,M.w ,vu m m rx TODAY'S FEATURES 1:15-Ford Plant Tour begins 5:00-Lecture. Dean G. E. Carrothers. 8:00-Concert. Hill audito- rium. lflfri!3 ait MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. VIII, No. 15 t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENT DR. 'LUMSDEN SPEAKS TO HEALTH STUDENTS TON FLOODCONDITIONS DECLARES THAT ANXIETY ABOUT PESTILENCE AND DISEASE IS UINWARRANTED IN U. S. HEALTH SERVICE Commends Work Of Those In Charge Of Refugee Camps Who Aided Supplying Food and Clothing "There is much apprehension about pestilence and a great deal of anxiety about distase following the flood," said Dr. L. L. Lumsden, M.D., surgeon in the United States Public Health ser- vice, in a special lecture yesterday afternoon fob the Public Health work- ers. Dr. Lumsden states that a town is usually healthier or at least as healthy after a flood. Comends Workers ,, "Those who had charge of the re- fugee camps deserve a great deal of commendation," he continued. The public health workers and Red Cross provided food, clothes and lodging for 15,000 to 20,000 persons applying within 12 to 15 hours. Everyone was vaccinated, the cry being, "No vac- cinate, no eat." There was very little sickness, one camp having only six cases out of 19,000. Dr. Lumsden pointed out that an- other time of danger is in the first two weeks after the refugees return home. Much work has been done and is being done to prevent typhoid and malaria. He predicts that the next twelve months will show better health in the flood area than has been known' in the past, although the economic condition will naturally be more se- rious. Discusses Epidemiology Dr. Lumsden then discusses epime- miology,. particularly in the field of* typhiod fever. "Every year there is additional knowledge given us which1 is of inestimable value in epidemio- logy," said Dr. Lumsden. He dis- cussed the routes of infection of ty- phoid, stating that typhoid comes from persons only, and is a verj variable disease clinically. After telling of several of the investigations carried on by the United States Public Health, service, Dr. Lumsden concluded by saying that "sanitation means using feasable, common-sense means of breaking up the line of infection be- tween the carrier and other persons." EXCURSION TICKET SALE IS EXTENDED Tickets for the excursion to the Riv- er Rouge plant of the Ford Motor company may be purchased until noon today at the Summer session office, Room 8, University hall, it was an- nounced yesterday by Carlton Wells, of the Rhetoric deprtment, who will direct the trip. Round-trip fare 'by bus is $1.00. Those driving cars may follow the Fuses or meet the party at office number two of the River Rouge (Fordson) factory. The buses will I leave from Angell hall, State street, at 1:15 P. M. today. Among the many things to be seen at the Ford factory are the foundry, blast furnace and the tractor assemb- ly line at the Fordson tractor factory. All the various units will be seen in operation. DEAN WILL SPEAK, ON COLLEGE PLAN Dean George E. Carrothers, of Rol- lins College, Winter Park, Florida, and a member of the School of Education Faculty during the University Sum- mer session, will lecture on "The Rol- lins Plan of College Instruction" to- day at five o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. This plan which Dean Carrothers will discuss has been in operation at the college since last September and acording to the dean has completely won over the entire school. It is to continue in operation for five years as a test of its efficiency. Rollins college was established in 1883 and is the oldest college in Flori- TENNIS DRAWINGS FOR SUMMER PLAY ARE MADE BY MOE Drawings for the annual summer tennis tournament, sponsored gy George J. Moe, Ann Arbor sporting goods dealer, were announced late yesterday. The line-up was arrang- ed by Dr. G. A. May, director of Wat- erman gymnasium. As has been an- nounced before medals will be given to he winner and runner up of the singles and to the winners of the doubles. A change has been made in he arrangements for playing, in- stead of playing only on the courts at Ferry field, the matches may be played off on any field in the city, it was announced. The following is the list of the matches for the first singles to be played: Toevs, Williams; Grossman, Moore; Cortenius, George Rich; Wing, Cor- dero; this group of matches should be played off at once. The second group of singles is as; follows: Richelson, Theley; Humpli- reys, Whale; Van Cleve, Livingstone; Benson, Nagel; Marsh, Diack; Craw-, ford, Rogvoy; these can be played any time within a feasible length of time. The following is the list of the dou- ble drawings: Moore and Humph- reys, Morgan and Sullivan; Messman and Wing, Van Cleve andl Cortenius; Abbey and Goodnow, Rogvoy and Richelson; Grossman and Nagel drew the bye. There wil be a score card with the results of the matches posted in Geo. Moe's sporting goods store. It was urged by the officials of the tourna- ment that all participants play off_ their matches as soon as possible. The Daily has a list of the men and their phone numbers. rEHINT BEAL PRAIS