take place June 17 to 23, according to Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien. As yet none of the forms for registra- tion have been received at the local police station, where the registration will take place, but definite instruc- tions are expected within a few days, when they will be made public. It is not expected that the registra- tion of alien women from the Univer- sity will be heavy. The possibility that there are a greater number of foreign women on the campus than men is slight, as there were only three men from the University regis- tering under the former alien regis- tration lav. Typewriting Work a Speciality - Biddle, Nickels Arcade Building.-Adv. Use the Daily classified columns. Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day. Try our Service. Eyes Examined. HALLEr. . FULLER State Street Jev F i What do you think of this? A Victrola to be given awn at the Michiga Union C arnival Where is it? and -Adv. Ion call on 1550 Wash- ar Tire and hio. Phone 7-8, 'Tues. and Tennis 601 E. William Street At the .