THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 04t Oumwr therefore, is a life given in the cause of patriotism. j t Thitbands of 300 brave patriots, then, who fell before the combined Published every morning except Monday forces of entrenched coercion, and uring the University Summer Session by de navi tep osv hi e :Board in Control of Student Publica .ded in a vain attempt to save their ons. nation from the tentacles of a foreign The Associated Press is exclusively en- giant, even though that giant was tied to the use for republication of all news , ispatches credited to it or not otherwise merely a commercial being, deserve edited in this paper andthe local news pub- nothing but our highest praise and shed herein. loftiest commendation. Their brave Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, deed, while seemingly futile, may be ostoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $; by mail, the inspiration to even more concerted 2Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, efforts in the future. The great force nn Arbor, Michigan. that subdued them can not go on for- EDITORIAL STAFF ever in its policy of brutal subjuga- Telephone 4925 tion, and even now there are ominous MANAGING EDITOR rumblings that foretell trouble for PHILIP C. BROOKS that government. The low type of editorial Director ..... Paul J. Kern hypocrisy that says it stands for con-1 ity Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick stitutional government of the people, "eature Editor... Marian L. Welles and then suppresses government by ~art~nG.Night Editors pol arlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr. the people wherever possible, can not ohn E. Davis Orville Dowzer exist as long as there is 'a torch of T. E' Sunderland justice which guides the destinies of Reporters mankind. 1. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell So it is with reverence, with abne- Bobert E. Carson etty Pulver gation, and with apologetic, awe that Vim. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus we take this opportunity to pay our humble tribute to that group of 300- BUSINESSi STAFF the Nicaraguan patriots who gave Telephone 21214 their lives rather than be ruled by the BUSINESS MANAGER United States marines. .ter. - U1 LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL ertisig.......... Ray Wachter )nts ........John Ruswinckel ullation............. Ralph Miller { Assistants T. Antonopulos G. W. Platt S. S. BerarI Night Editor-ORVILLE DOWZER FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927 CAMPUS OPINIONS Yesterday morning The Daily published its first controversial campus opinion of the summer session. The opinion expressed therein differed materially with the editorial policy of The Dailyl which the communication sought ,l to answer, nevertheless The Daily welcomes most heartily this or any other expression of opinion, dissenting or otherwise, which may exist among the students of the campus. IN EMORIAM Early this week three hundred pa- triots, fighting in a cause they be- lieved just, and for a cause which they believed to be right, fell on a battlefield against a far superior fighting force. It would not be fitting for the world to pass by without pay- ing some tribute to these brave men who gave their lives in a cause for which patriots have ever given their lives, and in this materialistic age we are all too apt to overlook the consummate heroism of this band. They attacked a force of trained fighting men, equipped with the most deadly weapons that modern science has as yet devised. They battled against great odds for hours, and they finally retreated only when three- fourths of their number lay dead or wounded on the field, and when death dealing airplanes soared above. Such bravery is rarely equalled in this sor- did world of ours, and the brave martyrs who died on that, field of battle in a vain effort ot save their country from foreign invasion can not but incite the plaudits and the admi- ration of all the world. Of course there are some who will say they are bandits for attempting to expel an invasion of capital from the realm of their homeland, and per- haps the bandit allegation is true, but what of it? It is only a narrow breach from banditry to patriotism-the one kills in the name of the minority and the other in the name of the majority. It is even possible that some day the United States marines, if they ever come to represent a minority will as- sume the position of bandits, and surely no one would go so far as to say that the United States marines could do wrong. We do not sympathize with the sabotage and arson and other depre- dations of this band of patriots who were killed, but of course all these things are the essence of patriotism, and we ourselves were encouraginge the same measures not so very longE ago, and cheering lustily at the znas-1 sacre of thousands of "the enemy (as if there could