,%$u mmr
S:0M-Excursbon to Detroit
3:30--"Cradle Snatchers" -
S:15-"Pigs" at Sarah Cas-
Well Angell Hall.
Si tr i!3an
4:D . alt-I
VOL. VIII, No. 18.
Under Par On Three Of Four Rounds
Of 68-72-73-72 And Has Perfect
Figures On The Others
(By Associated Press)
ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, July 15.-
B3obby Jones, to all intents and pur-
poses, won the British Open golf
golf championship for the second time
in a row when he played his fourti
round in 72 and made a record-break-
ing 72-hole score of 286. There was
no one close enough to tie the Ameri-
can barring a golfing miracle, and,
with all records smashed by his per-
formance, there seemed nothing for
him to do but wait for the others to
Bobby, in his four rounds of 68-72-
73-72, was under par oi three of them
and equaled perfect figures on the
His victory two years running ties
a record going back to 1904-05 when
James Braid piled one championship
on another. It has not happened since
until today.
Michigan has three women's dorm
tories, home-like, beautiful in the
traditions, associations and friend
ships. They are Martha Cook, Bets
Barbour and Helen Newberry.
It is a coincident that two of th
dormitories were given by men a
memorials to their mothers. Bets
Barbour is named for the mother o
Mr. Levi L. Barbour, a former regen
of the University. Mr. William Coo:
is the donor of Martha Cook dormi
tory which bears his mother's name.
Miss Forncrook, social director o
Martha Cook, selects the juniors an
seniors for residence through an in
formal discussion, because she be
lieves that this personal contact with
the girls brings out their thoughts
ambitions and desires better than
questionaires. It has been found rath
er difficult to carry on the tradition
of the house with a new group enter-
ing each year, so Miss Forncrook is
advocating a return to the four year
policy with which Martha Cook open-
Helen Newberry has the honor of
being the oldest dormitory on the
campus and is primarily for sopho-
more girls. The house is run almost
entirely by student government, withj
A Dead Calm
Dull gray skies and almost a dead
calm, with the North Sea as placid as
a lake-weather conditions rarely en-
countered at St. Andrews-greeted
Bobby. Conditions for low scoring
were perfect. A few hours of sun-
shine yesterday speeded up the greens
a little, but they still were fresh and
just heavy enough for good putting.
Bobby did not wear the funeral
black sweater in which he played yes-
terday, and appeared in a white
sweater and brown plus fours-an
easily distinguishable figue. Jones'
first drive was down the center fair-
way and he got across the Swilican
burn with his mashie niblick for a par
He took no chances with his second
drive but sent it straight down the
middle, instead of to the left, which
would have given him a little better
position for the approach., He putted
from the edge of the green for a par
4. At the third hole he had a par 4,
with two putts from 35 feet.
Four thousand people were trailing
Jones but they obeyed the shouted
commands' of the stewards and there
- was complete order.
At the long third, a beautiful bras-
sie rested 15 feet from the flag: He
putted for an eagle 3 and was short,
but got his birdie 4. A 5 at the Fourth
with three putts from 60 feet, cost
Jones a stroke to par.
A Great Drive
The champion was par 4 at the
Sixth. He made a great drive at the
Seventh, a full 325 yards to the edge
of the shell bunker in front of the
green. He fluffed his second into the
trap and took 5. At the short Eighth,
where he started pulling his shots
yesterday, he pulled histee shot just
a little and the ball was on .the green
50 feet from the pin. He was down
in 3.
Jones took three putts from 40 feet
at the Ninth. He got a birdie 3 at
the Tenth with a 4-foot putt. Jones
played a steady but not specticular
game. He drove out far and straight
and putted surely, but without bril-
Bobby took 3 at the Eleventh and
5 at the Twelfth. He was struggling
as he did yesterday. His putt from
60 feet at the Thirteenth was nine
feet short.
He then rammed it down, taking a
par 4.