A ddress Before Men's' Edueationalf G'rub is On English Colleges; t Two Nations Compared GROUP PLANS STUNT NIGHT "England is a wonderful nation oft honesty, of integrity, and of cleara grit. She is too fixed for America to' worry about any revolution. Nowhere can dne find two nations more sup-_ plementary to each other than are America and England. America rep-' resents the 'new, England the old." Thus, Regent Junius Beal, of the Uni- versity, summed up his discourse last evening on "Some Thoughts About English Universities" which was de- livered before the Men's Educational1 club at the Union. Regent Beal stated that it all de- pends upon your point of view andE upon how much you know about the subject whether you will criticize or commend the English universities. To his md he found them favorable and in many ways similar to their Amer- can prototypes. The program of the evening was opened by group singing, and then] Professor Lindegrin, head of the vocal department of the State normalc school, accompanied by Professorc Frederick Alexander, director of the State Normal conservatory, sang three 1 numbers. Other business was carried on including the planning of a stunt night, to be presented by the different departments of the club next Tuesday evening. AMERICA LEADS IN TELEPHONE CALLS (By Associated Press) DETROIT, July 12.-Correcting a popular impression that long distance telephone service is more frequently used in Europe than in this country, because it costs less, C. W. Hunger- ford of the Michigan Bell Telephone. company here says that European ser- vice is note used more, but that a great many of what we call local calls are made on a toll basis in European countries, making it appear that the use of long distance is great- er than here.I In the general use of the telephone, as shown by the total number of local and toll calls, the United States is well ahead of any other country with Professor Kruyt Has Great Admiration For Our University System, He Declares "I have a great admiration for the American university system," stated Professor Hugo R. Kruyt, of the Uni- versity of Utrecht, Holland, in an in- terview recently. "You see, there are no undergraduates in the German uni- versities, and the scientific people are a distinct class. Here, a man conges and goes to college for four years, and although he may not study science he,' at least, becomes acquainted with it. I tried to be critical of America, but I could not. I like it very much." Professor Kruyt is on his first visit to America. He came originally as the guest of honor at the Colloid sym- posium here in Ann Arbor last spring; but remained here for special lectures and is conducting two courses during the Summer session. Dr. Kruyt was first a student at the University of Amsterdam when Bak- huris Rooseboom, Van der Waals, Zee- man, Hugo de Vries, and Lobry de Bruges were connected there. "It was a grand university then." Dr. Kruyt j smiled as if reminiscing of those col-I lege days. He entered the University of Utrecht in 1907 and has been con- nected with the University since that time, although he has studied and taught at other institutions. Professor Kruyt has been a mem- ber of the Netherlands delegation to the International Union since its in- stitution, and has visited Rome, Brus- sells, Lyons, Cambridge, Copenhagen, and Bucharest in this office. "You see," he smiled again, "I know Eu- rope quite well." Since Holland was a neutral country during the war Dr. Kruyt has been able to do much towards the recon- ciliation of the German and French chemists. Since 1926 the Germans have been invited to join the Inter- national Union mostly by the efforts of Holland and Denmark. Dr. Kruyt lectured on "The Applica- tion of Plgysical Chemistry to Indus- try" yesterday in Natural Science au- ditorium. He intends to leave Ann Arbor August 1 and to sail for Hol- land August 6. INDUSTRY RESTSr UPON CHEMISTRY, SAYS PROF. KRUYT Industry rests upon physical chem- istry according to Professor Hugo; R. Kruyt, of the University of Utrecht, who spoke on "The Application of Physical Chemistry to industry" yes- terday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. Professor Kruyt traced the history of physical chemistry beginning with Goldberg and Waagre who first pro- nounced the law or velocity, which states that the velocity of a chemical action is proportional to the concen- tration of the material. Van't Hoff and Lechatelier were nexxt mentioned in connection with the principle of compulsion which as Dr. jKruyt stated is also applicable to men. Wil- liam Gibbs, Van der Waal, and Bak- huis Rooseboom were also mentioned in this connection. Dr. Kruyt mentioned the application of physical chemistry to aviation, to radio, to photography, and to the manufacture of artificial silk, which was the first fiber to be produced syn- thetically. The kitchen was also characterized as a remarkable example of phyiscal chemistry. "The physical chemist cannot" stand the word impossible," said Dr. Kruyt in conclusion. CAR BEING HELD PENDING INQUIRY fending an investigation into the methods employed in a raffle at the 'STATISTICAL