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July 23, 1927 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1927-07-23

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UTP uuntttrrPtunemus sunk two heavy punches to
the heart and head and Dempsus re-
7 1tr i jjtaliated feebly with a glancing blow
" 1 that cut the challenger's cheek as the
ublished every morning except Monday round ended. The round was plainly
'ing the University Summer Session by.Ptunemus's.
:Board in Control of Student Publica-1j-tneus 0
nks. "'The fighters leaped from their
The Associated Press is exclusively en- corners as the seventh round opened.,
ed to the use for republication of all news It looked like a triumph of youth
patches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news pub- over age as Dempsus plainly showed
ed herein.that he was weakening. They sparred
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, lightly in the center of the ring. The
stoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $x.so; by mail, crafty Dempsus, while the referee was
Ofces: Press Building, Maynard Street, tirned, drove home a solid punch
fin Arbor, Michigan. . eight inches below the belt. Ptunemus
EDITORIAL STAFF bent over and the champion's left hook
Telephone 4925 crashed into Ptunemus jaw, catching
MIANAGING EDITOR him square and landing him flat on
PHILIP C. BROOKS his face in the center of the ring as
litorial Director......Paul J..Kern the crowd went wild-it was a clear
ty Editor...Joseph E. Brunswick knockout. Ptunemus was carried to
Nature Editor.....Marian L. Welles his corner after being counted out and
arlton G. Champe . K. Oakes, Jr. did not revive for five minutes. The
hn E. Davis Orville Dowzer blow that put him out was a terriflc
T. E. Sunderland punch with all the weight of the cham-
Reporters pion 'behind it-it is the same blow
M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell that. beat Sharkus the sailor in New
obert E. Carson Mary Lister York. The ovation for the champion
Betty Pulver ,,
'm. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus lasted for at least ten minutes.,
.----- The scholar then would proceed to
BUSINESS STAFF tell of the large number of times in
Telephone 21214 which these fights end fatally for one
BUSINESS MANAGER or the other of the contestants; and
LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL how the' champion is a national hero,
ivertising.. ...........Ray Wachter who writes for literary magazines and
ecouhts........... John Ruswiuckel things. "One of the great stadia," he
Assistants continues, "Which perhaps was never
T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar used for fights, however, still stands
G. W. Platt near the site of the ancient city of Ann
_______________________-- i Arbor.",
Hight Editor-T. E. SUNDERLAND After all, 2,000 years have made a
SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927 small impression on the progress of
humanity, and though we like to de-
lude ourselves into thinking that we
--^ - - - - ---have progressed, the advance is large-
DECAYING CIVILIZATION ly a delusion and the Roman who
The horrible brutality of the civili- could return to earth and not find
tion of Rome has been immortalizld things so much changed. In placeof
the Roman legions who civilized the
literature and art for centuries, world we now have the United States
hen attempting to discover what: marines, and in place of the Roman
used the decay of the great Roman gladiators who edified the world we
spire we usually attribute it to the now have the prize fighters who en-
nk brutality and immorality of that gaged in public battles. There is al-
;ek We gaspwityhndhororat the idea ways the hope, however, that the next
e. We gasp with horror 2tteie ,000 years will show no more pro-
gladiators killing each other, and2grearsthillshwand e pro-
e. sockd~ tat nyrntio whichgrs than the last, and perhaps even
"e.e o be ckilize d thtouldton hica retrogression, so that when the
etended to be civilized could possi- scholars of the year 4000 A.D. meet to
y stoop to such things.
We have improved :a great dealin discuss the decayed civilization that
e intervening twenty centuries, once occupied this continent their ses-
ee istrndigbtabotthatesions will have to be cut short to en-
ere is no doubt about that. We able them to listen to the radio report
muld not allow persons to battle pub- -blow by blow-of the battle of the
ly just that the more sordid minded -bntwry.b
iong us could derive a low form of
stertainment. This is a great and HA,A KING
ogressive nation, and such a thing


