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July 13, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-13

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ublished every morning except Monday1
ing the University Summer Session by
Board in Control of Student Publica-
'he Associated Press is exclusively en-
ed to the use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or, not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news pub-
led herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
.office assecond class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.so; by mail,
)fflces: Press Building, Maynard Street,
n Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
itorial Director......Paul J. Kern
y Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick
ature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
.riton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
hn E. Davis Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland
M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
bert E. Carson Btty Pulver
cn. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus
Telephone 21214
[vertising............. Ray Wachter
ccounts.........John Ruswinckel
rculation . ..Ralph Miller
Assistants i
T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt.
Night Editor-JOHN E. DAVIS

Yet Mr. Ford, according to recent
statements to the press, seldom read
"Henry Ford's Page" in the .Dearborn
Independent, to say nothing of sanc-
tioning the opinions there given. When
on the witness stand his editor, Cam-j
eron, admitted that the opinions of<
Henry Ford's page were written by
Mr. Cameron.
All that may be good business of
the kind that earns billions of dollars
for men, but the common honesty and1
ethics of the common people, who
have not earned billions that, way, re-
volts somewhat at such methods. This
can be forgiven, however, if Mr.
Ford's intentions were honest. For
this is only poor ethics.
Aside from the purely ethical side
of the whole affair, there is the sound
business proposition which a man of
Mr. Ford's genius could scarcely over-
look. He knows that if the libel suits
are brought to trial it means a prob-
able defeat for him, with consequent
damages and a loss of prestige He
knows that such attronies as Senator
James Reed can not be hired for noth-
ing, and he knows, morever, that if
the suits come to trial he will un-
doubtedly be called to the witness
Henry Ford has made over a billion
dollars in less than thirty years. The
process has been cumulative until
now his time is worth more than ever
before. At that rate, even, his time
is worth something like $34,000,000
dollars a year, which is over $90,000
a day. If he goes to the witness stand
he will be lucky to escape without
spending at least a week there, espec-
ially if his attornies try to befuddle
the trial to save him a judgment, and
a week of his time, giving him only
ta halt day Saturday, is worth $500,000,
half enough to buy another Dearborn
So it is with all due respect to
Henry Ford's possibly broad minded
motives, which we would not for a
minute discredit, that we ask whether
Ford, the greatest financial genius of
the day, has not seen the plain busi-
ness facts which, even we ourselves
can discover-without mentioning the
possible Jewish trade for Ford cars
and possible Jewish votes for political
One of the most valuable things
which a university at any time of the

Due to the intense interest which
Rolls movie scenario contest has
aroused the prize has been increased!
to three cheese sandwiches. Mem-
bers of the staff of the Times News
are not eligible for this contest.
* * *
The trip by the geology department
to Niagara Falls has been finished, it
is reported in several quarters. The
River Rouge plant of the Ford motor
company is the next stop on the sum-
mer schedule of excursions. The
visiting party will arrive in time to
witness Henry Ford's testinonial din-
ner to the National Rabbis' conven-
* * *



, .,..

Books and Suppies
for Summer .School

Thought To Be A Record

: The Fresh Air Camp.
s: Student Christian Associa-


e: Paterson Lake.
pose: To give a free outing to
'ys from industrial and foreign
rn classes each summer. Ages
to 16.
fher of Boys (Total): 350.
gth of Outing: 12 days.
lership of Boys: University stu.
,ts receIing very small com-.
1 Budget: $4,345.
l Amount Raised'from Student
udyi $1,025.,
nut Still to be IRaised; from Stu-
nts: $500.
of Tag Day: Thursday, July 14.
ait: An opportunity for the stn-
ants of the suminer session.
mry Ford is a big man; there is
loubt about that. He has made
e money, and acquired more of
world's goods in the course of a
[me than any other man before
and more than a million ordinary
could acquire. He has' taken an
it industry, and placed it in the
;ion of the world's greatest, and a
.og of the industries of Ford,
a star on every point of the
e which he owns, looks like the
tial firmament itself.
eamship lines, coal and iron
s, railroads, assembly plants,
mills, and retail stores all join
e great Ford chain. So vast are
nterests that one of them worth
a million dollars (according to
ffer of William Ranfdolph Hearst)
significant indeed, and until the
it session of mud flinging, the
ge American had never heard of
meager million dollar attribute
e great Ford line-The Dearborn