REPORT 0 F HEALTH SERVICE FORYEAR PUBLISHED ANNUAL FIGURES DISCLOSE CREASE IN CALLS AT DISPENSARY IN. DEATH RATEDECREASES Need For Major Hospital Care is More Common Than In Previous Year; Room Calls Decrease Increase in the Health Service calls and the daily cost of maintaining pa- tients in the infirmary, accompanied by a decrease in the student death rate, were notable in the annual statistical .report of the Health Ser- vice published by Dr. Warren E. For- sythe, director. "An outstanding feature," accord- ing to -Dr. Forsythe, "is that an un- usual number of students have' re- quired major hospital care for varied conditions which have no common cause. Acute appendicitis, typical." An increase of 32 acute appendicitis cases brought the total for the year to 89, as compared with Lb .-y ths previous period. - Less Ueaths Reported The total number of deaths from all causes among the students was eig t as c mi: _ad with 11 of the year ba AEISQALIY EI STINSON TAKES [00 DDiTIQu fn[ormf~f 'aAID Tl iD ToflDv' Jones, Melhorn, Barnes And Kirkwood TI'hirteen Planes Of 'National Tour Are Considered Strong Contenders I Land Safely lit Detroit After Long For Golf Championship Good Will Voyage BOBBY REMAINS FAVORITE FLIERS DEFY HEAVY STORM (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, July 12. DETROIT, July 12.-Riding a lash- -Any one of four Americans, Bobbie ing wind, rain and hail storm, the 13 Jones, Bill Mehlhorn, Jim Barnes and planes of the national air tour landed Joe Kirkwood, among eight entrants' from the United States in an felyat the Ford airport here late even hundred others who qualified to- today, completing a good Will voyage day for the British open, figure as which took them to 25 cities in 15 likely winners of the golf'champion- states, the total distance of 4,169 miles ship now in Jones' possession and v re during the trip. which Americans before him have held Ediie Stinson, piloting a Stinson- five times in the past six years. D)"troiter, was announced winner of That was the opinion of British golf- the first Pize; of $2,500 and the Edsel ers who at the close of 36 holes of i p or' trophy following a checkup of the weeding out process tonight were the points made during the 'long searching the qualifying list for a I flight. Stinson maintained a comfort- man to restore the British champion- able lead throughout the trip, lut a ship to its native land. slight accident at Grand Radips this Besides the quintet of Ameriearna, aternoon threateded to throw him into that the British fear most there is al second place. He made temporary! reserve of four more from the United r.pairs, however, and pulled'through States to hold any ambitious English t'e wind storm to hold first place. assault. This is comprised of Larry Randolph D. Page, in a Hamilton' Nabhpltz, John G. Anderson, Walter monoplane, placed second, and he' Tennett, and Tom Stevens. Naboltz was closely followed by Harvey C. attracted so much attention today, Mulert in a Murphy. chiefly by his long, accurate driving, Several thousand people gathered that he is classed by many experts at the airport to witness the close of close to the Americans' "'Big Four." the tour, waited with apprehension Jones, after a fine 71 today, re- when the heavy stromcloutls rolled out mained the outstanding favorite, of the northwest directly in the Mehlhorn added his second 7$ today course of the approaching flyers. Each for a 146, one stroke better than plane tossed in the heavy winds went Jones, and led the American contin- over carefully for a landing and there gent of qualifiers. I were no I carnival on Packard street Saturday fore and 10 in 1924-25. night, Sheriff E. M. Wurster is hold- Dispensary calls numbered, 37,29, ing/an automobile which was to have while those -fcr 1924-25 totalled 3 s. been given to the winner of the raffle. 890, and those for 1925-26 36, 951. T.h Charges of fradulent procedure in statistics on room calls by Heali'. drawing the winning number led to Service physicians showed a decided a confiscation of the car. The car decrease, from 1,799 to 1,281. Hos- was raffled off without previous an- pital bed patients, however, number .d nouncement although many persons considgrably more than' in the pre- held tickets, says the ,sheriff. The vious year, 311 as compared with 211. winner, Willams B. Wecker, who Expenses for each patient in the called for the car a little while after University hospital amounted to $8.77 the announcement of the winning num- daily, according to the report, while ber gave a fictitious address in Sagi- those for 1925-26 had been $8.00 daily. naw. The man who claimed to be the head Colds Common winner also had a car bearing Mis- Of the large number of respirato. y souri license plates but did not have I infections, head colds appeared the a driver's license from that state, ac- most common, more than 2,500 of cording to the officer. them being treated. Cases diagnose I ! as Sinusitis totalled 209, a decrea!.e SCHOOL TEACHERS AR of 36 from the year before. ,EITonsil operations were performed on 121 students at the Health Se - vk ee, a larger number than previously, PART