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July 12, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-12

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ffilirt $'unm
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Sunimer Session by
the Board in Control of I1Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern
City Editor....Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland
E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
Mary Lister
Robert E. Carson Betty Pulver
Win. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus I
Telephone 21214
Advertising:............. Ray Wachter
Accounts.........John Ruswinckel
Circulation........."..Ralph Miller
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt

at least lucky, but in a larger sense
the institution should hang its head in
shame that even the present percent-
age of drunkenness exists. There is
no place for that kind of thing at an
institution with the ideals and aspira-
tions of this University, and while
the subject will not arise until the re-
turn of the bulk of the student body
next fall, it is never too early to fos-
ter and abet a growing feeling against
the use of intoxicants that will in time
drive them out of existence, at least at
our state university.
If there is a single forward step to
which the 1927 Michigan legislature
can point with pride it is the estab-
lishment of a new set of rules for

Book Notes


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1927
At the University of Chicago sp-
cial deputies are to be employed by
the school next year to aid in enforc-
ing the prohibition law where the
federal agents have failed. The action
is due to the recent death of a mem-
ber of the student body there from the
effects of poison liquor. At Yale the
students of the divinity school have
volunteered to aid in the enforcement
of prohibition on the college campus,
because there too government means
have failed. And while our own and
many other universities have as yet
failed to break into the limelight
with sensational alcoholic records,
conditions here, as well, are far from
perfect, and we lack divinity students
and special deputies to help enforce

the lawl
Throughout the nation he question
of liquor and its illegal use has come
into the forefront. This use has not
prevailed on college campuses to any
greater degree than among the gen-
eral public, perhaps, but due to the
added sensationalism that college
youths are always able to excite, the
practice has gained a great deal more
One need not enter into a discussion
of the merits of the prohibition
amendment to discover whether col-
lege students, especially students in a
state university, should oTey its pro-
visions or not. The situation here is
no worse, and perhaps not as bad, as
in other institutions, but it is far
from perfect, nevertheless, and it is a
disgrace to the good name of the Uni-
versity at times.
The idea, allowed to develop among
the student body of a great educa-
tional institution, that drinking is a
fashionable and proper thing to do
can not but be pernicious. Even be-
fore prohibition the public opinion of
the nation did not tolerate excessive
drinking, and there is, no reason that
it should now. Least of all should a
great state university, with presuma-
bly the cream of the commonwealth's
youth in attendance, look with indif-
ference upon drinking; and the situa-
tion that has arisen here and else-
where in college communities is one
which deserves the strictest kind of
Michigan could do no better, when
next winter . arrives, than to enforce
with summary dismissal her rulings
of prohibition. It is not a case for
liency in any phase, and it constitutes
the violation of a law of the state by
students who are reaping the bene-
fits from that state's generosity. If
nothing more it is rank ingratitude,
and it is more than that whep one. re-
members that there are regular chan-
nels in a democracy through which a
law may be repealed, and that the car-
dinal principle of our government is
the assumption that the minority will
not only be willing but glad to abide
by the decisions of the majority.
Michigan, to be sure, has thus far
escaped any deaths from alcoholism
and poisonous bootleg liquor, and it
has also fortunately avoided the na-
tional publicity on the subject which
some other schools have achieved. For
this it is to be congratulated, for it is

