THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SPEAKERS FOR ANNUAL NCE AT MACKINAC ISLAND 'kindergarten Workers Tour Europe To Establish And Gain New Ideas (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON.-Although the kin- dergarten was originated in Germany 90 years ago by Frederich Froebel, it has flourished on a broader scale in the United States than in Europe, and America has been able to "ex-t port" ideas on this branch of educa- tion for a number of years. Nevertheless, Europe has not been depleted of idea sources. The sum- mer lull in kindergarten activities is being utilized by a number of Ame- rican leaders in the training of little folks to study conditions there and to take part in the American dedica- tion, at Lievin, France, of a national shrine to their work. The tour was arranged for friends of the International Kindergarten Union and the Kindergarten Unit of Miss Annie Laws, Cincinnati philan- tropist, who died July 1. The Kinder- garten Unit of France was organized during the war by the International Union and the American Red Cross. The shrine at Lievin, toward which many Americans contributed, marks the tenth anniversary of its work. The unit has established play- school "gardens of children" in the devastated regions, many of them on such an effective basis as to win the praise of authorities in this country. These and other kindergartens in France, Germany and other countries will be visited by the American party. It includes such leaders as Miss Ella Ruth Boyce, director of kindergartens at Pittsburgh; Miss Stella Louise Wood of Minneapolis, Minn., and Miss fYPfO w. GREN - RALPH BREWSTER I AN AWft U FPANK ,.... EMERSON -I- France largely through the efforts of 1 Fannie A. Smith of Bridgeport, Conn. TOWERS. v ffi7 v -- Here are some of the outstanding figures and speakers for the annual conference of governors at Mackinac Island, Michigan. The conference will begin Sunday,. July 24. Governor Ralph O. Brewster, of Maine, is chairman of the meeting. Governor Fred W. Green, of Michigan will wel- come the visiting executives with Governor F. C. Emerson giving the re- sponse. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, Governor Bibb Graves of Albama and J. E. Martineau of Arkansas, are on the the speakers program. EDUCATION CLUBIl HAS 171 MEMBERS The Men's Education club of the Summer session has a membership of I 171, according to its directory issued this week, Of this number 41 are principals, 36 are superintendents, 30 claim teaching, as their profession, and the remaind-I er are students, university instructorsI text book representatives, teachers i from other colleges, school com- missioners, and specialized workersf in the educational field. The state of Michigan heads the list with 137 members. Ohio and Il- linois are second with eight each, and Indiana ranks next with seven. All together, 12 states are represented, including such distant ones as Flori- da, Mississippi and Maryland.{ Michigan's public school men come from the larger communities. Cities with a school census of 2,000 and over have 45 representatives; places hav- ing 500 to 1,999 school children are next with 41 members. Only 21 are from smaller schools. ISH BRAND VARSITY SLICKERS The most stylish and practical rainy dag garments for college men and women. Ask for Fish Brand Varietg of Slickers by Name style andColors The Genuine. Waterproof Oiled Your Dealer C lothi ng I ft8RA0 has them. AJ. TOWER CO* BOSTO'N . 3 +o'J7;.:aCFw+, r-mss,--... .m..+K- . w. ,,;-................... .,. ,4eSW~ghajr Aw~tOnaflaf dp . r % ' t, . " a._ 'iI .2, ,a You can buy an Electric Range on long and easy payments Bowser in' Industry R E AT electric plants-arehlbri- %t.Jcated by Bowser systems that con- tinuously clean and purify the oils. 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