At the Fourteenth, Jones had a bir-
die 4. Coming in at the Fourteenth,
he passed Kirkwood and Hodson at
the Fifth hole going out, and going
none too well. Kirkwood was 2 over
4's and Hodson 3 over 4's.
Jones was par 4 at the Fifteenth.
A tremendous 300-yard drive and a
pitch out put Bobby's ball five feet
from the pin at the Sixteenth hole and'
he got a birdie 3. This made him level
4's. He got a par at 5 at the Seven-
Discusses The Outbreak Of 'Typhiod
Epidemic In Montreal Also The
Spread Of Disease
One percent of the population of
Montreal, or 4,700 cases, were report-
ed in the recent Montreal epidemic of
typhiod fever, according to D. L. L.
Lumsden, who spoke at the Health
Institute yesterday afternoon on
Dr. Lumsden was a member of the
delegation sent by the Federal gov-
ernment to investigate the outbreak,
a move to protect the United States
from any resulting danger.
Other speakers on the program were
Dr. W. J. Deacon, of the State de-
partment of Health who talked on
typhiod fever, according to Dr. L. L.
Green who talked on "Mental Hygene."
Dr. Green will be connected with the
Psycholoy department of the Uni-
versity next fall. More than fifty peo-.
ple attended the meeting yesterday.
Dr. Lumsden, continuing his ad-
dress, stated that the result of the!
Montreal investigation was to trace
the outbreak to the milk borne, al-f
though there has remained a dif-
ference of opinion in this. He also
discussed the spread of epidemics and
the methods of combatting them.
Dr. Lumsden has just returned from1
the Mississippi flood area where he
was engaged in organizing the sani-
tary forces. He is considered the
leading epidemiologist of the country
and will discuss "Country Health I
Work" in his lecture before the In-
stitute tomorrow. '
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jly 15.-The Can-i
adian government still is unready tof
proceed with negotiation of a conven-
tion with the United States for the
joint development of the St. Lawrence
river deep waters shipway which hasc
been under discussion between the two1
governments since 1909.r
A note dated July 12, and made pub-I
lic tonight by agreement, the Cana-
dian premier, MacKenzie King, noti-
fied Secretary Kellogg that his gov-
renment would not be in a'position toe
undertake the negotiation suggestedi
in an American note of April 13, un-r
tile the final report of the joint en-
gineering board including the appren-t
tices had been received, and studied,I
by the Canadian national advisory
VIENNA, Austria, July 15.-Serious
rioting had developed into heavy
fighting, throwing Vienna into wild
disorder today. a
At 4 o'clock this afternoon the cas-!
ualties were reported to be 40 killed
and 20 wounded.
Minor riots were proceeding in
other parts of the city while a mob
collected outside of the Italian lega-
tion building, crying "Down with Mus-
solini!" "Down with Fascism."
- a president and other officers, as well
ir as the executive board which deals NCE FOR SUCCESS
- with all cases of discipline. A fine
y house spirit is shown by the 86. resi-
dents in taking orders from those in T H-U II M E
e control, says Mrs. Louise Hastings, so-
s cial director.
y , Approximately the' same number of INCREASED HOPEFULNESS HAS
Af! girls are living in Betsy Barbour 'PERMEATED ALL. THE
t house, where freshmen on campus are DELEGATES
k given a preference. Applicants areA
- chosen from those having high scho- AGAINST SCRAPPING SHIPS
lastic standing, and from daughters
if of alumnae if their scholarship and United States And Japan Are Thought
d character meet the requirements. To Be United In Stand For
- Sorority members cannot continue Low Cruiser Tonnage
- their residence at the dormitory after
h the end of the ye(i hc hyBy Associated Press)
he nd othyear in which they GENEVA, July 15.-"About 50-50 is
shave joined the sorority.
At Helen Newberry and Betsy Bar- the way I would put it," was the opin-
- bour the girls go through a week of ion expressed tonight on the chances
s probation, followed by a formal initia- of success of the Tri-partite naval
- tion. Each dormitory takes pride in conference by a young member of the
carrying out the traditions that have Japanese delegation who has spent
been built up by succeeding groups of much time in the United States.
