,ul I P #'ummrr TODAY'S EVENTS 5:M-Lecture -.,"The Gem Cutters of Idar-on-the. Nahe." 8 :15--OPlgs"-Tlie Rbockford Players. sf tr i!3afl :4Iait MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS OL. VIII, No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 19. 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS ESSON M. GALE SPEAKS ON LOCAL IMPORTANCI OF FAREAST SITUATION HISTORY OF CHINESE EMPIR TRACED IN LAST FIFTY YEARS FOREIGN WORK MENTIONED Chinese Susceptible To Reason Whicl Gives Ground For Hope Of Future Friendliness "It is especially appropriate tha the University of Michigan should, al this time, give its attention to the affairs. of the far East, especially China," said Esson M. Gale, commis- sioner of salt revenue in central China for the last 12 of his 20 years resi- dence there, and who will be on the faculty of the University next year in the capacity of lecturer in the history department. Mr. Gale continued by giving a re- sume of Chinese history in the last quarter of 6 century. The attempt to adjust old customs to new ideas came from the high class itself, and ul- timately resulted in the Boxer up- rising in 1898. After that the Em- press Dowager adopted a more pro- gressive policy. The last few years have witnessed a constant struggle between two Chinese leaders, Lin and Fu. Sun Yat Sen Is Canonized Dr. Sun Yat Sen, said Mr. Gale, was the father of the Chinese revolution. Canonized, like Lenin, he has become more popular than 1 ever since his death. He sought the aid of foreign powers, and foreign relations, treaties, etc., have so far stopped all arrange- ments with the Chinese provinces policies of Sun Yat Sen. More recently, Mr. Gale continued, the surprising successes of the poor) southern army were explained partly by the aid of the Russian officers. With the military success of the Cantonese, the Nationalists moved their capital from Canton to Hankow. At Nank- ing General Chiang Kai Shek has set' up a separate government of his own.' Mr. Gale believes that the person- nel of the present Chinese government presents a moderness unknown in China before. The entire race psy- chology seems to have crystallized un- der two forces-to rid the land of for- eign influence and control, and to rid the land of its servitude. Foreigners Are Disliked Young China says that what's wrong with China is the rights which foreigners have, which include extra- territorial concession, tariffs, sub- stantial administration, and control of postal customs and salt revenue. As a result of the general animosity toward all foreigners the missionaries have been called upon to abandon their missions, schools, churches, and homes. It is the hope of the missions that the present anti-Christian move- ment subside as quickly as did the Boxer uprising, but the two are scarcely comparable because the present revolution is much deeper than the former. However, notwithstanding the fact1 that western trained Chinese have been available and have had promi- nent positions since 1907, Mr. Gale declares that the postal service and the rail roads have failed very de- cidedly since being taken over ex- clusively by the Chinese. Bags upon (Continued on Page Three) KRAUS TO TALK ON GEM CUTTERS, Discussing "The Gem Cutters of Idar-on-the-Nahe" Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Summer school, will lec- ture at 5 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Dean Kraus recently spent a sum- mner studying these people whose only occupation is the cutting of precious gems. T11O TENNIS HATUHES PLAYED Two matches were played off Mon- day in the All-Student Tennis tourna- ment according to George Moe. Whale won from Humphreys 7-5, 6-4; Cor- deo from Wing 6-4, 6-3. It is urged that the matches scheduled be played off and reported promptly. TWELVLTWELVE EIGHT NAVAL RATIOARRANGED Tentative Agreement Reported Reached At Private Meeting Of Chief Delegates BRITAIN COMPROMISES (By Associated Press) GENEVA, July 18.