T~WO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1927 C,4fou tut * Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all newus dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter.'{ Subscription by carrier, $.5o; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP C. BROOKS Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern City Editor.....Joseph E: Brunswick Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles Night Editors Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr. John E. Davis Orville Dowzer T. E. Sunderland Reporters E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchel] RobertE.CarsonMary Lister Wb . arson Betty Pulver n. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL Advertising.............Ray Wachter Accounts ............John Ruswinckel Circulation..............Ralph Miller Assistants C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar G. W. Platt Night Editor-ORVILLE DOWZER meaning of "democracy" in the treat- ment of our own countrymen, who la- bor to produce the material resources for the next war; and when offered an opportunity'to assist in securing world peace we remain aloof. It is nine years since we aided in making the world safe for democracy by strew- ing the field of Chateau-Thierry with corpses of fellow human beings.1 Thereby we stamped democracy from the earth. May America forever1 boast of this achievement - until someone wipes out the autocracy of America. Editorial Comment (From The Christian Science Monitor) PREDICTING DISASTER AT, GENEVA Many careful readers of the Asso- ciated Press reports of the three-party conference on naval armaments, now in session at Geneva, have deplored' a certain undercurrent of anti-British sentiment which- too often appears. When, as frequently happens, the local telegraph editors seize upon this phase of the stories and emphasize it in their headlines, the impression is given that the British delegates are endeavoring by intrigue or chicane to secure same special advaiJitage over lthe United States. Rather a glaring instance of this mistaken journalistic policy is fur- nished by these paragraphs in the American Press dispatch dated July Mu1sic g Drama HALF WAY HOUUSE No matter where the road may go, there is always a spot that should have a half way house, and many of them do. Of course there are so many many people traveling along the high- way and they all come from such dif- ferent places, that to have a half way house for all of them would be to pop- ulate the way on both sides with them --and how different they would be! Some would fairly burst from the earth and in their very uprightness exultantly proclaim to all the world, "Half way there!" Another might be a bit more quiet and sore of spread out among lilac bushes and holly-hock stalks and very happily and confi- dently whisper, "Half way along now!" And the other type might be the de- cayed ruins of someone else's half way house and in its decay, mutter, "Half way-to where, I wonder." Which digression came upon the ruminating thought that tie summer season of plays was half way over now anO that it would be a good iliea to stop at the half way house and talk over the trip so far and find out what the plans from now on are.. Perhaps we will have the cup of tea which we have mentioned before in the cool gar- den back of the house. LAUGHS PREDOMINATE The season opened with a laugh and has been continuing along the same road, but from "The Butter and Egg Man" to "Hayfever" to "Gammer Gur- ton's Needle" to "Cradle Snatchers" there have been many variations in the laughs. The first play witnessed the incongruity of hopeful and self- confident youth in the hands of old timers who knew the ropes of the the- atre: The lad from Chillicothe was green, yes, but fortune was kind, and brought along a clever little secretary to help. Robert Henderson played the part of the would be young producer excellently and Amy Loomis will be L remembered for a charming interpre- tation. Elsie Harndon Kearns was formally introduced to Ann Arbor audiences in this play and effectively "talked out of the corner of her mouth' in the part of the wis'e wife of the butter-and-egg man producer. People laughed at the hopeless naivite of the boy and the pointed wise-cracks of "the Missus." It was good fun. t HAY FEVER IS SECOND I It SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1927 "If a faithful account of the Geneva negotiations is ever written, the ob- _- servers expect it will reveal to the CHATEAU-THIERRY world that a great Anglo-American America has celebrated again the tragedy has been enacted. The thread anniversary of that great triumph of of the play, judging from reliable ac- counts, is that Great Britain, which American arms in the World War--hshl h atr ftesa o the battle of Chateau-Thierry. No has held the mastery of the seas for doubt the chest-of the nation expands centuries, intends to maintain this somewhat when it thinks of the great iastery and can see neither justice and memorable victory which its Sol- I nor wsidom of a youthful nation and emoablevicory hic itssot across the seas, the United States, diers gained on that field, and expandsat .nm.wtwishing to lay down a fleet equalling even more with the realization that i that victory tame in a dark hour of "Great Britain contends that a high the war, when the allies' were just emerging from a critical military sit- cruiser strength is essential and vital uation. Soldiers who took part theme to the needs of her country, especially can recall with pride how the Ger- to# give assurance that Great Britain man corpses were strewn not five shall not starve because of the cutting feet apart along the length of the off of her food supplies at distant whole battlefield, and how the glori- points." ous day ended in almost complete de- Reports of this sort-which techni- feat and retreat for the forces of the cally is not reporting but rather edi- Centiral Powers. torial writing-affords and illustration' There is something entirely glorious .1of the type of international corres- however, about that battle or any bat- I pondence against which the Christian tle which has ever been won. The Monitor has repeatedly protested. It Germans who lay dead on 'that bat- is apparently deliberately designed to tlefield knew as little about wbt ,.arouse suspicion of and antagonism ---- ------ 1 --f ritnin iii4tho thnt+ + o 1~ they were fighting for as the Ameri