be such a thing as "the enemy"). Murder is the basis of patriotism, according to our present standards, and the band of patriotsc who were just killed surely can nots be criticised on that grounds. t Then too there is the fact that thec existing government of their own na-1 tion supported the murder of the pa-8 triots, but that merely makes theirs Inartyrdom all the more glorious, for t that government is apparently exist- ing not by any popular right but be- t cause It is supported by gigantic for- t eign commercial interests. A life I HENRY WHITE America has lost a great and ex- ceptional diplomat. This generation, perhaps, does not remember so clearly the name of Henry White, who passed away recently at his home in Lenox, Massachusetts; but to the old school of English statesmen who ran the world from London in the last half of the nineteenth century, and to the fiery nations of Europe who felt his leadership in the International Mor- rocoan conference at Algeciras in 1906, and even as late as the Versailles peace conference in 1918, Henry White, the statesman and diplomat, loomed large and ponderous indeed. Rarely has the United States pro- duced a man of the quality of Henry White for our foreign service. Rare indeed is the period which has a man such as he to represent it at London, Rome, and Paris, as White successive- ly represented his country at those three posts. Advancing years remov- ed him from the panorama of public life years ago, but the name which he left in our annals will be cherished forever. At the time of the Paris Peace con- ference in 1918 the former ambassador probably knew more European diplo- mats than any other living American. He was admittedly a friend of the Kaiser and the old regime in Germany, yet President Wilson, recognizing the abilities of the veteran statesman ap- pointed him as a delegate in .spite of this fact, and the manner in which he acquitted himself was in no small sense responsible for the measure of success that the United States did have at that meeting. Wherever the situation was strained or the conditions critical, there Henry White could be depended upon. As first secretary at the court of St. James he developed a group of youn- ger statesmen who later acquitted themselves nobly in the service of their country. As ambassador to Italy at Rome he placed himself in such a strategic position in European affairs that he was able to assume a position of unquestioned leadership in the con- ference at Algeciras, and how well he managed this business may be gath- ered from the fact that though a war seemed imminent when the delegates convened, the nations of the continent left the conference on speaking terms, and the great conflict was postponed almost eight years. A year later he went to the post of ambassador to France, and a year af- ter his retirement, in 1910, he repre- sented the United States at the pan- American conference, .and was special ambassador to Chile upon the cele- bration of the nation's 100th anniver- sary of independence. Truly America in the death of Henry, ,White has lost one of its truly great men, and the development of more statesmen and diplomats with the s agacious wisdom and the masterful ex ecutive ability of Henry White could naot but be an in- estimable benefit to the nation at pres- ent, engaged as it is in conferences for the increase o f amaments and coercive subjection of puny Central American states. The increasing p"oblem of the large university is indicated in a recent statement by the president of a Ken- tucky institution, that "the unpre- cedented popularity of American col- lege education, whi ;h is now drawing9 850,000 young men and women to in- stitutions of higher learning, is likely to go on increasin ; for 25 years at least." His words suggest perhaps he kernel of the v vhole matter-the rouble is that to college is. popular, not sought ; by each individual QASTED RL IT SEEMS THERE WAS A FIGHT * * * "I was listennig to the prize fight on the radio," will be accepted as a legitimate excuse for not reciting in classes today, according to official an- nouncement. * * * Personally, we'd rather listen to a fight than see it. And if it is colored up properly by the announcer, we feel that he ought to receive at least a third of the proceeds. * * * When someone told us the result of the fight last night, all we could say was "Oh, and who was the other guy?" We don't consider ourselves expert on boxing, among other things. * S S MA1MMA The dignity with which the Ameri- can press chooses to refer to the new king of Roumania is astonishing. We presume that in the olden times chiv- alry would have been slightly shock- ed if at the time of a coronation someone quoted the new monarch publicly as in a headline like this: Hungry Mamma Lisps Boy King I Of course he is slightly young, but he is king at that, and no doubt when he grows up will find amusement in reading the stories of his