year can afford is the chance to gain
contacts outside the classroom with
leaders in various fields of thought
and science. In the winter the series
of University lectures here affords
this opportunity, and large numbers
of the student body avail themselves
of the chance. During the summer
session, however, these series are
really at their best, for during this
portion of the year we have as guest.
professors on the campus men who
have distinguished themselves in a
large number of lines, and whose
ideas and theories are new to the
Michigan canpus.
Thus far this summer the lectures
have been without a single exception
of the highest order. Not only are
many of them highly entertaining, but
they are also educational, and some
of the most prominent men in various'
fields are included on the programs.
One would think, that with the larger
proportion of serious students en-
rolled here in the summer as com-
pared with the winter session, that
the attendance at these lectures would
be uniformly large, but such has not
been the case, and some days the
number attending has actually been
below the average of the course of
the regular term.
Perhaps the fault lies in a lack of
publicity which these talks are given.
Perhaps it is merely indifference on
the part of the student body. In the1
first case it can be remedied, in thet
second there is no way to alleviate'
the condition; whatever the case,
however, the lectures, as given, are
exceedingly worthwhile and wouldt
well repay a larger audience
Yesterday one of the world's mostc
distinguished scientists spoke, and
the attendance was only fair. Today
a man who is connected with a new"
and progressive theory of educationI
will deliver an address, and tomorrow'
one of Michigan's former instructors,c
Lionel Crocker, will lecture on the
world cruise made with over 400 col-
lege students last year, and upon
which Mr. Crocker served as an in-

What is thought to be a new record
for speed in the Library was hung up
yesterday when Fulla Leadheels, li-
brary attendant, found a book only
46 minutes and 13 seconds after it was
ordered. The prompt service was
made possible by the fact that the
book had never been put away and
was lying under the charging desk.
The person that ordered it has not
been found and it is expected that he
will return the latter part of the
week, as is customary withthose who
order books on Tuesday.
Officials of the library declared 'that
suitable steps have been taken to see
that this does not happen again.
* * .*
Another record for speed was set
by the red and green traffic signal on
the corner of South University avenue
and i Church streets whven it changed
twice in one day. Officials of the city
police force who set the signal, de-
clared that someone must have been
tampering with the wires.
"Of course we set it for E4 hour
periods," said Chief O'Brien, Ph.D.,
when interviewed yesterday, "But if
this works a hardship on anyone we
shall be glad to change it as low as
six hours."
Several near accidents occurred
when persons obeyed the traffic sig-
nal recently, and, this is thought to
be the reason for the chief's decision.
The Intercollegiate Science Associa-
tion plans a program of "Science for
All" in the next few years, according
to an announcement made by Prof.
Whell Nohn, director of intercollegi-
ate science, late yeserday.
"In the past few years we have
spent $3,500,000 on scientific research
at M'chigan," he said, "And the fact
that $i5O,00 of this has been spent
on women's scientific pursuits shows
that they have not been neglected."
A new scientific field house, to
duplicate the million dollar structure
already built, is planned for the near
future, Prof. Nohn pointed out. It
will have room for 1,500 spectators.
All this has been financed with re-
ceipts from scientific exhibitions, the
report concludes, as befits a great
educational institution. The students
are allowed to pay a slight additional
fee with their tuition, however, which
is compulsory.
Due to the flood of scenarios which
has poured in on this column since
the first paragraph was written, no
more can be used at the present time.
Rolls own movie, to be produced with
an entirely local cast, will be an-
nounced soon. Perhaps we will hold
a looal beauty contest, with members
of the staff of the Times News ex-
Plots for a short story writing class
are always welcome, however, and
Rolls will endeavor to market these
at current rates. Dishonesty in the
classroom is discouraged by this col-
umn in every way possible.
* * *
WANTED: Someone to libel in or-

