TP, 20, 1927 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY, y 20, 1927 I TEN ME N ARE ADED Professor Emeritus Of iathematics' Included; Judge Durfee Died Before Receiving Degree WINTER GIVES CITATIONS) EMINENT MEN RECEIVE HONORARY DEGREES I Honors conferred upon ten men, one of them deceased, at the Commence- ment exercises this morning added to' the University's list of honorary alum- ni a group of leaders in widely diver- gent fields of activity. The official' statement of their accomplishments,}- : as read by Professor John G. Winter follows: "Doctor of Engineering: Frank Casper Wagner; a graduate in Me- chanical Engineering with the class of 1885. After winning success in the practice of his profession, he return- .ed to the University as Assistant Pro- fessor of Mechanical Engineering from George W. Wil 1890 to 1896. Associated since then Three of the recipients of honora with the Rose Polytechnic Institute as two judges, one of them deceased, a Professor and, since 1923, its Presi- House of Representatives, who gave t dent, he has gained distinction as an alumni. educator and administrator. "Doctor of Humane Letters: Willis cations in the field of his specialty John Abbot; a graduate of the Law but also by his stimulating influence School in the class of, 1884, Editor of in the development of scholarship and the 'Christian Science Monitor' since research. In the long years of his 1921. ,In a varied career as editor and i devoted labors as teacher and scholar journalist, he has labored effectively he has constantly impressed and in- to advance the standards of his pro- spired his colleagues with the vigor fession. Under his control the 'Moni- and clarity of his mind, the range and tor' has attained an acknowledged po- accuracy of his learning, and the un- sition by the character of its foreign assuming modesty which endeared him and domestic news, by its high ideals to all. of private and public morals, and by "Willis Rodney Whitney; a graduate its enlightened support of decent poli- of the Massachusetts Institute of tics. In welcoming him home, the Uni- Technology in the class of 1890, past versity makes public her recognition President of the American Chemical of his worth as a citizen, his abilities Society and of the American Electro- as an editor and publisher, and his Chemical Society, member of the Ia- loyal service in promoting a clean, tional Research Council and of the vigorous, and intelligent democracy. United States Naval Consulting Board "Doctor of Science: Alexander since 1915, winner of the Williard Ziwet; for. many years Professor of Gibbs, the Chandler, and the Perkins Mathematics in -the University and medals, and Director of the Research Professor Emeritus since 1925, who Laboratory of the General Electric has, throughout his career, contribut- ,Company since 1901. Endowed with ed greatly to the eminence of the Uni- an extraordinary gift of constructive versity not only by important publi- imagination, he organized the means Academy of Arts andhSciences, Cor CLASSIFIED ADS. responding Fellow of the British Aca demy, the first Chairman of the United FOR RENT-First floor suite, $9 per States Tariff Commission, and past, week. Also one single room, $5 President of the American Economic per week. 545 East University. Association. His brilliant career as Across from Engineering Arch. 2 author and teacher justly entitles him to his high place as dean of living FOR RENT-Four-room furnished American economists. Under his able f apartment for summer. Phone 7595. direction the 'Quarterly Journal of Stofflet Apartments, corner Kings- Economics" has achieved world re- ley and Detroit. 1,2,3 pt.His mnydistinctivecotribu- tions to economic theory and notably FOR RENT-Wonderful opportnity his authoritative works on the tariff for young graduating dentist. Es- and international trade, have won him tablished three-room dental off e in conspicuous rank and honor among good American neighborhood. New- consicuus ankandhonr aongi ly decorated. Carpeted reception his colleagues both at home and ry dReasonabl rent.dItrwllpay abroad. With realistic grasp and ad- you to look this oyer. 1663: Ferry mirable balance he has stamped his Park Ave., corner Avery, Detroit, constructive thought upon the prob- Mich. Telephone Northway 4420. lems confronting a complex democ- 1,2 racy. "George Woodward Wickersham; At-i FOR RENT IN DETROIT-Desirable torney General of the United States bedroom with private bath, sublet from 1909 to 1913, President ofe the from renter of apartment, very American Law Institute, to whom his - reasonably to college student or country has often appealed for coun- graduate. Call D. M. Ferris, Sew- sel and service in peace and war, and ard Hotel, Detroit. 