criminal procedure, to replace the out-
worn and complicated set previously
on the statute books. ' The new law
is unique among the attempts to solve
the crime situation throughout the
union, and its operation will be
watched as an interesting experiment
by legal experts and criminologists
throughout America and the world.
The code is more of a compilation
of individual laws now existing in
other states than an original set of
rules. It is simple and concise, be-
ginning with the heading "arrest" and
proceeding, chapter by chapter, to the
final heading "judgment and sentence."
One of the chief of its many innova-
tions is the opportunity for a respon-
dent to waive trial by jury if he de-
sires, which has operated very suc-
cessfully already in Maryland. Tech-
nicalities in the indictment have been
reduced to a minimum, and it is no
longer possible to throw cases out of
court on misstatements of the charges
against the criminal. The bail regu-
lations have been strengthened, and
all that is needed to bring a case into
court is a simple statement of the
charge, rather than any complicated
form which may previously have exist-
Possibly the main feature of the
code, however, is the increase of the
responsibility of the trial judge. The
responsibility for the disposition of
the case is squarely on his shoulders,
and rather than the sort of glorified
umpire that he has been previously he
will not be able to dispatch with fair-
ness any criminal case. He may com-
ment to the jury on the testimony and
character of the witnesses, as federal
judges now may do, and may guide the
jury in reaching its decision. "This
procedure has been advocated by
Chief Justice Taft and a number of
other jurists for years.)
Probation, also, can not be granted
to a second offender, and it will be
interesting to watch this provision
work out, since under the state law
violators of the prohibition regulations
are felons. It is mandatory with the
judge, also, to inflict heavier penalties
on second and third offenders than on
the first charge, and the fourth con-
viction-and this is really the teeth of
the whole law-Means life imprison-
ment after the fashion of the New
York state Beumes law. Paroles can
not be granted to any but first offend-
ers before the expiration of the mini-
mum sentence except by consent of
the sentencing judge.
Restriction on the appeal and insan-
ity pleas has also been made, and
criminal justice promises to become
much more simmary and swift under
the new system. Even before its
adoption the leading lawyers of the
state commended it, and now that it s
going to be tried (beginning August
14) it deserves even closer attention,
It will test the practicability of rec-
ommendations made by the National
Crime Commission and other sociolog-
ical bodies, which it follows closely,
and for that reason will command at-
tention on another score.
It is cheering iAdeed that the state
of Michigan should have been so pro-
gressive as to have been among the
first states in the union to attempt to
meet the crime problem on its own
ground. The new code applies strin-
gency where stringency should pre-
vail, and if it accomplishes only one
little bit in checking the wave of
criminal acts which is still sweeping
the country it will be worth all the
effort expended upon it. The pendu-
lum of criminal justice swings con-
stantly from rigid restriction to pro-
tection for the accused, depending on
the times and conditions, and in view
of the present crime situation it is

time that it began swinging back to.
<wards protection of the public, after a
journey in favor of the accused for
several hundreds of years.

Don Marquis proposes that we all go
to hell in his new book, "The Almost
Perfect State", for we never appreci-
ate heayen unless we have at least
seen a glimpse of hell.
"A man who had gone to heaven
by way of hell is more likely to stick
there," he argues, "Let him go
straight to heaven without a taste of
hell and his curiosity about hell is
aroused: he gets to wanting a change;
he wishes to experiment and fuss
around. We often used to think when
we were younger, that if we were run-
ning things in general we should abol-
ish hell. But we are beginning to per-
ceive the reason for its existence.
"Let us all try and be more cheerful
about going to hell, and life will De
easier for us. Too many philosophers
have made it seem like the end of
everything. And that has depressed
many of us who felt sure that we were
bound there. If we can only get the
slant that hell is a halfway station on
the road to heaven, we can face it bet-
All of which seems delightfully
childish and naive, an easy and con-
venient evasion of the issue which is
thoroughly applicable to the shortcuts
one is tempted to take in very hot
days in summer.
- .... WRITERS.
It would seem that a medical educa-
tion is excellent preparation for writ-
ing a best seller. Francis Brett Young,
author of "Love is Enough," was a
practising physician before he started
to write. Warwick Deeping's father
and grandfather were both doctors,
and the author of "Sorrell and Son"
in their footsteps from the day of his
birth. He was a full-fledged M.D. be-
fore he finally abandoned the stetos-
cope for the typewriter.
Little has been published about the
life and character of Elizabeth S;igge
author of "A Shawod Third" (Alfred A.
Knopf) until this last month when the
publishers issued the following bulle-
tin about her:
Elizabeth Sprigge was born in Lon-
don twenty-seven years ago and is
the daughter of Sir Squire Sprigge,
editor of The Lancet. Her mother is a
Canadian, and Elizabeth divided her
childhood between Englan an Calaa.
She went to school at St. Paul's Lon-
on, and at Havegal College, Toronto,
Ontario. She is married to Mark Na-
pier, descendant of John Napier, the
inventor of logarithms, and has two
little girls, aged four and three.
A close friend offers this descrip-
tion: "Fundamentally a serious per-
son, Elizabeth is no ascetic; and al-
though her preference is for a quiet
country life in which she may work
undisturbed and find recreation in
swimming, walking and such like sim-
ple pleasures, she has been known to
exchange the bread and cheese and
beer of the simple life for avciare,
champagne and the Charleston. Not
a blonde but gentlemen prefer it."
a* *.
A man serving a life term in the San
Quentin (California) jail, writes to
George A. Dorsey by way of thanking
him for a copy of "Why We Behave
Like Human Beings" sent at the pris-
oner's request: "I value the book so
highly that I intend to keep it till it
turns to ashes. Although I have prom-
ised a few in here 'the opportunity to
let them read it on condition that the
best of care must be taken. Hoping
that this short letter reaches you be-

