4 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY English Aviator To Try Atlantic Flight ;.- e PAGE T LAILY OF'FICIAL. BULLETIN iblication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of e University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session itil 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). >liuie VIII SUNI)AY, JULY 17, 1927 Number 19 his course will meet at 3:00 o'clock Monday, July 18, Room 301 Uni- r Library. his meeting will be devoted to discussiati and examination of several dealing with French Civilization in certain aspects. These volumes served at present on the shelves of the Graduate Reading Room 2. All sted are welcome. All members are requested to be present at a luncheon at the Michi- gan Union, Women's Room, on Tuesday, July 19, beginning promptly at 12. The purpose is nomination of new members and to get acquainted. August Seniors-School of Education: All students who expect to complete the requirements for graduation from the School of Education at the end of the present Summer Session will kindly note the list posted on the Bulletin board in Tappan Hall. Any person expecting a degree from the School of Education whose name does not appear on this list should see the Recorder immediately. Office hours: 10:30-12 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. M.- Gretchen Krug, Recorder. The Brosseau Foundation: The University has received the first of five annual installments estab- lishing a loan. fund to be known as The Brosseau Foundation, given by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Brosseau, of New York City. Under the terms of this fund it will be possible for the University to make loans, in approved cases, on a somewhat less conservative basis than past limitations have imposed. That is, The Brosseau Foundation does not limit its benefits to seniors or juniors and, when justified, loans of a larger amount can be made from it than it has been practicable to make from funds previously in the hands of the Regents for loans. Loans from this fund are not available to students in the Law School, in the Medical School, or in Fine Apts. Interested parties should communicate with Dean Joseph A. Bursley, chairman of the commi'tee. Shirley W. Smith. Secretary and Business Manager. Woluen's Educational Club: The Women's Educational Club will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 at the Haunted. Tavern. Miss Helen Martin will s eah on "The Child As Poet." Reservations must be made in the office of the School of Education before 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Capt. F. T. Courtney Who hopes to fly his all-metal Dor- nier-Napier monoplane from London to New York city and return. The journey across to the United States will be made by way of Ireland and Newfoundland, while Captain Court- ney hopes to make the return trip with a non-stop hop from Long Is- land home. V AULT COMPLETED Some valuable law books need a safe place. The vault under the An- gell hall steps, has been chosen be- cause, unlike the Law building, it is fire-proof. New ventilators are be- ing installed to eradicate the present mustiness in the vault, and when the changes are completed the most pre- cious books and manuscripts from the Law library will be placed there. TODAY ANrD MONDAY First run in Ann Arbor "THE WRECK" Tues.: "OH BABY!" (Its Great) R.AEu The Men's Educational Club will meet on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock the Michigan Union. There will be "stunts" by the skperintendents, prin- pals, teachers, faculty, and bookmen. Professor Kirtley F. Mather of Har- rd University will speal on "The Teaching of Evolution in American G jZ}efractories floor Grinding *Machines ~and Stair Tiles .m. ; I p The -:1 BrideChildren 11 Y- 1.1 - Plc WARNER OLAND -MALCOlM MCRORA0EUIY BLYTE You will be tnazed at the daring climax, intimately treating those cherished illusions of your earthly heaven. And Our Program Includes LOCAL Au Q'llenry Comedy TOPICS NEWS "SWEET HOME" REVIEW t MoCre dn Jackie Cogan hi "MARRIED ALIVE" "JOHNNY (ET YOUR HAIR CUT SUn.-Lon Chaney in "THE UNKNOWN" '(1&hat the well-dressed man will " . I- Q ride in yOU can zoom the Erskine Sir upsto sixty, hold it there, and float down the highway with the comfort of the Twentieth Century ... Four-wheel brakes will ease you down to a smooth, quick stop without the screaming of steel or the burning of tires ... It will dodge into the smalet of parking spaces .. . It will fit into your vacation plans like a ball in a catcher's mitt -will arouse shrieks of superla- tives from feminine lips. And vrhy not? A saucy coupe for four-in- spired by continental ideas-body designed by Dietrich; chassis by Studebaker-truly a "Little .Ari- toccat." Trim as an oil kings yacht -and as graceful-it reflects Furo- pcaamanners to the nth degree... Plan your summer on wheels-- in an Erskine Sport Coupel On dis play at all Strsbakw sdmwrar ERSKINE SIX SPORT COUPE $wf $4 C ' ' ± Xn991 Busixtcss 941~y .ERSK/NE TUS. TE ASISTOG r3 I ( i k,' ...... r -qqq v UCKY STRIKES are mild and mellow -the finest cigarettes you ever smoked. 0 They are kind to your throat. Why? All because they are made of the finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process in treating the tobacco. irs tCated Your Throat Protection