1,2 never in vain. Honored with many positions of public trust, he has proved LOST-June first, a diamond, ring. equal to every demand, and won re- Tiffany setting. Reward. 421 Ben- spect and recognition both here and Jamin. Phone 5332. 1,2 beyond the seas. He has labored with _______Phone_5_32._ 1,2 effective zeal to advance the cause of CHINESE RUGS-New shipment of international law and to strengthen small sizes Heirloom Chinese Rugs, the bonds of sympathy and under- suitable for commencement and standing which form the sole assur- wedding gifts. Also many room ance of enduring peace among the size. MRS. H. B. MERRICK, 928 nations of the world. Church St. Phone 3165. 2 "Nicholas Longworth; for many years a Representative of his State in TYPEWRITERS Congress, who is Speaker of the last New L. C. smith, session directed its complicated affairs Corona, Remington with singular tact and judgment. ACnaReinton steadfast supporter and able exponente __ R po__e. kershani, Alexander Ziwet, and Willis J. Abbot, 84L. ry degrees at the Commencement ceremonies. One economist, three scientists, newspaper publisher, and two political leaders, including the Speaker of the he Commencement address, were chosen by the University for its honorary which led to the discovery of tungsten lighting. He has stimulated research in pure science and applied its results to the needs and processes of industry. Through the wizardry of his own work and the brilliant discoveries of inves- tigators under his skilful direction, the fame of his Laboratory as an insti- tution of scientific research has spread into all civilized lands. "Doctor of Laws: Edgar Orin Dur- fee. It is fitting on this occasion to record that death has taken from us a noble and distinguished figure upon whom the University had planned to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws. With the passing of Edgar Orin Dur-: fee, for fifty years Judge of the Pro-I bate Court of Wayne County, the StateI lost a public official of conspicuous ability, whose integrity and shining candor of soul remain a memorable force in the community he served. "John Evan Richards; a graduate of the Law School in the class of 1879, Justice of the :Supreme Court of Cali- fornia, a tiistinguished interpreter and administrator of the law, whose attain- ments have won wide recognition from his associates of the Bar. A wide counsellor, loyal in the service of every worthy cause, and constant in* his devotion to the public good, he has contributed greatly to the progress of his commonwealth. "Frank William Taussig; Henry Lee Professor of Economics in Harvard Univesity, Fellow of the American of the principles of his party, he has been a potent force in the political life of the nation. In recognition of his eminence in the councils of state and his leadership in helping to guide his government through an intricate maze of conflicting interests, the Univeristy now welcomes him among her Alum- ni." Michigan Daily Subscribe for the Summer ._...,, Jbr Econsomical ransportati@s i miwinwRLT/1 r A nom F I HALLER' S STATE STREET JEWELER GRUEN WATCHES GORHAM SILVER MICHIGAN JEWELRY SILVERWARE Hour after Hour over any Road 'g=&1.A.hf .... 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Every unit of the car tiated in perfect comfort. You can has been tested and improved until it con- e for hour after hour, mile after mile, tributes its full share of comfort. any road, without the slightest sense arcing or fatigue. We have a demonstrating car waiting for exceptional riding and driving com. you. Drive it over the roughest road you has been engineered into Chevrolet know. You'll find a type of performance as a result of the most gruelling road that will delight and amaze yow--rid- ever conducted in connection with ing comfort that you never thought pos- development of an automobile. sible in a lew-priced automobile. 1 1T+7131 Morbu-ng $5 oRoadster52 Cop 625 Sedan.695 ir ort. 5 Landau....*745 ;a9Aeblda ""ma~"780 V Ton Truck $ 39 5 1ITon Truck $*49 5 All Pricea Fab fln~b ichigan Check Chevrolet Delivered Prices They include the lowest handling and financing ehargm savailable. H-Avr you a wedding gift to nake? Nothing will prove more welcome to the young" housewife than'a hand- some electrical appl-' ance for table or kitchen Come in Today! _ See for yourself the remarkable beauty of the new Chevrolet. Drive it and get the thrill of its smooth, powerful performance. Then you'll know why each day thousands are buying the Most ikautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History. _; i. B uttif Ch rota I Q U AL I T Y A T L O W C o S T I You will receive excellent suggestions by calling at our display room University Chevrolet Sales THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY 102 SOUTH ASHLEY