cause I want you to know that no mat-
ter where a person is or how he is sit-
uated it is always possible to behave
and to be human.",




09 E. Washington
One block from Hill

Ribbons, Carbons
and Supplies
all makes of t'pewriters. Rapid
mover, fresh stock, insures best
ality at a moderate price.
Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

New L. C. Sm11ith,
Corona, Remington
and Royal 'portables.
,cond-hand and rebuilt typewriters
all makes. L'owest prices. Easy


s Arcade Phone 6615

IITilly the Toiler" -o
Now at the Ar

Ann Arbor Headquarters for ROYALS


# ....-
When te P/utarch




He began his career in a minor role
in "Cool as a Cucumber" in 18'3. For
a few years he worked in minor parts
but finally won his way to recognition
and fame. Then for more than 50
years he delighted the followers of the
stage with his presentations of many
It is significant that during his re-
cent illness which ended with his
death, John Drew received telegrams
from friends through out the world.
Truly, the whole world mourns his
Clippy stadium (see the Michigan
Alumnus) moved to the convalescent
hospital during the interim after
Commencement. The senior benches
have returned. There is no danger of
engineers grading the summer ses-
sion co-eds apparently.
The Regents need not abolish Phi
Beta Kappa; it presents -no moral

AT THE night sessions, when class philosophers
vie with class Merry Andrews in deciding the
heavy problems of the world-or burlesquing
them -- notice the royal guest, Prince Albert.
Chiming in with the spirit of the occasion. Fill-
ing the air with the finest tobacco-aroma ever.
Do you smoke Prince Albert? It will bring
you more pleasure and satisfaction than you
ever thought a pipe could give. The instant
you throw back the hinged lid and release that
wonderful P. A. fragrance, you suspect you are
in for some grand smoke-sessions.
The very first pipe-load confirms your, us-
picions. Cool as a gate-tender. Sweet as the
week-end reprieve. Mild as the coffee in Com-
coons-mild, yet with a full body that satisfies
your smoke-taste completely. Get yourself a
tidy red tin this very day,
-no other tobacco is like it.
01927, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
C apany, wlnstx-.Salem, N. C.

tidy red tins, pound mod half.
Pound tin humidors, and
pound crystalglass humnid,,.
thf spoange~mo4Ister top.
And always writh every bi
ofbite and parch removed by
se Prince" Ilbeva proess.

John Drew is dead. With his death
America and the world has lost one
of the greatest actors who ever set
foot on the stage. Drew was the son
of an Irish actor who bore the same
name, John Drew, and his mother was
also a noted actress,

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