-Twelve 10,000- ton cruisers for the United States, 12 for Great Britain and S for Japan, such is the tentative agreement re- ported to have been reached today at a private meeting of the chief dele-! gates to the Tri-partite Naval confer-I ence. Despite the fact that the conference has been revived by the agitation of the Japanese and the conciliatory at- titude of the British difficulties are said to be encountered, and must be overcome before the success of thel conference can be proclaimed assur- ed. Now that Great Britain has come C down handsomely, as one observer 1 puts it, in total tonnage figures and Graduate Student H Homes, and Girls Wh Middle class homes in the Philip-I pines are constructed with a brick foundation, in combination with a wooden. second floor, and topped offI with a galvanized iron roof, accord- ng to Gregoria Y. Zara, grad. The' majority of homes are of six rooms, which comfortably serve a family of eight. The windows extend from the ceiling to the floor, and work on a sliding arrangement, so that the whole side Of a house may be thrown open. The interiors of most of the homest tend more toward Japanese style than the American, except in the wealthiest classes, where American ideas of morew massive form predominate. No wall paper is allowed because it is a firet hazard, but fanciful carvings ade-t quately take its place in the decora-r tive scheme. Light rattan furniture,. straw mats, and a few ornaments con-c stitute the home. Modern convehien-5 ces, as we know them, are obtainablec in only the larger cities. Small townsc have only electricity and perhaps gas. t In all rural districts the old-fashioned oil-lamp and wood fire are used en- tirely. ii ere Tells Of Filipino 1o Are Married Young to a convent for instruction, or to a finishing school, remaining there for her high school training. Few boys and still fewer girls go to college. It' is considered a waste of time for girlsI of marriageable age, and since the age C i I r i ' l , 1 I . BYRD AND CHAMBERLIN' T ERI ATTRACT HUGE[CROWO; OCCURS A' lI'e Transatlantic Flyers (GreetedAi' By Fireboats And Tugs As They Enter Harbor'-- C FIGHTING T OCOPAL; WOUNDOED I is about eighteen, few indeed take ad-! vantage of further education. LINDBERGH MEETS FLYERS' A husband must be able to provide1 a dowry, in case he cannot assume (By Associated Pres1 all his new responsibilities at once. NEW YORK, July 18.-Through the, Instead of setting up a home of their same sort of fog and rain that lI- own, the couple divide their time be- structed their air journey to Europe,+ tween the two parental roofs. This five transatlantic fliers came back to l allows each family to become better i their homeland today. acquainted with the new member. And as the gloomy weather through Young Folks Drop Formality which they flew could not keep the The social restriction between the airmen from achieving their main pur-1 two sexes are gradually dsppose, so today it could not quench I though the ancient custom of chape- the enthusiasm of the thousands of rones still clings, unless of course the their countrymen who welcomed them young people revert to the ancient home. custom of meeting on the corner. Byrd First On Board Young people meet at parties, con- The city tug Macon tied up during certs, and public functions, so that the- morning to the liner Leviathan ont choice lies with the individual from which the fliers had come back. Coi- the very beginning. mander Richard E. Gyrd, leader of! In the matter of education, the wo- the scientific air expedition in _the monoplane A rcwstefrtt men are restricted to the educational America, was the first to ield. Women have entered but little board the Macon, there to be greeted nffapin tl by hcin :+ -1A R N E' A NI) CONSTABULARY 4)UTN UV4BEREI) FIVE T ONE REBELS DEFEATED Oeopal Said To Resemble Large Gra4yard; Authorities Fear Epidemic (By Associated Press) MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 18.