- girls. Among these are the Christ- This 50-50 chance of success is a
mas ceremonies. Betsy Barbour has move upward from the pessimism ex-
f the custom of bringing in the Yule log pressed by delegates during the lastl
and singing Christmas carols. Helen few days. The increased hopefulness
Newberry presents annually the seemed to have permeated although
Christmas play "St. George and the there was no concrete agreement to'
Dragon," dramatized by the girls theih- justify it.
selves. It is the custom to invite the Private Meeting Held
President of the University and Board A private meeting was held today
of Governors and all the former direc- between Hugh Gibson, chief American
tors to enjoy the occasion. delegate, and Viscount Sahai of the
Martha Cook's traditions are more Japanese delegate which caused
solemn and weave themselves around strong belief that Japan and the
the outgoing seniors. Farewells, teas United States now are firmly united in
and music and formal dances are some insisting in the lowest possible ton-
of the experiences which the girls re- nage for cruisers and also on the pre-,
live when, in later years, they remin- rogative of mounting 8-inch guns when
isce on college days. the size of the cruisers is less than
the maximum of 10,000 tons establish-!
INTRAMURAL FIELD ed at the Washington conference.
HOUSE PLANS ARE On the other hand, it seems equally v
clearthat Japan and Great Britain are f
NEARLY COMPLETE united in seeking to have the numberS
of 10,000-ton cruisers for the Unitedy
Taking the place where the north States and Great Britain kept down
bleachers of Ferry Field held up their; to about 10.1s
I thousands at football games for 20 Japan And Great Britain Agree)c
years, Michigan's new intramural field! Japan and Great Britain also seem- g
house will add largely to the opportu- ed to have the same desire in another u
nities of indoor play by students of the direction, which was given particular! J
university. Except in swimming, the emphasis today by various spokesmen, a
new building will not be used for com-K that is the policy of not sorapping all a
petitive collegiate events, being given old cruisers wien they are replaced a
over entirely to the students' physical by new ones keeping them for coast p
activities of the school. patrol and convoy duty.
The new structures has outside di- A British spokesman emphasized to- c
mensions a little longer and narrow- day that their cruiser probelm is com- t
er than a football field, including the plicated by the fact that during the a
ten yard end zones that heretofore World war Great Britain built a num-
have been behind the goal posts. The her of vessels for scouting and patrol- d
450 feet in the length of the building ling in the North Sea. Now that the t'
carries it 45 feet at each end beyond menace of the German high seas fleet g
the limits of the football field while has been removed, these vessels have p
the 110 feet in width is 25 feet narrow- been found useless for the navy's c
er on each side than the football field. general peacetime work in the waters.;
The type of the building will con-' _t
form, in general, to that of the Yost OVER 45 STATES c
field house, the pioneer building of t
such a nature in college athletic af- HAVE STUDENTS t
.The contract for the steel was letH u
some time ago to the Massilton, ., Forty-seven states and the District b
steel company. of Columbia are represented in the a
When completed on next Jan. 15, enrollment of the Summer session ac- a
in time for the beginning of work for dre
cording to a summary given out re-
the second semester, the buildingwill cently from the office of Dean Edwardw
house 10 squash courts, 24 handball H. Kraus. The total enrollment is
courts, four basketball courts, four inv
dortes, raskea courts, indor gf 3,725, or 402 more than the total num-
her registered last year.
practice nets, and auxiliary gymna- Michigan leads the other states in s
sium, 50 by 100 feet and fencing, box- sending the largest number of stu- s
ing and wrestling rooms. A room dents; the number from the home s
for administration within the building state this year is 2,189, compared withf n
itself also will be provided. 1886 to 1926 this is a considerable e
None of the above courts or rooms increase. Ohio is second with 326,!