On Huron River at the foot
of Cedar Street
Open 8 A. M.to 11 P.M.
Friday and Saturday from
8A. M.to 12P.M.
Phone 21117
The Graduating Seniors
Are facing the question
Some of you are well fixed; you
have a family business to work
with. It will be to your interest
to think about the new develop-
ment, Group Insurance, which will
be a factor of increasing impor-
tance in the relations of your
business to its employees.
Some ofyou have a decided bent,
and are going to follow it. One
way of making sure that you will
finish the course of life you have
chosen is to take advantage of
Annuity, Endowment,and Straight
Life Insurance.
Some of you have worked for
your education and must earn as
much money as you can, as quickly
as possible. The selling of Life
Insurance gives the most and
quickest return for hard work; it
also offers the greatest freedom for
original enterprise. It is not a
push-button job, The John Han-
cock is looking for men like you
and would like to hear from you.
Write to us in regard to any of
these points. We shall answer
your inquiries without any ob-
ligation to you. Address the
Qpo.jm, f.eau.Lw.
197 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.
If your policy bears the name
John Hancock, it is safe and
secure in every way.


Both Ends of the Diagonal.

Be sure to visit
ing Building.


'Subscribe To -
The Sume ihgnDal



Visit Detroit and
Both picturesque and, historical is beautiful Put-In-Bay,
Here abounds interest for young and old. There is bathing,
dancing, sailing, mysterious caves, picnic groves and
Perry's monument beneath which the dust of heroes lies.
The palatial steamer Put-In-Bay leaves the foot of First St.
(Detroit) daily at 9 a.m. returning at.8
p.m. R. T. fares:$1.00 weekdays. $1.50
Sundays. Steamer runs thru to San-
dusky daily making connections with
Cedar Point Ferry. Thru to Cleveland
via Put-In-Bay

our store across from the Engineer-
Maintained for your convenience.

Perry Monent
Drive to Detroit and
enijoy the
Leave Detroit 8:45 p.m.
Return 31:30 p. m.
Fare: Wednesday and
Thursday, 60c.
S at urday, Sunday and
Hlolidays. 75c.

On Fridays a special excursion is run
to Cedar Point. Steamer stops one hour
Sundays. With its huge hotels, electric
park, magnificent bathing beach and
board-walk it can rightfully be called
the Atlantic City of the West.
Write for Folder.

Foot of First St. Detroit, Michigan

G Th
1 _ ri


>w Mr. Ford has done what the
s hails as another big thing. He
found )that an editorial opinion,
n by the newspaper which he
s, and under his name, was false
possibly libelous; and he has done
t seems to the average mind, and
aps is, big indeed. He has re-
ed the statements publicly. The
ediate result is a widespread wave
rood feeling, and invitations to
sh banquets are pouring in on
Ford, with the result that the bil-
ire will no doubt be able to save=
tle something on his next month's
ery bill. '
is with entire respect for Henry
, and complete cognizance of the
that he is an honorary graduate
his University and a citizen of
state, that we doubt whether it
ire altruism and broad minded-
that inspired the retraction.
e is no reason to say that it was
in face of the lack of evidence to
ort the statement, but there are
ast some very obvious immediate
)nal gains to Mr. Ford by the
.i, and no very serious loss of

Its Dollars that Count
Bargain Day
Dresses Reduced
Of course you will want the smartest things-
and we have them! Sport togs for campus......
afternoon frocks for teas......All at Bargain
Day prices, the lowest at which exclusive fashions
may be obtained. 100 $9.95 dresses reduced to
6.59. A special rack of $25.00 dresses re-
duced to $12.75. $19.75 to $35.00 values for
$16.75. $14.75 jersey dresses go at $9.95.
(Second Floor)
222 S. Main

the first place on may question
ype of ethics that will allow one's
to be used over a page in a pa-
and allow that paper to consist-
deceive a portion of the public
hinking that the opinions of that
were the opinions of that man.


The things which can be gained
from talks of this kind are incalcul-
able. The students of the summer
session should be ashamed if the au-
ditorium of the Natural Science
building is not crowded to the roof
for each such address. The place is
not overly warm, even on the hottest
days, and no matter what one's line
or interest may be, the chance to
broaden an outlook that the summer
session lecture course offers is ex-
ceptional indeed.

der that responsible party can issue
retraction and gain publicity for pop-
ular product. This will involve no
expense to the injured party and will
help him to get before the public for
farm organization schemes if neces-
sary. Apply Rolls Executive Offices.
WANTED: Home for harmless
waif. Intercollegiate Scientific Asso-
clation is after him for recent insinua.
tions. All negotiations will be treated
as confidential. Prefer home with
athletic coach. Write or wire

Phone 4161

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