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June 20, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-20

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1 L'rn ,7UT11AlrP 1Vl.T oT-st-111 1J1-flAT MNAY UN


Uait trinwr versity's most admired institutions.
It is hoped that in the future as
41r r i g a iua it this year, every group of returning
i'a "-' alumni will note with pride the con-
Published every morning except Monday tinuing progress ofcthe University,
during the University Summer Session byk
the Board in Control of Student Publica-and wil receive such a hearty wel-
tions. come as those of us now in Ann Ar- <
The Associated Press is exclusively en- bor extend to them.
titled to the ,use for republication of all news_
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise DSILN -RPOIIIN
credited in this paper and therlocal news pub- DISCIPLINE--b PROHIBITION!
lished herein. The Regents, after months of argu-
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, ing, and after putting into effect for a
postoffice as second class mattr. few weeks the compromise advocated
'Subscription by carrier, $.5o; by r mail, fwwestecmrms doae
$.oo. by The Daily, have decided to ban
Offices- 'Press Building, Maynard Street, Diy aedcddt .
Ann Arbor, Michigan. student automobiles except "in ex-
EDITORIAL STAFF ceptional and extraordinary cases.",
Telephone 492 # The Daily respects the Rengents for
MANAGING EDITOR their careful consideration and their
PHILIP C. BROOKS interest in student welfare. It notes
Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern their discretion in delaying their ac-
City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick tion until after most of thie students
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles had left town. The Daily pledges it-
Night Editors self, as an institution supporting the
Carlton G. ChampeHLK. Oakes, Jr. voice of authority in the University,
John E. Davis Orville Dowzer to further the enforcement of what-
G. Thomas McKeanT. E. ,Sunderland
R o sever regulations are in effect, to such
Charles Kaufman Louis R. Markus an extent as it deems logical and
Mary Lister Miriam Mitchell compatible with the best interest of
Betty Pulver the University community.
B SINES4 STAFF . However, the editors respectfully
Telephone 21214 maintain their opinion on automoble
BUSINESS IANAGER regulations as stated in previous edi-
LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL torials. They do not feel that the
Ad Ut A .RayWachtercompromise plan has been in opera-
Accounts.................JohnRuwinckel tioii long enough to judge wisely
Circulation .....................Ralph Miller
C ... _--ah e its success. They do not feel that evi-
dence so far indicates that the plan
has been anything but successful.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1927 They do not consider a complete re-
-_ _ --__- striction feasible.
ADIEU On April 23rd, The Daily published
Michigan bids Godspeed today to the following opinion: "It is admit-
more than 1900 members of the class ted that the rulings this year have not
of 1927, of a wide variety of abiltybeen, successful. The trouble, how-
and accomplishment. The class, typi- ever, lies not in the regulations,
cal of -what Mencken has termed this which are the sanest treatments of
"gargantuan intellectual rolling mill," the problem yet advanced in the
is anything but homogeneous in. ex- United States, but in the prescribed
perience, social strata, ambition, or means of enforcement. When ade-
intellect. That diversity has added quate enforcement is provided the sit-
much cdlbr to the associations of these uateonforceen isnpro . sit-
guation will be under control. Coi-
outgo studenfs, although at e plete abolition of student cars is un-
same time it has complicated infinite- necessarily harsh, needlessly patern-
ly the'multifariOus worries of the ad- alistic, and would never meet tie ap-
ministration. proval of the student body at Mich-
These seniors, however, have had igan...*..*..*..*.*
the common experience of four years
at Michigan. Bearing in its age and "This is no evidence, however, that
traditions a similarity to the smaller theA regulations cannot be enforced.
endoed astrn nstutinsyetem-The Daily recommends that the Board
endowed eastern instiutions, yet em-
bodying all of the progressive ma- of Regents change this one section,
terialism of the Middle West, the Uni- creatlag a committee of three, to be
versity can be said to typify most composed of the Dean of Students, a
.irepresentative of the office of the dean
truly the~ cosmopolitanism of America ,o oeadoeohrmme f
of women, and one other member of
today, the faculty to be appointed by the
Altoug eiher'onthewan orun-President of the University. At the
dergoing a strange transformation,
there is still a vast body of exclusive- same time the budget of the ofice
of the Dean of Students should be
ly Michigan traditions and customs,efs-s-
the elements which prevent it from raised, if this is necessary, to provide
being aroiling mill. The class of '27 a salary for a man to handie the im-
beinge amoolling mill. classroft'27
bequeaths to its successors the sacred mene amount of clerical work that
duty to maintain and further .that will be necessary if the rule are to
Ibe properly enforced.''
spirit,-as essential as intellectual pur-
suits in producing broadened citi- Three days later, in discussing the
zens, who, can achieve success by stand of President Little as he stated
means of their ;social ability as well it in an address =n Hill auditorinu,
as by their academic achievement. this colurin carriedl the following ecm-
On another side, these s.eniors, or ment: "The abolition of all auto-
those of them who have had the vision mobiles will, assuredly, cure the ill,
to appreciate it, have profited by as- but it will also punish hundreds of
sociation with a faculty unsur- Michigan students who have the re-
passed in its possession of emi- quired scholastic average, the com-
nent scholras, of sympathetic teach- mon sense and the good judgment re-
ers, and of an admirable integrity of quired to operate a car-and this
general character. This class is the group, the President says, constitutes
last to enjoy the inspiration of its re- the majority. If this is true, The
vered friend, Dean Lloyd, who was Daily cannot see that the passage of
stricken during one of its own cele- such a law could be anything but
brations. The classes which follow unjust."
will be the first to realize the bene- Soon after, when the new plan was
fits of association with new men en- put into operation, advertising space
tering the faculty, who may by di- was given to appeals to support the
vine inspiration achieve the heights regulations, and the following ap-
of character which Deah Lloyd ex- peared in the editorial column: "The
emplified. Daily appeals to the committee, and