Music 'Drama
Bookings are now being made for a
road tour of "The King's Henchman,"
the American opera by Deems Taylor
and Edna St. Vincent Millay, which
was produced at the Metropolitan
Opera house last winter.
The company, under the direction
of Jacques Samossoud, will open in
Washington the end of October and
will continue for about thirty weeks
in a comprehensive tour of the United
States, excluding only the cities of
New York, Brooklyn, and Phila-
delphia in which the Metropolitan
sings regularly during the winter and
for which that company holds the ex-
clusive rights.
The cast engaged by Mr. Samossoud
lists a number of distinguished ar-
tists, many of whom are, or have been,
members of the Metropolitan. There
will be a double cast for the principal
roles including: Frances Peralta and
Marie Sundelius, both of the Metropo-
litan, in the role of "Aelfrida"; as
"Aethelwold," Ralph Errolle, former-
ly of the Metropolitan, and Judson
House of the Hinshaw Opera Company;
at "Eadgar," Richard Hale who-mu-
sic lovers will remember-created a
sensation in Gluck's immortal "Or-
pheus," and Henri Scott, at one time
a Metropolitan artist; as "Maccus,"
Dudley Marwick and Alfredo Valenti,
the latter having formerly sung with
the Royal Opera at Covent Garden
and with both the Century and Bos-
ton Opera Companies in this country.
There will be a chorus of fifty and
an orchestra of fifty.
Mr. Samossoud and Moes Zlatkin
will alternate as conductors while
George Ermoloff will be the stage
director. Deems Taylor will co,
operate in the staging of the pora.
. . .
It has been rumored that "The
ing's Henchman". has been tempo-
rarily booked for Ann Arbor audi-
The Theatre Guild, organized in
1919, the outgrowth of that famous
group, the Washington Square Play-
ers, is going to toui this winter for
the first time. The tour will last 22
weeks, which are booked solid.
The plays to be taken on the road
include "Arms and the Man" by
George Bernard Shaw, "The Guards-
man" by Franz Molnar, "Mr. Pim
Passes By" by A. A. Milne and "The
Silver Cord" by Sydney Howard, three
of which will be given in the Ann
Arbor series.
The history of the Theatre Guild is
one of humble beginnings and rapid
rise to "the most interesting thea-
tre in the English speaking world."
Their first play was "Bonds of In-
terest" by Beneventa, produced at the
Garrick theatre. Financially the play
was a failure but the. Players look
upon it now as a glorious failure be-
cause it justified the faith of every-
one involved.
The poverty-stricken group then
then went ahead producing its sec-
ond play-went ahead in the face of
disapproval and ridicule. For the
play was a genre tragedy, and the
Guild chose the month of May for its
production, though all the wiseacres

said that the Month of May was well
enough for Icomedies, but not for
tragedies. The play was "John Fer-
guson" and its surprising success is
well known. To the members and di-
rectors of the Guild its success was
more than a surprise, it was a mira-
cle. It proved beyond a doubt that
there was an audience for the fine
things of the theatre in New fork.
"John Ferguson" ran through the
summer of 1919 and accumulated
enough money for the Guild to start
its second season. That was the e-
ginning of the continued success of
this spirited group which is now a
semi-public institution having over
20,000 subscirbers.
After its second season, the Guild
had three problems to solve. Te se-
lect good plays. Te secure first-rate
actors. Te reach and hold the right
audiences. That these problems were
solved successfully is attested by the
Guild's unparallelled growth. And
they were solved by the principle of