OF SESI while the eye refractions made nul, bered 922, a decrease of 80 from the previous year. Upperclass medical Nore Than 300 University 1lnstruetors studen s performed more than 1,109 Are Enrolled At Michigan For examinations, which was little less This Summer than double the figures for the previ- ous like period. X-Ray examinations KRAUS SUBMITS REPORT were stated as totalling more than F t i t WOMEN STUDENTS TO BE RECEIVED AT FRENCH HOUSEJ Women students of FrIench next, year will have the privilege of French house, chaperoned by a French woman. The house, which will ac- commodate twelve girls, will be opened in September. Residents, who will be selected from advanced students of French,' will have breakfast and dinner at the house, with the French woman in charge of the conversation. Other women especially interested in French will have the opportunity of lunch- ing there. Rene W. Talamon, of the French department, is in France this summer selecting the woman who is to takej charge. She will also be a member of the French department. The house will be a regular League, house, but the residents will be al select group. Several women have al- ready spoken for rooms, and any in- terested should communicate withl Miss Alice Lloyd immediately. from two to 14 times as many tele- phone conversations each year. European long distance service is less efficient than American service, Mr. Hungerford states, ipore delays being occasioned in Continental 'phone calls than in those in Ame- rica. Congestion on the Europeaif lines is a common condition, he de- clared. MISS KEA RNS WILL BE AT RECEPTION Miss Elsie Hearndon Kearns of the Rockford Players wil be the guest of honor at the informal reception to be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. Invitations have been sent to the wives of the faculty members, to the sororities, league houses and to a few town people. The wives of the deans of the University will also be present. Special entertainment is planned and it is expected that Miss Kearns will give a reading. Refreshments will be served by the Women's league. All women on campus are urged to take advantage of this opportunity to meet Miss Kearns, and any Ann Arbor women who are interested are cordial- ly invited to attend whether they haveC received invitations or not. This will be one of the daily teas at which the attendance is steadily increasing. BASEBALL SCORES (By Asscciated Press) American League Washington, 9; Detroit 6. Boston, 5; St. Louis, 6. New York, 7; Cleveland, 0. Philadelphia, 5; Chicago, 8. Natinal League St. Louis, 9; Philadelphia, 6. Cincinnati, 2; New York, 3. Pittsburgh, 2; Brooklyn, 1. Cihcago, 6; Boston, 2. More than 300 hundred instructors from other universities and colleges are enrolled in the Summer session this year, according to a report releas- ed from the office of Dean Edward H. Karus. The total number of teachers here is 1,635, which is 350 more than in 1926 and is 44 per cent of the en- tire student body. The graduate school has 871 of the 477. Two hundred forty-seven are in the literary college and the remaining total and the School of Education has 40 are in the five other schools. The total Aumber of teachers isf divided into 14 classes. High school teachers compose the largest' class, having 479. With the junior high school teachers, this figure reaches 613 which compared with they total of 584 last year, shows a slight in- crease. One hundred thirty-five ire listed in the miscellaneous group which is larger than that of last year. High school principals total 107; city superintendents, 79; normal school instructors, 28; county sup- erintendents, 6. Seven county nor- mal principal and 59 grade supervis- ors are enrolled. The grade teachers number 164 with 32 grade principals and the remaining 135 are listed in the miscellaneous group which is comprised of teachers in special fields. LETTER, CARRIERS TO MEET (By Associated Press) LUDINGTON, July 12.-Maintenance alowance, the retirement question, aiid organization for better service will be discussed by the rural letter car- riers of the state when they gather here July 26 for a three day conven- tion. 1,000, while in 1925-26 50 less were given. CAgvCMPUS CHANGES INCLUDE REPAIRS FOR CLASSROOMS Numerous changes are being made on the campus this summer. The South Wing of University hall is be- ing re-roofed, the classrooms in the east wing are being repaired and the whole building is getting a new eaves- trough. The terrace around the Chemistry building is to be removed so that the lawn pill slope gradually as it does from the other buildings. Several sidewalks on the campus will be raised, and the dagonal walk from the Science building to the north side of Pharmacology will be removed. Most interesting of all is the re- moval of the old gardener's house back of the President's home. There is a deep vault under this house which is said to have been President Angell's wine cellar. Anyway, the B. and G. boys are wondering where they can get enough dirt to fill this famous hole. 0 :cr "T+ i~; v7V.... -- -Predicts that it is going to warm today, but otheri ise unsettl