corrona- tion. * * * For having to fight to express his peaceful intentions and defend their sincerity, Mr. Ford seems to take the record. This is not fn automobile advertisement. If anyone wants ad- vice on the buying of second hand cars, send him around and we'll give him plenty. * * * Mildred Doran, the "flying school- ma'am," has announced that she will take-off on August 11 for Hawaii. Whether Flint and the state should be proud of perpetrating this insult to the superiority of men or not is a question. * * * We thought that the women were content to admire such specimens of ability and looks as Lindbergh. S * S Rolls can offir no explanation for the fitfulness of yesterday's deluge. The first time it rained we went out with our rain coat expecting it to last, and found ourselves with a raincoat on in perfectly dry weather. The second time we thought it wouldn't last long-and got wet. - * * * POLICE TAKE AIR BUT TO CHANGE the subject from, gruesome warfare we see by the Tribune that Gary, Indiana, police have taken to the air and spend sev- eral hours flying over a swamp look- ing for a robber. Even though they did not catch the thief it is good training for the 'traffic division for the day when the will have to direct the traffic in the air. AND AT THAT WE have seen the street corners in some of the larger cities where the policemen would have been a lot safer in airplanes than on the street. * S** SCENARIO CONTEST NEARS CONCLUSION THE READERS IN ROLLS Scenario contest have announced that the an- nouncement of the winner of the con- test will be made shortly. Since so many have submitted scenarios the prizes have been increased. A ham sandwich will be awarded the winner of second place. In case of a tie there will be duplicate prizes for all con- cerned. ACTORS FOR THE screen play that will be made from the scenario will all be school teachers from the Sum- mer session unless the play requires children for the parts. Even then it is hoped that several of the teachers in attendance may be influenced to take parts in the production. * * s WE DO NOT LOVE dirty jokes so we will end with the old story of the robber who said, "There's something in that too," as he drew his hand from the cuspidor. * * * If anybody can keep track of the leader in the National League, they are almost as good as the one who can stay 'way back where Washing- ton is and still see New York In the HALLER'S State Street Jewelers 1 CnInraes e~d7lrlt 17 black degrees Superlative in quality, 3 the world-famous At all dealers ;P.1- Buy give best service and a longest wear. dozen Plain ends, per doz. $1.00 Rubberends, per doz. 1.20 American Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave., N.Y. MakersofUNIQUEThin Lead Colored Pencils in 12 colors-$1.00 per doz. met Oh' Henry!e "The loyalty of my Legions was un- questioned and now for thefirst time I'll bare my secret. 1 paid the a, you see, with bars of Oh Henry! A Fine Candy lOc Everywhere Oh iryi.the wegisaretademork ofthe WilisUm- aen dy0o.,chia"o.IM,,. .a.a aumson, Pr.. For a Pleasant, Healthful Outdoor Pastime Try canoeing. The Huron River and Barton Pond offer exceptional opportunities for enjoying nature. SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY Huron River at the Foot of Cedar Street. Rates by Hour, Day or Season. Open 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. Friday and Saturday Till 12 P. M. Seringis he esNDS TO twa THE NVE S'TOR. of Selling in the bond business T IS a disproven idea that bond selling is merely a matter of making friends and using them as a re- ceptive outlet for whatever issues come to hand. The worth-while bond house does not want its bonds sold that way. It trains its representatives to work more constructively. When the house and the man representing it are known for their carefulness in fitting the bond to the investor, it builds confidence and subordinates sell- ingto serving. Men who represent Halsey, Stuart & Co. are trained in this policy. It enables them to grow in the bond business and to'"find a worth-while outlet for their capacity and ambition. College men should find out all they can about the bond business before deciding for or against it as a vo- cation. That will correct any erroneous ideas they may have about it or their own fitness or lack of fit- ness for it. You will find accurate and helpful information on this su jeet in apamphal we have prepared forcollege men. Writeforpamphlet MD4 HALSEY, STUART & CO. N C O R P O R AT I D CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA DETROIT CLEVELAND 201 S. La Sale St. 14 Wall St. xx South xsth St. 6ox Griswold St. 955 Euclid Ave. ST. LOUIS BOSTON MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS 3t9North 4th St. 85 Devonshire St. 4zSEast Water St. 6oS Second Ave., S. ." I1 a a I a a II II I . # ยข /I University Chevrolet Sales 102 South Ashley QUALITY AT LOW COST a for a serious purpol 3e. Atmericane