cans who killed them, and the Ameri cans who killed them accomplished about as much for the cause of hu- manity as they would have by shoot- ing themselves. To the excited sol- diers, marching in triumph across'that field, the day seemed glorious indeed without a doubt, but if those same soldiers had to cross that same field today, with thousands of corpses ly- ing about, it is possible that even they would be somewhat disgusted. We have killed thousands, and our armies have been uniformly victori- ous. American troops have made thousands of widows and orphans, and they have contributed immensely to a general depression from which man- kind has not yet recovered. We have done all this in the name of democ- racy, and the glorious standard of universal emancipation. We are proud of the' hardships we have caused, and we celebrate the anni- versary of this great battle with thanksgiving for the tremendous losses we were able to inflict. All this, of course, came about in the name of democracy and our campaign against Prussian militarism. At pres- ent our delegates are debating whether America should maintain 400,000 tons of battle cruisers or 600,000 tons. This is how we managed to eliminate mili- tarism. The moment that our troops left the gory battlefields of Europe we forgot our noble mission, because we were too busy spending the profits of war. We left the cataclysm in which we played so large a part, and when sin- cere efforts were made to secure world peace permanently, through a world organization based on justice, we, turned a deaf ear. We have refused to lend even our prestige to the cause of universal co-operation in peace time, and when a pacificist idealist de- livers lectures in a university town he is assailed even by men who presume to be educated. This is how we have celebrated the conquest of our arms. This is the sin- cerity by which the slaughter of mil- lions was justified. This is the glori- ous result of ennobled warfare in which we engaged, for the cause of "democ- racy"' We have freed Germany, to be sure, by crushing Germany, and we have made our own militarism secure thereby. We have not yet learned the -_ towaru u reatBitain iu 11Lniuto LLL86L i 3- E - of American readers. If ,not purposely misleading, it is at least carelessly - sc. For while it truthfully reports - that Great Britain feels that "a high - cruiser strength is essential and vital t to the needs , of her country," it fails , to mention the fact that the British delegates concede to the United States the right to maintain a cruiser fleet of exactly parity with that of Great Britain. Britain's stand on the cruiser fleet does not come to the American dele- gates as a new and shocking discov- ery. It was clearly anticipated long before the conference, and was looked upon as one of the points of diver- gence which that body would have to smooth out. As long ago as Feb- ruary the Monitor pointed out edito- rially that to apply the Washington ratio of 5-5-3 to ships of the cruiser class would mean that Washington' would have to build and Britain to scrap cruisers. That is precisely the situation which confronts the confer- ence at Geneva today, the one point at issue being the amount of scrap- ping and of building-both costly pro- cesses-which shall be agreed upon. That agreement will undoubtedly be reached. No "Anglo-American a tragedy" is to be feared. The only way to produce one would be by con- stant journalistic harping upon points of difference while systematically ig- noring the many points of harmony. In a letter to a representative in Congress last winter, Frank B. Kel- logg, United States Secretary of State, said: In order to be really effective, agreements for the reduction and limitation of armaments must be founded upon respect for treaty obli- gations and a belief in the good faith' in the contracting parties." Unless international conferences shall be characterized by belief on the part of the participants in the good faith of their associates, they might better not be held. Certainly, should either Hugh Gibson or Lord Cecil publicly predict an "Anglo-American tragedy" as the inevitable outcome of the Geneva Conference, he would be recalled in disgrace. Would it not be well for eminent international cor-+ respondents to maintain something of1 the guard over their pens that diplo- matists do over their tongues? I Y Y In the next play, "Hayfever" they were inclined to laugh at the situd- tions: it was funny to imagine what would happen when the mutually in- congenial' crowd would get together that week-end. The humour might be called "precious"; it was very human and at times almost bordering on the pathetic. We could not help smiling at the light in the eye of Judith Bliss as she recalled her past successes and yet there was a touch of pathos about it, which even the daughter could feel. "Hayfever" brought both Miss Kearns and 1Ielen Hughes into the lime-light in attractive roles and Paul Faust demonstrated remarkable ver- satility in a complete change of char- acter from the blunt and bully type ot producer to the gentleman "Sandy." * * .* GAMMER AND HER NEEDLE In "Gammer Gurton's Needle" the players had an opportunity to experi- ment to revive an old University play -the earliest comedy in the language. It proved a glorious play-time for the players and the audiences, smacking of earthy and primitive fun. It was an entirely different kind of mirth pro- voking thing than either of the other plays. The audience laughed because it was enjoying itself, the way a child laughs when it is running a race and feeling the 'zest of life' in its blood- an over-flow laugh from the pure joy of the thing. And then came "Cradle Snatchers" S! ! !Laugh! There were un- doubtedly more laughs in that play than any of the others-but again of a different sort. There were sugges- tions in the lines of things funny be- cause they might be smutty if taken the wrong way (or should we say, the right?)-and everyone caught the sug- gestions and-roared. In the preceding play, the exception- al dancing ability of Mr. Faust was brought to iight, while in "Cradle Snatchers," his versatility was again in evidence. * * * PIGS COMES, NEXT '11 And now that we have reached the half way house, we can pause> but a minute, for while the last performance of. "Cradle Snatchers" will be given this afternoon, the Rockford Payers will start out along the last half of the journey tonight with "Pigs."