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SSyngive our customers the best foaU
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kally refrigerated fountain m:;d.e.
This superfountain.serves themost luscioes
sodas and sundaes you ever tasted-never
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Come in and see for yourself.
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on it

ould be extremely revolting to us.
Ve have become genteel and refined;
e appreciate the higher values, and
ven our lower classes have chances
secure a culture and refinement
Tat would have been out of the ques-
on in the days of Rome. Let us im-
gine, for a moment, however, that an
ninent scholar, in the year, 1927 A.U.
(After United States? writes a book
i the ancient civilization that once
ad its seat in North America.
"For amusement and entertain-
ent," the eminent scholar would
rite, after telling of our barbaric
ars and savage customs, "these bru-
Ll people would build large bowl
taped 'stadia' wherein upwards of a
undred thousand persons could be
ated. In the center would be roped
f an arena, and into this arena two
en would enter. Then a third man,
town as the referee, would see that
whide gloves were bound onto the
nds of the gladiators, in order to
'otect their hands from damage when
riking one another, and thus enable
em to land heavier blows.
"When the preliminaries were ac-,
mplished strong lights would be
rned on the arena (the battles were1
ually held at night) and a bell
ould be rung. The two men there-'
on would spring from their sides of,
e roped arena and batter each other
til one or the other fell into uncon-

There is something ludicrous and
pitiful in the spectable which has just
'been enacted in Roumania. A five-
year-old-boy, who should be out mak-
ing mud pies, has just been crowned
king of a nation, and while the nation
does not amount to much, to be sure,
and the king of the nation amounts to
still less, the -whole affair is a tremen-
dous farce.
It is bad enough if people continue
to crown kings that actually rule, as in
the more backward nations of the
world, but it is still worse when peo-
ple crown kings who do not rule. If
little Michael were a grown man, it
would be a different thing, because
then he could help himself, but to be
thrust pell-mell into the business of
being a king before one has cut his
second teeth is a hardship indeed.
The idea that a nation should vener-
ate and respect a person just because
he happens to be the son of another
person is, of course, nonsense; and we
in America have long realized it-in
government. It is nice, of course, to
have a ceremonial head, like a king,
to dedicate race tracks and officiate at
shooting matches while someone else
takes care of the government, but after
all the position of ceremonial head re-
quires no great ability and it might
just as well be a pensioned soldier as
a member of the royal house so-called.
If little Mike could only come to
America, and leave his face unwashed
and play baseball and tear his pants as
all small boys should, he could no
doubt enjoy life; but the necessity of
having to stand through endless ceme-
monies when one is a hungry infant
is painful and pitiful. Roumania
might at least pass a child labor law.
Then there is another and still more
vicious side to the question, and that
is the fact that King Mike will grow
up to think that he is better than other
persons. He will never have a chance
to realize what a moron he really may
be, for everything he says will be
quoted in the press as a sparkling gem
of wisdom, and by the time he reaches
the age of twenty he is likely to be as
unbearable as the son of an American




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[hen the scholar would continue
s: "An example of the brutality of
se contests may be had from an ac-
int by a writer of the period, who
cribes it thus:
Ptunemus and Dempsus are the
diators) Both fighters -sparred in
center of the ring at the opening
the sixth round. Dempsus was
eding badly where Ptunemus had
ned a nasty gash above his eye.
h fighters were plainly tired, and
npsus had been groggy for two
nds. Ptunemus lashed out with a
itning like blow to the head, but
npsus covered up and managed to
ape the full force of the blow.
nemus sunk two tremendous blows
o Demnpsus' stomach, and as Demp-
reeled on the verge of a knockout
crowd went wild-for Ptunemus
s extremely popular. Dempsus
thered the storm, however, and
h fighters squared off at the center
the ring in a vicious exchange of
ws. Dempsus was bleeding badly
n the mouth and nose. Ptunemus
hitting Dempsus almost at will,

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In this way also, a boyhood in the'
United States could help the poor
child, For here we teach children that

they are equal to all other citizens of
the United States but that the lowest wrong, for that five-year-old American
citizen of the United States is some. boy, with his mouth smeared with Jelly
what higher than the highest of any and a chance to be president of the
other country; and this democratic at- United States, would trade places with
mosphere would do worlds of good to the ridiculous and pitiful figure who
a king. has mounted the so-called throne of
As a matter of fact, it is not so far the so-called kingdom of Roumania.

RFotuid ofollege LA


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