/ PAGE PFOUR TH E SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1927 TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1927 ,DAIL'Y OFFICI-AL BULLETIN- Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at 'the office of the Summer Session 'until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). 1Volunme VIII TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1921 Number 20 Sidewalk Slabs : Broken sidewalk slabs may be had for the hauling. Excellent for ,stepping stones. Call Buildings and Grounds departmnent or get directly from campus. E. (i. Pardon, Superintendent Buildings and Grounds. Public Health Lecture: Miss Lula Eskridge of the American Red Cross will lecture today in the auditorium 'of the Dental Building at 4 P. MV., on the subject "The Junior American Red Cross." The public is invited. John iSundwall. Wonien' Educational Club: hThe Women's Educational Club will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 at the Haunted Tavern.' Miss Helen Martin will speak on "The Child As Poet." Reservations must be made in the office of the School of Education before 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning. The Committee. Men's Educational Club:1 The Men's Educational Club willimeet on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Michigan Union. There will be "stunts" by the superintendents, prin- cipals, teachers, faculty, and bookmen. Professor Kirtley F. Mather of Har- vard University will speak on "The Teaching of Evolution in American Schools." The Committee. Phi Delta Kappa: All members are requested to be present at a luncheon at the Michi- gan Union, Women's Room, on Tuesday, July 19, beginning promptly at 12. The purpose is nomination of new members and to get acquainted. August Seniors-School of Education: All students who expect to complete, the requirements for graduation from the School of Education at the end of the present Summer Session will kindly note the list posted on the Bulletin board in Tappan Hall. Any person expecting a degree from the . School of Education whose name doesf not appear on this list should see they Recorder immediately. Office hours: 1:30-12 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. M.4 Gretchen Krug, Recorder. CARN MOVES ALONE (By Associated ]Press) GRAND RAPIDS, July 18.--Moving slowly down the street-with no onel occupying the seat ordinarily taken up by the driver-an automobile play-1 ing the modern counterpart of Icha- # od Crane's "headless horseman" wasl fcaptured and stoppedl here by Walter! Krystiniak after a chase of a few!1 blocks. Police investigated and found the car had been stolen several hours earlier, and that the thief had evi- dently jumped from the car while. inj motion. TODAY & WEDNESDIAY "OH! .BABY" (Its a Scream) Thru Fri., "Exit Smiling" II This AD" wth li i BookBargains o interest Teachers, Preachers, Librarians and Summer School Students IV ar'sUNIVERSHTY Wahr SBOOK STORE 71'he Coolest Eating la in Town. EXCELLENT MEAL: Ladies and Gentlemei Single Meals 50Sc,+ Weekly Board - $5.7 ('or. State and Was hing N lace 5c .7J 0011i I iiaEAD tTHE tWANT uADSnn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I rl u I., *U e. (\) 2-OA -oONATATAQ, Th/__as Faho T hiGlso fe Fd ashion go- but figures prove that Coca-Cola is still the most popular of all beverages. IT HAD TO B3E GOOD TO GET WH-ERE IT IS -- 7 MILLION A DAY NOW: Ek oo f. L HTCH ERS ..1{ioou tbx* lteeh (bang Idcat Dnnn # '6WJ-fLL NAUI 194RUW !I i arvrv sss avaaw v.tirs aw c va M mu s (.hit1ry _ c11. +1adcrc s' an tlrrna.iij ts IIWWM ProducAon 0.0000 a 3 t .,... I Fri m A r kk 'rected I r '% 1 _- + J / . ' r ' ' , r. . --- THERE IS A PERFECT' FACE POWDER': Wibeary Wives and ycol- loge sheiks - Wander- ing husbands and dash- ing blondes-And when they all get together- A riot of funi and La igliter. . I I Al r COMWON TODAYI ONLY IN ITS You'll Enjoy Thlis one .,A TPOLICY 2:001 3:35 35c loc 9:00 35c 50c loc Also a Great COOL AND COMFY! 'fg receabyM "hel r --WARNER BROS PRODUCTION --'- "The Prince of ,Jesters" .ON THE T',AGE BOB MURPHY ____ Eddie Green at the Piano SO soft, so fine, so richly fra- Sgrant-one knows at once that COTY FACE POWDERS are the supreme complement to nature. Nine true shades. LES POUDR$ COTY t , : . . I #I Added Fun 1dill n _ POMFRET.4n7 -, 1 SHIRT* /COALow ~~ onit ~" CAREFULLY MADE / E of a. TRUE ENGLIS)H BROADCLOTH I - AT YOUR DEAILERS', SUN. TOMORROW Ilis FRIDAY Its a Scream 11 Jackie Coogan In' MARRIED ALIVE "ii JOHINNY GET YOUR With Mat Moore lf HAIR CUT LON CHANEY in "THE UNKNOWN" ________ I I One dollar the box L'ORIGAN PARIS EMERAUDE CHYPRE STYX JASMIN DE CORSE L'OR LA ROSE JACQUEMINOT L'AMBRE ANTIQUE MUGUET I 1 The Rockford Players Second Summer Season Every Evening Except Wed. -Sat. Matinee TONIGHT AT 8:15 All the elements of popular comedy, love, romance and barnyard adventure f~ "As entertain en t it is a gorgeous m1outhful." Sarah Caswell Angell Hall (above Barbour. Gymnasium) All seats reserved at 75c at Bookstores and Door Matinees 50 and 75 Cents #