-- There were only two casualties among the 39 United State marines who, with a handful of Nicaraguan constabult- ies, defeated General Sandino, rebel leader, in a fierce and protracted bat- tle at Ocopal, Sunday. Private Michael A. Oblaski, of Rau- lette, Pa., was killed, and Private Charles Garrison of Asheville, N. C., was seriously wounded. Garrison's chances for recovery, however, are said to be good. He was brought to Managua from Ocopal by aeroplane, together with a wounded member of the constabulary. A . private report, received by the President from Jefe, politico at Oco- pal, describes the fighting as terrific. heeral Sandino is believed to have had more than 500 mien, which would mcan that the little party of Marines nd constabulary were outnumbered five to one. Boimb T1fitis't'hir'ty One bomb, dropped from an aero- plane, on a group of rebels, killed 30 of them. When the explosives begin met the American's views in this re- Women Students Few in the realm of business, because cus- spect the outstanding problem to bej Home life, says Mr. Zara, is basi-. tom demands that women stay in solved is the size of the smaller! cally different from that of ours, for the home. Hence careers for womou cruisers and the size of the guns to be in the Philippines life is entirely for generally demand the sacrifice of the mounted on these. the family, and individuals are the former. In recent years, however, The British spokesman said tonight group who compose it. The children women have advanced greatly in that it would be exceedingly difficult, are educated together until the high numbers in colleges, and in the matter for Great Britain to obtain even the:! school stage, then the girl usually goes of women reform. reduced number of cruisers, as now proposed, unless the Americans andI VIENNA GUARDED E Japanese agreed to lesson the dis- ALTHO CONDITION IDGELA placement in the second catagory of1 cruisers and restrict the guns to sixIS NEAR NORMALJ inches. (By Associated Press) VIENNA, July 18.-The state of ----p emergency continued in Vienna and Organization Called Into Being During' UNIVER ITY OF IDIA i ~ although conditions appear to be al- Wir And Because Of Good Work Alloed ToContinue Smost normal, the city is strongly pa- AlwdT otne A V STtrolled day and night by regular vol-; unteer police with rifles flung over FOREIGNERSDISLIKED their shoulders. Hoosier Youths Invited To Be Guests In behalf of Chancellor Seipel, "Good citizenship is not merely be- Of Athletic Committee At Games Herr Kiembeck, minister of finance, ing citizens of a locality but of the With Michigan Aggies announced the termination of the I world," said Miss Lula Eskridge, rep- strike. "The government," he declar- resentative of the midwestern branch' MANY FATHERS EXPECTED ed, "has achieved a great success. Par-! of the Junior Red Cross, in her lecture liament will) probably be convened here yesterday.$ BLOOMINGTON, Ind., July 18.-In- Thursday and all the recent deplorable l The Junior Red Cross came into ex-{ diana University will celebrated Boy events discussed. istence during the World war, being Scout day next fall at the Michigan "The Palace of Justice will be re- an association through which child-r State-Indiana football game in Memo-1 built. Fortunateiy all real estate rn could crcperate with the senior1 ariecLionateLy uy ils aged mother. t He was followed by his pilot, Bert Acosta, his engineer, Noville, and hisr relief man, Balchen. After them camet Clarence Chamberlin, pilot of thet plane Columbia, which preceded the America across the sea. As harbor craft tooteda shrill wel- come and gay bunting flapped fromI every mast, Acosta and Noville were greeted by their wives, and Noville 1 also by his parents. Byrd's wife awaited him at the Battery and Cham-f berlin's was with him, having ac- E companied him back from Europe. Lindbergh There With Grin Charles A. Lindbergh, the pioneero f i a New York to Paris flier, was on tne to rain from boning planes and San~ Macon withaangrin of welcome and so Macon with a grin of welcome and so dino's troops were on the outskirts of was Floyd Bennett, Byrd's first choice Ocopal, they threw away their arms for pilot, who was seriously injured inland ammunition and scatterd~ in every the first test of the America. direction. The progress of the Macon up the Ocopa l as the appearance of a bay was a powerful marine prade, the ayu t lare iavyr.Teauhrte r guns of Governnor's island booming aceaveygrd. The ut sriiysa cleaning up the city as rapidly s salute and fireboats leading the way possble, feaing an epidemic. Flocks Cwith waving plumes of water.poybefarnanpimc.FelI withwavng lums o waer.of gr, at vultures reached the bodies, At the Battery a crowd of thou- hich were at some distance fro sands, augmented enormously just as Ocoal before the burial parties ar the Macon docked by the workers of Oived befoe tebl. surrounding office skyscrapers re- Wire Are Cut cheers and jostled forward to get a ir e rial Stadium when every Scout in Hoosierdom, is asked to attend as a guest of the state university athletic committee. Special reserved sections wil be marked off for the visiting troopers.