will be provided with bleacher space, and Ilinois third with 149. With thef
or any arrangements for spectators. exception of Rhode Island, which did
For the swimming pool, however, ar- not send any students, Delaware,w
rangements to seat 1,500 people are Idaho and Arizona which have onep
provided, the wall between the pool- each every state in the union has sent
and one of the permanent floors being more than two to the University. ti
raised, so that temporary bleachers Sixteen countries are represented °
may be set up. If the pool 1t complet- in the enrollment this year. Six more
ed at the time the rest of the building countries are represented this year V
is finished, the arrangements will than 1926.,
make possible the holding of Michi- China leads the foreign countries
gan's swimming meets where a larger with a total of 35 for the Summer ses-
number of people can see than in the sion. Canada is next with 16 and In-iti
present Union pool. I dia third with 13 Russia Prance
"Review and Origin of the Nation-
alist Movement in China," with special
reference to the treaty powers, will beMO Nm
the topic upon which Essan M. Gale,REPORTED
principal officer of the Chinese Gov- Iii)
ernment Salt Administration, will lec- FLIGHT ENDS SIXTY M I E S
ture at 5 o'clock Monday, instead of SQUJTHEAST OF HONOLULU
Tuesday which was previously an- ON ISLAND
nounced, in Natural Science audito-
Mr. Galeis a member of the class of
190 Steamers Within 15 Mles Of Former
7, receiving his master of arts de- Loation When Announcement
gree in 1908. Since that time he has Came' Of Safe Landing
served 12 years with the Chinese Gov-
ernment Salt Administration, which is (By Associated Press)
an organ that touches the poJitical af- HONOLULU, July 15-The mystery
fairs of that country very closely. He of hours of silence, SOS calls for aid
was a member of the American Lega- and reports of dry gasoline tanks re
..mained to be solved here late today
tion in Peking from 1908-11; United by Ernest L. Smith and Emery C.
States Consulate General 1911-13; and Bronte, who were reported to have
a member of the Chinese Salt Review, ended their Oakland-Honolulu plane
1914-22. With the background that flight today on the island of Moloka,
Mr. Gale has, the lecture promises to 60 miles southeast of Honolulu.
be one of exceedingly great interest, Four and a half hours of silence,
Dean Edward H. Kraus, head of the during which Smith and Bronte were
Summer session, stated. . objects of a rescue search by three
steamers about 700 miles east of Hono-
lulu was ended this afternoon with
receipt of a report that instead of
ELE Tlanding in the Pacific, they ade a
TO B"ILforced landing at Molokai.
of Kaunakaki, on the eastern shore of
Will Include Kindegarten, Grammar Molokai where the messages were
And Pre-School Units, Dean sent to friends of the flyers in Cali-
Whitney Announced formnia, telling of their safety.
In the meantime, the vessels Wil-
COMPLETED BY 1929 heminia,- President Pierce and the
Army transport Kenowis, reported
Reports that there wil be a Uni- they were rushing toward a point in-
ersity Elementary school were veri- dicated by Bronte in his last message
led by Dean Allan S. Whitney of the I as the vicinity of forced descent be-
chol of Education in an interview cause of a depleted gasoline supply.
esterday. I Preparations were started at Wave-
Included in the new Elementary ler field, the army's airport 30 miles
chool wil be a pre-school unit for from Honolulu, to send out a giant
hildren from 2 to 5 years; a kinder- I Fokker used by Lieuts, Lester J.
arten unit, and six elementary school Maitland and Albert Hegenberger in
nits. These units, together with the their recent flight from Oakland, Cali-
unior and Senior High Schools which fornia, to Hawaii.
re largely in operation, will, afford Army Planes Leave For Molokal
complete laboratory fromi earliest Then, just as the steamship Wel-
.ge up to the University. Foir pur- himina advised land stations she was
oses of research, therefore, the Uni- within 15 miles of the position do-
ersity will have a complete system signated by Bronte and expected to
onsisting of pre-school and elemen- pick up the flyers word was received
ary grades as well as the High School here that' the aviators filed a radio
nd the University, proper. I message at Molokai reading, "Forced
Organization plans will provide for landing near radio station. Both O. K.
ouble units for each grade; such as Send someone for us, notify others
wo first grades and two second we are O. K." It did not explain how-
rades, in order to furnish ample op- ever the silence between the time the
ortunities for experimentation with last call for aid was sent out by
ontrolled and uncontrolled groups. Bronte and the time the plane landed.