There will always be seniors, more more especially to the student body,
of them every year, and never any- to expend every effort to prove to the
thing new that can be said about them. administration that Michigan men and
There only remains to give them the women are willing to do their part.
usual bouquets, to felicitate them The co-operation of the campus is
upon what they have accomplished, essential."
and to attempt to impress upon them The Regents have appointed a new
the sincerity of the good wishes which assistant dean of students. This part
they receive. Perhaps thir most com- of the plan as advocated by The
mon problem is that of their future Daily was not carried out previously.
occupations. Whatever they do, they It seems such a tremendous task to
will all enter careers in which it is even approach complete enforcement,
their duty and their trust as alumni that a more lax plan would be pre-
ever to strive to enhance the glorious ferable, since the more complete is
reputation of the University of Michi- the enforcement achieved, the greater
gan. will be the respect of possible viola-
tors for the authority in power.
HAIL AND FAREWELL! However, the ban is to be accepted
As representatives of the largest as passed. Now it only remains to
body of graduates possessed by any hope .for a liberal interpretation of
University in' the country, the visiting the provisions for special permits. In
alumni form an immense delegation to accordance with its opinion that a ma-
investigate the activities and progress jority of the students are perfectly
of their Alma Mater, capable and competent to operate cars
Within their own group, they have without harm or distraction. The
conducted the annual alumni conven- Daily trusts that the administration
tion and stunt program, with notable will allow those people to continue
success. As investigators, they have driving. The difficulties to enforce-
watched the graduation of Michigan's ment will be endless, and in order to
dramatic spectacles; they have inspect- avoid such complete failure as would
dramtic spectacles; they have inspect- result in disregard and virtual upl-
ed the ever-growing mass of buildings lification of the ban, the only possible
which house the University; and they means of maintaining control, admit-
have seen the beginning of work on tedly desirable if not too drastic, ap-
the new Women's League building, pears to be to employ considerable
which bids fair to be one of the Uni- lenience in granting special permits.

__________________,, //I/////I/I7I/it/I/""""'

0 1






* * *
The Regents certainly added a note
of joy to Commencement. All we
we seniors are rejoicing now that we
are graduating while this is still a
University, and not a kindergarten.
* * *

I -
809 East Washington
(One Block from Hill

Typewriting andj
Prompt, service. Experienced oper-
ators Moderate rates.
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

for repairs. Will reopen
Friday Imorning, June 24,
106 South University

.. r

We will close



"Now that the Regento3 are
taking so much interest in the
life and safety of students," re-
marked the Cynical Senior yes-
terday, " maybe they will tear
down some of the fire-traps and
tumble-down shacks in which
they hold classes."