- Pat Page Directs Invitations to every troop in the state will be mailed out within the next few days. Z. G. Clevenger, ath-k lectic director and H. P. "Pat" Page, head football coach at Indiana, are planning to make it a day that the youngsters will never forget. The trip for Boy Scouts to the state university has the approval of Walter Kiplinger, regional Scout executive at Chicago, and a committee of council Scout executives. In a letter approv- ing the invitation, Kiplinger said : "Our committee will be very glad to give approval to your proposal to in- vite the Boy Scouts of Indiana to witness a football game." Will Honor Fathers Motor caravans from central points over the state will be arranged on. the day of the game. Camping sites will be given the troops which desire to come on Friday and remain over night in their tented huts. A large caravan is planned to be run from Indianapolis. Boy Scouts will be admitted free of charge to the game and special music and other honors will be paid them here. , It will also be "Dad's day" at In-' diana University, and many of the Scouts will be accompanied by their fathers. University students will have their dads here in large num- bers that day. BASEBALL SCORES American League Philadephia, 3; Detroit, 5. Washington, 5; Chicago, 1. Boston, 14-0; Cleveland, 4-5. New York, 10; St. Louis, 6. National League Chicago, 6-2; New York, 4-3. Pittsburgh, 9-6; Philadelphia, 7-5. Cincinnati, 3; Boston, 2. 1 i records were saved from the flames. The government appeals to the Ame- rican and British press to report it in its aims of securing indispensableI foreign credit for Austria." A public funeral for the victims of the riot has zeen set for Wednesday. The death toll in the vicinity of the Palace of Justice, parliament and l other government buildings is placedI at 84. LONDON, July 18.-Reuter's Viennal correspondent reports that all facto-' ries there resumed work this morning and that the non-Socialist newsapers reappeared at noon. The police have arrested many Communists, including i Herr Trek, chief' of the German com- munists.I CONFERENCE FOR CITIZENSHIP WILL MEET IN LANSING A Citizenship Conference for the Farm Women's Institute, arranged byi the Michigan League of Women Vot- ers, will meet in East Lansing the week of July 30. Miss Estelle Down- ing, professor in the State Normal Colege in Ypsilanti, and a juror in thel Washtenaw county courts, will speak, and Miss Ruth Thompson, judge of the probate court of Muskegan county, will bring a valuable professional and feminine point of view to the prob- lems of juvenile delinquency in the rural communities.I Judge Florence Allen of the Ohio l Supreme Court will speak on women's responsibility to government in localI and international fields. Forums will later be led by women lawyers whoI have had experience in federal, county and petty juries, on school boards and; in social work. The Citizenship Conference is open to the public and is attracting wide interest. Arangements for accomo- dation at East Lansing may be made with the college authorities or through the state headquarters of the League of Women Voters in Detroit, 2110 Park Ave. organization in its various lines of leased for lunch, broke into prolonged p p suchi s i b o activity. It was discovered after the glimpse of the air quintet. Ocopalae, sch asi brught an j i aeroplane, since- all telegraph andl war that the junior branch had con- telephone wires have been cut. SLout- tributed to the extent of $10,000,000 COLLEGE CRUISE ing and bombing planes were discutc- in financial assistance, in addition to OFFERS COURSES ed to- Ocopal this morning and - the invaluable aid rendered through OF E ACY SFEL SIet turne this afternoon. other channels. Because of the train- t Y1 I Maj. C. D. Hatfield, in comman I of ing this institution afforeded the the marines at Ocopal, and felloNNof- children it was decided