The school wil also be utilized for Five army planes left Lakefleld, is-
he training of graduate students, land of Oahu, at 2:.30 p. in. today and
ritic teachers, supervisors, elemen- headed for Molokai to bring Smith
ary school principals and superin- and Bronte to Honolulu. They were
endents of schools. It is not the pur- expected to return later in the after-
ose of this elementary unit to train noon.
ndergraduate elementary teachers
ut to train graduate students along EXCURSIONISTS GO
dministrative and supervisory lines TO NEWS LIBRARY
nd thus to combine opportunities for T
esearch with facilities for practical Excursion number five leaves for
hork. Detroit at 8 o'clock this morning to
The new building will join the Uni- visit the Detroit News and the public
ersity High school on the 'south side library. The trip will 'be made by
nd will complete the unit for the interurban from the station at State
outh side which was planned at the and Packard streets. At the News,
ame time as the University HighI besides inspecting the publishing
chool. The addition planned for the plant, the radio broadcastig station
orth side of the High school will WWJ will also be seen. Lunch will
ventually be built to house the of- be served at the General otors build-
ces, laboratories and lecture rooms -sng athelebralMted ild-
or the School of Education. img and the library visited inithe af-
tr enoon. The library is a fine example
Provisions for the elementary unit I of good architecture, according to
re made by the last legislature and! Carlton Wells of the Rhetoric depart-
lans for the new school are now be-- - -
ng-yeveope. DanyWhiney-sttedment, director of excursions, and con-
ng developed. Dean Whitney stated' tains many murals, pictures and
hat it will probably be ready for brins.
)cupancy in the fall of 1929. bronzes.
u yn a f9Those driving their own cars may
meet the party at the Detroit News
building. The trip will be over at 3
There are still a few vacancies in! GENOA, Italy,-Divers have located
he symphony orchestra, it was an-. the steamer Washington, which was
ounced yesterday by David Mattern, sunk in October, 1917.
onductor of the organization and
uest instructor of instrumental me-
hods in the Summer session of the OurW e ther.Mean
Jniversity School of Music. -~-
The orchestra meets at the School ,
f Music at 3 o'clock on Mondays and
Vednesdays. Musicians who are able -
o play the violin 'cello or viola and
would like to join the organization
will be received at these hours, it was
inounced. The organization is de-
roting intensive study to a large rep- - {
rtoire of music literature and is plan-i
ping to give a demonstration at the -Says he believes we will continue
lose of the Summer session. to have showers today.
(By Associated Press)
Amercian League
Washington-Detroit - Both. games
called. Rain.
Philadelphia, 3-13; Chicago, 1-10.
New York, 10; Cleveland, 0.
Boston, 2; St. Louis 3.
National League
Cincinnati, 1;, New York, 4.
Pittsubrgh, 5; Brooklyn, 2.
St. Louis, 9; Philadelphia, 7.
Chicago, 9; Boston, 6.
l G L .l 1 VL 1 . LU 1 , ,"""V
Finland, Java and New Brunswick
sent one student each.
The literary college has a smaller
enrollment than in 1925 but this is
more than compensated by the in-
crease of enrollment in the othier
schools and colleges. The Graduate
school and the School of Education
show notable increases over the pre-
vious year.
The Biological station has 75 stu-
dents which is the same as last year
and the Library science, department
has 81 enrolled, the last figure is
slightly lower than the one of 1926.
bby had a 38 for the first nine.
4 5 4 4 5 3 5
^ r