* * *

Maybe it was just a coincidence,
but: June 15-last of students leave
town; June 17-Regents place ban on
autos, after delaying it two months.
* * *
Student government.
Cap Night.
Freshman pot tradition.
Theater riots.
Cheering section.
Student cars.
What's next?
* * *
Clippy Stadium is gone!
And just when the Horse Marines
were going to hold their Class Day
exercises in it, too. Here it is the only
time in the year that the benches
would have been useful, and the B.
and G. boys had to go and move them.
* * *
But the engineers are happy-they
have their senior benches back-way
back, in fact. They are so far from
the diagonal that the boys get tred
hiking over to them.
* * *
BULLETIN: Clippy Stadium has
been located. It is now on the lawn
in front of the Convalescent hospital,
where people are so glad to be in the
open air for a change that they don't
mind looking at even such a horrible
sight as that gem of architecture.
* * *
COMMENCEMENT comes only once
a year-for which we can all be
thankful, especially the B. and G. boys
who had to rake up all the leaves and.
paint all the fire hydrants.
* * *
Now that Commencement is over,
we won't see anything like it until the
next Democratic convention.
* * *
If the mortality rate among tradi-
tions and customs around here is as
high as it was the past year, the next
class can look forward with great glee
to receiving their diplomas through
the mail, instead of waiting all morn-
ing for them.
* * *
Why, according to all the figures on
what a college education is worth, we
should each have been earning $5 per
hour this morning.
Incidentally, if anyone knows of a
newspaper that is willing to pay even
fi,ve dollars a month for the services
of a college graduate, we'd like to
hear about it.
* * r
W'd like to go to a University that
hands you out a job instead of a di-
ploma at Commencement.
* * *
After a year of panning the alumni,
we sort of hate to have the stigma
attached to our own name, but all the
professors seemed anxious to thus
curse us, so here we are. And since
we're here, we might as well make the
best of it.
r* * *
We always thought students were
foolish, childish and useless, And
that alumni were the grandest things
on the face of the earth.
* * *
It has been our only regret that we
have but one life to give to the alumni.
Give us alumni or give us death. We
prefer the latter.
* * *
We wish we could find some word
of cheer to brighten the paths of the
much-trampled on students, but all

we can say is that some day they too
will be alumni, and can come out from
under the heavy wing of the Univer-
sity, out into the "cruel" world, where
they too can act like free men, and
try to live down the fact that they are
Timothy Hay, A.B.

'- i lll1 ill,1t1 11 illfl 111 lllllll l
- ro
Our friends, when re-
turning to Ann Arbor,
alwatys drop in for our
Cor. State and Washington
The Ioneer rtabl
NearlI a mlo
in use.
0. D. MORRILL, Deale
L. C. Smith ad Corona
Typewriters, Inc.on
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

PREM-'--'.!"'- I

Long Distance Indispensable
to Wholesale Produce and Elevator Firms
Way7,4. F Wa
W. If. A. Watwood, Waneger,
Michigan Boll Telephone Compa~nys
lAnsing, MichiganI.
DarMr. DastwOOdt
we operate iA this state and In Ohio .as
you uxdoubtedl, ow, upwards of thirty byan ands
grai* elevators We also carry on a jobbing
business with Upwards of two hundred-stat.eilvat9r;.
Durag the season of the year whp Ue
*ent of beans and grain is at its height. it is
.ecessary that we kegp in almost bqurly touch with
our brancih plants. ma~ny state elevators depend '04
us for their market informnation and as markets are
fluctuating constantly throughout .the day, we are.
absolutely dependent on good wtre service, without
which we would have to close, shop..
As we approach the end of our prseent fiscl
year. I wcant to send you these few words inl apprew
olation-of the splendid service which your company
has been furnishing to us. and the ,*7&n4. ii24et.
which you have taken in cur business. With best\r
regards, I as
Very truly your*
4 e

ui ....-

in figure.
alike to thi
figure. I
For Ten
For G
For Shop
For Wal
For Dan
For Moio
For Trave
. X1,
. J w

Charm Of tl$Yl


or the young in y
Youthful modes
te Miss and the

years and the ,young
s that are becoming
woman of slender
,umes for every occas-
elected by oar faahion
s, presented here in
assortment for yrour
selection: Cotumen
rm days in the city.
vacation days at the
cable resort. In vivid
ammer tones including
ttering new orchid and
ew tones.


for wa
Or for
new su
the, fiat



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