to continue it. \ Enrollment in the various courses tre rcp ving o ot- offered on the floating coeducationalk ficers today were receiving congr-Au- School Chooses Activity kUersity "Aura shoeduaide lations fra.u .he Nicaraguan govern- In order for schools to become Unitersity "Auraniah" srovsry wide { demnd or oliica scenc, euca mnit o iis on tebaeys w members of the Junior Red Cross demand for political science, educa- I the bv she awn they must do two things. The first is tion, art, music, international econo- by the Amnericai forces in the face of to subscribe to the Junior Red Cross fmics, journalism, archaelogy, geogra_ such great oadss magazine; the second is that each phy, sociology and racial psychology. General ea no is said to have school must carry on some sort of Modern world history and compari- prnisi Xodi thfollowers that if itey a program. This program is by no tive religion are clearly as popular, ac- cartu zed (copal they could loot it at means a set one nor is it bound by cording to statistics released recentlywill. iron clad rules. The school can choose The course in international rela- its own program or the line of activity tions, in political science department, S TANDI SH PICKED that it is most interested in, although under Prof. Ralph Ray Price, out- I TO HEAD DETROIT suggestions can be had 'from the ranks all others in enrollment. It is Junior Red Cross calendar in which considered the very heart of the N F1 there are instructions in service. roundathe-world college, the primary Work Not Extra-Curricular purpose of which is to promoteOinter- At tihe annual meeting of the tlni- The work carried on by the schools national understanding, good-will and i versity of Michigan club of Detroit, W. the "international mind." Cobuin Standish was reelected p:esi- (Continued on Page Three) Education Study Is Wide dent. Other officers for the co uini A history of American Foreign poli- year are: Armin Rickel and Irvi.i C. DJf TO "A" LIST cy, offered by Prof Rayner WX. Kelsey luson, vice-presidents; Frederic U. (Continued on Page Three) s'eattie, secretary; Douglas F. Roby, Through an oversight the names of treasurer. By resolution the Board of students in the School of Education SHOW LEAGUE SLIDES AT TEA Governors was increased to 32 mem- who made an all "A" record last term hers. "The additional members," says were not included in the report of Mrs. W. L. Henderson, fund cam- the president's letter, "will make pos- the all "A" students which was given paign chairman of the Women's sible a greater division of respensi- in The Daily of June 28. League, will present slides of the( bility among the committees." The list of those who were omitted proposed new League building from IlThe scope of the club's activities follows: Laurie E. Cambpell, Walden,E 4 to 5:30 o'clock tomorrow in Bar, will be broadened, 'according to Pre- Mass.; Albert Cook, Grand -Rapids; bour gymnasium. A special tea will sident Standish, including the presen- Cletus Fagan, Chateaugay, N. Y.; Nina be served, and all women are urged to tation of plaques to the Detroit high Gronstrand, Rockford, Mich.; Anna I attend. schools engraved with the name of the McCague, Omaha, Nebraska, and Ger- boy who has, in the judges' opinion, trude Vint, Detroit. ] jthe best all round record for the year. POESR1INS I'ethan Among the various activities of the "FES'AERSN Apast year, says the letter, were spirin and fall golf tournaments, spetet is Professor Charles P. Wagner of the by Dean Cabot, of the medical scioul, Spanish department, on leave of ab- President Little, Governor Greet, Ty sence from the University, has been - Cobb, and Tsuneo Matsudaria, the in Spain during the past six months Japanese ambassador, and numerous spending most of his time in Madrid. . ! iother gatherings for Michigan gnmes, Professor Wagner has completed his ,-"I During 1926 the club began the pub- work in the libraries of Madrid and is .hlication of the Michigander of v, hich going to spend the remainder of the -IBeleves that It will be generally I eight issues have been published. It summer in France until his return fair, perhaps warmer, about Ann Ar-I also published a Detroit alumni di- here for the fall session. bor and vicinity. rectory.